Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad

Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad


68 EOT Telemetry DevicesEOT Unit Troubleshooting ChartSymptom Probable Causes Remedies3. Display shows morethan pressurereadingwhen TEST ispressed.4. Incorrect pressurereading when TESTis pressed.5. EOT reports are notreceived by LCU.a. [ 085 W](Weak Battery)b. [ 085 F](Failing Battery)c. [ 085 A](Battery Abort)d. [ VSWR ](Faulty Antenna)a. Are you sure? Thisdevice is moreaccurate than mostgauges.b. EOT needscalibratingReplace battery.Replace batteryimmediately.Replace batteryimmediately.Replace EOT antenna.—Calibrate the EOT.c. Air hose clogged Try to clear the airhose.d. Angle cock notopenproperlya. EOT is not turnedonOpen angle cock.Press TEST or applyair, then try again.b. Low battery Press TEST and checkdisplay; see symptom3 above.c. Incorrectinstallationd. Incorrectthumbwheel settingMake sure the EOT isinstalled with thehandle at the top.Set LCU thumbwheelsto the EOT unit’s IDnumber.June 1, 1996 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual 68-35

68 EOT Telemetry DevicesEOT Unit Troubleshooting ChartSymptom Probable Causes Remedies5. EOT reports are notreceived by LCU(continued).e. Faulty LCU or LCUantennaf. Interference on radiochannelg. Nearby metalstructures or trainsare affecting radiopath. Possible onlyon very long trains.Repair or replace.Try again.—h. Faulty EOT antenna Check if EOT handleis broken. If it is,replace the EOT.Table 68-H. EOT Unit Troubleshooting Chart.68.9.2 Troubleshooting the LCUUse Table 68-I to diagnose and correct problems with the LCU.LCU Troubleshooting ChartSymptom Probable Causes Remedies1. LCU does not turnon (see Rule 68.8.6).a. Power source turnedoffb. Power cableunpluggedc. Display cableunpluggedd. Incorrect powersource (for example,72 volts DC)Turn the switch on.Plug in the powercable.Plug in the displaycable.Check if a fuse insidethe LCU has blown. Ifso, replace the fuse.68-36 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual June 1, 1996

68 EOT Telemetry DevicesEOT Unit Troubleshooting ChartSymptom Probable Causes Remedies3. Display shows morethan pressurereadingwhen TEST ispressed.4. Incorrect pressurereading when TESTis pressed.5. EOT reports are notreceived by LCU.a. [ 085 W](Weak Battery)b. [ 085 F](Failing Battery)c. [ 085 A](Battery Abort)d. [ VSWR ](Faulty Antenna)a. Are you sure? Thisdevice is moreaccurate than mostgauges.b. EOT needscalibratingReplace battery.Replace batteryimmediately.Replace batteryimmediately.Replace EOT antenna.—Calibrate the EOT.c. <strong>Air</strong> hose clogged Try to clear the airhose.d. Angle cock notopenproperlya. EOT is not turnedonOpen angle cock.Press TEST or applyair, then try again.b. Low battery Press TEST <strong>and</strong> checkdisplay; see symptom3 above.c. Incorrectinstallationd. Incorrectthumbwheel settingMake sure the EOT isinstalled with theh<strong>and</strong>le at the top.Set LCU thumbwheelsto the EOT unit’s IDnumber.June 1, 1996 ARRC <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Brakes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Train</strong> H<strong>and</strong>ling Manual 68-35

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