Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad

Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad Air Brakes and Train Handling Rules - Alaska Railroad


68 EOT Telemetry DevicesDisplayMessagesLCU Display MessagesDuration InSeconds Condition RemarksBeepsFlashes[LO PRESS] 5 5 Low Pressure Pressure was at least45 psi, but is now 44psi or below. After 5seconds, the displayreverts to normaldisplay.[NO AIR] 5 5 No Air EOT unit has had noair applied for 5minutes and hasturned itself off.[NO COM] 5 5 NoCommunicatioThe LCU has notreceived a reportfrom the EOT unitfor 196 seconds.[SERVICE] 5 5 LCU is faulty Have the LCUserviced.[NO DATA] No Data The CDU display isnot plugged into theRDU correctly.Possible cable faultor faulty unit, orcable is unplugged.Normaldisplay butbeeps every5 secondsand flashesbrieflyFaulty cableTable 68-G. LCU Display Messages.Either the CDUdisplay is pluggedinto the wrongconnector, or thereis a cable or LCUfault.June 1, 1996 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual 68-33

68 EOT Telemetry Devices68.9 Digitair Troubleshooting68.9.1 Troubleshooting the EOT UnitWhen an EOT unit leaves the shop or is installed on the rear car, testthe unit according to Rule 68.7.3C. Use the results of the test andTable 68-H to diagnose a faulty EOT unit so it can be returned to theshop for repair.EOT Unit Troubleshooting ChartSymptom Probable Causes Remedies1. EOT does not turnon when TEST ispressed (see Rule68.7.3C).2. EOT does not turnon when air isapplied.a. Faulty battery Change battery.b. Battery not installed Install battery.c. EOT not jumpered Consult optionnumbers on the labeland refer to theordering information.a. Faulty battery Change battery.b. Battery not installed Install battery.c. Air hose clogged Try to clear the airhose.d. Faulty pressurelimitswitchReplace the EOT.e. Blown fuse Replace unit.68-34 ARRC Air Brakes and Train Handling Manual June 1, 1996

68 EOT Telemetry DevicesDisplayMessagesLCU Display MessagesDuration InSeconds Condition RemarksBeepsFlashes[LO PRESS] 5 5 Low Pressure Pressure was at least45 psi, but is now 44psi or below. After 5seconds, the displayreverts to normaldisplay.[NO AIR] 5 5 No <strong>Air</strong> EOT unit has had noair applied for 5minutes <strong>and</strong> hasturned itself off.[NO COM] 5 5 NoCommunicatioThe LCU has notreceived a reportfrom the EOT unitfor 196 seconds.[SERVICE] 5 5 LCU is faulty Have the LCUserviced.[NO DATA] No Data The CDU display isnot plugged into theRDU correctly.Possible cable faultor faulty unit, orcable is unplugged.Normaldisplay butbeeps every5 seconds<strong>and</strong> flashesbrieflyFaulty cableTable 68-G. LCU Display Messages.Either the CDUdisplay is pluggedinto the wrongconnector, or thereis a cable or LCUfault.June 1, 1996 ARRC <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Brakes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Train</strong> H<strong>and</strong>ling Manual 68-33

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