Shear Strength Reduction Approach for Slope Stability Analyses

Shear Strength Reduction Approach for Slope Stability Analyses

Shear Strength Reduction Approach for Slope Stability Analyses

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( c'βR+ ( N − uβ) R tanφ')Σ( Wx − Nf ) DdFS Σ= M ±(1)and <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>ce equilibrium as:Σ( c'β cosα+ ( N − uβ) tanφ'cosα)FS M= (2)Σ N sinα− Dcos( ) ωwhere the slice base normal <strong>for</strong>ce is:c'β sinα+ uβsinαtanφ'W + ( XR− XL) −N = FS(3)sinαtanφ'cosα+FSwhere u is the pore pressure, W is the slice weight, Dis an applied line load, α is the base inclination andβ, R, x, f, d and ω are geometric parameters.The significant assumptions in this <strong>for</strong>mulationconcern the inter-slice <strong>for</strong>ces (shear and normal).Early techniques (Fellenius 1936) ignored these<strong>for</strong>ces or made significant simplifying assumptions(Janbu 1954, Bishop 1955). Morgenstern and Price(1965) and Spencer (1967) proposed a solution <strong>for</strong>this problem used in the general <strong>for</strong>mulation byFredlund and Krahn (1977). Krahn (2003) summarizesand compares a number of approaches <strong>for</strong>LEM analysis. These differ primarily in the individualor combined consideration of moment or <strong>for</strong>ceequilibrium and the consideration of inter-slice normaland shear <strong>for</strong>ces and the assumed or calculatedinclination of resultant inter-slice <strong>for</strong>ces as illustratedin Figure 1 and summarized in Table 1.Figure 1: Slice and interslice <strong>for</strong>ces <strong>for</strong> a composite limit equilibriumapproach to slope stability.The basal stress state in the original LEM <strong>for</strong>mulationsare ultimately a function of gravitationalloading on the individual slices. This does not considerthe influence of topographical and stiffnessbased variations in the underground stress state.A number of authors, including Zou et al. (1995)and Krahn (2003) have proposed the use of linearelastic finite element analysis to provide the initialstress map <strong>for</strong> a subsequent LEM calculation and theintegration of slice <strong>for</strong>ces. Stianson et al. (2004) investigatethe use of non-linear plastic analysis (<strong>for</strong>stable problems) to compute the basal stress stateand slice <strong>for</strong>ces. These methods collectively representan important advance over conventional techniques.The use of elastic FEM stress calculationstakes into account the stress variability due to stiffnesscontrasts and topography (as in Geo<strong>Slope</strong> 2001,<strong>for</strong> example). The use of plastic analysis to computestresses <strong>for</strong> an LEM calculation may account <strong>for</strong>progressive yield and stress redistribution althoughthe additional complexity of the integrated solutionprocedure is of dubious added value.Another assumption involves the consideration ofline loads in the <strong>for</strong>mulation. Support loading can beconsidered by adjusting resisting <strong>for</strong>ces or driving<strong>for</strong>ces within the factor of safety equation. One approachto handle this problem is to include so-calledactive support (e.g. pre-tensioned anchors) as a reductionto the driving <strong>for</strong>ces while passive anchors(e.g. grouted dowels) are incorporated as an increasein resisting <strong>for</strong>ces. This selection, while logical, issomewhat arbitrary and this challenge is discussed,without the provision of a unique solution, by Krahn(2003). The displacement dependency of resistingloads provided by some passive support systems arenot considered in this <strong>for</strong>mulation.Finally, LEM techniques must be per<strong>for</strong>med on anassumed continuous slip surface. This surface wasoriginally circular in early <strong>for</strong>mulations but mosttechniques after Fellenius can be applied to noncircularand very general surfaces (Figure 2). Thesurface that generates the minimum factor of safetyis located using a grid or optimized search (centerand radius), block search (relocating vertices of anarbitrary slip polygon) or other statistical techniques.For simple geometries, modern searchmethods yield robust results although <strong>for</strong> problemsincluding extreme geometries (very thin weak layers,<strong>for</strong> example), search techniques can often missthe true global minimum (FS) geometry.Table 1: Comparison of equilibrium considerations and interslice <strong>for</strong>ce assumptions (Krahn 2003)MethodMomentEquilibriumHoriz. ForceEquilibriumIntersliceNormal ForceInterslice<strong>Shear</strong> ForceInclination ofInterslice ForceFelleniusBishop SimplifiedJanbu SimplifiedSpencerMorgenstern-PriceCorps of Engin. 1Corps of Engin. 2Lowe-KarafiathYESYESNOYESYESNONONONONOYESYESYESYESYESYESNOYESYESYESYESYESYESYESNONONOYESYESYESYESYESNo ForceHorizontalHorizontalConstantVariable= Crest to Toe Average Dip= Slice Ground Surface Dip= Average of Surface and Base DipProceedings of the 1st Canada-US Rock Mech. Symposium - Vancouver 2007: Invited Session Keynote Paper

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