Tackling Poverty Action Plan

Tackling Poverty Action Plan

Tackling Poverty Action Plan

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Early support for children and familiesFamilies First aims to spur improvement in local systems of supportfor families, particularly those living in poverty. It requires localauthorities to improve and innovate in relation to support for childrenand families and more appropriately tailor services to local need. Tounderpin its delivery more effective multi-agency working andintegrated services are needed to provide holistic support to childrenand families across the levels of need, but with a strong emphasis onearly support and prevention. All local authorities have receivedadditional funding in this financial year, and will in 2013/14, to deliver ata local level the Families First programme, including its focus onfamilies with disabled children and/or young people. Up to £87m hasbeen allocated to Families First from 2012-2014.Families with complex problems such as substance misuse will needmore intensive and acute services. The Integrated Family SupportService will target such families and multidisciplinary teams will workearlier and intensely with children and families to affect change. Thesupport includes debt management; housing (to minimise eviction andhomelessness) and return to work training and better engagement withkey health and education services. From Spring 2012, IntegratedFamily Support Services will be available in 10 local authority areasand the programme will be available across all of Wales by 2013. Theservices will support over 5,500 looked after children and care leaversto improve life chances and maximise wellbeing. They will aim to dothis by providing stability, building resilience and will promote andencourage them to achieve through education, training andemployment towards independent living. These services will besupported by early intervention programmes such as Flying Start andFamilies First.We placed a duty on local authorities to work with local statutory,voluntary and community bodies to ensure that, as far as is practicable,there is flexible, and sufficient childcare available locally to supportparents. Funding is provided via the Local Authority Revenue SupportGrant to support this, and in addition, we provide a grant of £2.3m perannum to local authorities to help in developing out of school childcare,and in particular after school provision.Play is central to the physical and social development of children andcan help to contribute to longer term improvements in both health andeducational outcomes. This year we will commence the duty on LocalAuthorities to assess and secure sufficient play opportunities forchildren in their areas, and support them in doing so.The Welsh Government has developed and adopted NationalStandards for Participation, for all providers of services to children andyoung people. Local authorities and key delivery partners are requiredto produce a Local Participation Strategy, so that children and young6

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