Tackling Poverty Action Plan

Tackling Poverty Action Plan

Tackling Poverty Action Plan

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The Housing Bill will include a stronger framework for prevention ofhomelessness and more comprehensive homelessness services whichhelp everyone in need and the Tenancy Reform Bill will improvestandards and tenants’ rights in the private rented sector.A new national programme to tackle empty homes has been launched.Working with local authorities, housing associations and third sectororganisations, the programme will result in empty properties beingused to house families in need of a home a target audience for help toovercome poverty, and a stable home they can afford is a key part ofthat.A key commitment is to drive up the condition of the private rentedsector in Wales which will have a direct impact on those on lowincomes.Following the Supporting People review, the administration of theprogramme will change which will mean that there are more efficientand cost effective services for vulnerable people in Wales ensuringthose who most need help will get it.Joining up in communities and across governmentWe recognise that many of the successes in tackling poverty are down to theefforts of dedicated and enterprising individuals, starting on a small scale, intheir local communities. The principle of community empowerment isfundamental to our approach. Success will depend on the collective efforts ofthose working in their communities, be they public service workers, thirdsector organisations, volunteers or businesses. Local authorities have a clearleadership role to play. We will rely on our partners to build on this plan byjoining up their actions and innovating at local and regional levels. We willwork to support this:Our work with public service leaders in Wales is driving the pace ofpublic service improvement, including effective services forvulnerable groups. Good practice is being transferred to areasacross Wales.The public service reform agenda, including the simplification ofplans and rationalisation of partnerships to support joined updelivery of local services, will support this approach.The single integrated plans produced at local level will have a clearfocus on a preventative agenda and support for people who areexcluded or vulnerable.25

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