Tackling Poverty Action Plan

Tackling Poverty Action Plan

Tackling Poverty Action Plan

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people and organisations and giving them a greater stake in strategicplanning and service delivery in their own areas.Our Regeneration Programme currently invests in the infrastructure,renewal and regeneration of some of our most deprived communities,including a number of our seaside towns and town centres. Ourregeneration work improves the physical environment of areas inpartnership, through safer and better quality design, and by developingfamily friendly environments and mixed use developments. Forexample: The Llwyddo’n Lleol project aims to stem the flow of youngpeople’s outward migration of rural areas through a series ofinnovative activities designed to develop a culture of enterpriseamongst young people; simultaneously developing the skills andconfidence of the individual, whilst restoring their confidence inthe opportunities available to both work and live within their owncommunities.NW Watersports Mor a Mynydd aims to effect a positive andevidence based transformational culture change towards theMarine Industry within the communities of North Wales, allowingthat industry to fulfil its real potential to provide sustainable localemployment, economic growth and social vibrancy within thosecommunities. To date there is a total of 17 secondary, 22primary schools and 12 primary school teachers involved withthe programmes.Enterprise in the Valleys strategic project was developed inpartnership with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, theCommunities Directorate and all 17 local Communities Firstpartnerships. Funding was drawn from the Communities Firstoutcomes fund and Regeneration Area to develop Enterprise inthe valleys. With the aim of strengthening and broadeningenterprise skills by developing the entrepreneurship skills ofyoung people aged 11-25 across the nine valleys within theWestern Valleys programme area.A one year pilot will target youth unemployment, the aim beingto match job-seekers with employers, skills and trainingproviders. Funding has been secured from the SwanseaRegeneration Area via the Regional Learning Partnership toestablish an e-Portal in Swansea.The Welsh Government has set an ambitious target of providing12,500 homes during this term of Government. This is made up of7,500 affordable homes - 1,000 more than the previous government'starget - and 5,000 empty homes brought back into use through the newempty properties initiative.21

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