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SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITYCampus Direc<strong>to</strong>ryUnless otherwise indi<strong>ca</strong>ted use 778-782 and the last four digits listed when <strong>ca</strong>lling from off <strong>ca</strong>mpusTo dial internally and between <strong>ca</strong>mpuses use the 5 digit lo<strong>ca</strong>l listed (2-XXXX)GERONTOLOGY (<strong>continue</strong>d) Dr. Gloria Gutman 25063Dr. Barbara Mitchell 25234/26628Dr. Andrew Sixsmith 25375Dr. Atiya Mahmood 27635GERONTOLOGY RESEARCH CENTRE HCC 2800FAX 25066E-mailgero@<strong>sfu</strong>.<strong>ca</strong>General Office/Receptionist Melinda Aikin 25062Direc<strong>to</strong>r Dr. Andrew Sixsmith 25375Information Officer Raymond Adams 25064Research Associate Roslyn McKoen 25047Research Associate Lillian Zimmerman 27635GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY, CENTRE FOR AQ 6044FAX 24786Direc<strong>to</strong>r Aude-Claire Fourot 24375GOVERNANCE STUDIES, INSTITUTE OF AQ 6051FAX 24786Sessional 24994GOVERNMENT RELATIONS SH 2118FAX 24958Direc<strong>to</strong>r Wilf Hurd 25672GRADUATE LIBERAL STUDIES PROGRAM www.harbour.<strong>sfu</strong>.<strong>ca</strong>/gls HCC 2109General Office 25152Direc<strong>to</strong>r Stephen Duguid 25196Assistant <strong>to</strong> the Direc<strong>to</strong>r Joanna Koczwarski 25152Wendy Sjolin 25152Graduate Chair & Associate Direc<strong>to</strong>r June Sturrock 25158Faculty Dr. Heribert Adam 27905Dr. Peter Schouls 27905GRADUATE STUDIES, DEAN OF www.<strong>sfu</strong>.<strong>ca</strong>/dean-gradstudies/ MBC 1100FAX 23080Reception 23042Dean Dr. Wade Parkhouse 24255Associate Dean Dr. Peter Liljedahl 23188Secretary <strong>to</strong> Dean Sheilagh MacDonald 24255Direc<strong>to</strong>r Administrative Services/Manager,Graduate Awards Rachel Dawson 28499Business Analyst/Associate Direc<strong>to</strong>rGraduate Admissions & Records Sara Du 26844Communi<strong>ca</strong>tions Officer Gladys We 26829Graduate Awards Manager Rachel Dawson 28499Awards Assistant Ingrid Woldenga 25411Awards Assistant Lauren Ki 24227Graduate Awards Clerk Damon Pang 23907Financial Manager Deena Coburn 26830Financial Assistant Damon Pang 23907Finance & Awards Clerk 23231Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Graduate Admissions & Records Mary Anne Pope 23143Records Assistant Sheila Singh 23173Records Assistant Sharon Janzen 23175Records Assistant Indira Johal 26963Clerk Brenda Stark 29079Grad SIMS Specialist & Records Sara Du 26844Coordina<strong>to</strong>r, Graduate Admission, Recordsand Registration Karen Ng 29418Departmental Listings (4/13/2012) 36

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