Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 93<br />

10.05.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 6 Condoleezza Rice hat dem Iran mit Sanktionen im Finanzbereich gedroht,<br />

falls sich der Weltsicherheitsrat nicht auf eine Resolution einigen könne. Die<br />

USA seien bereit, mit einer Reihe von gleichgesinnten Staaten ausserhalb<br />

des Sicherheitsrates Möglichkeiten im Finanzwesen in Angriff zu nehmen,<br />

weil der Iran ein zentraler Financier des Terrorismus sei<br />

10.05.<strong>2006</strong> Wikipedia 6 Ahmadinejad's <strong>2006</strong> letter to Bush Translation direct from Iranian gov.<br />

12.05.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 6 Im Atomstreit mit dem Iran lehnen die USA weiterhin direkte Gespräche mit<br />

Teheran ab<br />

12.05.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 6 Ahmadinejad rechnet nicht damit, dass die USA als Reaktion auf das<br />

umstrittene Atomprogramm Teherans zu militärischen Mitteln greifen. Ein<br />

Angriff sei «sehr unwahrscheinlich»<br />

12.05.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 6 [Mohamed ElBaradei] "This is primarily a regional security issue. "Iran is<br />

surrounded by countries that have nuclear weapons, Russia, Pakistan [&]<br />

Israel has nuclear weapons, Iraq has used chemical weapons against them.<br />

There is a sense of insecurity"<br />

12.05.<strong>2006</strong> MSNBC 6 Suspect uranium found in Iran - Note the usual anonymous source<br />

13.05.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 6 [18/1:] Bomben auf den Iran? Das ist keine offene Frage mehr. Offen ist nur<br />

noch: Wann? Wer? (Israel? Die USA? Beide? Weitere?). Welche Ziele?<br />

Welche Art von Bomben? Warum/Wozu? Und Wie sieht die Welt nach<br />

diesen Bomben aus?<br />

13.05.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 6 Ob dieser nächste völkerrechtswidrige Angriffskrieg der USA stattfinden wird, hängt<br />

nicht mehr vom Verhalten Irans ab. Selbst wenn Iran sein Nuklearpro-gramm<br />

vollständig einstellen würde, würde sich an der Haltung der Bush-Regierung<br />

wahrscheinlich nichts verändern ... so dürfte in der Tat der Count-Down, also die<br />

politische und die mediale Aufwärmphase zu einem Angriff, bereits angelaufen sein<br />

14.05.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 6 Iran is ready to hold dialogue with any country except Israel, but not under the<br />

threat of <strong>for</strong>ce, President Ahmadinejad said<br />

17.05.<strong>2006</strong> Liberty<strong>for</strong>um 6 The brother of newly-elected Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, said .. that Israel<br />

"will not allow" Iran to acquire nuclear weapons capability, and will launch a unilateral<br />

military strike if necessary to destroy Iranian nuclear facilities<br />

18.05.<strong>2006</strong> X 6 the Iranian government is supplying Iraq's al-Qaeda terror cells with the<br />

heavy weapons they have previously lacked including advanced anti-aircraft<br />

missiles, explosives and BKC machineguns {neocon propaganda}<br />

18.05.<strong>2006</strong> BBC 6 Doubts have been raised about how technically advanced Iran's nuclear<br />

programme is, after it emerged Tehran may have used material from China<br />

19.05.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 6 the Iranian parliament passed a law that would require the country's Jews<br />

and Christians to wear colored badges to identify them and other religious<br />

minorities as non-Muslims ... all Iranians requiring them to wear "standard<br />

Islamic garments ... [Jews yellow, Christians red, Astroasians blue]<br />

19.05.<strong>2006</strong> Dailykos 6 The phony badge story tracks back to a Neocon Public Relations firm ... Amir<br />

Taheri ... without knowing whether the story is true or not, our antennas<br />

should be up <strong>for</strong> the distinct possiblity that this story is a neo-con plant<br />

seeking to support an attack on Iran<br />

19.05.<strong>2006</strong> Canada.com 6 Harper says Iran 'capable' of introducing Nazi-like clothing labels – PM<br />

Stephen Harper was quick to condemn Iran on Friday <strong>for</strong> an anti-Semitic law<br />

that appears not to exist ... western journalists based in Iran told their<br />

Canadian colleagues that they were unaware of any such law ... "Such a plan<br />

has never been proposed or discussed in parliament"<br />

20.05.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 6 the Iranian government has no intention of <strong>for</strong>cing ethnic groups to wear<br />

specific colors ... the source of the story was Iranian exiles strongly opposed<br />

to the regime ruling their country {similarity to propaganda tales from Kuweit<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e first Gulf War}<br />

21.05.<strong>2006</strong> X 6 Similar to the made-up "incubator baby" stories that caused a worldwide rant<br />

against Saddam's troops invading Kuwait [the yellow star labeling of Jews] ...<br />

it simply wasn't true<br />

21.05.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 6 Olmert: Iran months from acquiring know-how to build nuclear bomb<br />

21.05.<strong>2006</strong> Toronto Star 6 The West has less than a year to block Iran's ambition to develop nuclear<br />

weapons .. says Israel's military intelligence chief. "They have already begun<br />

to enrich uranium, starting in January or February <strong>2006</strong>. After that, it isn't<br />

important whether the first bomb is built in 2010 or 2015‖ - Israel has<br />

changed their story from "Attack Iran because they are making nukes" to<br />

23.05.<strong>2006</strong> Aljazeera<br />

Dubay<br />

"Attack Iran because they know how to make nukes"<br />

6 Under pressure from the US, European banks [incl. UBS & Credit Suisse]<br />

started limiting their activities in Iran

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