Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 65<br />

14.03.<strong>2006</strong> Aljazeera 5 In February 2005 ... uncover the existence of death squads in Iraq and in<br />

June documented revealed cases where victims are kidnapped by men<br />

dressed in Interior Ministry commando uni<strong>for</strong>ms and later found handcuffed<br />

and killed execution-style ... "There are people who have infiltrated the army<br />

and the interior," Minister of Interior Bayan Jabr said<br />

14.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 5 Das irakische Innenministerium hat .. Todesschwadronen aus den Reihen<br />

der Sicherheitskräfte bestätigt ... 22 Beamte des irakischen Innenministeriums<br />

und 3 des Verteidigungsministeriums in den Fall verwickelt seien.<br />

Diese hätten Zivilisten entführt und getötet, "um Rache zu üben"<br />

15.03.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 5 An unbelievable mess': Memo from John Sawer, Blair's special envoy to Iraq<br />

after Saddam's overthrow - The leaked memo that proves Blair knew the US<br />

did not have a workable policy <strong>for</strong> the occupation<br />

15.03.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 5 John Sawers, Mr Blair's envoy in Baghdad in the aftermath of the invasion,<br />

sent a series of confidential memos to Downing Street in May and June 2003<br />

cataloguing US failures<br />

15.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 5 Aufständische haben im Irak innerhalb einer Woche 533 Anschläge auf US-<br />

Truppen und die irakischen Sicherheitskräfte verübt ... In diesem Zeitraum<br />

seien 30 Autobomben und 217 weitere Sprengsätze explodiert<br />

15.03.<strong>2006</strong> X 5 A police patrol in Basrah had captured .. 3 persons in the act of planting a bomb ...<br />

the 3 were British wearing Arabic garb in disguise. Immediately afterwards, the British<br />

army arrived and arrested the police patrol along with their captives. The British then<br />

released the British captives and detained the Iraqi policemen<br />

15.03.<strong>2006</strong> X 5 Al-Sadr: „ The American <strong>for</strong>ces had provided an air cover, with several drones<br />

circling the Sadr city, and then cutting off all wireless communication throughout Sadr<br />

city, just be<strong>for</strong>e the setting off of the six car explosions that resulted in the death of<br />

around 60 people and the injury of 200 others in Sadr city on Sunday.‖<br />

15.03.<strong>2006</strong> X 5 Using the Freedom of In<strong>for</strong>m. Act, a joint request from Palast, Newsnight and<br />

.. exposed a plan by oil companies, our gov. , and Britain, to <strong>for</strong>ce a coup<br />

d'etate in Iraq ... this planning took place even be<strong>for</strong>e [9/11]<br />

16.03.<strong>2006</strong> Salon 5 279 photographs and 19 videos from the Army's internal investigation record a<br />

harrowing three months of detainee abuse inside the notorious prison<br />

17.03.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 5 [US] Troops target Samarra in biggest air assault since invasion in 2003<br />

17.03.<strong>2006</strong> Spiegel 5 Shiite death squads are spreading fear in Baghdad's Sunni neighborhoods ... the<br />

Iraqi press has yet to report on the death squads General Rasheed Flayih, the<br />

commander of the Shiite-dominated Interior Ministry <strong>for</strong>ces, claims they are<br />

independent of the Iraqi army. He doesn't deny the existence of death squads.<br />

Instead, he euphemistically refers to them as "Field Intelligence Units."<br />

18.03.<strong>2006</strong> X 5 A review of military data shows that daily bombing runs and jet-missile<br />

launches have increased by >50% in the past 5 months, compared with the<br />

same period last year<br />

19.03.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 5 Mr. Qaissi .. now acknowledges he is not the man in the specific photograph<br />

... evidence suggests that he adopted the identity of.. the very symbol of Abu<br />

Ghraib well after he left the prison<br />

19.03.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 5 Be<strong>for</strong>e and After Abu Ghraib, a U.S. Unit Abused Detainees ... The Black<br />

Room was part of a temporary detention site at Camp Nama ... Located at<br />

Baghdad Int. Airport, the camp was the first stop <strong>for</strong> many insurgents on their<br />

way to the Abu Ghraib prison a few miles away<br />

20.03.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 5 Allawi: We are losing each day, as an average, 50 to 60 people<br />

20.03.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 5 The objective of the death squads is not simply to target one particular group<br />

or ethnicity, but to direct the violence outwards creating as much fear as<br />

possible in order to pacify the population<br />

20.03.<strong>2006</strong> X 5 according to American figures, between 2 and 9% of the insurgency is<br />

<strong>for</strong>eigners. That means that 91-98% of the insurgency is Iraqis .. only one<br />

conclusion is possible -- we are in open war with the Iraqi people!<br />

20.03.<strong>2006</strong> CNN 5 Ghadhafi says Saddam still legitimate Iraqi leader, gov. Illegal<br />

21.03.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 5 Iraqi police have accused American soldiers of executing 11 Iraqi civilians, incl.<br />

4children and a 6-month-old baby, in a raid near the city of Balad<br />

21.03.<strong>2006</strong> Rense 5 We are still waiting to see if any of the nations in Europe wake up to the fact<br />

that they got "peppered" with DU too, since the Aldermaston DU would have<br />

to have come across them to have made it to the UK<br />

22.03.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 5 An RAF doctor who refused to serve in Iraq is told he must face trial by court<br />

martial ... argument that the invasion of Iraq was illegal<br />

22.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 5 Die spanische Regierung hat die Ankündigung eines dauerhaften<br />

Waffenstillstandes der baskischen Untergrundorganisation ETA begrüsst

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