Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 252<br />

09.12.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 25 Die Zeitung Junge Welt darf nach einem Gerichtsurteil über den deutschen<br />

Kriminalkommissar [Gerhard Lehmann], der vermutlich Al Masri in Afghanistan<br />

verhört hatte, unabhängig vom Wahrheitsgehalt nicht berichten<br />

09.12.<strong>2006</strong> Aljazeera D 25 The U.S. army began transferring 42 detainees to a new maximum-security<br />

jail at Guantanamo Bay<br />

11.12.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 25 Die Klage [gegen Rumsfeld] wurde in Deutschland erhoben, weil die amerikanische Justiz nicht<br />

gegen die Verantwortlichen vorgegangen ist und zudem ein Gesetz in Kraft getreten ist, das<br />

diesen Immunität gewährt. Durch den Beitritt Deutschlands zum Rom-Statut kön-nen aufgrund<br />

der "universellen Gerichtsbarkeit" Klagen wegen Kriegsverbrechen und schweren<br />

Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die von anderen Staaten begangen werden, angenommen oder<br />

an den Int. Strafgerichtshof verwiesen werden<br />

13.12.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 25 Routine and Systematic Torture Is at the Heart of America's War on Terror<br />

13.12.<strong>2006</strong> Prison Planet 25 aside from the fact that torture is illegal under int. law, and .. in the U.S. as a<br />

signatory of the Geneva Conventions ... it is inevitable that many of those who are<br />

being tortured with the president's approval .. are simply innocents<br />

15.12.<strong>2006</strong> Telegraph 25 The hard core of detainees held at America's Guantanamo Bay detention<br />

camp will continue to be held indefinitely even if there is insufficient evidence<br />

to bring them to trial, a senior Bush adm. official has warned<br />

16.12.<strong>2006</strong> MSNBC 25 Most Gitmo detainees [4/5] freed after transfer ... 205 of the 245 were either<br />

freed without being charged or were cleared of charges related to their<br />

detention at Guantanamo ... AP identified 14 trials, in which 8 men were<br />

acquitted and 6 are awaiting verdicts<br />

27.12.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 25 The US is telling its overseas allies that it has stopped "extraordinary renditions" and<br />

needs their help to empty Guantánamo's prison cells. But human rights groups<br />

dispute this assertion and a question mark hangs over 200 "war on terror" detainees<br />

who could be held indefinitely without trial<br />

31.12.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 25 Guantanamo detainee review boards: The prisoners have no right to a lawyer, or to<br />

see evidence, or even to know the identity of their accusers ... many offi-cials<br />

describe as a continuing shortage of in<strong>for</strong>mation about many detainees, incl. some<br />

who have been held on sketchy or disputed intelligence<br />

01.08.2005 26 Vote Fraud (later Ch. 29)<br />

01.11.<strong>2006</strong> X 26 Quebec is pulling back from its adventures in e-voting, after the province's chief<br />

electoral officer Marcel Blanchet delivered a harsh report on the 2005 municipal<br />

elections. The voting machines were used in some 140 municipalities in the province<br />

last year but, according to the report, they went down .. suffering from blackouts and<br />

transmission errors, resulting in unreliable results<br />

02.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 26 It seems there's a little yellow button on the back every touch-screen<br />

computer made by Sequoia Voting Systems, that allows any voter, or poll<br />

worker, or precinct inspector to set the system into "Manual Mode" allowing<br />

them to cast as many votes as they want<br />

02.11.<strong>2006</strong> MM 26 Orange County's top prosecutor defended his delay until a week be<strong>for</strong>e the<br />

election in outlining charges filed against a dozen people accused of<br />

switching registered Democrats to Republicans without their knowledge - The<br />

only reason the district attorney is making noises in this case is that these<br />


02.11.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 26 Diebold Fumbles Attempt to Stop HBO Airing of 'Hacking Democracy'!<br />

02.11.<strong>2006</strong> ABC 26 Diebold Election Systems quietly replaced flawed components in several<br />

thousand Maryland voting machines in 2005 to fix a "screen-freeze" problem<br />

the company had discovered three years earlier<br />

03.11.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 26 A recently distributed guide <strong>for</strong> Republican poll watchers in Maryland spells out how<br />

to aggressively challenge the credentials of voters and urges these volun-teers to tell<br />

election judges they could face jail time if a challenge is ignored<br />

03.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 26 On the other hand, if Republicans steal the election again, and Democrats<br />

are silent again, and the media again won't report it ... Then it will finally,<br />

inarguable be clear that both parties, and the media, are in on the fix<br />

03.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 26 Howard Dean has promised there will not be a change of course in Iraq if the<br />

Democrats take back Congress. Potential House leader Nancy Pelosi has<br />

assured voters that impeachment is not in the cards <strong>for</strong> Bush, either<br />

04.11.<strong>2006</strong> MM 26 Electronic voting machines will not be used in Tuesday's General Election<br />

after the governor today into law a measure suspending the use of the<br />

machines<br />

06.11.<strong>2006</strong> Times 26 Has America finally lost faith in Bush? - Vote fraud only works in close races.<br />

Even Diebold cannot undo a landslide

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