Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 242 11.01.2006 BAZ 25 Die Indiskretion in der CIA-Affäre ist für den Europaratsermittler Dick Marty nicht so gravierend, wie sie jetzt teilweise dargestellt wird. Auch in [Frankreich, Italien & USA] kämen solche Dokumente an die Öffentlichkeit 11.01.2006 Berlingske 25 Said Mansour nu er flyttet til arresten i Ringkøbing, fordi han først i Vestre Fængsel i København og siden i et arresthus på Sjælland har prædiket jihad for sine medfanger 12.01.2006 BAZ 25 Das Parlament in Bukarest hat Nachforschungen über mögliche CIA- Gefängnissen in Rumänien eingeleitet 12.01.2006 BAZ 25 Auf .. Guantánamo auf Kuba sind nach 14-monatiger Unterbrechung die Militärverfahren gegen Terror-Angeklagte fortgesetzt worden ... ACLU stellen die Rechtmässigkeit der Tribunale in Frage, u.a. weil die Beweise gegen die Angeklagten teilweise geheim gehalten werden 12.01.2006 X 25 The jury found Colonel Nicolas Carranza … responsible for overseeing the torture and killing in that country 25 years ago. Could similar charges be brought against high U.S. officials for the actions of their subordinates in Abu 13.01.2006 Moscow Times Ghraib, Falluja, and Guantanamo? 25 the official White House "torture memos" that justified any torture short of permanent maiming or death -- and even countenanced the latter if it was "unintentional" 13.01.2006 X 25 Prosecutors said the U.S. government discovered alleged terrorist José Padilla's written application to join al Qaeda - "Yessiree, it was lying right there in the middle of all those documents about Iraq wanting to buy yellow cake uranium from Niger!" 14.01.2006 BAZ 25 die CIA in Europa Menschen verschleppt hat und foltern liess. Es gebe in dieser Frage keinerlei Zweifel mehr, sagte Marty ... Er schätze, dass bis zu 15.01.2006 Der 150 Verdächtige von der CIA gekidnappt worden seien [in Europa] 25 75% der Schweizer wollen einen Protest der Berner Regierung bei den USA in der CIA-Affäre Umfrage ["SonntagsBlick"] unter 1000 Personen. Nur 20% halten die Zurückhaltung der offiziellen Stellen für angebracht 19.01.2006 Guardian 25 The gov. is secretly trying to stifle attempts by MPs to find out what it knows about CIA "torture flights" and privately admits that people captured by British forces could have been sent illegally to interrogation centres. A hidden strategy aimed at suppressing a debate about rendition … is revealed in a briefing paper sent by the Foreign Office to No 10 19.01.2006 Guardian 25 An investigation by the Guardian had shown that the CIA's aircraft had flown in and out of Britain at least 210 times after the attacks of 9/11 20.01.2006 Le Monde 25 Abdul Zahir est le dixième détenu de Guantanamo à être formellement inculpé pour être déféré devant les commissions militaires spéciales. Comme les neuf autres, il ne risquera pas la peine de mort, a indiqué le Pentagone 22.01.2006 Independant 25 Pressure over the use of British airports for secret CIA torture flights increased dramatically yesterday after it emerged that a Foreign Office minister misled Parliament over a meeting between the UN and UK civil servants about the issue 22.01.2006 Telepolis 25 Wen schützen die Geheimdienste? Und wer schützt uns vor Geheimdiensten? 24.01.2006 BAZ 25 Ein US-Bundesrichter hat die Veröffentlichung der Namen von hunderten Gefangenen im Guantánamo angeordnet. Die Regierung kann noch Berufung einlegen ... gab einer Klage [von AP] statt ... [AP] hatte im2005 .. die Freigabe der Protokolle von 550 Anhörungen in Guantánamo beantragt ... Das Ministerium gab die Protokolle zwar frei, tilgte darin aber die Namen und die Nationalitäten der Häftlinge 24.01.2006 Toronto Star 25 evidence pointed to the existence of a system of ―outsourcing‖ of torture by the US, and that it was highly likely Eur. Gov. were aware of it … Marty said there was no tangible proof so far of the existence of clandestine centres in Romania or Poland … he also complained of a lack of co-operation by EU governments in his search 24.01.2006 BAZ 25 SonntagsBlick»-Chefredaktor Christoph Grenacher boykottiert die Militärjustiz: Bei deren Voruntersuchung im Zusammenhang mit der Publikation eines Faxes über angebliche CIA- Gefängnisse in Europa hat er die Aussage verweigert 30.01.2006 X 25 [310505] Arabs and Chinese Muslims famished from fleeing U.S. bombing in the Afghan mountains ... the men who are now prisoners at Guantanamo Bay ... Bounties ranged from $3,000 to $25,000, the detainees testified during military tribunals, according to transcripts the US gov. gave AP to comply with a Freedom of Information lawsuit

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 243 04.02.2006 Antiwar 25 No one has ever been charged with any misconduct at Guantanamo. 7 low ranking soldiers were later convicted at Abu Ghraib. No commissioned officers have yet to be charged in that case. Neither have any of the military medical personnel that, according to a report in both the Jan. 2005 issue of NEJM and the Aug. 2005 issue of Lancet, collaborated with interrogators during the abuse and torture and in some cases, actually facilitated it 04.02.2006 Guardian 25 The gov. is considering weakening laws designed to capture alleged war crim-inals and torturers who enter Britain, after pressure from the Israeli gov. 09.02.2006 NY Times 25 Pentagon documents indicated that the military had determined that only 45% of the detainees had committed some hostile act against the US or its allies and that only 8% were fighters for Al Qaeda 12.02.2006 Uruknet 25 House Committee Kills Torture Inquiries - Opening the hearing, Committee Chair Henry Hyde ... cited the Bush adm.‘s repeated insistence that the US does not condone torture as evidence that the resolutions were unnecessary 12.02.2006 Times 25 The US is helping Morocco to build a new interrogation and detention facility for Al-Qaeda suspects near its capital, Rabat 12.02.2006 Times 25 The CIA‘s top counter-terrorism official was fired last week because he opposed detaining Al-Qaeda suspects in secret prisons abroad, sending them to other countries for interrogation and using forms of torture such as ―water boarding‖, intelligence sources have claimed 13.02.2006 Telegraph 25 A UN inquiry has called for the immediate closure of Guantanamo .. and the prosecution of officers and politicians "up to the highest level" who are accused of torturing detainees 16.02.2006 BAZ 25 Nach den UNO- Menschenrechtsexperten fordert auch UNO-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan die Schliessung [von Guantánamo] ... Tony Blair sei {angeblich} ebenfalls für die Schliessung 17.02.2006 Independant 25 3 British residents held in Guantanamo have won a legal battle which could lead to the [UK] Government demanding that they are freed by the US ... the US' view of what constitutes torture "is not the same as ours and doesn't appear to coincide with that of most civilised countries" 17.02.2006 X 25 Reporters Without Borders has appealed to the Swiss justice and defence ministers to drop complaints against three journalists who revealed the existence of secret CIA prisons in Europe 17.02.2006 J_lem Post 25 Citing national security concerns, a US federal judge tossed out a civil rights lawsuit brought by a Canadian man who claimed US counterterrorism officials deported him so he could be tortured in Syria 20.02.2006 Indymedia 25 Boy, 12, recounts days as terror inmate Youngest captive spent 17 months at Guantanamo ... He was just 10 years old when [captured] ... On Jan. 29 [2004 he was] released with two other young detainees 22.02.2006 BAZ 25 Bei seinen Ermittlungen in der Affäre um angebliche CIA-Geheimgefängnisse und Gefangenenflüge kommt der Europarat schleppend voran. 5 der 46 Mitgliedsländer [Belgien, Italien haben] nicht fristgerecht geantwortet 23.02.2006 BAZ 25 Der gewaltsame Tod von Gefangenen in US-Gewahrsam im Irak oder in Afghanistan ... In nur 12 von 34 Todesfällen sei es bislang zu einer {symbolische} Bestrafung gekommen ... in fast der Hälfte von 98 .. Todesfällen wurde nie eine Todesursache bekannt gegeben 23.02.2006 Berlingske 25 Udenrigsminister kender ikke til, at danske embedsmænd har hjulpet med til CIA's fangetransporter. Oppositionen kritiserer ham for ikke at have undersøgt det 23.02.2006 Telepolis 25 Deutsche Geheimdienst-Agenten arbeiten offenbar enger mit US-Stellen zusammen, als man in Berlin zugeben möchte ... Bei einer Gegenüberstellung will [al-Masri] den deutschen [BKA-]Beamten wiedererkannt haben, der ihn während seiner Haft in Kabul mehrfach verhört hatte 23.02.2006 NY Times 25 Mr. Masri told the police that he was "90%" certain that a senior German police official was the interrogator who had visited him three times inside the prison in Kabul but had identified himself only as "Sam" 27.02.2006 Telegraph 25 An American-run prison for terrorist suspects in Afghanistan .. in legal limbo ... Bagram now houses ~500 detainees ... Conditions at Bagram have improved since the violent deaths of two inmates in late 2002 but they remain harsher than at Guantanamo 01.03.2006 Arab News 25 US Agrees to Pay 9/11 Detainee $300,000 in Damages - I bet the Mossad agents in that white van who were arrested on 9-11 are calling their lawyers

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 243<br />

04.02.<strong>2006</strong> Antiwar 25 No one has ever been charged with any misconduct at Guantanamo. 7 low ranking<br />

soldiers were later convicted at Abu Ghraib. No commissioned officers have yet to be<br />

charged in that case. Neither have any of the military medical personnel that,<br />

according to a report in both the Jan. 2005 issue of NEJM and the Aug. 2005 issue of<br />

Lancet, collaborated with interrogators during the abuse and torture and in some<br />

cases, actually facilitated it<br />

04.02.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 25 The gov. is considering weakening laws designed to capture alleged war crim-inals<br />

and torturers who enter Britain, after pressure from the Israeli gov.<br />

09.02.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 25 Pentagon documents indicated that the military had determined that only 45%<br />

of the detainees had committed some hostile act against the US or its allies<br />

and that only 8% were fighters <strong>for</strong> Al Qaeda<br />

12.02.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 25 House Committee Kills Torture Inquiries - Opening the hearing, Committee<br />

Chair Henry Hyde ... cited the Bush adm.‘s repeated insistence that the US<br />

does not condone torture as evidence that the resolutions were unnecessary<br />

12.02.<strong>2006</strong> Times 25 The US is helping Morocco to build a new interrogation and detention facility<br />

<strong>for</strong> Al-Qaeda suspects near its capital, Rabat<br />

12.02.<strong>2006</strong> Times 25 The CIA‘s top counter-terrorism official was fired last week because he<br />

opposed detaining Al-Qaeda suspects in secret prisons abroad, sending<br />

them to other countries <strong>for</strong> interrogation and using <strong>for</strong>ms of torture such as<br />

―water boarding‖, intelligence sources have claimed<br />

13.02.<strong>2006</strong> Telegraph 25 A UN inquiry has called <strong>for</strong> the immediate closure of Guantanamo .. and the<br />

prosecution of officers and politicians "up to the highest level" who are<br />

accused of torturing detainees<br />

16.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 25 Nach den UNO- Menschenrechtsexperten <strong>for</strong>dert auch UNO-Generalsekretär<br />

Kofi Annan die Schliessung [von Guantánamo] ... Tony Blair sei {angeblich}<br />

ebenfalls für die Schliessung<br />

17.02.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 25 3 British residents held in Guantanamo have won a legal battle which could<br />

lead to the [UK] Government demanding that they are freed by the US ... the<br />

US' view of what constitutes torture "is not the same as ours and doesn't<br />

appear to coincide with that of most civilised countries"<br />

17.02.<strong>2006</strong> X 25 Reporters Without Borders has appealed to the Swiss justice and defence<br />

ministers to drop complaints against three journalists who revealed the<br />

existence of secret CIA prisons in Europe<br />

17.02.<strong>2006</strong> J_lem Post 25 Citing national security concerns, a US federal judge tossed out a civil rights<br />

lawsuit brought by a Canadian man who claimed US counterterrorism officials<br />

deported him so he could be tortured in Syria<br />

20.02.<strong>2006</strong> Indymedia 25 Boy, 12, recounts days as terror inmate Youngest captive spent 17 months at<br />

Guantanamo ... He was just 10 years old when [captured] ... On Jan. 29<br />

[2004 he was] released with two other young detainees<br />

22.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 25 Bei seinen Ermittlungen in der Affäre um angebliche CIA-Geheimgefängnisse<br />

und Gefangenenflüge kommt der Europarat schleppend voran. 5 der 46<br />

Mitgliedsländer [Belgien, Italien haben] nicht fristgerecht geantwortet<br />

23.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 25 Der gewaltsame Tod von Gefangenen in US-Gewahrsam im Irak oder in<br />

Afghanistan ... In nur 12 von 34 Todesfällen sei es bislang zu einer {symbolische}<br />

Bestrafung gekommen ... in fast der Hälfte von 98 .. Todesfällen<br />

wurde nie eine Todesursache bekannt gegeben<br />

23.02.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 25 Udenrigsminister kender ikke til, at danske embedsmænd har hjulpet med til<br />

CIA's fangetransporter. Oppositionen kritiserer ham <strong>for</strong> ikke at have<br />

undersøgt det<br />

23.02.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 25 Deutsche Geheimdienst-Agenten arbeiten offenbar enger mit US-Stellen<br />

zusammen, als man in Berlin zugeben möchte ... Bei einer Gegenüberstellung<br />

will [al-Masri] den deutschen [BKA-]Beamten wiedererkannt haben,<br />

der ihn während seiner Haft in Kabul mehrfach verhört hatte<br />

23.02.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 25 Mr. Masri told the police that he was "90%" certain that a senior German<br />

police official was the interrogator who had visited him three times inside the<br />

prison in Kabul but had identified himself only as "Sam"<br />

27.02.<strong>2006</strong> Telegraph 25 An American-run prison <strong>for</strong> terrorist suspects in Afghanistan .. in legal limbo<br />

... Bagram now houses ~500 detainees ... Conditions at Bagram have<br />

improved since the violent deaths of two inmates in late 2002 but they remain<br />

harsher than at Guantanamo<br />

01.03.<strong>2006</strong> Arab News 25 US Agrees to Pay 9/11 Detainee $300,000 in Damages - I bet the Mossad<br />

agents in that white van who were arrested on 9-11 are calling their lawyers

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