Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 240<br />

17.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 Thanks to the nuclear aspirations of North Korea and Iran, there's no<br />

shortage of rhetoric along these lines: "We can't let rogue nations have<br />

nukes. They might use them." Absent from the discussion are two elementary<br />

questions. First: What is the only nation to have used nuclear weapons (and<br />

have civilians been targeted)? {what is a rogue nation, beyond USA & Israel?<br />

What about India & Pakistan?}<br />

19.10.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 24 Britain 'is blocking' cluster bomb ban ... a global ban on cluster bombs<br />

22.10.<strong>2006</strong> Politiken 24 Microsofts bud på en ny musikafspiller er døbt navnet Zune - På hebraisk [er]<br />

ordet »Zi-yun« et slangord <strong>for</strong> samleje<br />

24.10.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Weltweit findet derzeit nach Angaben der Umweltschutzorganisation WWF<br />

das grösste Artensterben seit dem Verschwinden der Dinosaurier statt<br />

26.10.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Norwegische Schafe haben auch 20 Jahre nach dem Reaktorunglück von<br />

Tschernobyl noch immer erhöhte Strahlenwerte im Körper<br />

28.10.<strong>2006</strong> MSNBC 24 Since 1992, Thorium Power Ltd. has been working on a new kind of fuel that<br />

mixes uranium with thorium in a process that produces no uranium 239. The<br />

goal is to "sever the link" between nuclear power and weaponry<br />

31.10.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 24 the planet faces catastrophe unless urgent measures are taken to reduce<br />

greenhouse gas emissions<br />

31.10.<strong>2006</strong> ABC 24 Puberty Hitting Girls as Young as 4 Years Old - hormones pumped into food<br />

animals to make them grow more quickly and mature faster are getting into<br />

consumers via meat and dairy products, and triggering similar responses in<br />

humans<br />

01.11.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 24 Elephants have been found to recognise themselves in a mirror, putting them<br />

in an exclusive club of self-awareness whose other members are great apes<br />

(including humans) and bottlenose dolphins<br />

01.11.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 Heute ist sicher, dass Ägypten, China, Irak, Iran, Indien, Israel, Libyen,<br />

Nordkorea, Pakistan, Syrien, teilweise die Nachfolgestaaten der Sowjet-union<br />

und Taiwan über B-Waffen verfügen ... Ägypten, Indien, Irak, Iran, Libyen,<br />

Nordkorea, Pakistan, Syrien, Russland und die USA verfügen über C-Waffen -<br />

{Israel und USA haben sie auch eingesetzt}<br />

02.11.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 The original tapes of the broadcast from the Moon were thought to have been<br />

lost [rediscovered]<br />

03.11.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 24 98% of cluster bomb victims are civilians - The study, which was financed by<br />

the Norwegian government, is the first to document the impact of cluster<br />

munitions on people in all 24 countries and regions known to be affected by<br />

these weapons - the purpose of cluster bombs is the indescriminate killing of<br />

as many people as possible, no matter if they are civilians or not<br />

06.11.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 24 noch Zukunftsmusik: noch können weiße LEDs im Alltagsgebrauch<br />

Leuchtstofflampen und Glühlampen nicht ersetzen. Doch der Abstand<br />

verringert sich<br />

06.11.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 IKRK hat alle kriegführenden Staaten aufge<strong>for</strong>dert, keine Streubomben mehr<br />

einzusetzen. Den Abwurf der unpräzisen Bomben will das Komitee<br />

grundsätzlich verbieten<br />

13.11.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 18 stater har under de igangværende <strong>for</strong>handlinger i Genève indtil videre<br />

tilsluttet sig kravet om en regulering af brugen af klyngebomber [Danmark,<br />

Sverige, Tjekkiet, Slovakiet, Ungarn, Slovenien, Tyskland, Østrig, Irland,<br />

Portugal, Spanien, Schweiz, Liechtenstein, Vatikanet, Argentina, Mexico,<br />

21.11.<strong>2006</strong> San Francisco<br />

Chronicle<br />

Costa Rica og New Zealand]<br />

24 Imported models took all 13 spots on the U.S. insurance industry's list of safest<br />

vehicles this year, due mainly to a new requirement that all cars and sport utilities on<br />

the list have systems to keep them stable in an emergency<br />

22.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 24 A Research Documentary on Jesus Surviving crucifixion and migrating to Kashmir<br />

with sub-titles in Urdu - Crucifixion takes a week to kill a healthy man, unless the legs<br />

are broken. Yet the Bible says Jesus was only on the cross <strong>for</strong> a few hours be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

being declared dead. Pontius Pilate expressed great sur-prise that Jesus expired so<br />

quickly, but was restrained from further investiga-tion by his wife. Numerous ancient<br />

sources repeat the story of Jesus and his followers faking his quick death to get him<br />

off the cross while still alive<br />

23.11.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Das deutsche Bundesverwaltungsgericht hat das Schächten von Tieren trotz<br />

eines Verbots im Tierschutzgesetz genehmigt. Mit Verweis auf die<br />

Religionsfreiheit ... wird mit einem langen, spitzen Messer ein Schnitt quer<br />

durch Halsschlagader, Speise- und Luftröhre des Tieres geführt. Das Tier<br />

muss voll ausbluten

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