Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 237<br />

26.04.<strong>2006</strong> Pravda 24 Chernobyl still remains a big problem <strong>for</strong> the environment ... Radionuclids that were<br />

blocked at special underground facilities soon after the breakdown accumulated in<br />

the ground or penetrated into closed water reservoirs. Underground waters and the<br />

waters of the Plripyat River distribute ~90% of radionuclids beyond the zone of<br />

alienation<br />

28.04.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 Rådet <strong>for</strong> Større Færdselssikkerhed vil have alle lastbiler udstyret med et<br />

radarsystem, som kan advare højresvingende chauffører om cyklister<br />

28.04.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 "The Da Vinci Code". Im Kern geht es um die Theorie, dass Jesus Maria<br />

01.05.<strong>2006</strong> Al Jazeera<br />

Quatar<br />

Magdalena geheiratet und mit ihr ein Kind gezeugt hat<br />

24 400 dead dolphins stranded at Zanzibar ... In the US, experts were<br />

investigating the possibility that sonar from US submarines could have been<br />

responsible <strong>for</strong> a similar incident in Florida, where 68 deep-water dolphins<br />

stranded themselves in March 2005<br />

02.05.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 Politisk aftale baner vej <strong>for</strong> lands-dækkende ordning med lægehelikoptere.<br />

Fire helikoptere skønnes at kunne dække hele landet ... med udgangspunkt<br />

fra de såkaldte traumecentre på hhv. Rigshospitalet og de største sygehuse i<br />

Århus, Odense og Aalborg<br />

02.05.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 24 Most US young people can't find Iraq on map: study - not even war can teach<br />

Americans geography<br />

03.05.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 24 6 out of 10 young Americans cannot find Iraq on a map - global domination<br />

does not equal global knowledge<br />

03.05.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 Bush ... has nominated William Wehrum .. <strong>for</strong> the office of air quality at the<br />

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He‘s been serving as legal counsel<br />

and interim head of this office since 2001. During his tenure at the EPA, Mr.<br />

Wehrum has consistently worked to weaken the nation‘s air pollution laws<br />

and regulations<br />

04.05.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Die USA unterstützen die Entwicklung eines Impfstoffes gegen die<br />

Vogelgrippe mit einer Milliarde $<br />

05.05.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 24 Bill Gates has revealed that he would rather not be the world's richest man ...<br />

―There's nothing good that comes out of that‖ ... Bill and Melinda Gates Founda-tion<br />

is the world's biggest philanthropic organisation, with an endowment of $29.1bn, and<br />

fights Aids, malaria, tuberculosis and malnutrition<br />

05.05.<strong>2006</strong> Pravda 24 Leonid Stadnik [35, of Ukraine] was 254 centimeters tall back in those days. It<br />

has recently become known that the tallest man in the world is still growing ...<br />

The mutation happened after the removal of the brain tumor ... The shoes<br />

that Leonid wears nowadays are 62 cm long<br />

09.05.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Ein islamischer Prediger ist in Saudi-Arabien bestraft worden, weil er die<br />

Freitagspredigt von seinem Laptop abgelesen hat<br />

09.05.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 German cannibal sentenced to life imprisonment - Farewell dinner cancelled<br />

due to lack of interest<br />

10.05.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 En 56-årig tysker, der føler sig <strong>for</strong>fulgt af myndighederne ... overtager faderska-ber<br />

<strong>for</strong> fattige, udenlandske børn. Det koster den tyske statskasse millioner<br />

11.05.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 24 Chinese archaeologists have dug up the ruins of a 2,000-year-old walled city<br />

on the North Korean border ... kingdom of Koguryo ... Last month, South and<br />

North Korea co-operated on a dig in Pyongyang and jointly unearthed an<br />

ancient palace site<br />

12.05.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 24 Sippenhaft mit genetischem Fingerabdruck- Auch über das Gen-Profil von<br />

nahen Verwandten lassen sich in Gen-Datenbanken Verdächtige finden,<br />

wenn Gen-Proben am Tatort gefunden wurden ... Täter könnten bewusst<br />

Proben von anderen hinterlassen, um den Verdacht von sich abzulenken,<br />

Personen können zufällig an einem Ort gewesen sein<br />

13.05.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 A capuchin monkey was expelled from zoo because it was helping another<br />

monkeys to escape, teaching them how to swim<br />

16.05.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 24 gruesome deaths of 3 Florida women in a week, an unprecedented tally given that<br />

there were only 17 recorded fatalities by alligators in the previous 58 years<br />

16.05.<strong>2006</strong> BBC 24 Pentagon scientists are planning to turn sharks into "stealth spies" capable of<br />

tracking vessels undetected - "The mission was a success. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, the<br />

'spy' ate the camera and film. Also my boss"<br />

17.05.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Eine «Erweiterte Synode» hat orthodoxen Erzbischof von Zypern Nikosia,<br />

Chrysostomos (Kykkotis), [wg. Demenz] für abgesetzt erklärt

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