Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 235<br />

20.01.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 In Frankreich haben Kinder einen 7-J Jungen mit Benzin bespritzt und<br />

angezündet. Die Täter waren nach Angaben der Polizei zehn und elf Jahre alt<br />

... erlitt der Knabe an den Beinen [2° & 3°] Verbrennungen<br />

21.01.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 DNA tæt på at fælde hund som kattemorder {how DNA-Analysis almost<br />

proved that a dog had murdered a cat – in USA, of course}<br />

24.01.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 24 Britain has 2.3 million cubic metres of nuclear waste stored around the<br />

country … Tony Blair [wants to build] 10 new nuclear reactors …, shouldn't<br />

we clear up this mess first?<br />

24.01.<strong>2006</strong> Toronto Star 24 The Conservatives have toppled Prime Minister Paul Martin's government {n<br />

Canada}, winning a shaky minority<br />

26.01.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 24 The intention is to <strong>for</strong>ce farmers to use GM seeds because the new genetics-marked pesticides<br />

won;t work with natural crops. The seeds produced by the GM crops will not germinate, <strong>for</strong>cing<br />

the farmers to always have to buy new seeds every year … In one infamous case in Canada,<br />

Monsanto dues a farmer downwind of one of their GM fields <strong>for</strong> "Patent infringement" when he<br />

discovered his natural organic crops had become contaminated with genetically modified pollen<br />

from the Monsanto crop. So, what happens when the "suicide" gene, the gene that renders all<br />

subsequent generations of seed unable to germinate, escapes the original product and heads<br />

into the wild? All natural plants that became contaminated with that gene would go extinct within<br />

just a few generations<br />

02.02.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 German astronomers found that UB313 [10th planet] has a diameter of<br />

roughly 3,000 kilometers--roughly 700 kilometers larger than Pluto's<br />

09.02.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 24 Jamal al-Badawi, al-CIA-duh "mastermind" terrorist ... supposedly dug a<br />

tunnel out of "a heavily guarded" Yemeni prison and made his escape ... was<br />

convicted of helping plan the 2000 USS Cole bombing<br />

14.02.<strong>2006</strong> X 24 Hunter shot by Cheney suffers heart attack, remains at risk - So if he dies, it<br />

was from the heart attack, and not the gunshot, because under Texas law,<br />

the Vice President would have to be arrested and tried<br />

17.02.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 Whittington blev ramt af en byge på ~200 dyrehagl, da Cheney under en jagt<br />

[10/2] <strong>for</strong>søgte at ramme en flok vagter, men i stedet ramte ham<br />

18.02.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 24 Harry Whittington .. walked unaided out of hospital .. to declare himself fit and<br />

entirely <strong>for</strong>giving of the errant aim of his chum, Dick Cheney<br />

19.02.<strong>2006</strong> Scotsman 24 The Eur. Commission has defended its current practices on screening<br />

genetically altered foods in the wake of a report from the WTO that criticised<br />

its past action in restricting the entry of modified products into the EU. The<br />

WTO report drew sharp criticism from environmental groups<br />

21.02.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 Carlsberg stopper stort set alle bryggeriaktiviteter i Valby og rykker<br />

produktionen til Fredericia<br />

22.02.<strong>2006</strong> Capitol-hillblue 24 A written report from Secret Service agents guarding Vice President Dick Cheney<br />

when he shot Texas lawyer Harry Whittington on a hunting outing two weeks ago<br />

says Cheney was "clearly inebriated" at the time of the shooting<br />

24.02.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 I øjeblikket er der ingen faste promillegrænser til søs ... Stærkt beruset<br />

kaptajn frifundet .. med 2,15 promille<br />

28.02.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 24 Das Interessanteste an dem türkischen Film "Tal der Wölfe - Irak" ist die Reaktion<br />

auf ihn ... Die deutsche Republik reagiert hysterisch ... Wer sich .. große Augen ob<br />

der "gewalttätigen Bilder" macht, sollte sich fragen, welche Bilder er eigentlich meint?<br />

... in denen er die TV-Nachrichten nachstellt<br />

03.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Vogelgrippe: 10'000 Arbeitsplätze .. gefährdet {und millionen Vögel}<br />

09.03.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 24 En jeep tromlede gennem en låge i hegnet til lufthavnen ved Göteborg og<br />

satte kurs mod et SAS-fly [der lige var landet]. Sekunder efter var røvere<br />

mindst 40 mio. kr. rigere. Røveriet er blot det seneste i en række<br />

10.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 793 Milliardäre: Die Reichen wurden noch reicher {wir andere zahlreicher} ...<br />

40 in NY, 25 in Moskau, 23 in London. Bill Gates Nr. 1<br />

12.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Auf den Bahamas hat ein Japaner 8 Jahre lang ohne Anklage im Gefängnis<br />

gesessen. Ein Gericht sprach [ihm] 500.000 $ zu<br />

12.03.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 24 The world's great rivers are drying up at an alarming rate<br />

14.03.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 24 The leak was first spotted by a BP worker 11 days ago, and was reported to have<br />

been plugged a few days later. Initial hopes expressed by BP that the spill was<br />

limited to a few 10,000 gallons proved to be over-optimistic. Alaska's Dept. of<br />

Environmental Conservation has steadily increased its estimate of the size of the<br />

spill, the latest estimate putting it at around 265,000 gallons<br />

15.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Die Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen hat .. der Bildung eines neuen<br />

Rats für Menschenrechte zugestimmt ... stimmten von den 191 Mitgliedern<br />

22.03.<strong>2006</strong> Common<br />

Dreams<br />

170 dafür und [USA &] dagegen<br />

24 Across the frozen North Slope of Alaska, the region's largest oil accident on record<br />

has been sending 100.000's of litres of crude pouring into the Arctic Ocean during<br />

the past week after a badly corroded BPO pipeline ruptured<br />

26.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 24 Kanadische Jäger beginnen Tötung von 325'000 Robben

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