Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 214 08.12.2006 Prison Planet 19 statistics reveal that of the estimated 134 journalists jailed for their work 08.12.2006 Information Clearing House worldwide, a full third are Internet writers and bloggers 19 John Pilger reports an unprecedented study by 3 UK universities which found that, contrary to myth, 80% of the media followed "the government line" on Iraq and only 12% challenged it 09.12.2006 Raw Story 19 A purported insurgent group in Iraq appears to have launched a weblog with regular updates of its attacks on Shi'ite and coalition forces in the country ... A "WHOIS" search of the domain name for the website claims that it is registered to one "Aaron Wilson" of Van Nuys, CA 10.12.2006 Aljazeera D 19 In the latest example of the West‘s biased approach towards Arabs, an article on revealed that CNN replaced all Palestinian quotations with quotes from the US and Israel in its report titled ―US vetoes UN condemnation of Israel‘s Gaza strikes‖ 16.12.2006 Prison Planet 19 Republican Senator John McCain has introduced legislation that would fine blogs up to $300,000 for offensive statements, photos and videos posted by visitors on comment boards, effectively nixing the open exchange of ideas on the Internet, providing a lethal injection for unrestrained opinion, and acting as the latest attack tool to chill freedom of speech on the www 22.12.2006 Blog 19 For days, it was an open secret that The New York Times was holding an Op- Ed piece after the Central Intelligence Agency objected to publication of parts of it ... The Times finally published it Friday -- with sections literally blacked out - Confirming what we already knew about the mainstream media; that they will not publish anything without the gov.'s permission 22.12.2006 Netscape 19 A few days ago, Time Magazine announced the winner of its annual "Per-son of the Year" award... Hugo Chavez did not make it despite the fact that he won Time's online poll by a wide margin and got 35% of the votes 23.12.2006 Telegraph 19 Iran defies United Nations with pledge of 'going nuclear within weeks' - The telegraph should be ashamed of such bald-faced propaganda, but then, I suspect the Telegraph has no shame at all 30.12.2006 X 19 Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 {see last table} 31.12.2006 Blog 19 CNN, US media ... did not contain any condemnation from world leaders or leading experts, many of whom believed that Saddam's trial was flawed 31.07.2005 20 Economy 20.01.2006 CNN 20 Google stock posted its largest single-day loss ever as investors showed concern about prospects for the Internet advertising market and the company's role in a Justice Dept. lawsuit about Internet searches - The real question is, WHO got rich short-selling the stock? And were the day-traders operating out of Frist's and Delay's offices involved? 24.01.2006 BAZ 20 Credit Suisse steigt nach dem Rückzug aus Iran, Syrien & Nordkorea aus 3 weiteren Ländern aus: Sudan, Kuba und Birma ... Zuvor war bereits UBS aus dem Geschäft mit Iran ausgestiegen {Wer erteilte diesen Befehl?} 28.01.2006 X 20 I wonder why the CEO of Halliburton has very busy exercising his stock options in Halliburton? Since 10/27/05 he has sold 380,981 shares of stock for a total of $25,230,000.00 (an average of $66.22 per share). What ever could he be thinking? 29.01.2006 X 20 The US Government debt has breached the Congressionally mandated debt ceiling 30.01.2006 Reuters 20 Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, reported a quarterly profit of more than $10 billion, capping a record year dominated by a surge oil and gas prices {earning on oil-crisis} 31.01.2006 Yahoo 20 Officials from six major oil companies have refused to testify this week at a Senate hearing looking into whether oil industry mergers in recent years have made gasoline more expensive at the pump 05.02.2006 Libertyforum 20 even the control of oil is not nearly as critical to the US as maintaining it‘s continued dominance in the exchange of oil in [$]. If Iran is allowed to .. openly compete with the US‘s monopoly on trading oil in petrodollars, the central banks across the globe will dump hundreds of billions of $ overnight, and the American economy will disappear beneath the waves 08.02.2006 Guardian 20 Sweden is to take the biggest energy step of any advanced western economy by trying to wean itself off oil completely within 15 years - without building a new generation of nuclear power stations 13.02.2006 Yahoo 20 Syria has switched all of the state's foreign currency transactions to € from $ amid a political confrontation with the US

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 215 18.02.2006 Reuters 20 The US gov. has moved to within $25 million of its $8.184 trillion debt ceilingbut it expects to stay below the limit for up to another month 19.02.2006 Aljazeera 20 Iran and Venezuela are encouraging and creating a golden opportunity for other states to shift foreign-exchange holdings out of $ ... Iran started since 2003 demanding oil payment in €, although the oil itself was still priced in $ ... Iranian and Venezuelan lawmakers have recently signed a document condemning nuclear weapons 25.02.2006 WRH 20 Russia‘s foreign trade turnover increased by 32% to $370.4 billion... The trade surplus for 2005 balance was $120.1 billion, up from $85.8 billion in 2004 03.03.2006 X 20 Midwest Oil fined for selling gas too cheaply - The state imposed a $140,000 penalty for what it called "willful, continuing, and egregious" violations of the price law 06.03.2006 Wash Post 20 In a letter to Congress, Snow urged lawmakers to pass a new debt ceiling immediately to avoid the nation's first-ever default on its obligations 10.03.2006 Welt 20 Dresden verkauft sämtliche Wohnungen... Die US-amerikanische Investoren-gruppe Fortress hat für die rund 48.000 Wohnungen 1,7 Milliarden € geboten 10.03.2006 Berlingske 20 For første gang i årtier falder antallet af dødsfald som følge af kræft i USA 15.03.2006 Financial 20 The US current account deficit suffered its fastest quarterly deterioration in Times the final months of last year, ballooning to a record 7% of national income 17.03.2006 X 20 The federal government‘s fiscal exposures now total more than $46 trillion, up from about $20 trillion in 2000. This staggering revelation was included in the US Dept. of Treasury's own report 20.03.2006 Telepolis 20 [Concerning Norwegian planned oil bourse] both Russia [&] the Middle East have large parts of their economies in €. They would be able to view such a bourse as a contribution to balancing their economies in a better manner than at present, where their products are traded solely in $ 20.03.2006 X 20 Hawai'i residents are required to pay a 4 percent use tax on out-of-state goods purchased via the Internet - It's time to dump some tea into yon harbor, methinks 21.03.2006 BAZ 20 Bush hat ein Gesetz unterzeichnet, das die Schuldengrenze für den Haushalt auf fast neun Billionen $ hochschraubt. Damit kann die Regierung weitere 781 Milliarden $ Schulden aufnehmen und den Einsatz im Irak ohne Steuererhöhungen oder Leistungskürzungen finanzieren 27.03.2006 Huffington 20 Since the end of 2000, gross domestic product per person in the U.S. has Post expanded 8.4%, adjusted for inflation, but the average weekly wage has edged down 0.3% 29.03.2006 Libertyforum 20 China's reserves of dollars and other foreign currencies hit $853.7 billion in February ... allowing China to overtake Japan as the world's largest holder of foreign exchange reserves 30.03.2006 Yahoo 20 Sometime in the next 2 years, the total amount of US gov. borrowing is going to break through the 10-trillion-$ mark 12.04.2006 X 20 The central banks of Bahrain and Oman will likely maintain the dollar's dominant position in their foreign exchange reserves 19.04.2006 WRH 20 in the 20th century, America was able to tax the world indirectly, through inflation. It did not enforce the direct payment of taxes like all of its predecessor empires did, but distributed instead its own fiat currency, the US-$, to other nations in exchange for goods with the intended consequence of inflating and devaluing those dollars and paying back later each dollar with less economic goods-the difference capturing the U.S. imperial tax 20.04.2006 Indybay 20 federal reserve orders 2 trillion $ to be printed and put into circulation 21.04.2006 Financial 20 The US $ fell against € .. as Sweden‘s .. Riksbank revealed that it had cut the Times proportion of $ in its reserves from 37 to 20 % 24.04.2006 X 20 Russia has overtaken Saudi Arabia as the world's largest oil & fuel exporter 27.04.2006 Xinhuanet 20 Russia ready to repay Paris Club all debts this year: Putin 29.04.2006 Reuters 20 The Canadian $ jumped to its highest level in [28 years], taking advantage of a weakening U.S. currency as oil prices rose 01.05.2006 Times 20 $ starts big slide against major currencies - War against Iran starts tomorrow 02.05.2006 Counterpounc 20 both Chinese and Russian government officials warned of the $'s shaky h status ... In 2001 the price of gold was about $240 per ounce. Today the price is $660 /ounce 13.05.2006 X 20 In July Iran will ditch $ in favour of € as the currency in which it will accept payments for its oil and natural gas exports {thought it was already} 17.05.2006 BAZ 20 Venezuela erwägt .. sich seine Öllieferungen künftig in € statt in $ bezahlen zu lassen

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 214<br />

08.12.<strong>2006</strong> Prison Planet 19 statistics reveal that of the estimated 134 journalists jailed <strong>for</strong> their work<br />

08.12.<strong>2006</strong> In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

Clearing<br />

House<br />

worldwide, a full third are Internet writers and bloggers<br />

19 John Pilger reports an unprecedented study by 3 UK universities which found<br />

that, contrary to myth, 80% of the media followed "the government line" on<br />

Iraq and only 12% challenged it<br />

09.12.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 19 A purported insurgent group in Iraq appears to have launched a weblog with<br />

regular updates of its attacks on Shi'ite and coalition <strong>for</strong>ces in the country ... A<br />

"WHOIS" search of the domain name <strong>for</strong> the website claims that it is<br />

registered to one "Aaron Wilson" of Van Nuys, CA<br />

10.12.<strong>2006</strong> Aljazeera D 19 In the latest example of the West‘s biased approach towards Arabs, an article<br />

on revealed that CNN replaced all Palestinian quotations<br />

with quotes from the US and Israel in its report titled ―US vetoes UN<br />

condemnation of Israel‘s Gaza strikes‖<br />

16.12.<strong>2006</strong> Prison Planet 19 Republican Senator John McCain has introduced legislation that would fine<br />

blogs up to $300,000 <strong>for</strong> offensive statements, photos and videos posted by<br />

visitors on comment boards, effectively nixing the open exchange of ideas on<br />

the Internet, providing a lethal injection <strong>for</strong> unrestrained opinion, and acting as<br />

the latest attack tool to chill freedom of speech on the www<br />

22.12.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 19 For days, it was an open secret that The New York Times was holding an Op-<br />

Ed piece after the Central Intelligence Agency objected to publication of parts<br />

of it ... The Times finally published it Friday -- with sections literally blacked<br />

out - Confirming what we already knew about the mainstream media; that<br />

they will not publish anything without the gov.'s permission<br />

22.12.<strong>2006</strong> Netscape 19 A few days ago, Time Magazine announced the winner of its annual "Per-son<br />

of the Year" award... Hugo Chavez did not make it despite the fact that he<br />

won Time's online poll by a wide margin and got 35% of the votes<br />

23.12.<strong>2006</strong> Telegraph 19 Iran defies United Nations with pledge of 'going nuclear within weeks' - The<br />

telegraph should be ashamed of such bald-faced propaganda, but then, I<br />

suspect the Telegraph has no shame at all<br />

30.12.<strong>2006</strong> X 19 Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007 {see last table}<br />

31.12.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 19 CNN, US media ... did not contain any condemnation from world leaders or<br />

leading experts, many of whom believed that Saddam's trial was flawed<br />

31.07.2005 20 Economy<br />

20.01.<strong>2006</strong> CNN 20 Google stock posted its largest single-day loss ever as investors showed concern<br />

about prospects <strong>for</strong> the Internet advertising market and the company's role in a<br />

Justice Dept. lawsuit about Internet searches - The real question is, WHO got rich<br />

short-selling the stock? And were the day-traders operating out of Frist's and Delay's<br />

offices involved?<br />

24.01.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 20 Credit Suisse steigt nach dem Rückzug aus Iran, Syrien & Nordkorea aus 3<br />

weiteren Ländern aus: Sudan, Kuba und Birma ... Zuvor war bereits UBS aus<br />

dem Geschäft mit Iran ausgestiegen {Wer erteilte diesen Befehl?}<br />

28.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 20 I wonder why the CEO of Halliburton has very busy exercising his stock<br />

options in Halliburton? Since 10/27/05 he has sold 380,981 shares of stock<br />

<strong>for</strong> a total of $25,230,000.00 (an average of $66.22 per share). What ever<br />

could he be thinking?<br />

29.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 20 The US Government debt has breached the Congressionally mandated debt<br />

ceiling<br />

30.01.<strong>2006</strong> Reuters 20 Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, reported a<br />

quarterly profit of more than $10 billion, capping a record year dominated by a<br />

surge oil and gas prices {earning on oil-crisis}<br />

31.01.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 20 Officials from six major oil companies have refused to testify this week at a<br />

Senate hearing looking into whether oil industry mergers in recent years have<br />

made gasoline more expensive at the pump<br />

05.02.<strong>2006</strong> Liberty<strong>for</strong>um 20 even the control of oil is not nearly as critical to the US as maintaining it‘s<br />

continued dominance in the exchange of oil in [$]. If Iran is allowed to ..<br />

openly compete with the US‘s monopoly on trading oil in petrodollars, the<br />

central banks across the globe will dump hundreds of billions of $ overnight,<br />

and the American economy will disappear beneath the waves<br />

08.02.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 20 Sweden is to take the biggest energy step of any advanced western economy<br />

by trying to wean itself off oil completely within 15 years - without building a<br />

new generation of nuclear power stations<br />

13.02.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 20 Syria has switched all of the state's <strong>for</strong>eign currency transactions to € from $<br />

amid a political confrontation with the US

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