Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 213<br />

24.09.<strong>2006</strong> Toronto Star 19 MANCHESTER—Tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators marched<br />

yesterday against the presence of British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan on<br />

the eve of the governing Labour party's annual gathering {most interesting the<br />

absence of this report in BBC, Guardian, Times & Scotsman}<br />

06.10.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 19 Fox News had copies of emails written by Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL)<br />

to a Louisiana boy, but chose not to run the story [AP]<br />

12.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 19 Censored Stories - The mainstream news media's fascination with<br />

unimportant news isn't anything new ... a media-research project .. publicize<br />

the Top 25 big stories the media had censored, ignored or underreported in<br />

the previous year<br />

13.10.<strong>2006</strong> JS 19 Anna Politkovskaya's was murdered in Moscow on 7/10. How sad that may<br />

be, the resulting overreporting was out of proportions to other news<br />

17.10.<strong>2006</strong> Liberty Forum 19 The corporate-controlled American media is deliberately suppressing the re-sults of a<br />

survey that demonstrates that the US invasion and occupation of Iraq has caused<br />

more than 600,000 deaths in the past 3 years ... There have been no editorials in the<br />

Times, the Washington Post, or other major newspapers ... There is no legitimate,<br />

scientific basis <strong>for</strong> rejecting the findings of this survey carried out under the auspices<br />

of Johns Hopkins University<br />

19.10.<strong>2006</strong> Prison Planet 19 The US-backed special tribunal in Baghdad .. will delay a verdict in the first trial of<br />

Saddam Hussein to Nov. 5. Why hasn't the mainstream media connected the dots<br />

between the Saddam's judgment day and the midterm elections?<br />

20.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 19 the mainstream media is already trying to explain why exit polls should be<br />

ignored when they don't match the official results<br />

20.10.<strong>2006</strong> MSNBC 19 Earlier today MSNBC ran an online poll asking, "Do you think the Bush adm.<br />

should abandon its open-ended commitment to Iraq?" The response was<br />

84% agreed it was time to get out of Iraq and let the Iraqis handle their own<br />

country. Then the poll vanished<br />

31.10.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 19 American Jewish multi-billionaire Sheldon Adelson is in advanced<br />

negotiations to acquire control of the Maariv tabloid daily<br />

31.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 19 Milblogs offer one of the last direct witnesses to the Iraq war from the point of<br />

view of front line soldiers -- a sharp reversal from 3 years ago, when the U.S.led<br />

invasion was among the most closely-watched military attacks in history ..<br />

the number of reporters embedded in military units has dropped from 770 at<br />

01.11.<strong>2006</strong> Financial<br />

Times<br />

the height of the conflict to just nine today<br />

19 Too many people are tuning out of the news - No they aren't. They are turning<br />

off the mainstream media because nobody likes a liar, but those same news<br />

consumers are alive and well and surfing the blogs<br />

11.11.<strong>2006</strong> S. Francisco 19 A newspaper editor was found dead in a [Mexican] hotel room .. a day after<br />

Chronicles<br />

running stories about organized crime and corruption in the city gov.<br />

13.11.<strong>2006</strong> MSNBC 19 Mortars hit U.S. office in Iraq - Conflict in Iraq - MSNBC.com - The U.S. government‘s office in<br />

central Iraq came under mortar fire early Saturday, an attack that touched off a blaze in part of<br />

the complex, Iraqi police said. There was no immediate word on damage or casualties - This<br />

story is still in the MSNBC archives but has been erased from their main pages. Indeed, Google<br />

still has an entry <strong>for</strong> "Mortars strike U.S. office in Iraq" but the link now goes to a different story<br />

{Orwellized within 24 h - screenshots}<br />

17.11.<strong>2006</strong> Antiwar 19 The American media establishment has launched a major offensive against<br />

19.11.<strong>2006</strong> New<br />

Statesman<br />

the option of withdrawing US troops from Iraq<br />

19 Sam Kiley, a <strong>for</strong>eign correspondent <strong>for</strong> the Times, had succeeded in tracking down<br />

and interviewing the Israeli soldiers who had shot dead Mohammed al-Durrah, the 12year-old<br />

boy who had become, posthumously, an icon of the intifada ... Rupert<br />

Murdoch .. would "fly into hysterical terror every time a pro-Israel lobbying group<br />

wrote in with a quibble". Kiley received the instruction to file his piece "without<br />

mentioning the dead kid"<br />

26.11.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 19 The Litvinenko coverage is one more example of unquestioning journalism ...<br />

rumours in Moscow that Litvinenko 'was given a huge bribe by Berezovsky [to<br />

say he had been ordered to assassinate him]<br />

27.11.<strong>2006</strong> WRH 19 [Orwellized]: DirectNIC has pulled our domain registration, apparently in response to<br />

a "complaint". We are working to get the domain reinstated, but you can still access<br />

the site at {later this day restored}<br />

29.11.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 19 Dänischen Journalisten drohen dreimal vier Monate Gefängnis<br />

02.12.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 19 blocked since Nov. 29 - Uruknet receives daily many hacking attempts. To prevent<br />

this, we have 10 websites on 6 servers in different places. So, if the website is slow<br />

or it does not answer, you can recall one of the other web sites: www.uruknet.info<br />

www.uruknet.de www.uruknet.biz www.uruknet.org.uk www.uruknet.com<br />

www.uruknet.org - www.uruknet.it www.uruknet.eu www.uruknet.net<br />


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