Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 208<br />

20.11.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 IDF .. introduced new regulations limiting Palestinians without valid permits<br />

from travelling in Israeli vehicles in the West Bank and Jordan Valley<br />

20.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 18 A 19-year old Swedish human rights worker had her cheekbone broken by a Jewish<br />

extremist in Hebron today. Earlier the same day at least 5 Palestinians, including a 3year-old<br />

child, were injured by the settler-supporting extremists, who rampaged<br />

through Tel Rumeida hurling stones and bottles at local resi-dents. Palestinian<br />

schoolchildren on their way home were also attacked. [IDF], which was intensively<br />

deployed in the area, did not intervene<br />

22.11.<strong>2006</strong> X 18 Belgian Holocaust denier jailed - Truth needs no laws to support it<br />

23.11.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 18 Das lettische Parlament hat ein Gesetzespaket zur Wiedergutmachung von<br />

Schäden, die Juden im 2. Weltkrieg erlitten haben, abgelehnt. 67 der 100<br />

Abgeordneten blieben der Abstimmung am Donnerstag fern<br />

25.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 18 After reels of Hollywood films castigating Germans, generations of unqualified<br />

remorse, and decades of steady reparations, israelis figured they had a pretty solid<br />

grip on the German psyche, not to mention their bank accounts. But, apparently, all<br />

good things come to an end - even <strong>for</strong> the Chosen Ones - as evidenced by the<br />

sincere questions raised by 25 German peace researchers in the wake of israel's<br />

recent conflict in Lebanon<br />

01.12.<strong>2006</strong> UN-Observer 18 UN-Observer: Ethnic Cleansing and Israel‘s Racist Discourse<br />

06.12.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 18 "intellectuals and researchers" from 30 countries would attend Studying the<br />

Holocaust: An international view, in Tehran [next week] ... it would not be a<br />

<strong>for</strong>um <strong>for</strong> anti-semites or neo-Nazis, and rabbis would attend<br />

06.12.<strong>2006</strong> IRNA 18 no one will be allowed to misuse the upcoming conference on holocaust<br />

either politically or <strong>for</strong> propaganda purpose ... another conference dubbed<br />

`Research on Deniers of Holocaust' will be held in Germany simultaneously<br />

to overshadow Tehran conference<br />

11.12.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 Jimmy Carter: Israel's 'apartheid' policies worse than South Africa's ... "Israel will<br />

never have peace until they agree to withdraw [from the territories]"<br />

11.12.<strong>2006</strong> Ynet News 18 1st Class flights around the world, accommodation at deluxe hotels, dining at<br />

fancy restaurants and a series of credit cards, this is how the Claims<br />

Conference, which deals with restitution of stolen Jewish property from the<br />

Holocaust, operates<br />

13.12.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 A Gaza-born Israeli citizen [Arab] who was kidnapped in the Gaza Strip on<br />

October 27 was released Tuesday after 46 days in captivity ... the family - but<br />

not the Israeli authorities - had made substantial ef<strong>for</strong>ts to secure his release<br />

{in contrast to the soldier}<br />

13.12.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 18 Apartheid declared legal in Israel - ~55,000 east Jerusalem Palestinians<br />

carrying Israeli identification cards would remain outside the Israeli part of the<br />

security fence should construction continue along the current route<br />

15.12.<strong>2006</strong> Aljazeera D 18 "We certainly say there was a Holocaust, we lived through the Holocaust. But<br />

in no way can it be used as a justification <strong>for</strong> perpetrating unjust acts against<br />

the Palestinians," he said [UK rabbi Ahron Cohen at Teheran conference]<br />

15.12.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 Netanyahu wants Iran president tried <strong>for</strong> genocide - The world is not going to<br />

issue sanctions against Iran <strong>for</strong> something Iran hasn't done<br />

17.12.<strong>2006</strong> Zaman 18 French Academic to be Tried <strong>for</strong> Attending Holocaust Conference - was given<br />

a 3 month prison term and fined €7,500 <strong>for</strong> an interview with Iranian TV<br />

channel Sahar 1 in October - If the holocaust is a fact 'supported by<br />

mountains of evidence', why are they throwing historians in prison to prevent<br />

them from speaking?<br />

17.12.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 18 Israel boycott may be the way to peace ... The non-violent int. response to apartheid<br />

was a campaign of boycott, divestment and UN-imposed sanctions which enabled<br />

the [South-African] regime to change without bloodshed ... called <strong>for</strong> a comparable<br />

academic and cultural boycott of Israel<br />

17.12.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 18 The Alliance of Concerned Jewish Canadians welcomes the resolution<br />

passed [concerning boycott of Israel] as a sincere attempt to bring peaceful<br />

means to bear on the increasingly intolerable and explosive situation between<br />

Israel and the Palestinians<br />

18.12.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 18 wiped off the map ... What he actually said was that the Zionist entity Israel<br />

would go the same way as the Soviet Union, it would simply cease to exist,<br />

and all its citizens, Gentile and Jew, would be much better <strong>for</strong> it ... the<br />

conference did not declare the Holocaust a myth<br />

20.12.<strong>2006</strong> Politiken 18 Den kendte Holocaust-benægter David Irving har fået grønt lys til at <strong>for</strong>lade et<br />

fængsel i Østrig, hvor han i 2005 blev idømt 3 års fængsel

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