Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 207<br />

11.10.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 18 A party in honour of Bad Faith, Callil's account of Louis Darquier, the Vichy<br />

official who arranged the deportation of thousands of Jews, was to have<br />

taken place at the French embassy in New York last night but was cancelled<br />

... In the PS, Callil says she grew anxious while researching the "helpless<br />

terror of the Jews of France" to see "what the Jews of Israel were passing on<br />

to the Palestinian people. Like the rest of humanity, the Jews of Israel '<strong>for</strong>get'<br />

the Palestinians. Everyone <strong>for</strong>gets"<br />

13.10.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 The Foreign Ministry condemned remarks by the Israeli ambassador to<br />

Australia in which he told that the 2 countries are white sisters amid "the<br />

yellow race" of Asia<br />

16.10.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 Jewish community fears the comments made by envoy to Australia may fuel<br />

claims that Israel is a racist state {which it is}<br />

23.10.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 18 Far from criminalising denial of the Armenian genocide, we should<br />

decriminalise denial of the Holocaust - The problem with holocaust denial<br />

laws is that they are used to punish those who merely ask questions<br />

25.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 18 Christoph Blocher is on a campaign to change the law, even if it will impinge<br />

upon the sensitivities of .. the country‘s Jewish communities. Blocher claims<br />

that freedom of expression is more important than protecting the sensibilities<br />

of minority groups {Bravo!}<br />

27.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 18 Somehow, this didn;t make the mainstream news... a Muslim mother, was gunned<br />

down last week in Fremont, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, as she walked with her 3-year-old. While on<br />

her way to the elementary school to pick up her other children, a man stepped out of<br />

his car and shot her in the head. Alia Ansari died on the sidewalk still clutching the<br />

hand of her daughter. There appears to be no apparent motive <strong>for</strong> this crime, except<br />

<strong>for</strong> the fact that she was a Muslim woman wearing the traditional hijab (scarf) on her<br />

head<br />

29.10.<strong>2006</strong> WSWS 18 WSWS replies to charge of anti-Semitism in coverage of US-Israeli war on Lebanon -<br />

It is one of the tragic effects of Zionism that a section of the Jewish people, who have<br />

been historically associated with the struggle <strong>for</strong> human dignity and social progress<br />

against all <strong>for</strong>ms of racism, backwardness and oppression, should now adopt<br />

methods and ideologies indistinguishable from those of fascists and anti-Semites in<br />

an attempt to intimidate those opposed to Israel‘s crimes against the Lebanese and<br />

Palestinian peoples<br />

30.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 18 A reported anti-Semitic hate crime at the University of New Hampshire earlier this month never<br />

happened and the student who reported it has been arrested and charged with lying to<br />

authorities ... She told police two men shoved her up against a fence and used a number of anti-<br />

Semitic slurs related to Nazism<br />

03.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 18 an 'Antisemite' in today's use of the term in the media and public debate is no<br />

longer someone who hates Jews, but - the otherway round - someone the<br />

Jews hate<br />

04.11.<strong>2006</strong> NY_Sun 18 Five Jewish teenagers have been charged with hate crimes <strong>for</strong> attacking a<br />

Pakistani-American man with brass knuckles in the Midwood section of<br />

Brooklyn and calling him a "terrorist" - Didn't see this one on ABCNNBCBS<br />

05.11.<strong>2006</strong> Zundelsite 18 [Zundel-Process] All requests <strong>for</strong> defense expert witnesses and <strong>for</strong>ensic<br />

documents were brutally rejected. The mantra never changes: "The<br />

Holocaust can't be and will not be disputed. It is self-evident!"<br />

06.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 18 This crime is astonishing not only <strong>for</strong> its savage and unprovoked brutality and<br />

the young ages of the assailants, but also because only 5 of the 10-12 young<br />

men seen attacking the victim were charged {see 4.11.}<br />

11.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 18 Not to be outdone by any other racists on earth, followers of the late rabbi<br />

Meir Kahane characterized as 'holy' the cannon that killed 18 [Palestinians] in<br />

Gaza<br />

12.11.<strong>2006</strong> BBC 18 Yet another hate crime hoax? - Vandals have daubed Nazi swastikas on a<br />

war memorial in West Sussex - Every time Israel draws world criticism <strong>for</strong><br />

their attacks on the Palestinians, suddenly there is a convenient flurry of "Nazi<br />

vandals" to "remind" everyone that Israel is the world's victim<br />

16.11.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 18 Die SVP <strong>for</strong>dert die Abschaffung der Rassismusstrafnorm und der Rassismuskommission.<br />

Der Strafartikel habe sich nicht bewährt, beschneide die<br />

Meinungsäusserungsfreiheit und schaffe eine politische Tabuzone ... mit dem<br />

Holocaust oder dem Völkermord an den Armeniern plädierte Mörgeli dafür, die<br />

Leugner leugnen zu lassen. Die Rassismusstrafnorm habe noch keinen Leugner<br />

eines Besseren belehrt oder gar bekehrt<br />

17.11.<strong>2006</strong> MM 18 Germany has paid enough <strong>for</strong> implementing the Holocaust, and Israel has<br />

been given enough special treatment by that country in reparation, say 25<br />

German academics - Israel should be sending us money to pay <strong>for</strong> those<br />

families who lost providers in WW2

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