Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 204<br />

13.05.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 Darby said he believes no more than 140,000 Jewish people died in Europe<br />

during World War II, and most of them succumbed to typhus ... Darby said<br />

the figure [6 million] is a false claim of the "Holocaust industry" ... Larry Darby,<br />

the founder of the Atheist Law Center<br />

14.05.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 18 Das höchste Gericht Israels hat am Sonntag mit knapper Mehrheit ein Gesetz gegen<br />

eine Familienzusammenführung in Ehen mit Palästinensern gebilligt. 6 von 11<br />

Richtern in Jerusalem erklärten das Gesetz, das Menschenrechts-organisationen als<br />

rassistisch gebrandmarkt hatten, für rechtmässig<br />

14.05.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 "The state of Israel is in a state of war against the Palestinian Authority and<br />

its terror organizations. During a time of war a state has the right to prevent<br />

the entry of enemy citizens into its territory, even if he is married to a citizen<br />

of our state" [High-Courts reasoning]<br />

19.05.<strong>2006</strong> BBC 18 The French parliament has postponed debate on a bill that would make it a<br />

crime to deny that the mass killing of Armenians in 1915 was "genocide"<br />

19.05.<strong>2006</strong> Media Matters 18 Michael Savage declared that <strong>for</strong>mer President Jimmy Carter is a "Jew-hater"<br />

and a "war criminal" who "is like Hitler" because of his criticism of Israeli<br />

policies in the West Bank. Savage also called Carter a "communist, anti-<br />

American, anti-Semitic bastard" {Savage = idiot}<br />

21.05.<strong>2006</strong> X 18 Frankl, the celebrated survivor spent at most 3 days at Auschwitz ("We had<br />

to wear the same shirts <strong>for</strong> half a year, until they had lost all appearance of<br />

being shirts.") - "But if truth be told, Frankl's rendition is contradictory and<br />

profoundly deceptive."<br />

22.05.<strong>2006</strong> J_lem Post 18 Israel will boycott a European Union-sponsored conference on "Racism,<br />

Xenophobia and the Media" being held Monday in Vienna because the issue<br />

of anti-Semitism is not on the agenda<br />

24.05.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 18 A Canadian newspaper apologized <strong>for</strong> a story that said Iran planned to <strong>for</strong>ce<br />

Jews and other religious minorities to wear distinctive clothing to distinguish<br />

themselves from Muslims<br />

27.05.<strong>2006</strong> New York Sun 18 Boca Raton police on Friday charged a 17-year-old boy with defacing a car<br />

and a family bathroom at the Town Center mall with anti-Semitic messages ...<br />

he drew a swastika ... The teenage boy, who is Jewish, was not identified by<br />

police because of his age<br />

29.05.<strong>2006</strong> Reuters 18 Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told Germans they should no longer<br />

allow themselves to be held prisoner by a sense of guilt over the Holocaust<br />

and reiterated doubts that the Holocaust even happened<br />

31.05.<strong>2006</strong> X 18 Two weeks ago, Amir Taheri published an op-ed in Canada's National Post<br />

about an Iranian law that <strong>for</strong>ced Jews to wear a yellow stripe {the Post<br />

excused!}. Apparently this is just the sort of reliable advice that Bush needs.<br />

Yesterday, Taheri had a face-to-face with the President as one of a small<br />

group of "experts" on Iraq that visited the White House<br />

02.06.<strong>2006</strong> der Spiegel 18 spiegel interview with President Ahmadinejad - "We are posing two very clear<br />

questions. The first is: Did the Holocaust actually take place? You answer this<br />

question in the affirmative. So, the second question is: Whose fault was it? The<br />

answer to that has to be found in Europe and not in Palestine. It is perfectly clear: If<br />

the Holocaust took place in Europe, one also has to find the answer to it in Europe" -<br />

Is the history of WW2 being used as a blindfold, to hide our eyes from genocides and<br />

atrocities taking place today?<br />

02.06.<strong>2006</strong> X 18 The first cracks in the political and legal edifice to protect the Holocaust industry from cri-ticism<br />

have started to appear & are likely to widen over time. So far there has been con-demnation of<br />

Ahmedinejad ... but no threat of legal action against Der Spiegel. If this pub-lished interview<br />

remains unchallenged in the courts then it should now be permissible in Germany to report the<br />

views of Holocaust revisionists .. as the revisionists themselves are not German ... Germans,<br />

hitherto <strong>for</strong>bidden from discussing these issues, might now do so simply by quoting what others<br />

have said without adding their own opinion/judgment<br />

05.06.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 18 Nach den Festnahmen von 17 Terrorverdächtigen in Toronto haben Unbekann-te am<br />

Sonntag eine Moschee in der kanadischen Metropole verwüstet<br />

05.06.<strong>2006</strong> Forbes 18 Israel Jails [~220] Sudanese Refugees ... fled massacres and religious<br />

persecution ... are not eligible <strong>for</strong> asylum here because Israel considers their<br />

country .. to be an "enemy state"<br />

06.06.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 the Foundation <strong>for</strong> the Welfare of Holocaust Survivors said the fund had been<br />

<strong>for</strong>ced to halt assistance to needy survivors because the Finance Ministry has<br />

transferred only NIS 5.8 million of the NIS 14 million that Prime Minister Ehud<br />

Olmert had promised. "It is inconceivable that in the State of Israel there<br />

should be survivors who suffer the shame of hunger"

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