Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 202<br />

16.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 18 Nach einem erneuten Eklat hat das Landgericht Mannheim hat den Prozess gegen<br />

den Holocaust-Leugner Ernst Zündel vertagt. Der Vorsitzende Richter Ulrich<br />

Meinerzhagen warf der Wahlverteidigerin des Angeklagten "empörendes und<br />

unerträgliches Verhalten" vor ... Der Prozess soll nun am 9. März <strong>for</strong>tgesetzt werden<br />

19.02.<strong>2006</strong> nkusa.org/ 18 NETUREI KARTA - Jews United Against Zionism - One of Israel's biggest<br />

myths is that it speaks <strong>for</strong> and represents the entire Jewish people around the<br />

world ... this is a slight exaggeration<br />

19.02.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 18 The European Jewish Congress is set to file a complaint in the Int. Criminal<br />

Court against the Iranian President .. <strong>for</strong> incitement to genocide<br />

20.02.<strong>2006</strong> Welt 18 Politiker <strong>for</strong>dern Absetzung des Kinofilms "Tal der Wölfe" - Stoiber spricht<br />

von rassistischem und antiwestlichen Hass-Film. Auch der Zentralrat der<br />

Juden in Deutschland appelliert an alle Kinobesitzer, den Film so<strong>for</strong>t abzusetzen<br />

... In dem Film geht es um die Verschleppung türkischer Soldaten<br />

durch amerikanische Elitetruppen im Nordirak<br />

20.02.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 18 David Irving pleaded guilty to criminal charges of denying the Holocaust and<br />

conceded he erred in contending there were no Nazi gas chambers at<br />

Auschwitz ... Irving's trial comes amid new .. debate over freedom of<br />

expression in Europe [cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad]<br />

20.02.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 18 Irving: most of the people who died at concentration camps such as<br />

Auschwitz were not murdered but rather succumbed to typhus and other<br />

diseases<br />

20.02.<strong>2006</strong> BBC 18 Irving Sentenced to 3 Years in Vienna - "Eppur si muove" (Galileo)<br />

20.02.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 18 US demand to open to scholars and researchers ... Based in part on documents<br />

gathered by Allied <strong>for</strong>ces as they liberated Nazi concentration camps, the stock of<br />

files held by the organization stretches <strong>for</strong> about 15.5 miles, and holds in<strong>for</strong>mation on<br />

17.5 million people - <strong>for</strong> the last 15 years it has been the historians that wanted the<br />

archives opened, and the Jewish lobbies allied with the US and German<br />

governments who wanted them kept closed<br />

23.02.<strong>2006</strong> BBC 18 An Israeli lawyer, Ervin Shahar, says he has asked Germany to charge<br />

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with denying the Holocaust.<br />

Weren't these the same people that insisted Ariel Sharon should be immune<br />

from prosecution <strong>for</strong> the Sabra and Shatilla massacres because he was a<br />

head of state?<br />

24.02.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 18 The London Mayor Ken Livingstone was found guilty of bringing his office into<br />

disrepute by comparing a Jewish reporter to a Nazi concentration camp<br />

guard. He was suspended <strong>for</strong> 4 weeks from 1 March ... The panel has still to<br />

decide Mr Livingstone's punishment<br />

24.02.<strong>2006</strong> BBC 18 London's mayor has been suspended .. <strong>for</strong> 4 weeks <strong>for</strong> comparing a Jewish<br />

journalist to a concentration camp guard - that the reporter was being a pushy<br />

and obnoxious fool at the time and clearly provoked the Mayor seems to have<br />

been conveniently <strong>for</strong>gotten<br />

26.02.<strong>2006</strong> Aljazeera 18 Livingstone defended his remarks, saying that he was simply expressing<br />

honestly-held political view about the Evening Standard's right-wing owners,<br />

Associated Newspapers, asserting that he didn‘t mean to offend the Jewish<br />

community ... "Un-elected officials should not be able to suspend a<br />

democratically elected Mayor unless he is guilty of a significant offense"<br />

26.02.<strong>2006</strong> Telegraph 18 Valley of the Wolves, by the Turkish director Serdan Akar, shows crazed<br />

American GIs massacring innocent guests at a wedding party - The film is<br />

condemned as "virulently anti-Semitic", with no concern at all that it is clearly<br />

anti-US occupation<br />

27.02.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 18 Ken Livingstone will today go to the high court to challenge both his suspension from office by<br />

the Adjudication Panel and its finding that he brought his office into disrepute ... argued that the<br />

Adjudication Panel had no right to consider suspension because he neither broke the law nor<br />

was guilty of dishonesty<br />

01.03.<strong>2006</strong> FAZ 18 High Court stellte nun fest, zunächst müsse über Livingstones gerichtli-chen<br />

Einspruch gegen die Suspendierung entschieden werden<br />

06.03.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 18 In order not to provoke Jewish protests, "Paradise Now" (Palestine) was, as<br />

espected, not awarded an Oscar <strong>for</strong> the best <strong>for</strong>eign film<br />

09.03.<strong>2006</strong> Wash Post 18 Muslims and Jews were invited to serve on the Illinois State Commission on<br />

Discrimination and Hate Crimes. All 5 departing members are Jewish<br />

09.03.<strong>2006</strong> J_lem Post 18 The middle ages taught us all a hard lesson that when you paid witch hunters to hunt witches,<br />

they would point to benign and innocuous behaviors and denounce the witch, in order to keep<br />

getting paid. So it appears to be with all these anti-Semitism experts who are paid to see anti-<br />

Semitism, and unsurprisingly, see it everywhere

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