Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 2 07.01.2006 X 1 Bush made a big show of returning $6,000 paid to him by notorious influence peddler Jack Abramoff. But what about the other $100,000 that "Casino Jack" slipped in during the President's 2004 re-election campaign to buy influence in the shaping of Administration policy? 07.01.2006 X 1 Give us the cell phone number and we will send you the calls made from the cell phone number [110$] 08.01.2006 Telegraph 1 British law firm [James & Sarch [ dissolved in 2000] is at the centre of the investigation into America's biggest influence-buying scandal in decades 08.01.2006 Raw Story 1 Bush trying to round up all photos of President with Abramoff - If you have any photos ... email them in and I will permanently post 08.01.2006 BAZ 1 Das jordanische Parlament hat am Sonntag einem umstrittenen Abkom-men zugestimmt, das US-Bürgern in Jordanien Immunität vor einer Strafverfolgung durch den Internationalen Gerichtshof (IStGH) gewährt 08.01.2006 X 1 The Missing Money - Articles & Documents - "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions" Donald Rumsfeld, CBS News, January 2002 08.01.2006 USA Today 1 In Bush's first 10 months, … Abramoff logged ~200 contacts with the new adm. as they pressed for friendly hires at federal agencies & sought to keep the North. Mariana Islands exempt from the min. wage and other laws 10.01.2006 X 1 for every dollar you bribe a congresscritter with, you can expect back $15.57 in increased business 10.01.2006 Uruknet 1 [Senator Frank Church:] "if a dictator ever took over, the NSA "could enab-le [him] to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back" 10.01.2006 X 1 [NSA] warned the incoming Bush administration in its "Transition 2001" report that the Information Age required rethinking the policies and authorities that kept the NSA in compliance with the Constitution's 4th Amendment prohibition on "unreasonable searches and seizures" without warrant and "probable cause" 11.01.2006 Raw Story 1 The NSA has been spying on a Baltimore anti-war group ... going so far as to document the inflating of protesters' balloons, and intended to deploy units trained to detect weapons of mass destruction 11.01.2006 X 1 Did you know that Jack Abramoff and Karl Rove shared an executive assistant? 12.01.2006 BAZ 1 Bush hat den von ihm genehmigten umstrittenen Lauschangriff auf US- Bürger erneut verteidigt ... "Als Oberbefehlshaber im Kriegszustand habe ich das Recht, notwendige Massnahmen zum Schutz des amerikanischen Volkes zu ergreifen" 13.01.2006 X 1 Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose marti-al law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits deployment of US troops on Am. streets. This gives him absolute dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances 13.01.2006 Reuters 1 White House sees 2006 budget gap over $400 billion – {claimed to be caused by hurricanes, no word about Iraq} 13.01.2006 X 1 Bush Authorized Domestic Spying before 9/11 - Which proves two things: Bush wasn‘t using "terror" as a reason to spy on Americans, and such intensive spying did not prevent 9-11 anyway 14.01.2006 Telepolis 1 Geheimer Geheimdienst: Außerhalb jeder parlamentarischen Kontrolle - Die NSA hat einen ehemaligen Mitarbeiter davor gewarnt, über die geheimen Lauschprogramme vor den Geheimdienstausschüssen des Kongresses zu berichten – deren Mitglieder seien nicht ausreichend vom Geheimdienst überprüft worden 14.01.2006 Uruknet 1 In Orwell‘s 1984, Big Brother only surveilled Inner and Outer Party members.The proles ... did not have telescreens in their homes, although on occasion the Thought Police would track down and eliminate a few proles who demonstrated the capacity to think for themselves. In Bushzarro world, the state snoop apparatus .. indiscriminately surveils everybody and then uses sophisticated computer algorithms (called "artificial intelligence") to ferret thought crimes out of the massive amount of captured data 14.01.2006 X 1 52% to 43% Americans want Congress to impeach President Bush if he wiretapped American citizens without a judge's approval 14.01.2006 X 1 Zogby: Bush's Poll Numbers Dipping Again - "Quick! Call 'Al Qaeda' and tell them we need another popularity booster special!" 15.01.2006 Kurt Nimmo 1 Bush Senior attempted to back off somewhat on the Zionist influence that gained momentum under Reagan and this effort may have cost him the election … As a recent example of the fact the US gov. acts foremost in the interest of Israel and the Zionists, consider Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice‘s threats against the … gov. of Norway

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 3 15.01.2006 Telepolis 1 Der Eindruck verdichtet sich jedenfalls, dass man im Pentagon dazu neigt, ge-mäß der Bush-Doktrin der Präventivschläge erst einmal die Raketen abzu-schießen und dann zu schauen, wen man dabei getötet hat ... Man müsste sich solche Aktionen nur .. in Deutschland vorstellen {Einsatz von Dronen } 15.01.2006 Rense 1 a global Abramoff network involving Russian-Israeli criminal syndicates that were involved in laundering money through Sun Cruz casino boats in Florida, casinos on Indian tribal lands in the United States, West Bank of Palestine, the Greek isle of Patroclos (which involved Israeli land developer David Appel and Gilad Sharon), a Sun Cruz casino ship in Saipan, an Internet gambling and lottery venture in Guam, and casinos in the Philippines, Sharm el Sheikh in the Sinai, pachinko slot machines and casinos in Japan, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Canada, Virgin Islands, South Africa, and Atlantic City, New Jersey 15.01.2006 Independant 1 Blair okays phone tapping of MPs - Anyone want to explain why MPs are now "terror suspects"? 16.01.2006 X 1 Is Abramoff getting away with murder? - Writing a ¼ million $ worth of checks to Mafia hit men who are later charged with the murder of the check-writer‘s biggest enemy ... is just another in a long line of "freak coincidences" in South Florida 16.01.2006 X 1 Given the continuing controversy over the large exit poll/vote count discrepancies in the 2004 presidential election, the number of computer ―glitches" primarily favoring one candidate over the other, and allegations that electronic vote tampering may have been responsible, a scientific method for 17.01.2006 Houston Chronicle analyzing exit poll data appears essential 1 Al Gore accused Bush of breaking the law by authorizing wiretaps on US citizens without court warrants and called on Congress to reassert its oversight responsibilities on a "shameful exercise of power" by the White House 17.01.2006 NY Times 1 In the anxious months after [9/11], NSA began sending a steady stream of telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and names to the FBI in search of terrorists … requiring hundreds of agents to check out thousands of tips a month. But virtually all of them led to dead ends or innocent Americans 18.01.2006 Libertyforum 1 One of the most noteworthy comments was that the Government had specified 60 Terabytes of monthly storage for digital versions of conversations {~5 million conversations/month} 18.01.2006 Boston 1 since 9/11, dissent of almost any kind has been labeled as unpatriotic, and even reasoned debate on hot button social issues is viewed as dangerously controversial … issues clearly affecting their campuses, like financial aid 19.01.2006 X 1 Repr. Louise Slaughter D-NY reveals that Tom DeLay and Bill Frist had daytraders working in their offices. The traders were making money on insider information of pending legislation 20.01.2006 Raw Story 1 Justice Department to declare warrantless wiretaps legal 20.01.2006 Pravda 1 It was not surprising to discover that George W. Bush chose to illegally spy on American citizens … Why did it take so long? 20.01.2006 Yahoo 1 A conservative alumni group dedicated to "exposing the most radical professors" at the UCLA is offering to pay students $100 to record classroom lectures of suspect faculty - "Radical" being those professors unwilling to see those students maimed in wars started with lies 21.01.2006 Wash Post 1 The Justice Department may have done us all a big favor by issuing subpoenas to Internet search engines to find out what people are researching online … the request -- and Google's refusal to fork over its search data -- is putting a helpful public spotlight on the vast amount of personal information being stored 21.01.2006 Uruknet 1 The Bush administration has asked a federal judge to force Google to release a "broad range of material," incl. a request for "1 million random Web addresses and records of all Google searches from any one-week period." This information is needed, we are told, to protect children from pornography 21.01.2006 Bellaciao 1 Real Reasons Why The United States Makes War - the aggressive foreign policies we are seeing, the covert activities and the military strong arming used against other nations by the US are actions used to coerce, intimidate and force others into submission ... in order to plunder a targeted nation‘s natural resources and to create a conduit for profitable illegal activities 22.01.2006 Uruknet 1 In the months before 9/11, thousands of American citizens were inadvertently swept up in wiretaps, had their emails monitored, and were being watched as they surfed the Internet by spies at [NSA], former NSA and counterterrorism officials said … with full knowledge of the White House 22.01.2006 TIME 1 When George Met Jack - White House aides deny the President knew lobbyist Abramoff, but unpublished photos shown to TIME suggest there's more to the story {screenshot prevent being orwellized} 25.01.2006 Capitolhill 1 The criminal conspiracy that destroys America … the President of the US is a criminal. In fact, he should be arrested, tried and sentenced to life in prison

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 2<br />

07.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 Bush made a big show of returning $6,000 paid to him by notorious influence<br />

peddler Jack Abramoff. But what about the other $100,000 that "Casino Jack"<br />

slipped in during the President's 2004 re-election campaign to buy influence<br />

in the shaping of Administration policy?<br />

07.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 Give us the cell phone number and we will send you the calls made from the<br />

cell phone number [110$]<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> Telegraph 1 British law firm [James & Sarch [ dissolved in 2000] is at the centre of the<br />

investigation into America's biggest influence-buying scandal in decades<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 1 Bush trying to round up all photos of President with Abramoff - If you have<br />

any photos ... email them in and I will permanently post<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 1 Das jordanische Parlament hat am Sonntag einem umstrittenen Abkom-men<br />

zugestimmt, das US-Bürgern in Jordanien Immunität vor einer<br />

Strafverfolgung durch den Internationalen Gerichtshof (IStGH) gewährt<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 The Missing Money - Articles & Documents - "According to some estimates<br />

we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions" Donald Rumsfeld, CBS News,<br />

January 2002<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> USA Today 1 In Bush's first 10 months, … Abramoff logged ~200 contacts with the new<br />

adm. as they pressed <strong>for</strong> friendly hires at federal agencies & sought to keep<br />

the North. Mariana Islands exempt from the min. wage and other laws<br />

10.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 <strong>for</strong> every dollar you bribe a congresscritter with, you can expect back $15.57<br />

in increased business<br />

10.01.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 1 [Senator Frank Church:] "if a dictator ever took over, the NSA "could enab-le<br />

[him] to impose total tyranny, and there would be no way to fight back"<br />

10.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 [NSA] warned the incoming Bush administration in its "Transition 2001"<br />

report that the In<strong>for</strong>mation Age required rethinking the policies and authorities<br />

that kept the NSA in compliance with the Constitution's 4th Amendment<br />

prohibition on "unreasonable searches and seizures" without warrant and<br />

"probable cause"<br />

11.01.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 1 The NSA has been spying on a Baltimore anti-war group ... going so far as to<br />

document the inflating of protesters' balloons, and intended to deploy units<br />

trained to detect weapons of mass destruction<br />

11.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 Did you know that Jack Abramoff and Karl Rove shared an executive<br />

assistant?<br />

12.01.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 1 Bush hat den von ihm genehmigten umstrittenen Lauschangriff auf US-<br />

Bürger erneut verteidigt ... "Als Oberbefehlshaber im Kriegszustand habe ich<br />

das Recht, notwendige Massnahmen zum Schutz des amerikanischen<br />

Volkes zu ergreifen"<br />

13.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 Bush has signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose marti-al<br />

law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act that<br />

prohibits deployment of US troops on Am. streets. This gives him absolute<br />

dictatorial power over the government with no checks and balances<br />

13.01.<strong>2006</strong> Reuters 1 White House sees <strong>2006</strong> budget gap over $400 billion – {claimed to be<br />

caused by hurricanes, no word about Iraq}<br />

13.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 Bush Authorized Domestic Spying be<strong>for</strong>e 9/11 - Which proves two things:<br />

Bush wasn‘t using "terror" as a reason to spy on Americans, and such<br />

intensive spying did not prevent 9-11 anyway<br />

14.01.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 1 Geheimer Geheimdienst: Außerhalb jeder parlamentarischen Kontrolle - Die<br />

NSA hat einen ehemaligen Mitarbeiter davor gewarnt, über die geheimen<br />

Lauschprogramme vor den Geheimdienstausschüssen des Kongresses zu<br />

berichten – deren Mitglieder seien nicht ausreichend vom Geheimdienst<br />

überprüft worden<br />

14.01.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 1 In Orwell‘s 1984, Big Brother only surveilled Inner and Outer Party members.The proles ... did<br />

not have telescreens in their homes, although on occasion the Thought Police would track down<br />

and eliminate a few proles who demonstrated the capacity to think <strong>for</strong> themselves. In Bushzarro<br />

world, the state snoop apparatus .. indiscriminately surveils everybody and then uses<br />

sophisticated computer algorithms (called "artificial intelligence") to ferret thought crimes out of<br />

the massive amount of captured data<br />

14.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 52% to 43% Americans want Congress to impeach President Bush if he<br />

wiretapped American citizens without a judge's approval<br />

14.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 Zogby: Bush's Poll Numbers Dipping Again - "Quick! Call 'Al Qaeda' and tell<br />

them we need another popularity booster special!"<br />

15.01.<strong>2006</strong> Kurt Nimmo 1 Bush Senior attempted to back off somewhat on the Zionist influence that gained momentum<br />

under Reagan and this ef<strong>for</strong>t may have cost him the election … As a recent example of the fact<br />

the US gov. acts <strong>for</strong>emost in the interest of Israel and the Zionists, consider Secretary of State<br />

Condoleezza Rice‘s threats against the … gov. of Norway

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