Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 195<br />

30.09.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 The US Congress approved an additional $500 million <strong>for</strong> developing joint<br />

defense projects with Israel ... incl. the development of a short-range missile<br />

interception system, navigation systems <strong>for</strong> missiles and combat aircraft, and<br />

aerial drones. The money is not part of the regular military aid to Israel, which<br />

currently stands at >$2 billion {allies after the lost war}<br />

05.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 16 Bush Opposed to Israeli Withdrawal from the Golan<br />

06.10.<strong>2006</strong> Rense 16 When Chertoff was asked why DHS had chosen the Boeing-led group he<br />

declined to comment ... the Boeing team includes an Israeli military<br />

subcontractor which will play a key role in "securing" the US border<br />

12.10.<strong>2006</strong> Wash Post 16 2 major American Jewish organizations helped block a prominent NY<br />

University historian from speaking at the Polish consulate here, saying the<br />

academic was too critical of Israel and American Jewry - freedom of speech:<br />

You are free to say all the nice things about Israel you want to<br />

12.10.<strong>2006</strong> X 16 Most Americans don‘t know that the U.S. gives $15,139,178 per day to the<br />

Israeli gov. and $232,290 per day to Palestinian NGOs, and that the Israeli<br />

unemployment rate is 8.9%, while the Palestinian is ~25-31%<br />

20.10.<strong>2006</strong> Canada.com 16 Prime Minister Stephen Harper mounted a vigorous defence on Wednesday<br />

of his government's Middle East policy, saying support <strong>for</strong> Israel is<br />

"fundamental to what this nation [Canada] has always stood <strong>for</strong>"<br />

30.10.<strong>2006</strong> Ynet News 16 Canadian Foreign minister Peter MacKay delivered a pro-Israel ... a threat on<br />

Israel meant a threat on Canada<br />

03.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 16 But somehow along the way, some of these organizations were hijacked by Zionists<br />

who equated Jewishness with being the loyal supporters of Israel. This minority<br />

group set about turning these lobbying groups‘ agendas from one of fighting against<br />

prejudice to one of working to advance Israel‘s interest. A large number of Jewish<br />

Americans naturally did not, and do not, agree with the aim of these Zionists. This<br />

silent majority is seen by the Zionists as false Jews who are traitors to the state of<br />

Israel<br />

04.11.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 Annan's office said in a statement the escalation and rising death toll were<br />

caused by the Israel Defense Forces operation in northern Gaza ... The [US]<br />

State Dept. said "the reason why all of this developed in the first place is<br />

because you have continuing attacks on Israel from Palestinian Authority<br />

areas"<br />

06.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 16 Mel Sembler, Mega-MOSSAD fund-raiser and Year 2000 election fixer, and<br />

now Joe Lieberman's bagman in Connecticut, has been linked directly to the<br />

British Intelligence <strong>for</strong>ged dossier ... The whistleblower is none other than<br />

mega-MOSSAD co-conspirator Michael Ledeen<br />

06.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 16 One congressional staff person was quoted as saying, "We can count on well over<br />

half the house, 250, to 300 members, to do reflexively what ever AIPAC wants." A<br />

new poll commissioned by the Council <strong>for</strong> the National Interest Foundation shows<br />

that a significant number of Americans are wary of the power of the Israel lobby, and<br />

believe it is behind the invasion of Iraq and the current belligerent tone of the White<br />

House and Congress toward Iran<br />

10.11.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 Italian members of the Eur. Parliament intend to embark on an int. campaign<br />

to further a proposal to include Israel in the European Union<br />

10.11.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 16 White House attempts to confirm Bolton be<strong>for</strong>e Dems take power<br />

10.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 16 FLASHBACK [25.7.06]: Pelosi Attacks Iraq's Prime Minister For Not<br />

Supporting Israel's Destruction Of Lebanon<br />

10.11.<strong>2006</strong> JTA 16 President Bush re-nominated John Bolton .. as ambassador to the UN<br />

10.11.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 16 AIPAC unphased by shift in Congress - "We own 'em all!"<br />

11.11.<strong>2006</strong> Kurt Nimmo 16 AIPAC reached nearly every lawmaker elected in mid-term congressional<br />

elections as part of its ef<strong>for</strong>t to educate political candidates on the value of<br />

the US-Israel relationship<br />

11.11.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 16 in fiscal 1997 alone, Israel received from a variety of other US federal<br />

budgets at least $525.8 million above and beyond its $3 billion from the<br />

<strong>for</strong>eign aid budget, and yet another $2 billion in federal loan guarantees [in]<br />

total .. <strong>for</strong> fiscal 1997 was $5,525,800,000 {loan never paid back}<br />

11.11.<strong>2006</strong> Ynet news 16 New immigrant: F22 stealth bomber? - After House of Representatives lifts ban on its<br />

sale, security establishment assesses jet may be offered to Israel<br />

11.11.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 IAF negotiates purchase of 100 F-35 fighter jets in $5 billion deal - Guess<br />

where the $5 billion comes from<br />

11.11.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 16 USA haben gegen einen arabischen UNO-Resolutionsentwurf gestimmt, in<br />

dem Israel für die Angriffe im Gazastreifen mit 18 Toten verurteilt wird ...<br />

Dänemark, Grossbritannien, Japan und die Slowakei - enthielten sich

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