Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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03.01.<strong>2006</strong> Counterpounch<br />

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 190<br />

16 Hillary Clinton, AIPAC and Iran - As the top Democratic recipient of pro-Israel<br />

funds <strong>for</strong> the <strong>2006</strong> election cycle thus far, … Senator Clinton now has Iran in<br />

her cross-hairs<br />

05.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 16 ThyssenKrupp baut unter anderem die U-Boote der Dolphin-Klasse für Israel ... Auch<br />

Außenminister Fischer habe der Lieferung zugestimmt ... Das Geschäft sei mit der<br />

künftigen Kanzlerin, Angela Merkel ... Abgestimmt<br />

06.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 16 Jack Abramoff, ―Super Zionist‖ – the crimes on the West Bank<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> LA Times 16 The whitewashing of Ariel Sharon - The 'man of courage and peace' story<br />

ignores his bloody and ruthless past<br />

11.01.<strong>2006</strong> Antiwar 16 ">$140,000 of [Abramoff‘s] foundation funds were actually sent to the Israeli West<br />

Bank where they were used by a Jewish settler … [<strong>for</strong>] purchases of camouflage<br />

suits, sniper scopes, night-vision binoculars, a thermal imager, and other material<br />

described in foundation records as 'security' equipment<br />

11.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 16 Abramoff refers to his clients, the Choctaw Indian tribe, as ‗monkeys‘ and implores<br />

Rabbi Daniel Lapin to appoint him a ‗Scholar of Talmudic Studies‘ to gain entrance<br />

into a Washington, DC social club. Even more troubling are e-mails concerning<br />

Abramoff‘s funding of a sniper school <strong>for</strong> West Bank settlers<br />

14.01.<strong>2006</strong> JTA 16 103 Congress members to Israel in 2005 - How many of your<br />

congresscritters did you see in YOUR neighborhood?<br />

22.01.<strong>2006</strong> Liberty<strong>for</strong>um 16 In the wake of the Jack Abramoff scandal, Jewish groups are closely<br />

watching plans to restrict lawmakers' lobbyist-sponsored travel, which could<br />

have a devastating impact on Israel trips that build support <strong>for</strong> the Jewish<br />

state in Congress<br />

23.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 16 Israel has allocated most US military aid until 2009, and wishes to defer loan<br />

payments<br />

26.01.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 The chairman and executive director of the Davos World Economic Forum<br />

offered a sweeping apology to all delegates <strong>for</strong> an article calling <strong>for</strong> the<br />

boycott of Israel that appeared in a prestigious magazine issued by the <strong>for</strong>um<br />

… The two-page article in question was headlined "boycott Israel." Written by<br />

American academic Mazin Qumsiyeh<br />

26.01.<strong>2006</strong> Wash Post 16 Bush … warned that [Hamas] cannot be a "partner in peace" if it continues to<br />

advocate the destruction of Israel {Hsub warned that Israel cannot be a<br />

„partner in peace‟ if they continue destruction of Palestine and violence<br />

toward its legal population}<br />

28.01.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 16 Bush hat mit einer Einstellung der Hilfen für die Palästinenser gedroht ... Seit<br />

1993 haben die USA den Palästinensern 1,7 Mrd. $ gegeben {im glei-chen<br />

Zeitraum Israel direkt > 30} ... falls Israel den Palästinensern zuste-hende<br />

monatliche Steuerüberweisungen von 40 bis 50 Mio. $ einbehalte<br />

29.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 16 The Indian leaders were furious when they discovered they had been used to<br />

oppress another dispossessed indigenous people, the Palestinians - More<br />

indications that Abramoff may have been ... an agent <strong>for</strong> Israel<br />

08.02.<strong>2006</strong> Globes 16 $2.5b aid <strong>for</strong> Israel in Bush 2007 budget - military aid is increased by $60<br />

million a year, up to a ceiling of $2.4 billion, and civilian aid is cut by $120<br />

million a year, until it is finally eliminated. 2007 will be the last year in which<br />

Israel will receive US civilian aid<br />

10.02.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer dismissed a call <strong>for</strong> Israel to<br />

be given NATO membership as a "security umbrella" to protect it from any<br />

threats from Iran [as suggested by the] Italian Defense Minister<br />

10.02.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 Pressure exerted by Jewish organizations in the US [AIPAC & ADL] has<br />

succeeded in preventing an American Association of University Professors<br />

conference [in Italy], in which a number of supporters of an academic boycott<br />

on Israel were scheduled to take part<br />

14.02.<strong>2006</strong> Welt 16 Steinmeier betont "unaufkündbare Solidarität" mit Israel<br />

01.03.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 16 A New York theatre company has put off plans to stage a play about an<br />

American activist killed by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza because of the current<br />

"political climate" - a decision the play's British director, Alan Rickman,<br />

denounced as "censorship"<br />

01.03.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 The Anti-Defamation League is demanding the Am. Adm. prevent a Dubaiowned<br />

corporation from operating seaports in the US until the UAE issues an<br />

official statement indicating it has abandoned the boycott of Israel<br />

01.03.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 16 A group of Israelis ... appealed to organisers of next week's Academy Awards<br />

{<strong>for</strong> Oscar} to disqualify a film exploring the reasoning behind [suicide<br />


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