Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 18 16.06.2006 Raw Story 1 The Safe Drinking Water Act makes it voluntary for plumbing companies to comply with national standards. If your water is tainted with lead, there isn't much you can do about it. The manufacturer probably won't be liable and probably can't be suedThe Safe Drinking Water Act makes it voluntary for plumbing companies to comply with national standards. If your water is tainted with lead, there isn't much you can do about it. The manufacturer probably won't be liable and probably can't be sued 18.06.2006 Boston Globe 1 Secrecy in court shuts out defense - Witnesses testified under assumed names, the public was barred from the courtroom, and part of the hearing was held in the judge's chambers, with defense lawyers shut out 19.06.2006 Raw Story 1 Federal contracts up 86% under Bush; Halliburton rises 600% 20.06.2006 X 1 In 2002, a bankrupt Bethlehem Steel stunned 100,000 workers with the news it would no longer back their pensions ... a brutal year during which companies dropped responsibility for 157 pension plans ... since [then] 467 companies have joined those who can't -- or won't -- honor pledges to retirees 20.06.2006 Raw Story 1 According to the Int. Campaign to Ban Landmines, Pentagon is preparing for the development of new types of antipersonnel landmines called "Spider." 21.06.2006 Raw Story 1 Merrill Apparently Shot Himself On the Bay – [the publisher] was found with a small anchor tied around one or both ankles and what investigators believe was a shotgun wound to the head, according to a source familiar with the investigation. The [anonymous] source said Merrill had bought a shotgun in 21.06.2006 Global Research recent weeks 1 Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY), introduced on 14.02.06 a bill ... "all persons in the United States, including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a [two year] period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, and for other purposes." [since then] There has been a deafening silence [in US media] 23.06.2006 CBS 1 [2005] Japan spent $42 billion. Italy spent $28 billion, Russia spent only $19 billion. The United States spent $455 billion [on military] ... We have >10,000 nuclear weapons ... 1,155,000 enlisted 23.06.2006 LA Times 1 US gov, without the knowledge of many banks, has engaged for years in a secret effort to track terrorist financing by accessing a vast database of confidential information on transfers of money between banks worldwide ... John Snow called it "regrettable" that the program had been made public. "That can only help the terrorists" 23.06.2006 NY Times 1 White House vigorously defended a secret program of combing through a vast international database containing banking transactions involving thousands of Americans Cheney said the program was both legal and necessary to deter terrorism 23.06.2006 NY Times 1 Bank Data Is Sifted by US in Secret to Block Terror {not revealed as a consequence of any success!} 23.06.2006 Wash Post 1 Don Goldwater [said] he wanted to hold undocumented immigrants in camps to use them "as labor in the construction of a wall and to clean the areas of the Arizona desert that they're polluting" 24.06.2006 Telepolis 1 Die Bush-Regierung versucht, den Lauschangriff auf die int. Finanzdaten, des-sen Aufdeckung sie nicht verhindern konnte, zu rechtfertigen, Legitimation, so die kaum rechtsstaatliche Begründung der fürsorglichen Big-Brother-Regie-rung, ergebe sich durch den Erfolg, aber auch der scheint nicht groß zu sein 25.06.2006 Guardian 1 Republican moderates are turning their backs on the neocons and defecting to the enemy {Problem: that‘s what we want to believe} 25.06.2006 Canada 1 King, a New York Republican, said he would write Attorney General Alberto Gonzales urging that the country's chief law enforcer "begin an investigation and prosecution of the New York Times - the reporters, the editors and the publisher. "We're at war, and for the Times to release information about secret operations and methods is treasonous," King told AP - according to the U. S. Constitution, ONLY Congress can declare war, which they did not do in the cases of the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan 25.06.2006 X 1 Bill would drop military aid ban against countries not signing ICC immunity deals - Dropping the ban would allow officers from certain Latin America and Caribbean countries to once again receive training in the US 27.06.2006 Telepolis 1 Die ohne richterliche Genehmigung erfolgte Durchsuchung von Datenbergen über internationale Finanztransaktionen durch die CIA war spätestens Ende 2002 öffentlich bekannt, nur kümmerte sich damals in der Terrorhysterie niemand darum

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 19 29.06.2006 Wash Post 1 The report concluded that the three major electronic voting systems in use have significant security and reliability vulnerabilities. But it added that most of these vulnerabilities can be overcome by auditing printed voting records to spot irregularities. And while 26 states require paper records of votes - ALL states should have paper trails for voting machines 30.06.2006 Antiwar 1 US is a recovering nucleo-holic. It used 60 years ago and has miraculously stayed "sober" ever since. But lately it has been drifting dangerously close to using again ... it will be that much harder to stay sober the 2nd time around 01.07.2006 Telepolis 1 In einer mehrheitlich angenommenen Resolution des US- Repräsentantenhauses werden die Zeitungen, besonders die New York Times, angegriffen, weil sie das Programm zur Überwachung der internationalen Finanztransaktionen bekannt machten und damit der Regierung im Krieg gegen den Terrorismus in den Rücken gefallen sind 01.07.2006 WRH 1 What people see from the US these days is: Raw aggression against sovereign countries, expressed as pre-emptive wars because its own economy is shaky. The absolute contempt in which this Administration holds most of its citizens. The breaking of innumerable treaties and covenants. Torture. {Social injustice. Indiscriminate support of Israel. Undemocratic foundation. Orwellian control of own people and stretching abroad. Widespread ignorance. 9/11 – a government killing its own people} 01.07.2006 Raw Story 1 NSA asked AT&T Inc. to help it set up a domestic call monitoring site 7 months before [9/11], lawyers claimed 03.07.2006 X 1 Judge Jack Weinstein acknowledged [the men were] guilty of being the most corrupt cops in NYPD history ... "The evidence at trial overwhelmingly established the defendants' participation in a large number of heinous and violent crimes. Nevertheless . . . the five-year statute of limitations mandates granting the defendants a judgment of acquittal on the key charge against them: racketeering conspiracy," a decision that the judge admitted would appear "peculiar to many people." 03.07.2006 LA_Times 1 Jack Abramoff improperly obtained a top-secret FBI document and tried to use the information to aid his clients in the Pacific Island territories ... The lobbyist feared information in the document could be damaging to his clients' interests .. and he used his knowledge of its contents to warn them and to devise a counterattack 03.07.2006 Baltimore Sun 1 The Bush adm. admitted that it was conducting warrantless surveillance of the financial transactions of Americans and others only after newspapers exposed the program. According to some Republicans, the solution is to imprison journalists who blow the whistle on gov. wrongdoing 03.07.2006 X 1 North American Union - Happy Dependence Day! 04.07.2006 BAZ 1 In den USA können die Daten aller Sexualstraftäter des Landes künftig auf einer Internet-Seite eingesehen werden ... Die Datenbank umfasst nun 500'000 verurteilte Sexualstraftäter ... Bürgerrechtler .. fordern unter anderem, dass auch die Daten der Nutzer gespeichert werden, die auf die Website zugreifen 06.07.2006 USA today 1 The federal government will pay a Texas law school $1 million to do research aimed at rolling back the amount of sensitive data available to the press and public through freedom-of-information requests 07.07.2006 X 1 The White House, inspired by Vice President Dick Cheney, has argued that in time of great danger, the President has unlimited powers. If he cites national security, he can do whatever he wants -- ignore Congress, disobey laws, disregard the courts, override the Constitution's Bill of Rights, -- without being subject to any review. Separation of powers no longer exists under this view. The President need not consult Congress or the courts 07.07.2006 X 1 The Secret Service revealed 4 more visits to the White House in 2001 by disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, including one to see a domestic policy aide to Vice President Dick Cheney 12.07.2006 Raw Story 1 ~ 5 years after the 2001 attacks, the Dept. of Homeland Security still has been unable to produce a reliable list of critical national assets, considered a fundamental first step in developing a risk-based domestic security system 12.07.2006 X 1 The Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday heard testimony from Steven Bradbury, head of the Justice Department‘s office of legal counsel. When questioned .. on whether the President‘s interpretation of the Hamdan case was right or wrong, Bradbury replied, “The President is always right” 13.07.2006 Raw Story 1 The ACLU has filed a lawsuit challenging a provision of the Patriot Act that is being used to deny visas to foreign scholars whose political views the government disfavors ... the provision, known as the "ideological exclusion" provision, is being used to prevent US citizens and residents from hearing speech that is protected by the First Amendment

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 18<br />

16.06.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 1 The Safe Drinking Water Act makes it voluntary <strong>for</strong> plumbing companies to<br />

comply with national standards. If your water is tainted with lead, there isn't<br />

much you can do about it. The manufacturer probably won't be liable and<br />

probably can't be suedThe Safe Drinking Water Act makes it voluntary <strong>for</strong><br />

plumbing companies to comply with national standards. If your water is<br />

tainted with lead, there isn't much you can do about it. The manufacturer<br />

probably won't be liable and probably can't be sued<br />

18.06.<strong>2006</strong> Boston Globe 1 Secrecy in court shuts out defense - Witnesses testified under assumed<br />

names, the public was barred from the courtroom, and part of the hearing<br />

was held in the judge's chambers, with defense lawyers shut out<br />

19.06.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 1 Federal contracts up 86% under Bush; Halliburton rises 600%<br />

20.06.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 In 2002, a bankrupt Bethlehem Steel stunned 100,000 workers with the news it would<br />

no longer back their pensions ... a brutal year during which companies dropped<br />

responsibility <strong>for</strong> 157 pension plans ... since [then] 467 companies have joined those<br />

who can't -- or won't -- honor pledges to retirees<br />

20.06.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 1 According to the Int. Campaign to Ban Landmines, Pentagon is preparing <strong>for</strong> the<br />

development of new types of antipersonnel landmines called "Spider."<br />

21.06.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 1 Merrill Apparently Shot Himself On the Bay – [the publisher] was found with a<br />

small anchor tied around one or both ankles and what investigators believe<br />

was a shotgun wound to the head, according to a source familiar with the<br />

investigation. The [anonymous] source said Merrill had bought a shotgun in<br />

21.06.<strong>2006</strong> Global<br />

Research<br />

recent weeks<br />

1 Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY), introduced on 14.02.06 a bill ... "all persons in<br />

the United States, including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to per<strong>for</strong>m a [two<br />

year] period of military service or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the<br />

national defense and homeland security, and <strong>for</strong> other purposes." [since then] There<br />

has been a deafening silence [in US media]<br />

23.06.<strong>2006</strong> CBS 1 [2005] Japan spent $42 billion. Italy spent $28 billion, Russia spent only $19<br />

billion. The United States spent $455 billion [on military] ... We have >10,000<br />

nuclear weapons ... 1,155,000 enlisted<br />

23.06.<strong>2006</strong> LA Times 1 US gov, without the knowledge of many banks, has engaged <strong>for</strong> years in a<br />

secret ef<strong>for</strong>t to track terrorist financing by accessing a vast database of<br />

confidential in<strong>for</strong>mation on transfers of money between banks worldwide ...<br />

John Snow called it "regrettable" that the program had been made public.<br />

"That can only help the terrorists"<br />

23.06.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 1 White House vigorously defended a secret program of combing through a<br />

vast international database containing banking transactions involving<br />

thousands of Americans Cheney said the program was both legal and<br />

necessary to deter terrorism<br />

23.06.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 1 Bank Data Is Sifted by US in Secret to Block Terror {not revealed<br />

as a consequence of any success!}<br />

23.06.<strong>2006</strong> Wash Post 1 Don Goldwater [said] he wanted to hold undocumented immigrants in camps<br />

to use them "as labor in the construction of a wall and to clean the areas of<br />

the Arizona desert that they're polluting"<br />

24.06.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 1 Die Bush-Regierung versucht, den Lauschangriff auf die int. Finanzdaten, des-sen<br />

Aufdeckung sie nicht verhindern konnte, zu rechtfertigen, Legitimation, so die kaum<br />

rechtsstaatliche Begründung der fürsorglichen Big-Brother-Regie-rung, ergebe sich<br />

durch den Erfolg, aber auch der scheint nicht groß zu sein<br />

25.06.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 1 Republican moderates are turning their backs on the neocons and defecting<br />

to the enemy {Problem: that‘s what we want to believe}<br />

25.06.<strong>2006</strong> Canada 1 King, a New York Republican, said he would write Attorney General Alberto Gonzales<br />

urging that the country's chief law en<strong>for</strong>cer "begin an investigation and prosecution of<br />

the New York Times - the reporters, the editors and the publisher. "We're at war, and<br />

<strong>for</strong> the Times to release in<strong>for</strong>mation about secret operations and methods is<br />

treasonous," King told AP - according to the U. S. Constitution, ONLY Congress can<br />

declare war, which they did not do in the cases of the invasions of Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan<br />

25.06.<strong>2006</strong> X 1 Bill would drop military aid ban against countries not signing ICC immunity<br />

deals - Dropping the ban would allow officers from certain Latin America and<br />

Caribbean countries to once again receive training in the US<br />

27.06.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 1 Die ohne richterliche Genehmigung erfolgte Durchsuchung von Datenbergen<br />

über internationale Finanztransaktionen durch die CIA war spätestens Ende<br />

2002 öffentlich bekannt, nur kümmerte sich damals in der Terrorhysterie<br />

niemand darum

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