Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 161<br />

06.04.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 15 Israeli police today detained the Palestinian Authority's minister <strong>for</strong> Jerusalem affairs<br />

... had been arrested because, as a resident of Israeli-controlled Arab East<br />

Jerusalem, he is banned from entering the West Bank carrying an Israeli identity card<br />

07.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Hamas is ready <strong>for</strong> a two-state solution with Israel ... a position that would imply the<br />

militant group's recognition of Israel <strong>for</strong> the first time. The announcement came as<br />

Hamas has been sending go-betweens to Israel recently with an offer to reach an<br />

unofficial understanding on "quiet in return <strong>for</strong> quiet"<br />

07.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Israel Air Force aircraft struck a car carrying Palestinian militants in the<br />

southern Gaza Strip on Friday, killing four inside the vehicle and a small girl<br />

who was nearby<br />

08.04.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 15 Schweizer Diplomat Jean-Jacques Joris: Israel müsse zu viel mehr<br />

Konzessionen bereit sein, wenn nötig unter internationalem Druck ...<br />

Gleichzeitig seien aber in Israel viele Menschen kriegsmüde<br />

08.04.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 15 Abbas says Israel's plan to impose its final borders deep inside the occupied<br />

territories while expropriating large areas of Palestinian land <strong>for</strong> Jewish<br />

settlers will lead to another war in a decade<br />

08.04.<strong>2006</strong> X 15 Int. lawyers are looking <strong>for</strong> eyewitness testimony concerning the Israeli war<br />

crimes of house demolitions, killings, and torture. It is nice to go after the big<br />

wigs, but I think it would also be useful to nail a few of the Caterpillar drivers<br />

and child murderers<br />

08.04.<strong>2006</strong> Ynetnews 15 [26.2.06] IDF Gaza division commander, Brigadier-General Aviv Kochavi, has<br />

cancelled a leave to study in England, fearing he would be arrested and tried<br />

<strong>for</strong> alleged war crimes in the territories<br />

09.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Israel on high alert after IDF kills 16 Palestinians, mostly militants, in Gaza<br />

and West Bank in past 48 hours {who‘s making war?}<br />

09.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Olmert and ministers decide to sever all ties with PA, including with Fatah<br />

officials, until Hamas is ousted ... the convergence plan {next land grab}<br />

expects to begin implementing it in 2008 {declaration of war}<br />

09.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Israel to close joint security liaison offices in Jericho ... Last week, Israel<br />

announced it was ceasing security coordination in the Gaza Strip<br />

10.04.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 15 Israelische Soldaten haben bei einem neuerlichen Artillerieangriff im Gaza-streifen<br />

am Montag ein 8-jähriges palästinensisches Mädchen getötet. 13 weitere Kinder und<br />

Jugendliche wurden bei dem Angriff in Beit Lahija verletzt<br />

10.04.<strong>2006</strong> John Schou 15 Fortunately, I am not asked to recognize Israel‘s right to exist – because then,<br />

I should answer the question: ‗Do they deserve it?‘<br />

10.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Hamas: Israel severing security ties with PA is 'declaration of war' ... Abbas<br />

accusing Israel of breaking international law<br />

10.04.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 15 Israel to boycott inquest into death of British peace activist shot in Gaza -<br />

Tom Hurndall, 22, died after being shot in Rafah, Gaza, while trying to lead<br />

Palestinian children to safety after the soldier opened fire from a nearby<br />

observation tower in April 2003<br />

10.04.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 15 sergeant Taysir Hayb was convicted at an Israeli military court of manslaughter [of<br />

Tom Hurndall] and sentenced to 8 years in prison last year<br />

11.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Security <strong>for</strong>ces have arrested 90 Palestinians suspected of planning to carry<br />

out suicide bombings in the first 3 months of this year ... members of all<br />

Palestinian organizations except Hamas<br />

11.04.<strong>2006</strong> X 15 There has been no change in policy ... We will continue to fight them<br />

intensely, while trying to avoid hurting innocent civilians." {Hunting what can<br />

be compared to fireworks with real bombs}<br />

11.04.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 15 Nach der EU und den USA hat auch die UNO ihre Kontakte zur neuen Palästinenser-Regierung<br />

abgebrochen ... Als Mitglied des Nahost-Quartetts pocht auch die UNO darauf, dass die Hamas<br />

auf Gewalt verzichtet, bisherige Nahost- Vereinbarungen akzeptiert und das Ziel einer<br />

Zerstörung Israels aufgibt {Wenn Israel die gleichen 3 Bedingungen erfüllen würde} ...<br />

Russland .. kritisierte die Kürzung der Hilfen als Fehler. Seine Regierung werde ihre<br />

Unterstützung <strong>for</strong>tsetzen, erklärte Aussenminister Sergej Lawrow<br />

11.04.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 15 Israelische Schnellboote haben am Dienstag eine palästinensische<br />

Polizeiwache im Norden des Gazastreifens mit Granaten beschossen<br />

11.04.<strong>2006</strong> X 15 The shells keep falling ... It‘s like someone is banging a gong next to my ear<br />

every few minutes; sometimes 5 times a minute, like last night ... when they<br />

fall in Shija'iya east of Gaza City, they make my stomach drop. And I want to<br />

hide, but I don't know where<br />

11.04.<strong>2006</strong> Xinhuanet 15 Israel rejects Hamas long-term truce: official {they want war}<br />

12.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 British MP urges Israel sanctioned <strong>for</strong> killing of Britons<br />

12.04.<strong>2006</strong> Aljazeera 15 The Israeli cabinet unanimously declared ailing prime minister Ariel Sharon<br />

―permanently incapacitated‖

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