Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 154 29.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Senior Hamas officials, following their victory in the Palestinian parliamentary elections, are demanding to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel … Olmert will officially thank Merkel, who is considered very friendly toward Israel, for the German decision to provide Israel's navy with a new submarine {2?} 29.01.2006 Reuters 15 The architect of Israel's policy of assassinating Palestinian militants said Israel should hunt down wanted Hamas leaders even if they become ministers in a newly elected Palestinian government 30.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar told CNN ... if Israel "is ready to give us the na-tional demand to withdraw from the occupied area [in] '67; to release our detai-nees; to stop their aggression; to make geographic link between Gaza Strip and West Bank, at that time, with assurance from other sides, we are going to accept to establish our independent state at that time, and give us one or two, 10, 15 years time in order to see what is the real intention of Israel after that." 31.01.2006 BAZ 15 Die US-Regierung hat der radikal-islamischen Hamas-Bewegung erneut mit einem vollständigen politischen und finanziellen Boykott gedroht, falls die Palästinenserorganisation nicht Gewalt und Terror abschwören sollte ... Diese müsse dem Terrorismus abschwören, Israels Existenzrecht anerkennen, ihre Milizen entwaffnen und von der Gewalt abrücken 31.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Settlers who illegally commandeered Palestinian shops in Hebron's wholesale market completed their evacuation of the site on overnight Monday in accordance with a deal made with the state under which they would voluntarily leave their homes and be permitted to return legally later on 31.01.2006 X 15 Some Palestinians see the demands as a rejection of a democratic election and as siding with Israel. Others see hypocrisy. They say Israeli soldiers killed twice as many Palestinians last week alone - both of them children - as the number of Israelis killed by Hamas all last year ... Hamas is responsible for the murder of >400 Israelis. But since it declared a ceasefire a year ago the group has killed one Israeli, according to the Israeli government's own figures 31.01.2006 Guardian 15 The 9-year-old girl .. was behaving in a suspicious manner reminiscent of a terrorist - she got too close to the border fence - and so a soldier fired several bullets into the child ... Soldiers near Ramallah shot 13-year-old Munadel Abu Aaalia in the back as he walked along a road reserved for Jewish settlers with two friends. The army said the boys planned to throw rocks at Israeli cars, which the military defines as terrorism 31.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Right-wingers barricade themselves in illegal outpost, block West Bank roads, beat up Palestinians {Suggestion: release all arabs in illegal confinement, getting space in jails for the criminal settlers, thus solving 2 problems at once} 01.02.2006 Yahoo 15 Israel halts tax payments to Palestinians - So much for "the only functioning Democracy in the Middle East" 02.02.2006 Haaretz 15 High Court ordered the state prosecutor to explain why Israel won't alter the route of the separation fence where it passes over land belonging to the West Bank Palestinian village of Bil'in ... The Matityahu East neighborhood has 750 housing units and another 2,000 are planned. The lands on which the neighborhood is being constructed belong to Bil'in residents. Portions of the land were obtained using documents suspected to have been forged 03.02.2006 BAZ 15 Die Hamas sei bereit, alle Kirchen und christlichen Schulen im Gazastreifen von Mitgliedern der Hamas-Miliz Izzedin al-Kassam so lange bewachen zu lassen, bis die Polizei einer neuen Palästinenser-Regierung unterstellt sei 03.02.2006 Australian 15 Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are expected to send money to the Palestinian Authority within days to help it pay its employees after Israel stopped handing over tax payments 05.02.2006 Haaretz 15 Abbas is planning to transfer responsibility for all the Palestinian security forces to [his], out of reach of the cabinet ... Hamas said Abbas' move was designed to "empty the cabinet of content" 05.02.2006 BAZ 15 Bei einem israelischen Luftangriff auf Gaza-Stadt sind am mindestens 3 Palästinenser getötet worden ... Die israelischen Streitkräfte .. erklärten, dass das Gebäude zur Ausbildung von Extremisten benutzt wurde 05.02.2006 Haaretz 15 After delay, cabinet agrees to transfer [54 m$] to Palestinians Olmert decides, however, that future monthly transfers will be subject to Defence Minister's approval 05.02.2006 X 15 More than $14 billion has been spent on Israel's West Bank settlements during the past four decades 05.02.2006 BAZ 15 Die israelische Luftwaffe hat am Sonntagabend zwei mit Mitgliedern des Islamischen Jihads besetzte Autos in der Stadt Gaza .. Getötet 06.02.2006 Haaretz 15 In the month since Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke, there has been no improvement in his condition and no sign that he is likely to regain consciousness. He is still breathing with the aid of a respirator

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 155 06.02.2006 Guardian 15 The Palestinian attorney general said he had uncovered the theft or misuse of $700m of public funds, and suspects much more has gone missing ... his office has ordered 25 arrests to date and issued 10 international warrants ... in December, Abbas .. asked him to delay a public announcement about the investigation until after the election 06.02.2006 Haaretz 15 No new West Bank settlement outposts were established but the overall number of settlers did increase in 2005 ... 52 of the 102 [illegal] outposts were establ. since March 2001 ... 12,000 new residents moved into West Bank settlements in 2005 06.02.2006 Guardian 15 Israelis have always been horrified at the idea of parallels between their country ... and the racist system that ruled the old South Africa. Yet even within Israel itself, accusations persist that the web of controls affecting every aspect of Palestinian life bears a disturbing resemblance to apartheid 07.02.2006 Haaretz 15 a new movement has formed in the Arab sector with an aim to organize an election boycott {making it more easy for Likudniks to control Knesset} 07.02.2006 BAZ 15 Israelische Soldaten haben am Dienstag in Nablus im nördlichen Westjordanland einen örtlichen Anführer der radikalen Palästinenserorganisation Islamischer Jihad getötet 07.02.2006 BAZ 15 In den vergangenen Tagen hat die israelische Luftwaffe ihre gezielten Angriffe auf palästinensiche Extremisten verstärkt. Dabei wurden mindestens zehn Menschen getötet [heute nochmals 3] 08.02.2006 Aljazeera 15 Olmert listed 4 areas in the West Bank which Israel would keep under his vision: Maaleh Adumim; Gush Etzion; Ariel; and the Jordan River valley. ¾ of the Jewish settlers live in these areas ... Israel would retain a "united Jerusalem" 08.02.2006 Guardian 15 That would mean removing about 60,000 settlers ... Shaul Mofaz said the government was considering unilaterally imposing the borders of a Palestinian state 08.02.2006 Haaretz 15 Anglican Church Synod [UK] to divest from companies whose products are used by Israel in the territories 09.02.2006 Haaretz 15 The two men attacked the Erez crossing, throwing hand grenades and firing on the soldiers. Both men were shot dead 10.02.2006 Independant 15 A group including some of Britain's most prominent architects is considering calling for a boycott of Israel's construction industry in protest at the building of Israeli settlements and the separation barrier in the Occupied Territories 12.02.2006 Aljazeera 15 The acting premier appeared to dismiss the possibility of a negotiated settlement. "We are going toward separation from the Palestinians, toward establishing a permanent border for Israel" 12.02.2006 X 15 Uri Avnery .. says that the secret of Kadima's success is its formula for peace - not peace with the Arabs, but "peace without Arabs". That is, a "unilateral peace" built on the annexation of 58% of the West Bank and leaving to the Palestinians 11% of pre-1948 Palestine, "chopped up into isolated enclaves, cut off from the world" 13.02.2006 Haaretz 15 [During] the disengagement from the Gaza Strip last summer, Israel completed another cut-off process, which went unnoticed: Israel completed cutting off the eastern sector of the West Bank from the remainder ... ~2,000,000 Palestinians .. are prohibited from entering ~1/3 of the West Bank .. includes the Jordan Valley, the area of the Dead Sea shoreline and the eastern slopes of the West Bank mountains 13.02.2006 Haaretz 15 50% of the Israeli public opposes a further withdrawal in the West Bank ... 41 [% favoured it] 13.02.2006 X 15 The existence of settlers, the settlements, and the confiscation of resources are all illegal under international law, namely the 4th Geneva Convention and UN resolutions ... during the 1990s Israel violated 29 of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its treatment of Palestinians under Israeli occupation 14.02.2006 Haaretz 15 Compulsory military service for men will be gradually shortened from 3 years to 2 years over a period of 4 years 14.02.2006 Haaretz 15 Justice Mishael Cheshin said Israeli citizens who marry Palestinians should go live in Jenin. "The Palestinian Authority is an enemy government, a government that wants to destroy the state and is not prepared to recognize Israel" ... Supre-me Court President Aharon Barak raised the possibility of alternate options that would infringe less on human rights ... Palestinians who marry Israelis could remain in Israel but would be granted identity cards visually diff.

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 154<br />

29.01.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Senior Hamas officials, following their victory in the Palestinian parliamentary<br />

elections, are demanding to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel … Olmert<br />

will officially thank Merkel, who is considered very friendly toward Israel, <strong>for</strong> the<br />

German decision to provide Israel's navy with a new submarine {2?}<br />

29.01.<strong>2006</strong> Reuters 15 The architect of Israel's policy of assassinating Palestinian militants said<br />

Israel should hunt down wanted Hamas leaders even if they become<br />

ministers in a newly elected Palestinian government<br />

30.01.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Hamas leader Mahmoud Zahar told CNN ... if Israel "is ready to give us the na-tional<br />

demand to withdraw from the occupied area [in] '67; to release our detai-nees; to<br />

stop their aggression; to make geographic link between Gaza Strip and West Bank,<br />

at that time, with assurance from other sides, we are going to accept to establish our<br />

independent state at that time, and give us one or two, 10, 15 years time in order to<br />

see what is the real intention of Israel after that."<br />

31.01.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 15 Die US-Regierung hat der radikal-islamischen Hamas-Bewegung erneut mit einem<br />

vollständigen politischen und finanziellen Boykott gedroht, falls die<br />

Palästinenserorganisation nicht Gewalt und Terror abschwören sollte ... Diese müsse<br />

dem Terrorismus abschwören, Israels Existenzrecht anerkennen, ihre Milizen<br />

entwaffnen und von der Gewalt abrücken<br />

31.01.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Settlers who illegally commandeered Palestinian shops in Hebron's wholesale<br />

market completed their evacuation of the site on overnight Monday in<br />

accordance with a deal made with the state under which they would voluntarily<br />

leave their homes and be permitted to return legally later on<br />

31.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 15 Some Palestinians see the demands as a rejection of a democratic election and as siding with<br />

Israel. Others see hypocrisy. They say Israeli soldiers killed twice as many Palestinians last<br />

week alone - both of them children - as the number of Israelis killed by Hamas all last year ...<br />

Hamas is responsible <strong>for</strong> the murder of >400 Israelis. But since it declared a ceasefire a year<br />

ago the group has killed one Israeli, according to the Israeli government's own figures<br />

31.01.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 15 The 9-year-old girl .. was behaving in a suspicious manner reminiscent of a<br />

terrorist - she got too close to the border fence - and so a soldier fired several<br />

bullets into the child ... Soldiers near Ramallah shot 13-year-old Munadel Abu<br />

Aaalia in the back as he walked along a road reserved <strong>for</strong> Jewish settlers with<br />

two friends. The army said the boys planned to throw rocks at Israeli cars,<br />

which the military defines as terrorism<br />

31.01.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Right-wingers barricade themselves in illegal outpost, block West Bank roads, beat<br />

up Palestinians {Suggestion: release all arabs in illegal confinement, getting space in<br />

jails <strong>for</strong> the criminal settlers, thus solving 2 problems at once}<br />

01.02.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 15 Israel halts tax payments to Palestinians - So much <strong>for</strong> "the only functioning<br />

Democracy in the Middle East"<br />

02.02.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 High Court ordered the state prosecutor to explain why Israel won't alter the route of<br />

the separation fence where it passes over land belonging to the West Bank<br />

Palestinian village of Bil'in ... The Matityahu East neighborhood has 750 housing<br />

units and another 2,000 are planned. The lands on which the neighborhood is being<br />

constructed belong to Bil'in residents. Portions of the land were obtained using<br />

documents suspected to have been <strong>for</strong>ged<br />

03.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 15 Die Hamas sei bereit, alle Kirchen und christlichen Schulen im Gazastreifen von<br />

Mitgliedern der Hamas-Miliz Izzedin al-Kassam so lange bewachen zu lassen, bis die<br />

Polizei einer neuen Palästinenser-Regierung unterstellt sei<br />

03.02.<strong>2006</strong> Australian 15 Saudi Arabia and other Arab states are expected to send money to the<br />

Palestinian Authority within days to help it pay its employees after Israel<br />

stopped handing over tax payments<br />

05.02.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 Abbas is planning to transfer responsibility <strong>for</strong> all the Palestinian security<br />

<strong>for</strong>ces to [his], out of reach of the cabinet ... Hamas said Abbas' move was<br />

designed to "empty the cabinet of content"<br />

05.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 15 Bei einem israelischen Luftangriff auf Gaza-Stadt sind am mindestens 3<br />

Palästinenser getötet worden ... Die israelischen Streitkräfte .. erklärten, dass<br />

das Gebäude zur Ausbildung von Extremisten benutzt wurde<br />

05.02.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 After delay, cabinet agrees to transfer [54 m$] to Palestinians Olmert<br />

decides, however, that future monthly transfers will be subject to Defence<br />

Minister's approval<br />

05.02.<strong>2006</strong> X 15 More than $14 billion has been spent on Israel's West Bank settlements<br />

during the past four decades<br />

05.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 15 Die israelische Luftwaffe hat am Sonntagabend zwei mit Mitgliedern des<br />

Islamischen Jihads besetzte Autos in der Stadt Gaza .. Getötet<br />

06.02.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 15 In the month since Prime Minister Ariel Sharon suffered a massive stroke, there has<br />

been no improvement in his condition and no sign that he is likely to regain<br />

consciousness. He is still breathing with the aid of a respirator

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