Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 150 24.12.2006 Forbes 13 Ethiopian fighter jets bombarded the Somali town of Belet Weyne ... The US accuses the group [Islamic courts] of having ties to al-Qaida, which it denies 25.12.2006 BAZ 13 Äthiopien hat den islamistischen Rebellen in Somalia offiziell den Krieg erklärt 25.12.2006 MSNBC 13 Ethiopia bombs Mogadishu airport 26.12.2006 Guardian 13 Ethiopia today pressed on with its offensive against Somali Islamists and threatened to seize Mogadishu 27.12.2006 ABC 13 Attacking at dawn, Ethiopian and Somali government troops on Wednesday drove Islamic fighters out of the last major town on the road to the Islamistheld capital 27.12.2006 NY Times 13 US signaled its support for the Ethiopian offensive in Somalia, calling it a re-sponse to ―aggression‖ by Islamists who have since the summer been conso-lidating power in the country ... The American military has for years trained Ethi-opian troops at bases in the eastern region ... ―The press must not be allowed to make this about Ethiopia, or Ethiopia violating the territorial integrity of Soma-lia,‖ the [Am.] guidance said ... This year, the CIA began a covert operation to arm and finance the warlords ... When the payments to the warlords shifted the military balance of the country in their favor, the Islamists started a strike against the American-backed coalition and ran it out of Mogadishu 28.12.2006 BAZ 13 Die somalischen Regierungstruppen sind .. in die Hauptstadt Mogadischu einmarschiert ... Zuvor hatten sich die islamischen Milizen aus Mogadischu zurückgezogen 29.12.2006 Telepolis 13 Äthiopien marschiert in Somalia ein - Wie ein neuer Konfliktherd geschaffen wird 30.12.2006 Berlingske 13 Det er ikke forbudt for danske statsborgere at gå i krig sammen med islamister i Somalia eller andre steder. Blot de ikke overtræder krigens love 31.07.2005 14 Other Arab states 05.01.2006 Jordan Times 14 Jordan's Parliament approved a controversial agreement that the Kingdom signed with the US, giving American citizens and personnel immunity against prosecution for war crimes 03.04.2006 Telepolis 14 Ab Sommer 2006 dürfen Frauen selbst einen Ausweis beantragen – aber schon das Ausweisfoto wirft in der konservativen saudischen Gesellschaft mit Schleierzwang Probleme auf 19.04.2006 BAZ 14 Die jordanische Regierung hat einen geplanten Besuch des palästinensischen Aussenministers Mahmud Sahar in Amman abgesagt. Zuvor hatten die Behörden einen regen Waffenschmuggel durch Mitglieder der Hamas aufgedeckt 19.04.2006 Haaretz 14 Hamas on denied "provocative" claims by Jordan that [it] had stored weapons on its territory ... [inofficial:] the cancellation of Zahar's trip was due to American and Israeli pressure on Jordan to avoid contact 06.06.2006 Asian Times 14 [USA] is courting the Gulf monarchies with the same proposal it offered them 15 years ago after the first Gulf War - purchase US weapons worth billions, and Washington will protect you against your Persian nemesis 25.06.2006 BAZ 14 Die in Somalia siegreichen Islamisten haben einen von den USA gesuchten Geistlichen zum Chef ihrer politischen Versammlung gemacht: Scheich Hassan Dahir Awejs wird wegen mutmasslicher Kontake zum Terrornetzwerk Al Qaida als Terrorist gesucht 05.07.2006 X 14 The U.S. military is stepping up operations in the Gulf of Guinea to enhance security in this strategic and resource-rich region, the commander of U.S. European Command's naval surface combatant warships told the Pentagon Channel 25.07.2006 Reuters 14 "If the peace option fails because of Israeli arrogance, there will be no other option but war," Saudi state TV quoted the king as saying 12.10.2006 Haaretz 14 Like many Arab countries, Morocco also longed to see Hezbollah waving a white flag. The more moderate and liberal forces in the Arab countries had hoped that the war would help them in their struggle against Islamic fundamentalism 04.11.2006 Haaretz 14 Egyptian Police have retrieved 1.4 t of explosives buried ... a cache of 1 t found 30 km east of Gaza was to be smuggled across the border ... A second cache of 400 kg found east of .. Ismailiya appeared to be for Egyptian militants 04.11.2006 Haaretz 14 Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates have announced plans to embark on programs to develop nuclear energy ... The six countries have expressed a desire to build civilian nuclear energy programs, which are permitted under int. law {except when Iran does it}

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 151 08.12.2006 Yahoo 14 Private Saudi citizens are giving millions of dollars to Sunni insurgents in Iraq and much of the money is used to buy weapons 14.12.2006 The Australian 14 Iran and Arab states seized on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's statement implying that Israel has nuclear weapons, calling it proof of a regional threat and demanding UN action 30.12.2006 MM 14 Egypt want Isreal's nuke acknowledged & inspected - Egypt just made the "Must invade and destroy" list being faxed from Tel Aviv to the Oval Office 31.07.2005 15 Israel and Palestine 01.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Settlers tried to prevent Palestinian farmers from ploughing three plots of land in the West Bank village of Tulat east of Qalqilyah. Only after human rights group Yesh Din intervened and alerted security forces to the area were the farmers able to resume work 02.01.2006 Aljazeera 15 We all agree that Jerusalem should be included in the elections," Abbas said … "If it is not included, all the factions agree there should be no elections." 02.01.2006 Maariv indirekt 15 Sharon intends eventually to scrap a U.S.-led "road map" to peace with the Palestinians and instead seek Washington's approval for annexing occupied West Bank lands … Maariv said Sharon will argue that Israel was justified in abandoning the US-backed peace plan and setting borders unilaterally because of the failure of the Palestinian side to crack down on armed groups {Truth emerges} 02.01.2006 Reuters 15 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon plans eventually to scrap a U.S.-led "road map" to peace with the Palestinians and instead seek Washington's blessing for annexing occupied West Bank land 03.01.2006 Uruknet 15 1st, the "Literal denial" is when Israel denies that there is torture and that those who made the allegations against Israel are "anti-Semite" or "enemies of the state". 2nd, the "Interpretive denial", in which Israel denies practicing torture but [acknowledges] 'moderate physical pressure‘ to "extract" information from prisoners. 3rd, the "Implicatory denial", [the] Abu Ghraib model of acknowledging torture, but blaming it on a few "bad apples" … In 1999 the Israeli High Court "banned" the practice of torture but … 03.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Channel 10 reported that police have evidence that PM Sharon's family allegedly received $3 million in bribes from Austrian Martin Schlaff 03.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Strange: Still no news here about Sharon‘s Road-Map Treason 04.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Israel has decided not to build a wall through a town split between Israel and Lebanon, but instead will increase security there … >1,000 of Ghajar residents demonstrated "We won't allow houses to be demolished or that the village be divided by a fence. We are not settlers, and we won't be evacuated by force‖ 04.01.2006 Haaretz 15 [Turkey will] donate $5 million to the Palestinian Authority in a bid to rehabilitate an industrial zone in the northern Gaza Strip 04.01.2006 X 15 "between Oct. 4 and Dec. 4, 2001, 389 stories appeared in NY Times with "anthrax" in the headline [&] 238 ... in Wash. Post ... These days though, the silence is deafening - because the one suspect they had, who was caught entering the storage area where the Anthrax was kept, without authorization and after being fired from his job following a racially-motivated attack on an Egyptian co-worker, turned out not to be an Arab 04.01.2006 X 15 Calls directed at Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to step down from office ... following a report ... that [he] received a $3 million payment - ohmygawdlookattheterroristbomb! 04.01.2006 The Australian 15 Prima facie evidence has been found that $3 million was transferred by two Austrian brothers "to the family of the Prime Minister, part for the return of illegal campaign contributions while part remained in the hands of the Sharon family" 04.01.2006 Haaretz 15 PM Ariel Sharon was rushed into surgery at Hadassah University Hospital, Ein Karem late Wednesday night, after intra-cranial bleeding was detected, following what doctors described as a "significant stroke." 05.01.2006 Jordan Times 15 gunmen linked to Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades went on the rampage in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah, bulldozing a barricade on the Gaza side of the Egypt border and killing two Egyptian soldiers 06.01.2006 Haaretz 15 Sharon received two Claxon shots a day intended to thin his blood and prevent blood clots and a recurrent stroke. He received the last shot on [the] morning [of the new stroke] … {was the first stroke a vascular event related to a rupturing aneurysm? Then the Claxon killed him. MRI?} 06.01.2006 Haaretz 15 As building of the "Jerusalem envelope" of the separation fence continues, tens of thousands of residents with blue Israeli identity cards find themselves on the wrong side of the wall and often prefer to move to the "Israeli" side to avoid losing their residence status

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 150<br />

24.12.<strong>2006</strong> Forbes 13 Ethiopian fighter jets bombarded the Somali town of Belet Weyne ... The US accuses<br />

the group [Islamic courts] of having ties to al-Qaida, which it denies<br />

25.12.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 13 Äthiopien hat den islamistischen Rebellen in Somalia offiziell den Krieg erklärt<br />

25.12.<strong>2006</strong> MSNBC 13 Ethiopia bombs Mogadishu airport<br />

26.12.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 13 Ethiopia today pressed on with its offensive against Somali Islamists and<br />

threatened to seize Mogadishu<br />

27.12.<strong>2006</strong> ABC 13 Attacking at dawn, Ethiopian and Somali government troops on Wednesday<br />

drove Islamic fighters out of the last major town on the road to the Islamistheld<br />

capital<br />

27.12.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 13 US signaled its support <strong>for</strong> the Ethiopian offensive in Somalia, calling it a re-sponse<br />

to ―aggression‖ by Islamists who have since the summer been conso-lidating power<br />

in the country ... The American military has <strong>for</strong> years trained Ethi-opian troops at<br />

bases in the eastern region ... ―The press must not be allowed to make this about<br />

Ethiopia, or Ethiopia violating the territorial integrity of Soma-lia,‖ the [Am.] guidance<br />

said ... This year, the CIA began a covert operation to arm and finance the warlords<br />

... When the payments to the warlords shifted the military balance of the country in<br />

their favor, the Islamists started a strike against the American-backed coalition and<br />

ran it out of Mogadishu<br />

28.12.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 13 Die somalischen Regierungstruppen sind .. in die Hauptstadt Mogadischu<br />

einmarschiert ... Zuvor hatten sich die islamischen Milizen aus Mogadischu<br />

zurückgezogen<br />

29.12.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 13 Äthiopien marschiert in Somalia ein - Wie ein neuer Konfliktherd geschaffen<br />

wird<br />

30.12.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 13 Det er ikke <strong>for</strong>budt <strong>for</strong> danske statsborgere at gå i krig sammen med islamister<br />

i Somalia eller andre steder. Blot de ikke overtræder krigens love<br />

31.07.2005 14 Other Arab states<br />

05.01.<strong>2006</strong> Jordan Times 14 Jordan's Parliament approved a controversial agreement that the Kingdom<br />

signed with the US, giving American citizens and personnel immunity against<br />

prosecution <strong>for</strong> war crimes<br />

03.04.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 14 Ab Sommer <strong>2006</strong> dürfen Frauen selbst einen Ausweis beantragen – aber<br />

schon das Ausweisfoto wirft in der konservativen saudischen Gesellschaft mit<br />

Schleierzwang Probleme auf<br />

19.04.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 14 Die jordanische Regierung hat einen geplanten Besuch des<br />

palästinensischen Aussenministers Mahmud Sahar in Amman abgesagt.<br />

Zuvor hatten die Behörden einen regen Waffenschmuggel durch Mitglieder<br />

der Hamas aufgedeckt<br />

19.04.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 14 Hamas on denied "provocative" claims by Jordan that [it] had stored weapons<br />

on its territory ... [inofficial:] the cancellation of Zahar's trip was due to<br />

American and Israeli pressure on Jordan to avoid contact<br />

06.06.<strong>2006</strong> Asian Times 14 [USA] is courting the Gulf monarchies with the same proposal it offered them<br />

15 years ago after the first Gulf War - purchase US weapons worth billions,<br />

and Washington will protect you against your Persian nemesis<br />

25.06.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 14 Die in Somalia siegreichen Islamisten haben einen von den USA gesuchten<br />

Geistlichen zum Chef ihrer politischen Versammlung gemacht: Scheich<br />

Hassan Dahir Awejs wird wegen mutmasslicher Kontake zum Terrornetzwerk<br />

Al Qaida als Terrorist gesucht<br />

05.07.<strong>2006</strong> X 14 The U.S. military is stepping up operations in the Gulf of Guinea to enhance<br />

security in this strategic and resource-rich region, the commander of U.S.<br />

European Command's naval surface combatant warships told the Pentagon<br />

Channel<br />

25.07.<strong>2006</strong> Reuters 14 "If the peace option fails because of Israeli arrogance, there will be no other<br />

option but war," Saudi state TV quoted the king as saying<br />

12.10.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 14 Like many Arab countries, Morocco also longed to see Hezbollah waving a<br />

white flag. The more moderate and liberal <strong>for</strong>ces in the Arab countries had<br />

hoped that the war would help them in their struggle against Islamic<br />

fundamentalism<br />

04.11.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 14 Egyptian Police have retrieved 1.4 t of explosives buried ... a cache of 1 t<br />

found 30 km east of Gaza was to be smuggled across the border ... A second<br />

cache of 400 kg found east of .. Ismailiya appeared to be <strong>for</strong> Egyptian<br />

militants<br />

04.11.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 14 Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates have<br />

announced plans to embark on programs to develop nuclear energy ... The six<br />

countries have expressed a desire to build civilian nuclear energy programs, which<br />

are permitted under int. law {except when Iran does it}

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