Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 144 25.12.2006 Telegraph 11 A document drawn up by Tony Blair's strategy unit .. predicts that the jail population could rise by 25%, topping 100,000 within the next 5 years 26.12.2006 Telepolis 11 Die wundersame Wandlung des Nicolas Sarkozy - Vom neoliberalen Kampfkandidaten zum Apostel der sozialen Gerechtigkeit? 28.12.2006 Blog 11 The [Russian] prosecutor general said it had found links between the fatal poisoning of Litvinenko in November and Leonid Nevzlin, a former executive in the Yukos oil company who fled criminal charges in Russia and is now Israeli citizen ... traces of mercury had been found in Moscow and London and that this indicated a link to Nevzlin, who has been accused of us-ing mercury in an alleged 2001 murder attempt against his business partner 31.07.2005 12 Latin America & Canada 08.01.2006 WRH 12 "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" -- David Ben Gurion 08.01.2006 Guardian 12 Harry Belafonte called Bush ―the greatest terrorist in the world'' and said millions of Americans support ... Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez 11.01.2006 X 12 President Hugo Chávez said that Venezuela would consider buying Russianbuilt MiGs or Chinese warplanes if the United States fails to honor a contract to supply his country with parts for its F-16 jets 14.01.2006 BAZ 12 Spanien und Venezuela hatten den Auftrag zur Bereitstellung von 12 Transportflugzeugen im Wert von rund 500 Mio. Euro im November in Caracas besiegelt ... [jetzt] «Veto» der USA 21.01.2006 SF-Gate 12 U.S.: Venezuela Overspending on Military 23.01.2006 X 12 Argentina … paid off a massive $9.5 billion debt to the IMF almost 2 years ahead of schedule. The payment … was aimed at once and for all breaking the financial stranglehold the IMF and its lending partners — the Paris Club, international banks and private lenders — have had for decades on that nation 27.01.2006 BBC 12 Bolivia leader halves his own pay - while YOUR leader halves your pay 27.01.2006 X 12 A Venezuelan general charged the US Embassy with trying to persuade ..Venezuelan military officers to hand over state secrets to the Pentagon 28.01.2006 Aljazeera 12 Eleven Muslim ambassadors in Copenhagen, including that of Bosnia and Turkey, demanded to see the Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, to register their protests. But the Right wing Prime Minister refused to meet them, arguing that Denmark respects freedom of speech and freedom of the press 28.01.2006 X 12 The naval attache of the US Embassy in Venezuela, John Correa, has left the country after his participation in an espionage case involving several Venezuelan low-ranking officers was revealed 29.01.2006 Berlingske 12 Der er en reel risiko for, at befolkningerne i andre lande end Saudi Arabien vil boykotte danske varer 05.02.2006 Yahoo 12 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned he could shut his government's U.S.-based refineries and sell oil to nations other than the US if Washington decided to cut diplomatic ties 06.02.2006 X 12 As Haiti‘s long-postponed Presidential election is slated to take place Feb. 7, the mainstream media is covering ongoing violence in the Caribbean nation with a characteristic lack of attention to context and essential history ... discuss violence in Haiti as if it exists in a vacuum, with little insight into why people in the poorest neighbourhoods of Port-au-Prince are defending themselves against incursions by the police and UN troops 11.02.2006 Times 12 HAITI was poised last night to elect a new president, but even as René Préval prepared for victory, millions of his supporters were already demanding to know whether he would allow Jean-Bertrand Aristide to return from exile 11.02.2006 X 12 While the world community scrutinizes Iran's nuclear plans, Latin America's biggest country is weeks away from taking a controversial step and firing up the region's first major uranium enrichment plant 16.02.2006 BAZ 12 René Préval hat die Präsidentschaftswahl in Haiti [51,15 %] gewonnen 19.02.2006 Daily Times (Pakistan) 12 Hugo Chavez warned he was taking potential steps to cut off oil shipments to the US, in the event Washington ―crosses the line‖ – {not specified}

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 145 04.03.2006 Guardian 12 Around 500,000 Venezuelans will start a 4-month military training programme today to turn them into members of the country's territorial guard. They are the first group of a total of 2m Venezuelan civilians who have so far signed up to become armed reservists 07.03.2006 Berlingske 12 Kyoto-aftale stiller uholdbare CO2-krav til Canada, mener den nye konservative miljøminister, som indirekte truer med at trække sit land ud af aftalen 28.03.2006 X 12 while the United States would not initiate any unilateral military action to capture FARC leaders, it would intervene if invited by the Colombian gov. 29.03.2006 Libertyforum 12 US Navy will send an aircraft carrier strike group, with 4 ships, a 60-plane air wing and 6,500 sailors, to Caribbean and South American waters for a major training exercise [near Venezuela] 30.03.2006 BAZ 12 Die Regierung in Venezuela will den Ölkonzern Exxon nicht mehr im Land haben ... Exxon hat sich der Renationalisierungspolitik von Präsident Hugo Chavez widersetzt, die Steuererhöhungen und Vertragsänderungen vorsah 05.04.2006 Aljazeera 12 The Venezuelan armed forces received three [of 15 ordered] Russian-made military helicopters 18.04.2006 Japan Times 12 When the hated despots of nations like Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan loot their countries' treasuries, transfer their oil wealth to personal Swiss bank accounts and use the rest to finance terrorist extremists, American politicians praise them as trusted friends and allies. But when a democratically elected populist president uses Venezuela's oil profits to lift poor people out of poverty, they accuse him of pandering 19.04.2006 Libertyforum 12 Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal with India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major oil buyer 20.04.2006 NY Times 12 Italy's highest court on Wednesday upheld the narrow victory of Romano Prodi in last week's elections, apparently ending Silvio Berlusconi's tenure as prime minister after five years — except that the mercurial Mr. Berlusconi still would not concede defeat 21.04.2006 BAZ 12 Der hauchdünne Vorsprung des italienischen Wahlsiegers Romano Prodi im Oberhaus ist durch einen unabhängigen Senator in Gefahr 24.04.2006 Raw Story 12 Chavez moves toward nationalizing Venezuela oil - The moves would up the ante in Mr. Chávez's long-running battle with foreign oil companies, which he accuses of making outsize profits amid high oil prices at the expense of a poor nation. The stakes are high because Venezuela, the world's fifth-largest oil exporter, holds the world's biggest oil reserves outside the Middle East and is the 3rd-biggest supplier of crude to the US 01.05.2006 Yahoo 12 The gov. of Puerto Rico ran out of money Monday, forcing .. to close public schools and shut down gov. offices, putting ~100,000 people out of work 02.05.2006 BAZ 12 Nach der Verstaatlichung der bolivianischen Öl- und Gasindustrie hat Präsident Evo Morales am Montag Soldaten auf die von internationalen Konzernen betriebenen Gasfelder geschickt 07.05.2006 BAZ 12 Im Schatten des Irankonflikts hat Brasilien seine erste Anlage zur Urananreicherung eingeweiht {wo sind die Heuchler?} 08.05.2006 ABC 12 Brazil Unveils Uranium Enrichment Center - but that's okay because Israel doesn't want us to invade Brazil 10.05.2006 X 12 A referendum would be about whether Chavez would be permitted to run every six years and --in the event that he were to continue winning elections-- serve multiple presidential terms 10.05.2006 Reuters 12 Venezuela gas is cheaper than water - Taxi driver Jaime Tinoco works the streets of Caracas in a 1976 Chevy Nova that guzzles 19 gallons (72 liters) of 12.05.2006 Counterpounc h gas a day. But he doesn't worry .. filling his tank costs just $2.30 12 The Bush Administration is Trying to Link Hugo Chavez to Iran's Nuclear Program - Washington is no stranger to flimsy pretexts when it comes to justifying its ill-conceived, and at times illicit, Latin American initiatives 14.05.2006 Guardian 12 Venezuela's president Hugo Chavez arrives in London today with an extraordinary promise to offer cut-rate heating oil for needy families in Europe 15.05.2006 Guardian 12 Drug traffickers launched a wave of coordinated attacks on police in Sao Paulo, leaving at least 50 people dead ... Simultaneous rebellions broke out in 51 of the state's prisons ... the attacks were a response to the transfer of 765 prisoners to a maximum security unit 15.05.2006 NY Times 12 U.S. Orders Ban of Arms Sales to Venezuela 16.05.2006 Libertyforum 12 Ecuador won't be able to restart free trade negotiations with the US after [the] decision by the Ecuadorean government to cancel the operating contract of Occidental Petroleum Company 16.05.2006 Breitbart 12 Venezuela is considering selling its fleet of .. F-16 fighter jets to another country, perhaps Iran, in response to a US ban on arms sales

What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 144<br />

25.12.<strong>2006</strong> Telegraph 11 A document drawn up by Tony Blair's strategy unit .. predicts that the jail<br />

population could rise by 25%, topping 100,000 within the next 5 years<br />

26.12.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 11 Die wundersame Wandlung des Nicolas Sarkozy - Vom neoliberalen<br />

Kampfkandidaten zum Apostel der sozialen Gerechtigkeit?<br />

28.12.<strong>2006</strong> Blog 11 The [Russian] prosecutor general said it had found links between the fatal<br />

poisoning of Litvinenko in November and Leonid Nevzlin, a <strong>for</strong>mer executive<br />

in the Yukos oil company who fled criminal charges in Russia and is now<br />

Israeli citizen ... traces of mercury had been found in Moscow and London<br />

and that this indicated a link to Nevzlin, who has been accused of us-ing<br />

mercury in an alleged 2001 murder attempt against his business partner<br />

31.07.2005 12 Latin America & Canada<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> WRH 12 "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have<br />

taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God<br />

is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault<br />

? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they<br />

accept that?" -- David Ben Gurion<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 12 Harry Belafonte called Bush ―the greatest terrorist in the world'' and said<br />

millions of Americans support ... Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez<br />

11.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 12 President Hugo Chávez said that Venezuela would consider buying Russianbuilt<br />

MiGs or Chinese warplanes if the United States fails to honor a contract<br />

to supply his country with parts <strong>for</strong> its F-16 jets<br />

14.01.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 12 Spanien und Venezuela hatten den Auftrag zur Bereitstellung von 12<br />

Transportflugzeugen im Wert von rund 500 Mio. Euro im November in<br />

Caracas besiegelt ... [jetzt] «Veto» der USA<br />

21.01.<strong>2006</strong> SF-Gate 12 U.S.: Venezuela Overspending on Military<br />

23.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 12 Argentina … paid off a massive $9.5 billion debt to the IMF almost 2 years ahead of<br />

schedule. The payment … was aimed at once and <strong>for</strong> all breaking the financial<br />

stranglehold the IMF and its lending partners — the Paris Club, international banks<br />

and private lenders — have had <strong>for</strong> decades on that nation<br />

27.01.<strong>2006</strong> BBC 12 Bolivia leader halves his own pay - while YOUR leader halves your pay<br />

27.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 12 A Venezuelan general charged the US Embassy with trying to persuade<br />

..Venezuelan military officers to hand over state secrets to the Pentagon<br />

28.01.<strong>2006</strong> Aljazeera 12 Eleven Muslim ambassadors in Copenhagen, including that of Bosnia and<br />

Turkey, demanded to see the Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh<br />

Rasmussen, to register their protests. But the Right wing Prime Minister<br />

refused to meet them, arguing that Denmark respects freedom of speech and<br />

freedom of the press<br />

28.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 12 The naval attache of the US Embassy in Venezuela, John Correa, has left the<br />

country after his participation in an espionage case involving several<br />

Venezuelan low-ranking officers was revealed<br />

29.01.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 12 Der er en reel risiko <strong>for</strong>, at befolkningerne i andre lande end Saudi Arabien vil<br />

boykotte danske varer<br />

05.02.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 12 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned he could shut his government's<br />

U.S.-based refineries and sell oil to nations other than the US if Washington<br />

decided to cut diplomatic ties<br />

06.02.<strong>2006</strong> X 12 As Haiti‘s long-postponed Presidential election is slated to take place Feb. 7,<br />

the mainstream media is covering ongoing violence in the Caribbean nation<br />

with a characteristic lack of attention to context and essential history ...<br />

discuss violence in Haiti as if it exists in a vacuum, with little insight into why<br />

people in the poorest neighbourhoods of Port-au-Prince are defending<br />

themselves against incursions by the police and UN troops<br />

11.02.<strong>2006</strong> Times 12 HAITI was poised last night to elect a new president, but even as René Préval<br />

prepared <strong>for</strong> victory, millions of his supporters were already demanding to<br />

know whether he would allow Jean-Bertrand Aristide to return from exile<br />

11.02.<strong>2006</strong> X 12 While the world community scrutinizes Iran's nuclear plans, Latin America's<br />

biggest country is weeks away from taking a controversial step and firing up<br />

the region's first major uranium enrichment plant<br />

16.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 12 René Préval hat die Präsidentschaftswahl in Haiti [51,15 %] gewonnen<br />

19.02.<strong>2006</strong> Daily Times<br />

(Pakistan)<br />

12 Hugo Chavez warned he was taking potential steps to cut off oil shipments to<br />

the US, in the event Washington ―crosses the line‖ – {not specified}

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