Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 143<br />

07.12.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 11 Litvinenko [case] is now being treated as murder, Scotland Yard said ... small<br />

traces of radiation had been found in the British embassy in Moscow ... in a<br />

room used <strong>for</strong> a meeting between embassy staff and Andrei Lugovoi, a<br />

businessman and ex-KGB bodyguard who met Mr Litvinenko at a London<br />

hotel on 1 Nov<br />

07.12.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 11 Man benötige dazu keine Genehmigung. "Jeder Einwohner der USA, der 69<br />

Dollar besitzt, kann auf die Seite der United Nuclear Scientific Supplies mit<br />

der Adresse www.unitednuclear.com/isotopes.htm gehen und eine Quelle<br />

von 3700 Becquerel Polonium 210 kaufen" ... "Man bräuchte etwa 15'000<br />

unserer Polonium-210-Nadeln für insgesamt rund eine Million US-Dollar, um<br />

eine toxische Menge zu erhalten", heisst es. "Obwohl es offensichtlich<br />

funktioniert, ist Polonium 210 als Gift eine schlechte Wahl."<br />

07.12.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 11 Dmitry Kovtun, one of the businessmen who met Mr Litvinenko be<strong>for</strong>e he was<br />

poisoned, was in a coma in hospital<br />

07.12.<strong>2006</strong> MM 11 reports claiming Litvinenko's contact Dmitry Kovtun is in a critical condition<br />

are false<br />

08.12.<strong>2006</strong> Guardian 11 all 7 of the Pine Bar's staff had ingested the substance in sufficient quantities to<br />

slightly increase their risk of contracting cancer ... Traces of the material have also<br />

been found at the Parkes Hotel, where another businessman Andrei Lugovoi was a<br />

guest in mid-October ... Although one person who met Mr Litvinenko at the sushi bar<br />

is known to have ingested large amounts of polonium-210, the restaurant staff have<br />

been given the all-clear<br />

08.12.<strong>2006</strong> USA today 11 The theory that <strong>for</strong>mer KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with<br />

the radioactive element polonium-210 at a London sushi restaurant is giving<br />

way to a theory that the deadly dosage may have been delivered via a<br />

cigarette or drink at the bar of a London hotel<br />

09.12.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 11 In Hamburg suchte die Polizei in der Nacht zum Samstag in zwei Wohnungen nach<br />

Spuren von Polonium-210 und stellte in einer der beiden eine leichte radioaktive<br />

Strahlung fest ... Überprüft worden war die Wohnung des russischen<br />

Geschäftsmannes Dmitri Kowtun ... eine leichte Strahlung nicht in Kowtuns<br />

Wohnung, sondern in der zweiten durchsuchten<br />

09.12.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 11 traces of polonium-210 found in Mr Lugovoi and at various locations such as<br />

Arsenal's Emirates stadium, where Mr Lugovoi and his partner, Dmitry<br />

Kovtun, watched a match with CSKA Moscow on 1 November, could<br />

emanate from contact with Mr Litvinenko on that day ... A British Airways<br />

flight and 5 rooms in the Sheraton Park Lane, used by Mr Lugovoi and his<br />

party on 25 Oct. have tested positive <strong>for</strong> polonium-210<br />

11.12.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 11 Litwinenkos absorbierte Strahlung war so hoch, dass er an jenem Nachmittag des 1.<br />

Nov. allein schon durch seine Schweißabsonderungen eine radioaktive Spur durch<br />

die britische Hauptstadt zog. An mind. 12 Orten konnte eine Konta-mination<br />

festgestellt werden ... weil Dimitrij Kowtun bei seiner Rückreise von London nach<br />

Moskau in Hamburg Station gemacht hatte<br />

13.12.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 11 «Wer sagt ihnen, dass die Vergiftung am 1. November stattfand?» erklärte<br />

Lugowoi. «Es war weit früher, am 16. Oktober.» Er habe an diesem Tag<br />

zusammen mit Litwinenko eine Sicherheitsfirma in London besucht, in der<br />

später auch Spuren von Polonium-210 gefunden wurden. Am 1. November<br />

sei er nicht dort gewesen<br />

16.12.<strong>2006</strong> MM 11 Litvinenko was an ex-prison guard of such poor character that he was fired<br />

from Russia's security agency .. Defence Minister Sergei Ivanov said<br />

17.12.<strong>2006</strong> Berlingske 11 Nørrebro stod i flammer, da unge fra Ungdomshuset på Jagtvej 69<br />

demonstrerede <strong>for</strong> at bevare deres hus – 300 anholdt<br />

17.12.<strong>2006</strong> Daily_Mail 11 Mr Blair was grilled at a Press conference in Turkey on whether it was<br />

appropriate <strong>for</strong> Lord Levy to retain a role as Downing Street's go-between in<br />

Israel while he was still a police suspect<br />

20.12.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 11 Mit Beilen und Eisenstangen sind rivalisierende Mönche auf dem heiligen Berg Athos<br />

aufeinander los gegangen ... die Mönche eines der 20 Kloster des Ber-ges - des<br />

Esfighmenou Klosters - lehnen jeden Kontakt mit Katholiken ab<br />

21.12.<strong>2006</strong> Dagens<br />

11 {highway breaks down, cars disappear in the hole, 30 people injured, nobody<br />

Nyheter<br />

killed, in Western Sweden, see picture}<br />

24.12.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 11 Amid panic in Downing Street, police are understood to have widened their inquiry<br />

and to be examining several aspects of the Political Parties, Elections and<br />

Referendums Act which the party is believed to have flouted. Sources close to the<br />

inquiry believe the case <strong>for</strong> a prosecution is getting stronger<br />

25.12.<strong>2006</strong> MSNBC 11 Police arrest Italian contact of poisoned ex-spy ... Mario Scaramella .. accused him of<br />

arms trafficking and slander ... he said doctors told him he had received 5 times the<br />

lethal dose of polonium-210, although he showed no symptoms

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