Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 121<br />

31.07.2005 7 Afghanistan, Pakistan & India<br />

08.01.<strong>2006</strong> AOL News 7 Pakistan has protested to the U.S. military in Afghanistan over firing at a<br />

Pakistani village near the Afghan border that killed eight people, the Fo-reign<br />

Ministry said Monday<br />

14.01.<strong>2006</strong> NY Times 7 An American airstrike carried out on a village in the Bajaur tribal region of<br />

northwest Pakistan was aimed at al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's second-incommand<br />

… As many as 17 people were killed … Pakistan has not granted<br />

American <strong>for</strong>ces in Afghanistan the right to cross the border, even in pursuit<br />

of militants<br />

16.01.<strong>2006</strong> Independant 7 18 civilians are believed to have died, including six children … Zawahiri had<br />

been invited to a dinner … may have survived an American air strike in<br />

Pakistan because he did not turn up … The CIA is known to operate its own<br />

Predator drones, but their operations are classified<br />

16.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 7 CNN in<strong>for</strong>med that the mighty US military had killed 18 civilians in Paki-stan<br />

due to "bad intelligence" in the ongoing "war on terror". As an ally in this "war<br />

on terror", Pakistani leaders were justifiably upset ... Yet in this instance, the<br />

Pakistanis will be lucky to receive an apology<br />

16.01.<strong>2006</strong> Uruknet 7 (… Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, also has the uncanny ability to elude capture).<br />

Thus, not unlike Orwell‘s Emmanuel Goldstein, both al-Zarqawi and al-<br />

Zawahiri live another day to serve as bogeymen (and, like Goldstein, we are<br />

never sure they actually exist)<br />

19.01.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 7 Bei dem tödlichen US-Luftangriff auf ein pakistanisches Dorf in der Nähe der<br />

Grenze zu Afghanistan [sind drei führenden Al Qaida-Vertreter getötet<br />

worden, darunter] ein führender Bombenbauer des Terrornetzes Al Qaida...<br />

Kopfgeld 5 Millionen $<br />

21.01.<strong>2006</strong> Bellaciao 7 US Troops told to ignore Opium Crop that is now more than 1/2 Afghan GDP -<br />

Once best known <strong>for</strong> opium, Afghanistan … it‘s the world‘s largest producer<br />

and exporter of heroin - When the Taliban was on control of Afghanistan,<br />

opium production had been shut down almost completely<br />

25.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 7 ahead of the IAEA meeting on Iran issue, the US made it clear that if India did not<br />

vote against Tehran's nuclear programme, the fallout on the Indo-US nuclear deal in<br />

the Congress would be "devastating" and the initiative will "die"<br />

28.01.<strong>2006</strong> X 7 India distanced itself from US-led calls to isolate Iran at next week‘s meeting<br />

of the IAEA after controversial remarks on the issue by Washington‘s envoy<br />

to Delhi enraged the nation as seldom seen be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

21.02.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 7 Ein US-Gericht hat den Vater des kanadischen Guantánamo-Häftlings Omar Khadr<br />

zur Zahlung von insgesamt 102,6 Mio. verurteilt. Das Geld sollen die Witwe eines in<br />

Afghanistan gefallenen US-Soldaten und ein beim selben Angriff verletzter Soldat<br />

erhalten. [Der] damals 15-Jähriger die beiden US-Soldaten .. mit einer Granate<br />

angegriffen<br />

23.02.<strong>2006</strong> X 7 Afghanistan has "huge problems" and NATO troops will be in the country <strong>for</strong><br />

years, the commander of Canada's <strong>for</strong>ces in Afghanistan told<br />

03.03.<strong>2006</strong> Telepolis 7 Mit der Zusage einer engen atomaren Zusammenarbeit hat US-Präsident<br />

George W. Bush bei seinem ersten Indien-Besuch die Politik der Annäherung<br />

zu Neu Delhi <strong>for</strong>tgeführt und Indien mit der strategischen Partnerschaft<br />

faktisch als Atommacht anerkannt<br />

04.03.<strong>2006</strong> India Times 7 In a blunt rejection of Pakistan's demand <strong>for</strong> a civilian nuclear deal on the<br />

lines he clinched with India, .. Bush said the 2 countries had different needs<br />

and different histories<br />

24.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 7 Im Fall des wegen seines Übertritts zum Christentum angeklagten Afghanen<br />

Abdul Rahman hat der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karsai am Freitag eine<br />

Hinrichtung ausgeschlossen<br />

28.03.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 7 Der in Afghanistan von der Todesstrafe bedrohte Christ Abdul Rahman hat<br />

nach Angaben der UN um Asyl im Ausland gebeten {motive?}<br />

05.04.<strong>2006</strong> Reuters 7 Afghanistan: "The number of mine victims ranges from 70 to 100 each month, down<br />

from an estimated 150 to 300 per month in 2002‖ ... With no official statistics,<br />

authorities believe that 1.5 million people have either been killed or maimed in mine<br />

explosions over the past 25 years of war and civil strife<br />

03.05.<strong>2006</strong> Raw Story 7 Building on a winter campaign of suicide bombings and assassinations and<br />

the knowledge that U.S. troops are leaving, the Taliban appear to be moving<br />

their insurgency into a new phase, flooding the rural areas of southern<br />

Afghanistan with weapons and men

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