Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou

Alternative View 2006 - for john schou


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What Really Happened Jan_06.xls Seite 104<br />

05.08.<strong>2006</strong> X 6 The mystery is not that Hezbollah has sophisticated weapons produced by<br />

Iran [but] that this missile was marked in such a way as to make it appear of<br />

British and/or American origin<br />

05.08.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 6 [Robert Fisk:] The room shook. Not since the 1983 earthquake has my<br />

apartment rocked from side to side. That was the <strong>for</strong>ce of the Israeli<br />

explosions in the southern suburbs of Beirut - 3 miles from my home<br />

05.08.<strong>2006</strong> X 6 Israel is waging a "war of starvation" on Lebanon's civilians in an ef<strong>for</strong>t to<br />

<strong>for</strong>ce the gov. to agree to Israel's demands, Lebanese President Emile<br />

Lahoud said<br />

05.08.<strong>2006</strong> Independent 6 A NATO-led <strong>for</strong>ce would be in Israel's interests, but not Lebanon's - Hizbollah<br />

is likely to view its arrival as a proxy Israeli army. It is, after all, suppo-sed<br />

to be a "buffer" <strong>for</strong>ce to protect Israel - not, as the Lebanese have quickly<br />

noted, to protect Lebanon - and the last NATO army that came to this country<br />

was literally blasted out of its mission by suicide bombers<br />

05.08.<strong>2006</strong> Antiwar 6 There are two proposals <strong>for</strong> a cease-fire in Lebanon. One is French and is backed by the<br />

European Union and most of the Muslim world. The other is Israeli-American and backed only<br />

by Israel and the United States ... The French proposal is <strong>for</strong> an immediate cease-fire followed<br />

by negotiations on the points in the American plan, including deployment of an international<br />

<strong>for</strong>ce. The Israeli-American proposal is that there shall be no cease-fire until all the other points<br />

– disarmament of Hezbollah, return of Israeli prisoners, deployment of an international <strong>for</strong>ce –<br />

are all done<br />

06.08.<strong>2006</strong> Yahoo 6 3 dead, > 30 wounded in Haifa rocket attack - "One building hit in the<br />

bombardment collapsed," he told AFP, adding that it lay in Wadi Nisnas, an<br />

Arab neighbourhood of the city<br />

06.08.<strong>2006</strong> Times 6 A UN report said there was ―no doubt‖ that a huge shipment of smuggled ura-nium<br />

238, uncovered by customs officials in Tanzania, was transported from the<br />

Lubumbashi mines in the Congo - This is another "Yellow cake" deception, and here<br />

is why. Uranium coming out of the mines is a mixture of many diffe-rent isotopes. It<br />

cannot be called Uranium 23X until after refinement. As a side note, U-238 is the<br />

most common <strong>for</strong>m of uranium and the least usable <strong>for</strong> nuc-lear weapons. U-238 is<br />

often called "depleted uranium" because U-238 is what is left over after the U-235<br />

has been extracted<br />

06.08.<strong>2006</strong> CNN 6 Israel purposely has left pockets of Hezbollah rockets in Lebanon, because<br />

as long as they're being rocketed, they can continue to have a sort of moral<br />

equivalency in their operations in Lebanon<br />

06.08.<strong>2006</strong> USA today 6 Rice: Both Israel, Hezbollah have an obligation to adhere to UN - Israel hasn't<br />

in almost <strong>for</strong>ty years. What makes you think they will start now?<br />

06.08.<strong>2006</strong> Toronto Sun 6 The war has backfired <strong>for</strong> Israel, and its old Lebanese curse keeps getting<br />

worse. Most citizens in Lebanon now back Hezbollah<br />

06.08.<strong>2006</strong> Rense 6 Israel has recently purchased from the US bunker-busting bombs (GBU-28),<br />

<strong>for</strong> use in its war in Lebanon. These bombs contain DU - a carcino-genic<br />

substance that spreads in the <strong>for</strong>m of a toxic and radioactive dust, which<br />

enters the lungs and bones - You just have to wonder how the Israeli public<br />

will react when its own veterans, as have the veterans of the US in Iraq,<br />

come home sick to die with cancer from this poison<br />

06.08.<strong>2006</strong> SMH 6 Escalation feared as 10 reservists killed - The media is trying to use these<br />

dead soldiers to balance the dead UN observers and the women and children<br />

at Qana, but these men are after all soldiers, and common sense tells you<br />

than when you invade someone else's country, you are going to get shot at,<br />

and rightly so<br />

07.08.<strong>2006</strong> BAZ 6 Die israelischen Streitkräfte haben nach eigenen Angaben einen der<br />

Entführer zweier Soldaten festgenommen, deren Verschleppung die<br />

Offensive im Libanon am 12. Juli ausgelöst hat<br />

07.08.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 6 15 Israelis killed in heavy Hezbollah rocket barrages on Sunday, 12 reservists<br />

and 3 Haifa residents<br />

07.08.<strong>2006</strong> Haaretz 6 A senior official in Jerusalem predicted Sunday that an int. <strong>for</strong>ce - which Israel<br />

demands be stationed in south Lebanon as a buffer to separate Hezbollah from the<br />

northern border - will never materialize ... [Israel demands in resolution text]<br />

Removing all mention of Shaba Farms, so as to avoid linking the cease-fire to an<br />

Israeli withdrawal from Shaba ... Removing the reference to Israel's "offensive military<br />

operations." Israel claims that it is merely defending itself against Hezbollah's attacks<br />

07.08.<strong>2006</strong> Reuters 6 A Hizbollah fighter captured by Israel has told interrogators he received<br />

training in Iran and arrived there on a flight from Syria - As the voltage<br />

increased, the man also confessed to shooting down Columbia, Flooding<br />

New Orleans, and killing Presidents John F. Kennedy & Abraham Lincoln

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