The Wisdom of James Let us go ahead and take a look at the letter ...

The Wisdom of James Let us go ahead and take a look at the letter ... The Wisdom of James Let us go ahead and take a look at the letter ...
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New Testament Bible Content Overview Lesson 18, page 3sins to God. Th<strong>at</strong> is a trap! God did not make <strong>us</strong> to fight sin on our own. We did not drop out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sky.<strong>The</strong> stork did not bring you <strong>and</strong> me to our parents’ ho<strong>us</strong>e. We were born into families so th<strong>at</strong> familiescould raise <strong>us</strong> <strong>and</strong> help <strong>us</strong>. As Christians we are born into <strong>the</strong> family <strong>of</strong> God. We are not meant to be byourselves. You hear this mantra, “God cre<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> light; it was <strong>go</strong>od. God cre<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> l<strong>and</strong>; it was <strong>go</strong>od.God cre<strong>at</strong>ed this; it was <strong>go</strong>od.” You hear “it was <strong>go</strong>od” over <strong>and</strong> over again until “it was not <strong>go</strong>od” th<strong>at</strong>man was alone. <strong>The</strong> whole story you have heard “it was <strong>go</strong>od,” but it stops right <strong>the</strong>re when Adam wasalone. God makes a helper who is well suited to him. We are born into families <strong>and</strong> into <strong>the</strong> church.We m<strong>us</strong>t confess our sins to each o<strong>the</strong>r. It <strong>take</strong>s a lot <strong>of</strong> hard work as pastors to cre<strong>at</strong>e safe structures forthis to happen. It is very important as elders th<strong>at</strong> we give <strong>at</strong>tention to th<strong>at</strong>. <strong>James</strong> says, “Confess yourfaults to one ano<strong>the</strong>r <strong>and</strong> be healed.” Bonhoeffer puts his finger on it in his book Life Toge<strong>the</strong>r. If youhave not read Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Life Toge<strong>the</strong>r, I warn you if you read th<strong>at</strong> book you will never be<strong>the</strong> same. It is a short, powerful book. If you are <strong>look</strong>ing for something in your devotional life th<strong>at</strong> willbless you but also challenge you, read Life Toge<strong>the</strong>r. He says, “He who is alone with his sin is utterlyalone. <strong>The</strong> final breakthrough to fellowship does not occur, beca<strong>us</strong>e though we have fellowship asbelievers we do not have fellowship as sinners. <strong>The</strong> pio<strong>us</strong> fellowship permits no one to be a sinner.”This is a word <strong>of</strong> rebuke to many <strong>of</strong> <strong>us</strong> <strong>and</strong> many <strong>of</strong> our churches. We have cre<strong>at</strong>ed pio<strong>us</strong> fellowshipswhere it is impossible to be a sinner. No wonder no one wants to come who does not know Jes<strong>us</strong>. <strong>The</strong>yare not welcome beca<strong>us</strong>e no sinners <strong>go</strong> <strong>the</strong>re! <strong>The</strong> thing about confession is th<strong>at</strong> it is a double entendre.As God’s people we confess two things toge<strong>the</strong>r all <strong>the</strong> time. We confess our sins, <strong>and</strong> we confess ourfaith in <strong>the</strong> Gospel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> forgiveness <strong>of</strong> sins. We have to do both. If we j<strong>us</strong>t confess our faith in <strong>the</strong>Gospel, th<strong>at</strong> is not <strong>the</strong> full Gospel. <strong>The</strong> Gospel is, first, <strong>the</strong> bad news th<strong>at</strong> we are sinners. We need toconfess our sins <strong>and</strong> confess our faith. <strong>James</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a vision <strong>of</strong> a mutually supportive community wheremembers confess <strong>the</strong>ir sins to one ano<strong>the</strong>r, pray for one ano<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>and</strong> encourage one ano<strong>the</strong>r towardmoral integrity. <strong>The</strong>se are lives <strong>of</strong> integrity <strong>and</strong> wisdom.<strong>James</strong> 2 is a passage th<strong>at</strong> is interesting in rel<strong>at</strong>ion to Romans 3 <strong>and</strong> Gal<strong>at</strong>ians 2 <strong>and</strong> 3. This is in terms <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> way th<strong>at</strong> <strong>James</strong> <strong>us</strong>es <strong>the</strong> story <strong>of</strong> Abraham in comparison to <strong>the</strong> way th<strong>at</strong> Paul <strong>us</strong>es th<strong>at</strong> same story totalk about faith. <strong>Let</strong> <strong>us</strong> <strong>look</strong> toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>at</strong> <strong>James</strong> 2:14,Wh<strong>at</strong> <strong>go</strong>od is it, my bro<strong>the</strong>rs, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith savehim? Suppose a bro<strong>the</strong>r or sister is without clo<strong>the</strong>s <strong>and</strong> daily food. If one <strong>of</strong> you says to him,“Go, I wish you well; keep warm <strong>and</strong> well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, wh<strong>at</strong><strong>go</strong>od is it? In <strong>the</strong> same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. Butsomeone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, <strong>and</strong> I willshow you my faith by wh<strong>at</strong> I do. You believe th<strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong>re is one God. Good! Even <strong>the</strong> demonsbelieve th<strong>at</strong>—<strong>and</strong> shudder. You foolish man, do you want evidence th<strong>at</strong> faith without deeds is<strong>us</strong>eless? Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteo<strong>us</strong> for wh<strong>at</strong> he did when he <strong>of</strong>feredhis son Isaac on <strong>the</strong> altar? You see th<strong>at</strong> his faith <strong>and</strong> his actions were working toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>and</strong> hisfaith was made complete by wh<strong>at</strong> he did. And <strong>the</strong> scripture was fulfilled th<strong>at</strong> says, “Abrahambelieved God, <strong>and</strong> it was credited to him as righteo<strong>us</strong>ness,” <strong>and</strong> he was called God’s friend. Yo<strong>us</strong>ee th<strong>at</strong> a person is j<strong>us</strong>tified by wh<strong>at</strong> he does <strong>and</strong> not by faith alone.As I have argued before, <strong>the</strong> new economy is an important aspect <strong>of</strong> life as <strong>the</strong> church. Faith by itself isnot j<strong>us</strong>t sick; it is dead. <strong>The</strong> wording <strong>of</strong> this passage makes a lot <strong>of</strong> Reformed people nervo<strong>us</strong>. Th<strong>at</strong> isano<strong>the</strong>r reason why Lu<strong>the</strong>r had a problem with <strong>the</strong> <strong>letter</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>James</strong>.<strong>Let</strong> <strong>us</strong> <strong>look</strong> closely <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>us</strong>e <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> word dikaioo in terms <strong>of</strong> “to j<strong>us</strong>tify,” <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> noun “righteo<strong>us</strong>ness”as well. Turn to Luke 7:35. <strong>The</strong> overarching genre th<strong>at</strong> we are in <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> overarching communic<strong>at</strong>ive act© Spring 2008, Gre<strong>go</strong>ry Perry & Covenant <strong>The</strong>ological Seminary

New Testament Bible Content Overview Lesson 18, page 4is wisdom liter<strong>at</strong>ure. You have to keep th<strong>at</strong> in mind. In Luke 7, Jes<strong>us</strong> teaches wisdom sayings. Verse 33says, “John <strong>the</strong> Baptist came nei<strong>the</strong>r e<strong>at</strong>ing bread nor drinking wine, <strong>and</strong> you say he has a demon. <strong>The</strong>Son <strong>of</strong> Man came e<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> drinking, <strong>and</strong> you say he is a glutton, a drunkard, a friend <strong>of</strong> tax collectors<strong>and</strong> sinners. But wisdom is j<strong>us</strong>tified by all <strong>of</strong> her children.” <strong>The</strong> is <strong>the</strong> same Greek verb for “j<strong>us</strong>tified.”<strong>Let</strong> <strong>us</strong> <strong>look</strong> <strong>at</strong> how Jes<strong>us</strong> <strong>us</strong>es this word here <strong>and</strong> <strong>at</strong> how <strong>James</strong> <strong>us</strong>es it. It is not <strong>us</strong>ed to refer to creditingrighteo<strong>us</strong>ness but to its vindic<strong>at</strong>ion or pro<strong>of</strong>. Its fruit <strong>and</strong> its children vindic<strong>at</strong>e wisdom. <strong>James</strong> addresses<strong>the</strong> error <strong>of</strong> equ<strong>at</strong>ing faith with mere ascent to doctrinal truths like <strong>the</strong> existence <strong>of</strong> God. “You believe inGod? You do well. So do <strong>the</strong> demons.” Th<strong>at</strong> is not everything th<strong>at</strong> needs to be said about faith.Paul also teaches th<strong>at</strong> faith’s fruit results in <strong>go</strong>od works. We <strong>look</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong> earlier in Ephesians 2. It is soimportant to add verse 10 to Ephesians 2:8-9. Paul, like <strong>James</strong>, talks about <strong>the</strong> law <strong>of</strong> Christ in Gal<strong>at</strong>ians5 in terms <strong>of</strong> loving your neighbor <strong>and</strong> showing <strong>the</strong> love <strong>of</strong> Christ. If we <strong>look</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> WestminsterConfession or <strong>the</strong> writings <strong>of</strong> Calvin, <strong>the</strong>y really have helped <strong>us</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> this rel<strong>at</strong>ionship betweenfaith <strong>and</strong> works. Faith, th<strong>us</strong> receiving <strong>and</strong> resting on Christ <strong>and</strong> His righteo<strong>us</strong>ness, is a lone instrument <strong>of</strong>j<strong>us</strong>tific<strong>at</strong>ion. Yet it is not alone in <strong>the</strong> person who is j<strong>us</strong>tified, but it is accompanied by o<strong>the</strong>r savinggraces. <strong>The</strong> way Calvin put it was th<strong>at</strong> we are saved by faith alone but th<strong>at</strong> faith th<strong>at</strong> saves <strong>us</strong> is notalone. It is accompanied by fruit <strong>and</strong> <strong>go</strong>od works.<strong>The</strong> sense <strong>of</strong> <strong>James</strong> 2 is vindic<strong>at</strong>ion, pro<strong>of</strong>, or evidence, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> context is <strong>the</strong> genre <strong>of</strong> wisdom teaching.Remember if you <strong>look</strong> back <strong>at</strong> <strong>the</strong> Proverbs th<strong>at</strong> wisdom teaching in terms <strong>of</strong> inside <strong>the</strong> covenantalcommunity assumes th<strong>at</strong> you are already in. <strong>Wisdom</strong> teaching is a fork in <strong>the</strong> road. It is between beingwise <strong>and</strong> being a fool. It is between righteo<strong>us</strong>ness <strong>and</strong> wickedness. It is between <strong>go</strong>od <strong>and</strong> bad. We arenot talking about getting into <strong>the</strong> covenantal community. We are talking about how you are supposed tolive inside <strong>the</strong> covenant community. <strong>James</strong> writes to Christians. <strong>The</strong> beginning <strong>of</strong> his <strong>letter</strong> says, “Aservant <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lord Jes<strong>us</strong> Christ, to <strong>the</strong> twelve tribes sc<strong>at</strong>tered among <strong>the</strong> n<strong>at</strong>ions.” He writes to <strong>the</strong>covenant community. It is not about j<strong>us</strong>tific<strong>at</strong>ion as a doctrine th<strong>at</strong> he deals with here. It is aboutsanctific<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> about living a wise life th<strong>at</strong> shows faith by how it acts.<strong>James</strong> deploys familiar topics from <strong>the</strong> Old Testament wisdom tradition to address <strong>the</strong> thre<strong>at</strong> <strong>of</strong>fragment<strong>at</strong>ion in <strong>the</strong> community, arising from a lack <strong>of</strong> integrity. He points out th<strong>at</strong> friendship with <strong>the</strong>world is enmity with God. Wealth should be <strong>us</strong>ed to build solidarity in <strong>the</strong> community r<strong>at</strong>her than as aninstrument <strong>of</strong> oppression for one’s own security. It is interesting th<strong>at</strong> in Jes<strong>us</strong>’ parables about wealth Hetalks about a shrewd <strong>us</strong>e <strong>of</strong> wealth in terms <strong>of</strong> building rel<strong>at</strong>ionships. Wealth should be an instrument <strong>of</strong>solidarity, not an instrument <strong>of</strong> oppression or separ<strong>at</strong>ion. <strong>James</strong> joins Jes<strong>us</strong> <strong>and</strong> Paul in <strong>of</strong>fering strongwarnings to <strong>the</strong> rich without condemning wealth as such.We should return to <strong>the</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> memory verses, <strong>and</strong> I want to add this one to your list: <strong>James</strong> 1:21-22,“Get rid <strong>of</strong> all moral filth <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> evil th<strong>at</strong> is so prevalent <strong>and</strong> humbly accept <strong>the</strong> word planted in youwhich can save you. Do not merely listen to <strong>the</strong> word, <strong>and</strong> so deceive yourselves. Do wh<strong>at</strong> it says.”Jes<strong>us</strong> said <strong>the</strong> same thing. In Luke 8 Jes<strong>us</strong> said his family members are “those who hear <strong>the</strong> word <strong>of</strong> God<strong>and</strong> do it.” Th<strong>at</strong> is <strong>the</strong> wisdom <strong>James</strong> wrote about.© Spring 2008, Gre<strong>go</strong>ry Perry & Covenant <strong>The</strong>ological Seminary

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