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01 | June 2011 | English | www.bbcentrum.czInterview with Jiří Kunert,cEO, unicredit Bank czech republic, a.s.uNIcrEDIT mOvEs<strong>INTO</strong> <strong>FILADELFIE</strong>

Contents4–5 <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> NewsUniCredit Moves into <strong>FILADELFIE</strong>6–7 TenantsCzech TOP 100 Chart8–9 News in ServicesExpress Sandwich: The Best for Your Grilling Pleasure...Tombolini: Clothes Make the Man10–13 Interview with Jiří Kunert,CEO, UniCredit Bank Czech Republic14-17 Residential Park BaarovaStep by Step18–19 MaranathaSummer Cleansing of Your Body20–21 Tested for YouGood Tea22–23 Maranatha Vegetarian RestaurantTell Me What You Eat...24–25 Balance Club BrumlovkaTRX – a Unique Suspension System26 <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> Services on the MapDear Readers,In your hands, you are holding oursummer edition, largely devoted to ournew tenant, the financial group UniCredit,which has found its new headquartersin the <strong>FILADELFIE</strong> building. Mr. JiříKunert, CEO, has granted an exclusiveinterview to us in order to introducethe activities of the group, along withdescribing the Czech clientele andcomparing the domestic financial marketwith global ones. This edition of themagazine also features certain tips onspending leisure time at <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>:on the pétanque course, the multipurposesports ground or in Baar Park,which opened for you one year ago.I hope you will find this new editioninteresting and amusing.I wish you a wonderful holiday andnice summer days.Hana Gottwaldová,Editor-in-Chief<strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> Review has been prepared for you by:Publisher: PASSERINVEST GROUP, a.s., Želetavská 1525/1, Prague 4, 140 00, IČO: 26118963, MK ČR E 15246Issue number: 01/2011Publication date: June 2011 (published quarterly in year in Prague)Editor-in-chief:Hana Gottwaldová, hana.gottwaldova@passerinvest.czEditorial board:Hana Gottwaldová, Kristina Vacková, Hana Metzová, Žaneta Kantorová, Jiří Baudyš, Marek Němec, Martina PeřinkováTel./E-mail:+420 221 582 111, redakce@passerinvest.czAdvertisements: Mediaforce, Markéta Šochová, marketa.sochova@mediaforce.czProduction: ASTRON studio CZ, a.s., Martina Peřinková, martina.perinkova@mediaforce.cz, +420 606 667 689Translation:Jiří Baudyš3

News at <strong>BB</strong> CeNtrumNews at <strong>BB</strong> CeNtrum<strong>FILADELFIE</strong> Office Building to Becomethe New Head Office of UniCredit GroupBaar Park: Pétanque: You Don‘tHave a Long Way to Goand the Clifford Chance law office providedsignificant assistance to UniCredit Groupin the contract preparations. In selectingits new head office, and in addition to verygood transportation access, the key factorfor UniCredit Bank was the requirementfor a pleasant work environment for itsemployees, including a wide range of restaurants,shops, wellness centres and variousother services. In addition to its highstandard of office premises, the FiladelfieOffice Building also offers a considerableamount of flexibility in its interiors as well assavings on operating costs.UniCredit Bank will retain ownership onlyof its building on Náměstí republiky inPrague’s downtown, where, in addition tothe branch, clients will also have availableother services for the retail, corporate andprivate banking segments. Negotiations arecurrently underway for sale of the Bank’sremaining premises, including the historicalbuilding on Na Příkopě.For many of us, the word ‘pétanque’ mayhave an association of a lazy afternoon ina French park where elegant gentlemen,generally smoking a cigar or pipe, are justgathering for a match. If you thought youwould not have much fun, you would becompletely mistaken.Pétanque has grown in popularity inrecent years. Pétanque is a game playedby two teams of one to three players strivingto throw hollow metal balls as closelyas possible to a small wooden ball calleda cochonnet, or jack. Although the gameis very simple in principle, you need topractise regularly to master the techniqueand strategy. The big advantage is thatthis game can be played by anyone: men,women, old and young. So don’t hesitateto go playing pétanque in Baar Park, wherea pétanque piste can be found. You sayyou don’t have your own pétanque balls?No problem, you can borrow them at thereception of the administrative wing of the<strong>FILADELFIE</strong> building. Aside from pétanque,the large park, which opened at <strong>BB</strong><strong>Centrum</strong> last year, offers a lot of modernattractions (water feature, rotating seesaw,sound conference...).Sports Ground Open All-Year-LongUniCredit Bank Czech Republic andother member companies ofUniCredit Group – UniCredit LeasingCZ, UniCredit CAIB Czech Republic,UGIS (UniCredit Global InformationServices) and UniCredit Business Partner– are moving house this autumnto the new <strong>FILADELFIE</strong> administrativebuilding in the <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> complex inPrague 4. Its developer is the companyPASSERINVEST GROUP, and thebuilding is part of a modern administrativecomplex boasting very goodtransportation access and full communityamenities. The rental contract wassigned Wednesday, 1 June 2011.“I believe that we will succeed in developingthe new headquarters for UniCreditBank and the other UniCredit Groupcompanies into a true 21st century financialservices centre. The new building has allthe necessary features, including excellenttransportation service, quality supportservices and overall capacity suiting thedemands of a dynamically developingbanking institution,” noted Jiří Kunert,UniCredit Bank CEO and Chairman of theBoard of Directors.“I feel blessed to have accomplished anothermajor deal. It has been seven yearssince we commenced discussions withwhat was then HVB BANK on their movinginto the <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>. I am pleased thatthe deal has been successfully finalisedfollowing the UniCredit merger. I believethat the <strong>FILADELFIE</strong> office building willprovide a high-quality and friendly workenvironment for such a distinguished financialgroup as is UniCredit,” stated RadimPasser, Chairman of the Board of Directorsof PASSERINVEST GROUP.The UniCredit Group member companieswill have at their disposal 14 of thetotal 17 floors, which represents approximately26,700 m2 of leasable area. A newUniCredit branch will be established on theground floor, offering services especially forretail clients. The advisory company DTZDescription of the <strong>FILADELFIE</strong>office buildingArchitecturally, <strong>FILADELFIE</strong> is an originaladministrative building with 17 floorsabove ground and 6 below ground, offering30,500 m2 of office space. Locatedin an attractive area near Prague’s downtownarea and close to the metropolitanring expressway in the direction of Brno,<strong>FILADELFIE</strong> is among the most modernadministrative buildings in the Czech Republic.Construction was completed bythe company PSJ in 2010. The buildingwas designed by architecture firm DaM.A multipurpose sports ground, which isopen all-year-long, can be found onBaarova Street, immediately adjacent tothe Christian Primary School Elijáš. Youwonder why we say ‘multipurpose’? Thisfacility can serve a wide variety of sportssuch as football, floorball, badminton,basketball, volleyball, handball and tennisas it provides a flexible layout as well asequipment. The ground, 44 x 24 metres insize, can be booked at www.viceucelovehriste.cz.It is open every day, from Mondaythrough Sunday, between 8 am and 10pm. In addition to the pitch, you can findmodern and effective amenities, includingchanging rooms complete with showers.The hire charges are subject to seasonSummer 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. Sat. - Sun.Tennis / 1 hour CZK 250 CZK 250 CZK 250Football, other sport pitch / 1 hour CZK 400 CZK 550 CZK 500Contact:Multipurpose Sports GroundBaarova 360/24140 00 Praha 4Web: www.viceucelovehriste.cz45

TenanTs newsTenanTs newsThe Tenants of <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> DoWell in CompetitionThe CZECH TOP 100 Association hasproclaimed the most admired companiesin the Czech Republic. Aiming to assesscompanies, this project has been carriedout by CZECH TOP 100 since it commencedits operations in 1994.The ranking of the 100 most admiredcompanies has been compiled since1999, evaluating the long-term value ofthe company, the quality of its products,the ability to attract and retain talentedpersonnel, its environmental responsibility,and attitude to society, along withthe support of projects beneficial to thepublic and other criteria. The companiesare chosen by a panel of managers frommajor companies and financial analysts,as well as industry associations, unions,professional associations and othereconomists. This is the twelfth year of thecompetition.Czech developer PASSERINVESTGROUP ranks second among the top100 most admired companies in theCzech Republic in the category of Servicesfor Companies, Construction IndustryService. The tenants of <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>,the largest project carried out byPASSERINVEST GROUP, have also donewell in this year’s competition: aside fromthe overall second-placed ČEZ Group,Microsoft and Telefonica O2 have alsobeen successful. This year, however, thereis no place among the most admiredcompanies for Zentiva.Into a Digital World with MicrosoftChanges atTelefonicaTelefónica O2 Czech Republic has undergonemany changes. The most obviousof them, which certainly has not passedunnoticed, is their new logo. Also, the newCorporate Communication Department wascreated in the middle of May. The head ofthe department, Ms Dana Dvořáková hasa wealth of expertise in communicationgained at Ahold, Unipetrol, České Aerolinie,VÚB and Český Telecom.In her new role, Dana Dvořáková is responsible for Public Relations,Corporate Social Responsibility, and Nadace O2 (foundation).Reporting to the CEO, she has become a member of the ExecutiveCommittee.Public Procurement:Transparent DealingsMicrosoft, headquartered in <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>‘sAlpha building, has launched new Webpages, called “Enter a Digital World”. Thisportal has been developed especially toassist home users in getting a brief andclear insight into Microsoft products for endusers. The pages boast a unique form ofnavigation focusing on maximum transpar-The Web pages can be found at www.microsoft.cz/digitalnisvet.ency and the availability of much soughtafterinformation.The introductory page provides visitorswith an interactive overview of the mostfrequently used products such as operationsystems, office software, phones andgame consoles. The navigation bar at thetop of the page is divided according to themost frequent needs of users, includingtaking photos, video, music, games orhome office. By clicking on each of theitems, the particular products offered arerearranged in line with the selected filter ofproducts.Leading Czech developer PASSERINVEST GROUP joined the Platformfor Transparent Public Procurement. This initiative launched bypolitical parties, entrepreneurial associations and public institutionsis aimed at the increasing transparency and effectiveness of publicprocurement. The company has also sent an appeal to the <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>tenants to join this platform.Public procurement provides the largest resources for businesstransactions in the country and thus heavily influences the level ofthe ethical code as well as the competitiveness of the economy.In this country, public procurement has been surrounded by aveil of secrecy, leading to speculations, arguments and obscurity.This explains why authorities have joined their efforts to make theentire process transparent for anybody interested in the future of thisnation. The initiative is designed to draw up a consensual draft ofprinciples, which, after being legally approved, are to be observedwithin the process of public procurement.Transparent Negotiations and Decisions“We do welcome the initiative of the Platform for Transparent PublicProcurement. With an increase in transparency as well as effectivenessof public procurement, it is envisaged that the corruptionspace will be significantly reduced. We perceive corruption as aserious threat, hindering the overall performance of the economy,souring market relations and hence, globally speaking, negatively affectingthe state of the national economy, the national budget deficitand the moral fibre of society,” said Radim Passer, Chairman of theBoard, PASSERINVEST GROUP.More information can be found at www.transparentnizakazky.cz.6

News iN services - THe FiLADeLFie BUiLDiNGNews iN services - THe FiLADeLFie BUiLDiNGThe Best for Your Grilling Pleasure...With the summer days coming, EXPRESS Sandwich offers a product that isvery popular during this season: THE EXPRESS GRILL PARTY PACKAGE.Sandwiches, salads and other populardishes are all prepared for you by EX-PRESS, from fresh top quality ingredientsbought from well-proven suppliers all yearround. In the summer days ahead, whenall of us fancy meeting friends at barbequeparties, we know that the quality ofingredients is of particular importance. Butwho has time to shop and prepare theseingredients?A solution is provided by EXPRESSSandwich, where chef Martin has usefultips on the most popular ingredients andtheir combinations. Martin and his team willmarinate slices of meat with fresh herbs,along with choosing and cutting freshvegetables, baking crusty baguettes andadding delicious, tasty sauces. All you haveto do is put them on a hot grill, flip and,after a while, serve.Your order will be filled by ExpressSandwich and ready to be picked up atexactly the time and place of your choice.All the ingredients are delivered in hygienicvacuum wrapped packages which are easyto carry. Your role is the fun part – grilling,serving the food and having a good timewith your friends.Bon appétit!contact:EXPRESS SandwichFiLADeLFie BuildingŽeletavská 1525/1140 00 Praha 4Web: www.sandwich.czOpening hours: Mo. — Thu. 8 a.m. — 6 p.m.Fri. 8 a.m. — 5 p.m.You can order, for instance:150 g Marinated chicken breast CZK 49150 g Marinated rump steak from a young bull CZK 69250 ml Homemade sauce (barbecue, cheese) CZK 79500 g Homemade coleslaw CZK 79The complete range of EXPRESS GRILL PARTY products is availableat the EXPRESS Sandwich store in the <strong>FILADELFIE</strong> building,or at www.sandwich.cz.PLEASE, PLACE YOUR ORDERS 2 WORKDAYS IN ADVANCEBEFORE 3 PM.FOR YOUR ORDERS:SANDWICH@SANDWICH.CZ, OR 222 510 446Tombolini: Clothes Make the ManTombolini fashion is a blend of tradition andinnovation as the future always has its roots in thepast. The brand received the name of Tomboliniin 1996 to reflect the new strategy of the firmand the innovative trends promoted by its newmanagement.Tombolini has opened their new boutique inthe arcade of the <strong>FILADELFIE</strong> building, andwe invited its manager Zdeněk Hartman foran interview.Will you give us an introduction to theItalian designer fashion shop, Tombolini?All the shops of the prestigious Italian labelTombolini can be found in close proximityto the other renowned world fashionhouses. All of them have been created byItalian architects to share the same designof a very traditional environment wheremodern ready-made clothes, often in boldcolours, are displayed. This also applies tothe first boutique opened in the very heartof Europe: the shop is situated in the FILA-DELFIE building because the atmosphereof <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> goes much better with ourcustomer care concept than bustling andsoulless shopping centres.What is the creed of Tombolini? Andare you going to stick to the samebrand strategy as you do in Italy?The creed of the Italian label Tomboliniready-made clothes is to achieve completeunderstanding of everything thatcan decide whether a suit is a perfect fit;I mean the person’s build, posture andgestures. This understanding, togetherwith experience, innovations in technology,quality materials and the quality ofmanufacturing, illustrates that makingclothes is an art, rather than a job. Tomboliniuses materials that are made by thebest of Italian and UK manufacturers andput into the hands of experienced Italiandesigners.What five adjectives best describe thebrand?Prestigious, timeless, designer, quality,traditional.What sort of services does your facilityoffer?We sell a full range of Tombolini ready-madeclothes such as jackets, trousers and shirts,which can be adapted by experiencedtailors we cooperate with to fit you perfectly.We are also committed to accommodatingexacting customers, offering them tailoredmadesuits. The selection of suits is assistedby our experienced English or Russianspeaking personnel.Who is Tombolini designed for?The Tombolini collection is for those whodemand the highest quality. The customeris provided with a perfectly fitted suit,made from the best material complete withan individualized approach, all of this fora reasonable price. We believe that it iseasier to perform and negotiate while wearinga carefully selected suit that reflectsyour individuality. This is crucial for a greatmany business negotiations.What special services are you preparingfor the tenants of <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> andtheir employees?PASSERINVEST GROUP’s approach is,together with the entire concept of <strong>BB</strong><strong>Centrum</strong>, very close to our own. We areready to offer the tenants seminars aboutetiquette and the image of clothing, alongwith workshops about rhetoric and bodylanguage. In a short time, we can producegift vouchers for purchases in our boutique.Also, we offer consultancy and an individualizedapproach, including taking measurementsof the client almost whenever andwherever they are in the vicinity of <strong>BB</strong> Cen-trum. Upon the first purchase, everyone isgiven a Regular Customer Card, completewith a set discount.To add some variety to the functionsorganized by <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> and its tenants,we are prepared to hold fashion shows ordance performances. We are also open toother ideas.Thank you for your interview.contact:TomboliniFiLADeLFie BuildingŽeletavská 1525/1140 00 Praha 4Web: www.tombolini.czOpening hours: Mon. — Fri. 10 a.m. — 6 p.m.8 9

INTERVIEWINTERVIEW“Czechs are lackingin humbleness“says Jiří Kunert, CEO of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.Mr Jiří Kunert, CEO and Chairman of the Board of UniCredit Bank CzechRepublic, is fond of banking. Work, then, is his hobby. He is committed togiving “his” bank a name that can boast not only satisfied clients but alsosatisfied personnel.Mr Jiří Kunert has given <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> Review an interview on the occasion ofhis signing the contract and moving his offices into <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>.Can you introduce UniCredit, please?What does it involve and what countriesis it present in?UniCredit Bank is a part of the UniCreditGroup, which, in terms of its balancesum, ranks among the largest financialgroups in Europe, playing the leadingrole in the region of the CEE. It operatesdirectly in 22 countries and has businessrepresentation in another 27 countries.UniCredit provides its services to morethan 40 million clients through about10,000 branch offices and 168,000employees.How long has your company beenoperating on the Czech market?What does this market mean to you?We commenced our operations on theCzech market under the name of UniCreditBank Czech Republic in November2007. UniCredit Bank finds itself in aunique situation in the Czech Republicas over 70% of its revenues are derivedfrom corporate banking, which is closelyassociated with the fact that almost fouryears ago the bank was establishedthrough a merger between two bankinghouses, HVB Bank and Živnostenskábanka, with a rich tradition in corporateand private banking. To further strengthenour position, we strive to act as aretail bank on a wider basis, which musthave been spotted by our readers fromTV campaigns, for example.What is UniCredit’s historical background?It should certainly be of interest to ourreaders to find out that the origins ofUniCredit Group go back to the 15thcentury when the Rolo Banca bankinghouse was established. The modernhistory of UniCredit is associated with themerger of nine large Italian banks and,consequently, their integration with theGerman-based HVB Group and the Italian-basedCapitalia Bank. The expansionof the Group into the CEE region beganwith the acquisition of Poland’s BankPekao in 1999. The Group continued togrow through other strategic acquisitions,gradually entering the CEE region in thefollowing years, including the acquisitionmade in the Czech Republic in 2003.Could you define the differencesbetween UniCredit’s activities on theCzech market and other places inthe world – what is the Czech marketspecific for and what is the percentageof the Czech Republic in theshare of the other countries?Our aim in the Czech Republic is to bea universal bank with the most balancedrevenues from corporate, retail andprivate banking. This is also our strategyin the other countries. On the otherhand, it is always necessary to adapt theproduct line and service model to localconditions. The historic, economic andsocial development of particular countrieswhere the UniCredit Group is present isdifferent or exists at a different stage. It isimportant to understand the needs andrequirements of particular client segments,in addition to recognizing the differencesbetween particular countries. Werely on local employees, experts who areable to choose and tailor the productsand services to the taste of local clients.You regard the Czech market as fullydeveloped then?Yes, the Czech market is very well developed,competitive and the penetrationof banking services is very high. In someof the other countries, certain social circlesstill do not have a bank account andare actually receiving no more than thebasic services. On the other hand thesegroups have, for instance, high interest10 11

INTERVIEWINTERVIEWate banking. In my opinion, our privatebanking has made it to the top on theCzech market.UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.Why did you choose <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>?We intend to develop the new headquartersfor UniCredit Bank and the otherUniCredit Group companies into a centreof 21st century financial services. Thenew building has all the necessary prerequisitesincluding excellent traffic access,quality support services and an overallcapacity to suit the demands of a dynamicallydeveloping banking institution.* UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a. s. commenced operations on the Czech market on 5November 2007.* The bank was created through the merger of two successful independent banks – HVB Bank andŽivnostenská banka.* UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a. s. is a strong and fast-growing bank that offers a wide rangeof quality products for corporate and private clients.What was your career path? And whydid you decide to work in the bankingsector?Banking has become, in addition towork, also my hobby and I still enjoy it.Admittedly, banks are, by definition, bureaucraticbecause they are subject to agreat many regulations, but working withpeople – clients, employees, shareholders– provides opportunities for creativityand grounds for satisfaction.What about leisure time? If you happento have any...Aside from my work, I like culture: music,film and theatre. I enjoy reading, thoughmostly in English, and I try to play tennis.I play badly, but I play for pleasure.PROFILE: Mr. Kunert* Mr. Kunert graduated from the University of Economics, where he studied in the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Economics. He served an internship atŽivnostenská banka in London following his graduation in 1976.* Mr. Kunert worked at the Československá obchodní banka from 1976 to 1982; he began working at the London branch of Živnostenská banka in 1982 and wasappointed deputy director of the branch in 1986.* After returning from London, Mr. Kunert served as an advisor at the Federal Ministry of Finance from 1986 to 1988.* He was named executive director of Živnostenská banka n.p. in 1988, and became chairman of the board of directors of Živnostenská banka, a.s. in 1992.* In 2001 Mr. Kunert accepted an offer to become the chairman of the board of directors of Slovak Unibanka (UniCredit shareholder); he returned to the head position atŽivnostenská banka in 2003. UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s. was created through the merger of Živnostenská banka, a.s. and HVB Bank ČR in November 2007.* Mr. Kunert is currently the chairman of the board of directors and general director of UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a.s.* He is also a member of the Czech Banking Association (the founding president in 1990), a member of the executive council of the National Committee of the InternationalChamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic, a member of the French-based Trilateral Commission and a member of the advisory board of BDO CS s.r.o.* Mr. Kunert writes commentary and articles on the bank industry for professional periodicals and the daily press.historically lowest interest of 2.5%. Anotherunique new product of ours is knownas the PRESTO Loan. It allows the client,among other things, to integrate all theirloans with any banks into a single loanwith a lower interest rate than they hadformerly. Similarly, we could enumeratethe personal accounts, payment cards orinvestments. At the same time, by introducingthese innovations, UniCredit Bankis extending its branch network, alongwith building new distribution channels.One of them is a project to distributefinancial products and services on afranchise principle, known as UniCreditBank Expres.Traditionally, we have had a strongposition in the field of corporate banking.We are strong in the segment of so-calledlarge corporates, along with furtherstrengthening our position with medium-sizedand small firms. We manageto attend very well to our foreign clientsoperating in the Czech Republic. For thispurpose, we have established specialcentres intended for the internationalclientele at the level of retail and corporrates.The UniCredit Group intends toachieve growth in the CEE countriesand, first and foremost, to make furtherinvestments in Russia, Poland, Romania,Turkey and the Czech Republic. Comparedwith large countries with a potentiallylarge clientele, we have earnedtheir trust thanks to the good economicsituation of the country and good resultsof the bank. We have a four times highershare on the Group’s profits than itsassets.Could you provide our readers, whoare non-experts, with an explanationof the five key areas covered byUniCredit?There are a great number of areas whichare being focused on by our bank, fromretail to corporate banking. To give yousome examples, we very actively launchnew products and improve the servicesfor our retail clientele – citizens. We havemanaged to breathe some life into themortgage market with a brand new product,Ground-breaking Mortgage, whichcan be taken out by anyone, with theWhere do you see UniCredit in fiveyears’ time? What is the future of thecompany?I have the impression that we Czechswould always like to say something big tothe world, “set the world on fire”. I thinkthat we are lacking in what I have maintainedall my life – humbleness. I wouldbe happy if we are a good universalbank providing our clients, shareholdersand employees with the highest level ofsatisfaction in five years. It is perhapsnothing to write home about, but I find itimportant.Thank you for your interview.LIFE IS MUCH EASIERWHEN YOU SEETHROUGH THINGSDistinct benefits, straightforward offersand real value. We offer top quality products andyet keep things as clear as a bell. All designed tomake our clients’ everyday life easier. Welcometo UniCredit Bank. For more information call800 144 441 or go to www.unicreditbank.cz.12 HOW EASY!

RESiDEnTiAL PARk BAARovAnovinky RESiDEnTiAL PARk BAARovAStep by Step -RESIDENTIAL PARK BAAROVAThe Residential ParkBaarova, a newlyemerging developmentby PASSERINVESTGROUP, has reachedanother stage as theshell of the buildingswas completed as ofthis May. A sampleapartment is availableand so is the newvisualisation of thecommon interior areas.The development isscheduled for theofficial approval ofconstruction thisNovember.24 25

RESiDEnTiAL PARk BAARovAnovinky RESiDEnTiAL PARk BAARovAThe Residential Park Baarova will offer 139apartments which – having from two to sixrooms complete with a kitchenette – arebetween 50 and 170 square metres in size.Situated between Baarova Street, TelčskáStreet and the new Baar Park, the developmentboasts an extremely convenientlocation: not far from the city centre and, atthe same time, in peace and quiet, amidstgreen areas, complete with a full rangeof servicing facilities. Hence, the project’smotto: Style, comfort, security.At the end of May, the shell of thebuildings was completed. Václav Černý,Sales Manager of PASSERINVEST GROUP,says: “With the completion of the shell ofthe buildings, the project has taken on itsreal face. At this stage, we have prepareda sample apartment, including finishingtouches, as well as the visualisation of thecommon areas such as the reception, corridorsand entries, in order to help our clientspicture the final shape of the development.”The architectural concept of the ResidentialPark Baarova is of a natural and fluentpassage between the original villa areaand the nearby modern multipurpose <strong>BB</strong><strong>Centrum</strong>. This new residential developmenthas been designed by CMC architects asa continuation of the park, with its innergarden actually bordering the park. In viewof this, the complex offers perfect, intimateand comfortable housing to everyone whofinds a new home there. At present, workon the façades is in progress and that onthe interiors is imminent.The enclosed complex, with a 24/7 reception,consists of three independent residentialbuildings, with an atrium betweenthem. The entrance to the complex issecured with an electronic card systemand, moreover, CCTV cameras can befound at entrances for pedestrian and vehiclesalike. The buildings smoothly mergeinto one another forming a compact,harmonious complex that guaranteespeaceful and modern living. Each of themhas its own separate entrances – bothfrom the street and the park. There is alsoan underground parking stall for everyapartment. The studio CMC architectsis behind the architectural design of theResidential Park Baarova, PSJ is generalcontractor and UniCredit Bank is thefinancing bank.Kristina VackováContact:PASSERINVEST GROUP, a. s.václav ČernýŽeletavská 1525/1140 00 Praha 4Tel.: +420 724 607 209E-mail: vaclav.cerny@passerinvest.czWeb: www.passerinvest.czA sample apartment, whose constructionwork has been completed, is available forviewing. The contact person is Mr václav Černý,Sales Manager, PASSERinvEST GRoUP.16 17

How did it all happen?Nobody can trace the exact origins of teaalthough there are a great number of theoriesand studies trying to explain where andwhen tea first appeared. Legend has it thatthe Chinese Emperor Shen Nung was, apartfrom being a tremendous healer, behindthe accidental discovery of tea. Almostfive thousand years ago, he was allegedlyboiling some extremely filthy water in anattempt to satisfy his thirst and, by accident,several leaves fell from a tree into the vessel.He wanted to remove them but, owing to itsdazzlingly beautiful and intoxicating smell,he eventually decided to taste what had betestedfor younovinky tested for youKick off Your Day with TeaTea is today probably the most widespread hot drink, being enjoyed byalmost everybody. It is part and parcel of daily life and perhaps this is whymany find it plain and ordinary. More information about teas is available atthe new “Good tea” store in the <strong>FILADELFIE</strong> building, together with plenty ofopportunities to taste them.come tea. Tea was not imported to Europeuntil the 16th century. At first it was drunkonly by the wealthy but eventually it becameextremely popular (in a variety of forms) withalmost everyone.Varieties of teaTea can be classified according to variouscriteria such as, first and foremost, thecountry and region where it is grown, thetechniques in processing, collection, time ofharvest and its quality.Regarding the processing techniques,there are differences based on the colourof the leaves, so we can distinguish amongwhite, green, yellow, semi-green, black anddark teas. In classifying teas into particulargroups, what counts is the extent and stageof processing during which fermentationoccurs, defined as the natural process ofoxidation of the cellular juices of leaves andthe changing of their chemical properties.Some effects of tea on the humanbodyThe Chinese, who have been followinga tradition of tea drinking for thousands ofyears, have regarded tea as a healing drinkfor ages. Tea infusions and extracts havealso been used for the treatment of skindiseases. Tea has been regarded as aneffective remedy which, apart from bringingrelief from tiredness, proves highly effectivein the increase of physical and mental activities.It has also been used in the treatmentof intestinal and gastric diseases for a longtime. The tannins in tea have a beneficialinfluence on digestion, as they are capableof absorbing and draining away harmfulsubstances from the organism.There’s nothing like tea!Tea contains B group vitamins, especially,B1 and B2, as well as A, C and P. In theP vitamin content, it has no equals amongplants. Vitamin P, together with vitamin C,leads to the accumulation of ascorbic acid,which helps boost immunity to infectiousdiseases. A green tea infusion is effective inthe treatment of dysentery. Furthermore, thecatechin found in tea is behind a return tonormality of intestinal micro flora, along withhindering the development of suppuration inthe digestive system. Strong tea is beneficialfirst aid in the case of toxins affecting thecentral nervous system, heart complaintsand laboured breathing. Tea compresses reducepain and fever resulting from sunstrokeand are common in the treatment of inflammationof the eyelids. Also, tea is a perfectthermo regulator. Over the centuries, it hasbeen confirmed that tea makes you warm inwinter, along with being especially refreshingduring hot weather, not to mention its helpfuleffect on breathing. But millions of tea loversall over the world drink it especially for itsstimulating effects on the entire body,the brain in particular.Kristina VackováTips for preparing good tea:* Store it in a dry and dark place out of thereach of any other flavours and smells.* Tea should be prepared in such vesselsand with the help of such accessoriesthat do not chemically react with it, anddo not give the tea any other tastes orsmells.* Water should not be too mineralized,with as little of its own distinctive taste aspossible.* One teabag is for one cup of tea (250 ml).* Bring water to a rolling boil to brew blacktea but it should be a little cooler forgreen tea.Mini interview withPavel MastnýWhat is the Good tea shop inthe <strong>FILADELFIE</strong> building like?Who is behind its design?The shop is designed by the architect SlavoNovotný, famous especially for his interiordesign works. Since the very beginning,we have been striving to produce a novelconcept, creating an impression of a havenof peace and tranquillity in these bustlingtimes. Aside from buying tea-related products,our customers will be invited to sit fora while in the pleasant atmosphere.What will you offer? Perhaps not onlytea. Will we also find coffee and otherdrinks or, possibly tea services in yourshop?When we were drawing up our range ofproducts, we were trying to accommodateall the needs of our customers. In additionto traditional teas, we will also offer mixedtea drinks and other specialities. Similarly,lovers of quality coffee will also be satisfiedin our shop. Moreover, loose tea, tea potteryand other tea-related goods from theworld over will be on sale.Will you serve as an advisor, too? Areyour personnel trained for this task?Given the fact that one of our key objectivesis to continually increase the awarenessof tea culture, our personnel will beproperly trained to provide perfect answersto our customers’ questions.Why did you choose <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>?We have a liking for the area of <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong>for a number of reasons. First, it isextremely easily accessible by both carand public transport. Also, we insistupon premises that are imposing and prestigious,which is definitely true of the new<strong>FILADELFIE</strong> building. Last but notleast, we want to be close to customerswho appreciate quality teas and teaproducts.What are the origins, history and goalsof your company?We have been active in the field of teaculture for a long time. Our affinity for tea,whose level has been elevated over theyears, along with our own personal tieswith families growing and selling tea inIndia and China for more than 150 yearshave resulted in our endeavour to fosterthe awareness of tea culture in Europe.We took the first step in 2006, when ourInternet shop, www.dobrycaj.cz, wasfounded. It aims to fill the gap in the teamarket by offering products of above-standardquality and enhancing awarenessamong people interested in tea. As wehave received favourable responses to ouractivities, we have just decided to open abrick-and-mortar shop to get even closerto our customers.Thank you for your interview.Contact:Good tea<strong>FILADELFIE</strong> BuildingŽeletavská 1525/1140 00 Praha 4Web: www.goodtea.eu20 21

maranathanovinky maranathaFood is one of the crucial factors that,aside from affecting our health, alsocontributes to how we feel. ‘Eat healthy– live longer’ is a motto coined by theMaranatha restaurant, whose personnelstrive to demonstrate that meatlessfood can be delicious and attractive,can satisfy even real connoisseurs, and,at the same time, supply the body withall the necessary nutrients to restoreinner energy. This mission goes hand inhand with their choice of top-quality andtime-tested ingredients. Not surprisingly,organic ingredients are in the majority.To maintain a wide variety, the menu iscontinuously updated, thus is not likelyto become dull, while following the latesttrends of international gastronomy andallowing guests to choose a dish to theirtaste.Tell Me What You Eat...It’s been almost five years since the vegetarian restaurant Maranatha beganto offer its services to those working at <strong>BB</strong> <strong>Centrum</strong> and people from thewider area alike. The choice of dishes will satisfy not only vegetarians butother guests as well, because Maranatha is committed to promoting a healthylifestyle and a healthy diet.World Cuisine DaysRestaurant guests can enjoy dishesfrom various corners of the world, rangingfrom meatless variations of classicCzech recipes such a svíčková to Asiandelicacies. The influence of Mediterraneancuisine is also apparent on the menu.Tastings of traditional Indian food wereheld at the end of April and the beginningof May. Ancient Hindus believed inthe divine origin of food, and the culinaryarts were therefore regarded as sacred.Cooking rituals were governed by “pious”rules. In addition to being nutritiousand healthy, meals were requiredto elevate the aesthetic and intellectualpleasures of life. Guests could try anonion bhaji starter (fried onion rings ina chickpea batter), red lentil soup withginger, tomatoes, potatoes and a mix ofspices; channa masala – chickpeas witha slightly hot sauce (a vegetarian versionof Czech goulash) served with chapatti(flatbread); and raita, a popular yogurtsalad made with thick, whole fat yogurtand a variety of chopped vegetablessuch as cucumbers, aubergine, tomatoes,potatoes, spinach or even fruit.Guests can find information on futureexcursions to other international cuisineson the restaurant’s website.A visit to the Maranatha vegetarian restaurantcan also provide inspiration foryour own cooking. So pay us a visit; asour motto says, “Our food will win yourheart!”News, CampaignsThe restaurant has some news for you.Every guest who pays over CZK 100 atthe cash desk is given a freebie:a homemade cake plus BIO tea or BIOcoffee from 3 p.m. to closing time.Moreover, the guests can benefit froma very popular ‘ALL YOU CAN EAT’ offerfor CZK 130, Mondays through Thursdays,from 5 p.m. (and on Fridays from4 p.m.) to closing time.Contact:Maranatha Vegetarian RestaurantBrumlovka Buildingvyskočilova 2140 00 Praha 4Web: www.restauracemaranatha.czOpening hours:mon.–thu. 11 a.m.–7 p.m.Fri. 11 a.m.–5 p.m.22 23

Balance cluB Brumlovkanovinky Balance cluB BrumlovkaThe TRX System atBalance Club BrumlovkaBalance Club Brumlovka is an exclusive modern wellness and fitnessclub committed to creating a pleasant atmosphere for doing sports aswell as having some nice rest and relaxation.What is absolutely new at Balance ClubBrumlovka is the integration of a TRXsuspension training system into the grouplessons. With the TRX equipment, thereis no need to have personal trainers and,instead, the club members can work outunder the guidance of instructors.The unique TRX suspension trainingsystem is comprised of two straps which –being adjusted with the help of snap-hooks– can be anchored to wall-bars, doors,frames of machinery or to a specially designedstructure, which has been installedin Balance Club Brumlovka.With the TRX system, you can become immersedin a never-ending array of exerciseswhere the load depends only on the anglebetween your body, the suspension pointand your own weight. The TRX is suitable foryour workouts in a gym or, alternately, you caneasily take it on your journey or trip. Using theTRX, you can always do exercises, bearingexactly the load of your body in all the threeplanes of motion, which optimally adheres tothe principles of functional training.Technically speaking, TRX is a rather strenuousworkout, which is why you can use thisequipment during individual training sessionswith your personal trainer or, as already mentioned,during the group lessons which arecurrently being taught in the club. Most ofthe personal trainers and instructors have recentlytaken part in an interesting workshopled by TRX expert, Jakub Wurzel, followedby a functional training workshop taughtby a professional from New Zealand, SteveJack. In view of this, you can look forward toexciting individual training sessions designedto push your sports performance anotherstep forward...Dominik ŠpiláčekGym Manager, Personal Trainercontact:Balance Club Brumlovkavyskočilova 2/1100140 00 Praha 4 - michleTel.: +420 234 749 811Web: www.balanceclub.czOpening hours of the Club:mon.–Fri. 6.30 am–11 pmSat.–Sun. 8 am–10 pm24 25


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