Antiterrorism / Force Protection

Antiterrorism / Force Protection Antiterrorism / Force Protection


Terrorist Threat LevelLowNo terrorist group is detected or the group activity is non-threateningModerateTerrorists are present but there are no indications of anti-US activitySignificantAnti-US terrorists are present and attack personnel as their preferredmethod of operation, or a group uses large casualty producing attacks asits preferred method but has limited operational activityHighAnti-US terrorists are operationally active and use large casualty producingattacks as their preferred method of operation

Defense Condition (DEFCON) DEFCON 5Normal peacetime situation exists DEFCON 4Tensions exist which require greater military vigilance DEFCON 3Tensions exist which may have serious and adverse effects on U.S.interests DEFCON 2Situations exist which are directly susceptible to foreign exploitation byhostile action or other situations exist which are susceptible to hostileexploitation, either which could seriously threaten US forces overseas, USallies, or areas vital to US national interests. DEFCON 1International relations have deteriorated to such a degree that measuresmust be taken to achieve maximum readiness. Significant strategic and/ortactical indications of hostilities exist against US forces overseas, US allies,or the US or its possessions. War is imminent.

Defense Condition (DEFCON) DEFCON 5Normal peacetime situation exists DEFCON 4Tensions exist which require greater military vigilance DEFCON 3Tensions exist which may have serious and adverse effects on U.S.interests DEFCON 2Situations exist which are directly susceptible to foreign exploitation byhostile action or other situations exist which are susceptible to hostileexploitation, either which could seriously threaten US forces overseas, USallies, or areas vital to US national interests. DEFCON 1International relations have deteriorated to such a degree that measuresmust be taken to achieve maximum readiness. Significant strategic and/ortactical indications of hostilities exist against US forces overseas, US allies,or the US or its possessions. War is imminent.

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