
The purpose of this training booklet is to help you get started as a new memberof Tahitian Noni International. After you review the information in this booklet, weinvite you to move onto more advanced and detailed training tools that have beenproduced to help your experience with TNI to be a successful one. These trainingscan be accessed online at TNI membership gives you free access to your own personal account.GoNoni is your one-stop location for exclusive TNI news and announcements,event details, and powerful online trainings. These trainings will cover detailedinformation on Tahitian Noni ® products, how to build a successful business, TNI’scompensation plan and incentive program, and many other topics that will bebeneficial to truly contains everything you’ll need to build, manage and inform yourbusiness organization. All of these trainings, communications, and business toolsare available to you all day, every day. Remember to check it often.Understanding the Power of NoniThe Tahitian Noni product line has been built around the amazing benefits ofthe noni fruit. Noni is unlike any other fruit known to man. It was highly valuedby ancient Polynesians for its medicinal properties, even though they didn’tunderstand how it worked. Modern science has begun to unlock the secrets ofthis remarkable plant and the mechanisms behind its potential health benefits.Noni contains powerful compounds that impart health-maximizing properties.Chief among these are iridoids, which possess a wide range of potential healthbenefits. Modern research points to iridoids as the reason why noni works. Theunique combination of over 12 different iridoids in Tahitian Noni ® Original makes it a world-class adaptogen. Adaptogens help the body balance, or“normalize,” when faced with physical, chemical, or other stressors. Noni’sadaptogenic properties help explain the versatility of the health benefits thatconsumers of Tahitian Noni products often experience.TNI has captured all the goodness of the noni plant and fruit in its leading lineof products, ranging from bioactive beverages to skin and facial care products.Regular consumption of the Tahitian Noni ® Bioactive Beverages and TNI’severyday use products is a simple and safe way to protect and enhance your lifeand the lives of those you love. TNI’s products are designed from inception todelivery with you in mind.It is crucial that you understand the power of noni and TNI’s amazing products.For a comprehensive review of the benefits of noni, as well as TNI’s entirefamily of products, please see the Products booklet in your starter kit and 3

Core Activity 3Give PresentationsEffective presentations are crucial to your success. All of your work in creating alist, contacting your prospects, and setting appointments was done for the purposeof giving a presentation. A powerful presentation is simple, direct, and honest.It is important that you share the information your contact will need to make adecision on what level of involvement with TNI best suits their needs. Your goalin giving a presentation is to illustrate how your potential customer or businesspartner’s life will benefit by becoming part of TNI through your wellness business.Effective presentations introduce your customers to TNI’s amazing products andopportunity. It’s especially important that every prospect tries the Tahitian Noni ®Bioactive Beverages and takes the “Noni for Ninety” challenge.Important Tips on Giving Presentations:• Use TNI’s Standard Opportunity Presentation. It’s simple, effective and easilyduplicated. Once you learn it, you can give it over and over again. Tahitian NoniInternational makes it easy to use. You can access this presentation throughDVD, flipchart, tear-off pad or PowerPoint. You can give it in your own words orsimply put the disc in the DVD player and let it do the work for you.• Where to Give Presentations. The presentations can be given just aboutanywhere—in a restaurant, park, the prospect’s home, or any quiet place. Ofcourse, you can host the presentation at your home and invite several guests.Home parties are one of the easiest and most successful ways to build yourbusiness. Your sponsor or team will usually host weekly or monthly groupmeetings where you can bring your prospects to hear the presentation from anexperienced TNI leader.• Close and Invite. The presentation should close with an invitation to become acustomer of Tahitian Noni ® products and/or participate in the revenue sharingprogram (business opportunity). You will see better retention if the prospectbecomes a loyal consumer of Tahitian Noni products. Complete the ApplicationForms and choose an AutoShip option that best fits your customer.You will find that most of your contacts will fall into three basic categories: 1) theyneed more information, 2) they are ready to become a customer and start usingthe Tahitian Noni products, or 3) they are ready to start building their own TNIbusiness. Following up in each of these areas will be key to your success.10 11

Core Activity 4Follow UpThe fortune is in the follow-up. Developing and maintaining strong relationshipsof trust is key to your business and these relationships grow out of regularcommunication. It is important to continue to educate your contacts that requiremore information. This can be done through the use of tools, meeting with yourupline, or simply in a follow-up session after the presentation.It is extremely important that you have a follow-up meeting with your newcustomers within 48 hours after they have enrolled. A great idea would be toschedule a visit just after they have received their first order of product. Thepurpose of this follow-up session is to support your new team member, createa trusting relationship, answer any questions they may have, and help themget oriented with the products and the company. Be sure to help them get theirGoNoni account set up and show them where the Training section is located.Core Activity 5Training and RecognitionOngoing training and development is a key element for successful businessleaders. You should personally invest time each week to becoming better trainedwith regards to the Tahitian Noni ® products, systems, and the marketing plan.Additionally, personal development skills learned in books, seminars, and CDs willhelp you to model the leadership qualities that will make you successful in thebusiness. You will also want to connect each of your team members to the trainingresources offered by Tahitian Noni International on as well as theweekly conference calls, regional and nationwide conferences, and events. Finally,one of the most important things you can do as a leader of a TNI business is torecognize and celebrate the success of your team members. Doing this will inspireand motivate people to set goals and achieve more than they thought possible.Through personal development and recognition you can achieve more and helpyour team members to do the same.For your new team members who are joining you as a business builder, your followupsession should be geared toward helping them get started in the core activitiesof building a successful Tahitian Noni ® business. The system is already in place—there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Help your new distributor build their contactlist, practice some contacting approaches, and set a date for their first home party.Ultimately, your goal is to help them go through the five fundamentals of a successfulTNI business and encourage them to teach these principles to their future teammembers. Just as your upline sponsor or team members helped you in differentaspects of the system, it is crucial that you support your new team members.12 13

How does the AutoShip program work?Enrolling in the AutoShip program means that you have committed to purchasea certain amount of product QPV (Qualifying Personal Volume) each month. Inreturn for your AutoShip enrollment, you receive many great benefits, such asdiscounted product pricing, increased income earning potential, and more.It is called “AutoShip” because TNI will automatically ship this order to youraddress on file. You have many different options for fulfilling your monthlyAutoShip requirement. All of these choices are available as either Conditional orUnconditional options.Being on Conditional AutoShip means you have the option to customize yourAutoShip order before the 15th of each month. If you decide not to place acustomized order before the 15th for at least your committed amount of productQPV, TNI will automatically ship your monthly order on the 15th. Being onUnconditional AutoShip means your automatic order will process on the 15th ofevery month, regardless of the orders you’ve placed.AutoShip is fully customizable. You may order as much or little of any Tahitian Noni ®products you desire. You may also vary the amount of product you receive in yourAutoship order. TNI offers a variety of AutoShip options. Here are some of the mostpopular options:• Two 4-pack cases of Tahitian Noni ® Bioactive Beverages• One 4-pack case of Tahitian Noni ® Bioactive Beverages• 2 bottles of Tahitian Noni ® Bioactive Beverages• 1 bottle of Tahitian Noni ® Bioactive BeveragesIPCs committed to building a business and earning unlimited residual income willneed to be enrolled on an option of 120 QPV or more.What is the difference between a customer and an IPC?Customers are individuals who want to enjoy the benefits of the Tahitian Noniproducts but don’t have interest in building a TNI business. There are variousAutoShip options for customers.18 19

Referring Customers are individuals who are primarily focused on consumingTahitian Noni ® products, but would also like to participate in referral commissionson a limited scale. An AutoShip selection of 30 QV or more is required for thosewho would like to enroll as a Referring Customer. The most common AutoShipselection of Referring Customers is two bottles of Tahitian Noni ® Original BioactiveBeverage. Limited income opportunities, such as having their product paid for, areavailable to Referring Customers.IPCs are individuals who have enrolled as TNI distributors with the primary goal ofbuilding a TNI business. An AutoShip of 120 QPV or more is required for IPCs toenjoy the full benefit of the TNI Revenue Sharing Program.When do I receive my referral commissions?When you enroll a new IPC, you will receive commissions on that person’spurchases through the Fast Start Bonus payout system, which is generated weeklyand paid on Mondays. After your IPC has been a member longer than 60 days,you will receive commissions on their purchases through the Unilevel plan, whichis paid out on a monthly basis, near the 20th of each month.If you would like your commissions to be paid through Direct Deposit, simply sendin the “Commissions Direct Deposit Form” which you can find in the Downloadssection of your account.Remember, as you help your new IPC share TNI’s products with others, you willreceive organizational commissions from those purchases as well.When you enroll a new customer or referring customer, you will receive 20%from their purchases each month (up to 240 points in product per month). Thereis tremendous financial reward for your business as you share TNI’s amazingproducts with people who simply want to consume the product each month.20

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