18 September - Victorian Amateur Football Association

18 September - Victorian Amateur Football Association 18 September - Victorian Amateur Football Association


PREMIER CAN EPIC THEATRE BATTLEDi LangtonWith Gargoyles standing sentry over the neo-gothicdomain of Melbourne’s Forum Theatre, we saw theglittering prize bestowed upon the cream of the Ammoworld. Under a too-blue sky with winking pseudostars,the real stellar sights on Monday night werethe winners of each section’s best and fairest awards.Taking out the L.S. Zachariah award for Premier C wasMichael Chamberlain from Mazenod with 17 votes,ahead of equal second place-getters and team matesBen Carboni and Dean Scheetz of Caulfield Grammarwith 13 votes apiece.GRAND FINALIn the moments before the grand final bounce at TrevorBarker Oval, pre-game butterflies were evident on thefaces around the ground. Brett Sinclair’s knee injuryin the second semi kept him from the big dance, butBeauy captain Brayden Haynes recovered from atwinged hammy to lead his side in the national anthem.There were big voices urging, a big breeze blowing,and big stakes ahead.How then, did we get to a quarter time margin of 45points? Beaumaris failed to register a solitary pointand struggled to make any meaningful forward foray.Ben Hyland won the first-goal kudos for Caulfield,followed by five of his teammates to kick 6.9 in the firstterm, in hindsight this was waaay too wasteful.A deathly pall seemed to hang over the royal & yellowhuddle. What could Mifsud pull out here? “We keepgoing fellas,” he said. “We keep going, and we keepour composure.”That they did. The shiny pate of Michael Lee burstfrom the centre bounce and the Sharks tore into theirfirst bite; two more in quick succession by McNicholasand Petering, and they were up and about. Caulfieldveteran Mark Liddell managed a trademark leftfooterfrom just inside fifty late in the quarter for theironly major, but Beauy had clawed back five goals andtrailed by 19 points. As the third stanza started, a fewdrops of rain momentarily fell and signalled a lull inthe bluster. With the wind much less a factor, Caulfieldwas slow to get going despite the doggedness ofcaptain Widjaja and Hammond. Beauy defender TimCollins was throwing up barricades, while down theother end Chris Langdon kicked two goals and TravWoolnough nailed his second right on the siren to getthe Sharks within 2 points. Caulfield had managed just4 behinds for the term.The fourth opened with a couple of misses, thenMcNicholas goaled for Beaumaris to put them 4 pointsup before the blood rule saw Woolnough and Price offwith clashed heads. Chris Hammond put the Fieldsback in front by 2 points, the Caulfield faithful berserkwhen Justin Perkins followed it up to make it 7 points.With 24 minutes gone, a bandaged Woolnough markedfrom 45 but missed, another rushed made it a 5 pointgame. With 27 gone, every player was in the Beauyforward fifty, willing themselves with what little energythey had left; and desperation footy sucked the breathfrom every onlooker. The ball fell to best-on-groundLangdon who threw it on the checkside. Goal. Beauyheld a one point lead for another four minutes, mostlyin the Caulfield forward line. Surely a point, a rushedbehind would take us into overtime. It seemed it did atone point, but no, out of bounds. When the siren blewthere was a split second of hesitation from the Sharks.Is that right? Did we win? DID WE WIN?!!!We were treated to a brilliant display of finals football,a battle of epic proportions, and such amazing scenes ofstark contrast: Caulfield’s despair, Beaumaris’ elation.Premier C Team of the YearB: Scheetz (C) Weislitzer (A) Ensor (B)HB: Keleher (O) S. Coote (B) Steinberg (A)C: Perkins (C) Angiolella (F) Allen (O)HF: McEvoy (OG) Sinclair (C) G. Phillips (R)F: Slevison (C) Rochford (P) Fayman (A)FOLL: White (A) Dean (B) Hough (OC)INT: Carlyle (OC) Thomas (M) Winter (C)Cheshire (F)Coach: Jason Mifsud Captain: SlevisonVice captain: CootePREMIER C GRAND FINAL PREMIER C RESERVEBEAUMARIS 0.0, 5.3, 8.6, 10.11 (71)CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 6.9, 7.10, 7.14, 9.16 (70)GOALS, BEAUMARIS: C. Langdon 3, L. McNicholas 2, T. Woonough 2,D. Pritchard 1, M. Lee 1, M. Petering 1 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS:C. Hammond 2, B. Price 1, A. Slevison 1, B. Carboni 1, J. Perkins 1,S. Widjaja 1, B. Hyland 1, M. Liddell 1BEST, BEAUMARIS: T. Collins, C. Langdon, m. Atkins, T. Dean, A. Catlin,M. Duggan CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS: S. Widjaja, D. Scheetz,S. Meredith, C. Hammond, M. Liddell, B. HylandCAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 1.1, 5.6, 7.9, 9.13 (69)ORMOND 2.6, 2.8, 5.10, 5.11 (41)GOALS, CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS: D. Spanos 2, J. Kremmer 2,A. Strain 2, R. Foote 1, D. Allanson 1, J. McCahon 1 ORMOND: J. Holdsworth2, L. Duthie 2, B. Muzzell 1BEST, CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS: R. Foote, A. Strain, N. Dorman,A. Lawson, A. Townsend, J. Kremmer ORMOND: L. Duthie, W. Cove,J. Muzzell, C. Coghlan, D. Frazier, A. Holman6 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

DIVISION 1BEES CAP OFF BRILLIANT YEARRees QuilfordA season of sweat, blood, toil and tears broughtus down to two. For the third time in a monththe minor premiers Werribee took on MonashBlues for the Division 1 premiership. Werribeecapped off what has been an amazing year with aconvincing 46 point win.The game had all the makings of a shootout atthe end of the first quarter. Monash showed veryearly on that they didn’t plan on leaving anythingin the tank. Kicking the first three majors of thegame was exactly the start they needed but theBees were able to respond in style. Generatingplenty of run and capitalising on some excellentfield kicking they booted five goals to take a5-point lead at the first change.The second term was all Werribee. It wasn’tthat the Monash boys weren’t giving their all,Werribee’s class on every line just shone through.They took complete control of the contest.Stefan Callea was the everywhere man and TateMcCutcheon was absolutely dominant in theruck. His class had a twofold effect, providing hison-ball unit first use but also making life difficultfor the likes of Tim McKenzie, Andrew Youngand George Smyth for the Blues. As such, theBlues weren’t able generate the run they sodearly needed. Six goals to one for the quarterfrom the Bees delivered them a six goal lead atthe main change.To their credit Monash came off the break andproduced a gutsy team-wide effort. They bootedthree majors for the term and managed to holdthe Bees to two. But the damage had been done,it was never looked enough to get them over theline. While Monash remained competitive in thefinal term Werribee was still able to kick away.Four goals to two capped off a memorable win.At the end of the day the Bees simply had toomuch class, their run and disposal by foot wasexcellent all day. Monash were valiant by werenever able to break the game openTate McCutcheon was superb all day in the ruckfor the Bees and was a worthy recipient of themedal for best afield. He got first class supportfrom Wayne Pelar, Stefan Callea, AidanMurphy and Darren Morrish. The Bees alsofound a good spread of goal kickers, AaronTaylor capped off a brilliant year up forward withthree majors. Matt Taylor and Andy Panayi alsobooted three apiece.For the Blues, Justin Main, Dan Brogden andDujon Fuzzard put in sterling performanceswhile Ryan Parsons finished the match withthree.Monash did have some positive news after theweekend when George Smyth was a worthywinner of the Division 1 Best and Fairest awardon Monday night.Well, it has been fantastic year Division 1. Thiscolumn would like to sincerely thank all the clubcontacts that for their generous contributions.See you in 2011!DIVISION 1 GRAND FINAL DIVISION 1 RESERVEWERRIBEE 5.2, 11.6, 13.10, 17.12 (114)MONASH BLUES 4.3, 5.3, 8.4, 10.8 (68)GOALS, WERRIBEE: A. Taylor 3, M. Taylor 3, A. Panayi 3, C. Lee 2, A.Cunningham 2, C. Scudamore 1, A. Tedeso 1, T. McCutcheon 1, A. Murphy1 MONASH BLUES: R. Parsons 3, T. Craven 1, D. Fuzzard 1, B. MacKenzie1, K. Beck 1, J. Main 1, A. McKenzie 1, A. Young 1BEST, WERRIBEE: T. McCutcheon, W. Pelar, A. Murphy, D. Morrish, A.Taylor, S. Callea MONASH BLUES: J. Main, D. Brogden, D. Fuzzard, G.Smyth, E. Flanagan, A. HickeyNORTH OLD BOYS/ST PATS 3.3, 6.8, 7.10, 8.14 (62)MONASH BLUES 3.0, 4.4, 5.7, 6.7 (43)GOALS, NORTH OLD BOYS/ST PATS: D. Joyce 3, L. Dullard 1, N. Evans 1,P. Bryar 1, B. Burdeu 1, S. Sleep 1 MONASH BLUES: M. Mason 1, J. Cook1, W. Blackley 1, S. Walsh 1, N. Robertson 1, L. Inglis 1BEST, NORTH OLD BOYS/ST PATS: C. Dobson, B. Burdeu, P. Carnovale, F.Caldow, A. McLarty, C. Le Maitre MONASH BLUES: S. Walsh, T. Osmond,M. Mason, N. Robertson, J. McKenzie, J. RosengartenTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 7

DIVISION 2BEARS WITHOUT SCARESJames CoyneBanyule completed a remarkable season whenit clinched both Division 1 senior and reservepremierships and may not yet be done. Its Threeshave the chance to put the cherry on top of the supersundae when they play in the Premier B Thirdsgrand final this Saturday.Old Paradians, under Phil Gaut, have undergoneresurgence too. On Sunday, they had the chance tocap a great year and send Peter Brabender out ona winning note, but it was not to be. Dreams don’talways come true in the last.It was a low-scoring affair at Craigieburn, as finalsoften are, with the wind making accuracy a priority.Neither team distinguished itself in that department,but the Bears did a little better. Allan Young bootedthree for the Green, but the fearsome Killer Bcombo contributed just one, though it must be saidthat David Boundy was his team’s best player. AshBrown and Luke Giles snagged pairs for the Bears,but otherwise the scoring was restricted to singles.The first stanza was a close affair, but Paradians’failure to draw twin calicos in the second term putit behind the eight-ball. The third term was theirchance, but an eleven point deficit at the last changespelled doom. The Bears seven shots to two in thefinal term and pushed away to a 26 point victory.Congratulations to Rick Brockwell and his team ontheir premiership, which was thoroughly deserved.The Banyule club has much to look forward to asit pushes back up through the sections. It has afine young list and is hellbent on development andimprovement.Their foray into the Thirds competition is proof ofthat. Paradians also has been a power in the pastand will look to keep its upward momentum.It was a season of great interest. The teams promotedto Div 2 – Bentleigh and St Mary’s Salesian – didnot enjoy the success they had last year. The Saintswere relegated along with Prahran, while theDemons simultaneously flirted with the finals anddemotion. Therry Penola crashed and burned aftera bright start and Glen Eira challenged hard until itsexit on preliminary final day. And so to the summerand to time off that is well earned.Thanks to all those who contributed to this columnduring the year, advertently or otherwise.DIVISION 2 GRAND FINAL DIVISION 2 RESERVEBANYULE 0.3, 3.8, 6.8, 9.12 (66)OLD PARADIANS 1.4, 1.7, 4.9, 5.10 (40)GOALS, BANYULE: A. Brown 2, L. Giles 2, J. Brockwell 1, R. Hay 1, A.Barclay 1, T. Shepherd 1, C. Horne 1 OLD PARADIANS: A. Young 3, B.McAllister 1, D. Boundy 1BEST, BANYULE: D. Drapac, M. Christian, J. Truefeldt, T. Shepherd, B.Parthenides, L. French OLD PARADIANS: D. Boundy, J. Seneca, M. Bellizia,B. McAllister, D. Spitty, S. ValenteBANYULE 3.1, 5.7, 6.7, 9.11 (65)BENTLEIGH 1.0, 1.0, 6.5, 6.6 (42)GOALS, BANYULE: T. Cantwell 3, Z. Wenke 2, S. Playfair 1, K. Gray 1, M.Osborne 1, D. Stokes 1 BENTLEIGH: A. Hendry 2, B. Hunt 2, L. Morrison 1,A. West 1BEST, BANYULE: M. Osborne, S. Playfair, T. Cantwell, H. Tippet, Z. Wenke,B. Cantwell BENTLEIGH: B. Bennett, L. Morrison, C. Montesano, J. Coles,T. Dale, T. Stach8 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

DIVISION 3GRAND FINAL: FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAMEJonathan HibbertVermont Reserve, home of the Vermont Eagles,bore witness to a massive crowd frothing for acontest. The canteen was stocked and ready, butnot ready enough for a deluge of purchases, outof hot food by 3pm. That said, the a la carte menufrom which I sampled every dish, was sumptuous:snags fried to perfection, hamburgers delightfullybrowned, and the onions caramelised beautifully.It was just the way a Grand Final should be. It wasfrenetic and intense. It was bruising and brutal. Itwas the best game of footy I’ve seen in a long time.In the end, decided by only a point, it turned out tobe more than anybody could have expected.The first half, though exciting, pales in comparisonto the excitement of the final two quarters, so I shalleschew a long-winded report, and simply state myhighlights of the match up until the last quarter (I’llpost a full report of the game on the website):While battling sauce dripping down my jumper,the sauce coloured hair of Dillon Farrell, freshlytrimmed, wailed back and forth between clearances,halting JOC thrusts, and parrying, reboundingconstantly, commanding to screams from the LaTrobe contingent, packed out with picnic rugs,banners and flags. Cult hero, Jack McMeel elicitedwails of delight (from a heady amount of women)every time he got near the pill, the enigmatic 36taking a couple of spectacular grabs and reboundingoff the half back line in the last quarter.The third quarter was clearly dominated by StJohn’s, marked by rugged and fierce play byAndrew Dexter and Kane Arnold, culminatingin some spectacular goals. Liam Mara from theboundary line converted a huge bomb, whileGlenn Costas and Aaron Abela both performedmagnificently, snagging three each. Costas wasparticularly impressive in the third quarter, kickingtwo in two minutes, to put St John’s ahead by fourgoals going into the final break.Matty Phaedonos’ second quarter run from fullback to the half-forward flank a la Mick McGuanewas a sight, the JOC’s crowd urging him on,Phaedonos an unstoppable juggernaut.The final quarter began with La Trobe trailing byfour goals, severely in need of something special.As if sent by the Gods, Tom Harding, who’dbeen leading all day, managed to take a grab andconvert, quickly followed by Xavier Shiels’ goal.Stirring the pot, and rousing the Red and Blackfaithful to their feet was Terry Ludeman with theequaliser, a hard fought running goal from 45. DidLa Trobe kick five or did they kick six? Well, totell you the truth, in all the excitement I kinda losttrack myself. At this point I stopped taking notescompletely and allowed myself to be subsumedby the match. Points here and there, and desperatesmothers followed by crunching tackles and gruntsof pain left La Trobe one point ahead with fiveminutes left. Cachia, left alone in the JOC’s forwardline somehow got his hands on it, and lined up onthe run for the most important kick of his game.Somehow, from somewhere, like an eagle, StephenAdamthwaite flew from the nether regions of theback pocket and smothered. Dean Sheldrick flewacross the face of a pack and marked in the vein ofLeo Barry. These two moments saved the day forthe Students, and as the siren sounded, I realisedI’d just seen the best game of footy ever.DIVISION 3 GRAND FINAL DIVISION 3 RESERVELA TROBE UNI 4.1, 6.2, 7.5, 12.8 (80)ST JOHNS 3.2, 5.5, 10.11, 11.13 (79)GOALS, LA TROBE UNI: G. Ganino 3, S. Patten 3, X. Shiels 1, T. Ludeman1, T. Harding 1, A. Ross 1, D. Harry 1, D. Sheldrick 1 ST JOHNS: A. Abela 3,G. Costas 3, B. Graham 2, N. Chalk 1, L. Mara 1, C. Cachia 1BEST, LA TROBE UNI: D. Farrell, J. McLean, D. Sheldrick, X. Shiels,B. Wood, T. Harding ST JOHNS: A. Dexter, K. Arnold, N. Chalk, B. Graham,A. Abela, D. O’ConnorUHS-VU 3.1, 9.3, 10.6, 13.11 (89)YARRA VALLEY 2.3, 3.6, 4.10, 5.14 (44)GOALS, UHS-VU: M. Sweeney 4, T. Kershaw 3, L. Temming 2, A. Pincott 1,M. Pearce 1, T. Woodlock 1, J. Ford 1 YARRA VALLEY: L. Gillies 1, M. Laing1, B. Seeger 1, J. Hall 1, R. Thompson 1BEST, UHS-VU: T. Kershaw, S. Thomas, H. Lovell, S. Desbois, C. Certo,S. Payne YARRA VALLEY: L. Gillies, D. Gray, W. Harding, R. Pearce, J. Hall,L. McClearyTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 9

DIVISION 4TWIN PEAKSJim SuttonCongratulations to Monash Gryphons, who in their20 th year in the VAFA broke their premiership ducklast Saturday, and how, taking home both the seniorand reserves flags.After a tight opening in the early game, the Gryphonsput their collective feet down early in the secondand raced away to a four goal lead, but then wereforced to fight tooth and nail against a determinedSwinburne Uni outfit. Ultimately the Razorbackswere unable to pull back the early deficit and it wasglory for Gryphons reserves coach Jack McDonaldand his charges, whose only loss for the season wasby a solitary point way back on April 10.In probably the most benign conditions seen duringthe finals series, Monash dominated the early goingin the senior decider and quickly raced out to a 16point lead, but were soon made to pay for theirinaccuracy when Mt Lilydale got their bearings andkicked the last four goals of the term to take a 7 pointlead at the first break.In the second both defences were well on top, withthe Gryphons kicking the only goal late in the quarterto snatch a 1 point lead, despite having almost doublethe Rams scoring shots.The third term was one of fluctuating fortunes.Monash began well and got out to a two goal leadby half way, however, the plucky Rams would notbe shaken and kicked the last two goals to tie upthe scores and go into the final break with plenty ofmomentum.Whatever breeze was present at Vermont wasfavouring the end to which the Gryphons wouldbe coming home, however goals had been just aseasy to come by at the opposite end. Mt Lilydalekicked the first goal to grab back the lead, but as theyhave been able to do all year when challenged, theGryphons found another gear and responded. Withboth sides tiring the game began to open up andthey traded goals before Monash kicked a couplein succession and looked to have a match winninglead of 10 points into time on. Not to be denied, theRams surged forward again and quickly goaled toreduce the margin to 4 points at the 28 minute mark.They won another centre clearance and the ballwas kicked deep, but a desperate spoil enabled theGryphons to regain possession, run forward and goalafter a strong mark. Another major was added justbefore the siren for icing on the cake, and the cupwas headed to East Caulfield Reserve.Clint Mackie was outstanding around the packs forthe Gryphons, Greg Munro had a ton of possessionon his wing, Nick Rutherford’s work rate and attackon the ball was a highlight, and Daniel Wills kickedfour crucial goals. Mt Lilydale’s on-ball / midfieldcombination of Al Stewart, Chris Gibson and TomWall all played fantastic games for the Rams, whileLuke Evans was resolute in defence.Well done to both sides for their terrific seasons anda great game on Saturday, two of last years Division4 promotees played finals in Division 3 this season,and both the Gryphons and Rams should go into2011 confident of continued success.It would be remiss of me not to mention the clubcorrespondents who send in match reports each week,while some clubs have been sporadic at best (and acouple non-existent), I want to pay particular tributeto Matt Healy (Monash Gryphons), Greg Finkemeyer(Mt Lilydale), Dave Trinchi (Manningham Cobras)and Ron Nicholson (Richmond Central) for theirgenerous, detailed and reliable information week in,week out.Eat, drink and be merry folks, for pre-season trainingcan’t be too far away!DIVISION 4 GRAND FINAL DIVISION 4 RESERVEMONASH GRYPHONS 2.6, 3.10, 7.12, 13.12 (90)MT LILYDALE 4.1, 4.3, 8.6, 11.8 (74)GOALS, MONASH GRYPHONS: D. Wills 4, W. Pocock 2, G. Munro 2,M. Malloy 1, L. Allan 1, M. Fletcher 1, J. Nuguid 1, N. Rutherford 1MT LILYDALE: J. Roberts 3, J. Paull 2, A. Stewart 1, J. Baughan 1,A. Thorne 1, F. Varga 1, T. Wall 1, S. Gibson 1BEST, MONASH GRYPHONS: C. Mackie, G. Munro, D. Wills, L. Wells,D. Baxter, N. Rutherford MT LILYDALE: C. Gibson, A. Stewart, T. Wall,L. Evans, M. Hampton, S. GibsonMONASH GRYPHONS 2.0, 6.3, 8.8, 9.13 (67)SWINBURNE UNI 1.3, 4.3, 6.4, 7.5 (47)GOALS, MONASH GRYPHONS: A. Schroth 2, M. Malone 1, P. Gomizel 1,P. Rutherford 1, S. Illangakoon 1, L. Fisher 1, R. Tuttle 1, T. Vesey 1SWINBURNE UNI: J. Mennen 4, L. McManus 3BEST, MONASH GRYPHONS: V. Coffey, P. Gomizel, A. Kooperman,M. Paolucci, B. Rose, E. Strain SWINBURNE UNI: J. Mennen, L. McManus,S. Harrison, B. Cairns, S. Costello, J. Coy10 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

UMPIRESSteve McCarthy & Leah GallagherCREAM RISESSo it has come down to this weekend. Where wesee the pick of the umpires, the cream of the crop,the best of the best or just the lucky ones. Ourcongratulations to the last of the field, boundaryand goal umpires to still be running, also to theteams that are still competing good luck andleave the umpires alone.Congratulations also to the umpires who officiatedin grand finals last week and to the premiers whoin some cases have probably still got sore heads.NICE BOOTSGood to see that umpires are cleaning their bootsbefore a game. How good looking were the onesthat goal umpire Nina Zivkovic was wearing lastweek. They were polished and nice and brightthey were, and terrific to see but Nina was happyto boast that they were kids size 6 boots and 75%cheaper ($35) than adult boots. Her small feet putto shame some of the big-footed teammates whopay top dollar.VOTE NIGHTLast Monday the VAFA hosted its vote night (BigNight Out)at the Forum Theatre, and we’d liketo thank the VAFA for the invitation. Good tohear a few of the medalists thanking the peoplewho actually do the votes. Among the awardswere both the Umpire of the Year and MostPromising Umpire. We are proud to congratulatethese umpires on their awards:Umpire of the Year – Grant WardropMost Promising Umpire – Matthew Pryor.THANK YOUAs the season completes we would like to thankall that have helped DOB in a mate to give usa laugh throughout the year - Thanks to all whocontributed. Mostly we used Simon Stokesefforts throughout the year, as he is always goodfor a laugh and a good sport. Stokesy, you’re ourUmpire of the Year!(From Leah) This will be my last Umpire’sCorner as I think the time has come and wouldlike to thank Macca for all his help through theyears with my spelling, grammar and trying towork out what I saying. Big thanks to Sue whoputs up with me each weekend as I try to writethe column.From both of us we’d also like to thank MichaelFitzgerald at the VAFA for his patience whenwe are running close to deadline. And also theVAFAUA’s Webmaster Tim Sutscliffe forensuring our pearls of wisdom (?) are accessibleon the website for all members to read eachweek.Good luck in the GFs today and we’ll see youin 2011.“Umpiring is Everyone’s Business”THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 11

RETROSPECTIVEGeoff Reilley12 Months Ago – 2009The A Section Grand Final turned out to be amagnificent contest after the Old Xaverians lookedlike breaking away from De La Salle in the secondhalf. In a low scoring match, The Xavs’ 6.3 to 2.4half time lead, looked ominous and they increasedtheir lead slightly by three quarter time (29 points).The last quarter effort by De La was terrific and theXavs could only score 1 behind as the D’s drew evercloser but in the end, the experience and strength ofthe Xavs held firm and the season concluded withXaverians’ tenth A Section senior pennant in fifteenseasons, a remarkable effort. Best – Wynne, Darvell,Howard, Purss, Clarke, Rogerson (Xavs) and Lowe,Close, Moloney, Nethersole, Hale, Pickett (DLS).Russell Davidson, Shane Mackintosh and TimSutcliffe were the field umpires. The premiershipline-up was –B: Dynon Wynne DimattinaHB: Serafini Bowen RogersonC: Ryan Clarke ColbertHF: Smith Handley Fleming (Capt)F: Howard Lynch MercuriRuck: Purss Darvell AgiusI/C: Sapuppo, Larkins, Prowse, Ball.Coach: Simon LethleanIn the B Section Grand Final, Old Melburnianswasted opportunities in the first quarter by kicking4.9 to 3 straight goals from Old Trinity. Trinityheld a valuable 2 goal lead at half time and OldMelburnians kicked inaccurately again in the thirdquarter but led by 25 points and looked the strongerunit. In an excellent final quarter, Melburnianskicked away to win <strong>18</strong>.21 to 12.11. Best – Wilmoth,Greene, Harvey, Dixon, Kennon, S Beaumont(OM’s) and Cultrera (4), Healy, Jessop, Howell,Ramsden (4), Walsh (OT).5 Years Ago – 2005The Old Xaverians won the A Section Grand Finaldespite a spirited effort from Uni Blues, 13.7 to11.10. This was the Xavs’ eight A Section flag in11 seasons and confirmed the reputation as themost powerful club in the VAFA. Best – Chatfield,Arnold, Beardsley, Bowen, Lethlean, McDonald(OX) and North, Torney, Gleeson, Paterson, Clark(UB). The premiership line-up was –B: Freer Bingham LethleanHB: Ford (Capt) Oswald JohnstonC: Chatfield A McDonald BeardsleyHF: Ruyg A Bowen ScanlonF: Mollard Lynch OckleshawRuck: Purss Beetham ArnoldI/C: Sapuppo, Colbert, Clarke, Serafini.Coach: Barry RichardsonOld Ivanhoe had finished on top of the ladder after<strong>18</strong> rounds and met De La Salle in the B SectionGrand Final. Old Ivanhoe were never headed duringthe game although De La challenged on a numberof occasions. Final score 9.4 to 5.11. Best – Hope,Thomson, Curatolo, Weddle (3), Oates, Russian(Old Ivanhoe) and Jarvis, Shields, Corin, L Harrison,Seager, T Moloney (De La Salle).10 Years Ago – 2000In A Section, Old Xaverians set new standards bywinning their sixth consecutive A Section seniorpremiership. The great University Blacks teams ofthe past won six consecutive A Section pennantsbut they were punctuated by the Second World Waryears. In a fluctuating game, St Bernards made theXavs work extremely hard and it took the Xavs toslam on 8.6 to 1.2 in the final term to take the prize,22.14 to 16.5. Best – Jones (3), Cranage, Ford,Sassi, Blood, Landrigan (Xavs) and D Byrne (5), NMitchell (3), Wilkinson, Mount, L Gollant, Perrett(St Bernards).Old Brighton allowed Mazenod to get away fromthem in the B Section Grand Final and wereconstantly playing catch up footy, especially asthey kicked poorly for goal. It was a fantastic lastquarter with goal for goal but Mazenod refused tosurrender their lead to win 17.7 to 14.<strong>18</strong> to takeout their highest honour in amateur football todate. Best – Pickering, Tucker, McIntyre, Harrison(4), Kavanagh (4), Nelson (Mazenod) and Nickas,Lennox, Tymms, Rickarby, Barrow, Perry (OB).Andrew Pickering was awarded the Ian cordnerMedal for his best on ground performance.20 Years Ago – 1990The A Section Grand Final saw Ormond againmeeting Collegians, Ormond having overcome12 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

Marcellin in the preliminary final the previousweek. In brilliant, sunny conditions Collegians werefavoured to reverse the previous season’s resultand started strongly with their key forwards posinga real problem for Ormond. Collegians missedsome chances in the second quarter, courtesy ofincreased pressure from both Ormond’s midfieldand defence. Ormond kicked 6 goals straight in thesecond term and left Collegians holding a 1 pointlead at the main break. In the third quarter Ormondcame out full of running but it was their turn tomiss opportunities (5.8) but they had restrictedCollegians to 2 behinds only and the 6 goal lead byOrmond had transformed the game. In a thrilling lastquarter, Collegians peppered the goals and restrictedOrmond’s forwards but when the siren sounded,Ormond had won their fourth successive A Sectionflag, 14.12 to 12.17. Best – Sebo, Mark McDonald,Brown, Burden, Clarkson, Kingston (Ormond) andBen Ingleton, Hinchen, Wright, Mount (4), Schober(3), Galbraith (Collegians).As expected, Old Haileyburians were too powerfulfor Old Melburnians in the B Section Grand Finaland their winning margin 25.25 to 7.4 was one of themost substantial at this level for many years. Best –Connell (3), Kidgell, Tanner, McKenzie, Meehan,Baxter, Constable (OH) and Boyden, Smith, Arnold,Wright, Wood, Curtis (OM).30 Years Ago – 1980De La Salle won their second successive A Sectionpremiership when they defeated University Blues by20 points. De La had first use of the wind and scored5.6 to 1.2 and they virtually own the game in thesecond term when they held the Blues to 1.7, FinalScores in De La’s favour, 11.14 to 7.8. Best – MGreene, Bourke, Hollier (DLS) and Orton, Bedford,Yeo (UB). Bernie Sheehy was the premiershipcoach. The field umpires were John Horwood andColin Wills.Old Xaverians won the B Section premiershipnarrowly from Old Scotch 12.12 to 12.10. Best –Burne, Curtain, Brown (OX) and Manson, Duke,Keil (OS).40 Years Ago – 1970Caulfield Grammarians won their first A Sectionpremiership with an outstanding effort by comingthrough from the first semi-final. They won thepreliminary final against Ormond and met thepowerful Coburg team in the Grand final. Somewhatunexpectedly Caulfield took an early lead andincreased it to 21 points at half time. With a 6 goallead by three quarter time the Grammarians lookedto have the game in their control but Coburg cameback strongly to finish only 2 points behind at thefinal siren. The achievement had been well managedby senior Caulfield coach, John Wilson. NormBeattie of Coburg won the J N Woodrow Trophy asbest and fairest player for the season.Old Scotch easily won the B Section flag against StBernards 14.22 to 7.9.50 Years Ago – 1960University Blues (9.10) won the A Sectionpremiership from Old Melburnians (6.6) in verywet conditions and until late in the game, therewere only a few points separating the two teams.B N Kerr (Old Melburnians) and I M Hayden (UniBlues) shared the A Section Best and Fairest award.University High School Old Boys deservedly won theJ V Deane Cup as B Section premiers after defeatingDe La Salle 12.10 to 7.13. The game had originallybeen scheduled at the Collingwood <strong>Football</strong> Groundbut had to be moved due to the appalling conditionsthere after a week of heavy rain. The match wasplayed at the Technical School Ground at AlbertPark in more appropriate conditions.60 Years Ago – 1950Ormond met University Blacks in the Grand Finaland after losing only one game for the season to date,Ormond started favourites but when Joe Sheehan,the Ormond Captain/Coach injured his knee and hadto be replaced early in the third quarter, the balancestarted to swing in the Black’s favour, Sheehanhaving been the best player afield in the first half. Ina thrilling second half, Ormond managed to hang onto win 9.12 to 9.8, drizzling rain affecting the skilllevel in the second half. Commonwealth Bank wonthe B Section flag 8.10 over Collegians 6.7.Manson Russel, Old Scotch champion player, wonthe A Section Best and fairest Medal. P McLaughlinof Old Paradians won the B Section Medal.THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 13

FOR THE LOVE OFWinners CelebratedThe VAFA’s Best and Fairest winners, as wellas some other awards, were announced at BigNight Out staged this year at the Forum Theatreon Monday night. Under a different formatthan previous years, 350 people applauded theindividual efforts of the <strong>Association</strong>’s elite, withthe recipients in various forms of clear-headednessfollowing celebrations or commiserations overthe preceding day/s.The award winners were:U19 Premier – Newbury Medal Maxwell VanDen Broek (Old Scotch)U19 North (1) – McTaggart Medal HarryOverman (St Bernard’s)U19 South (1) – VAFA Medal Nicholas Coroneos(Old Brighton0U19 North (2) – Brown Medal Bradley Saunders(Old Westbourne0U19 South (2) – Harisiou Medal Josh BosnarOld XaveriansU<strong>18</strong> Division 1 – VAFA Medal Dean CalcedoNorthern BullantsU<strong>18</strong> Division 2 – VAFA Medal HeathChipperfield St Mary’s SalesianCoach of the Year Trevor Rowe (Old Carey)U19 Coach of the Year Jon Edgar (De LaSalle)Rising Star Award Daniel Nicholson (UniversityBlues)Mark of Year Luke Williams (St Kevin’s)Goal of the Year Jon Mercuri (Old Xaverians)Umpire of the Year Grant WardropMost Promising Umpire Matthew PryorPremier – Woodrow Medal Aaron Shields (DeLa Salle)Premier B – Moore Medal Leigh Fletcher(Hampton Rovers)Premier C – Zachariah Medal MichaelChamberlain (Mazenod)Div 1 – Pepper Medal George Smyth (MonashBlues)Div 2 – Hutchinson Medal David West (StMary’s Salesian)Div 3 – Fullerton Medal David Burnside (PowerHouse) & Dimitri Dimakopoulos (St FrancisXavier)Div 4 – Meehan Medal Lee Wells (MonashGryphons)Rollercoaster RideThey say grand finals can take people on arollercoaster of emotions. Well last weekend’sdeciders certainly had spectators on a ride theequal of any theme park. No less than four grandfinals were decided by the barest of margins (onepoint), leaving either the despair at opportunitylost or the elation and the exhilaration of victory.In U<strong>18</strong> Division 2, a tight tussle all day betweenUHS-VU and St Bernard’s had the sizableCraigieburn crowd holding their breath as theSnow Dogs peppered the goals in the final minuteonly to have the siren snuff their grasp for victory.In U19 North (2), Therry Penola came storminghome against Old Ivanhoe but just fell short infront of an extremely large and vocal crowd atVisy Park and in Division 3, La Trobe Uni madeit back to back premiership victories after trailingSt John’s OC by 24 points at three quarter time.14 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

THE GAMEIn what was undoubtedly one of the great PremierC Grand Finals (and there have been a few – 2006St Bedes/Mentone Tigers v Ajax comes quicklyto mind), Beaumaris came back from 45 pointsdown (and scoreless) at quarter time to win thematch in the dying seconds. Holding Caulfieldgoalless in the third term when they had the windwas the key to the Sharks’ victory.Fun for the Whole Family at SCAHeading down to Sportscover Arena this weekendfor the Grand Finals (and already here if you arereading this!), Camp Australia have activities forthe kids on outer wing. Three full qualified childcare workers will entertain the kids while theadults can take in the match. Activities includingfooty clinics, face painting, crafts and a jumpingcastle will help keep them occupied.New Zealand Squad AnnouncedThe U<strong>18</strong> invitational squad to tour New Zealandhas been announced, with the players set to takeon the New Zealand U20 side in Christchurch on23 and 25 October. The team has been selectedby the clubs. The squad is:Todd Beames, Dean Calcedo (NorthernBullants); Michael Kavanagh, Joseph Pignatano(St Bernard’s); Thomas Galea, Brent Swallow,Mitchell Wilson (Rupertswood) KeilanBiddlestone; Timothy Gumley (Therry Penola);Jake Evans, Scott Gatehouse (St Mary’sSalesian); George Angelopoulos, Todd Harold,Aisea Valentini (Oakleigh); Daniel Foot-Connolly, William Green (St Bede’s/MentoneTigers); Corey Ely, Dwayne Fernandez (StJohn’s OC); Mark Jeffers, Harry Levvey (OldCamberwell); Jonathon De Pellegin, MatthewFitzpatrick (Werribee); Edward Pearson (UHS-VU/Flemington)SATURDAY AND SUNDAYLIVE FROM ELSTERNWICK.InnerFM 96.5FM Grand Final Footy Show9:00-11:00 plus Grand Final broadcastsBECOME AVAFA UMPIREIN 2011!Earn good money ~Get Fit ~Develop leadership skillsGreat opportunity to moveinto VFL/AFL UmpiringMeet new friendsand contactsUmpire close to homeUMPIRES REQUIRED –FIELD, BOUNDRY & GOALFor more informationBrian GoodmanPh: 9537 6700Mob: 0408 338 098brian@vafa.com.auTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 15

RESERVESTom BrainAnd so it comes to this. Just two games to go andanother season is done and dusted. By gee, thetime flies when you are having fun, and it certainlydoesn’t seem like twenty-four weeks ago that theball was bounced for the first time.It’s been great to write this column and give someof the unrecognised lights of our competition somerecognition, recognition they deserve for what theydo and contribute to their clubs.The University Blues and Blacks both recordedpretty good wins to project themselves to the bigdance where they will have another crack at De Laand St Bernards respectively.My tipping was certainly on the mark this week asI managed somewhat amazingly to tip every GrandFinal winner, which in itself is a rare feat.Congratulations must go to all associated withCaulfield Grammarians, North Old Boys, Banyule,UHSVU, and Monash Gryphons whose 12 monthsof hard work has paid dividends with the ultimatereward in team sport a “premiership”Special mention to Jack and the Gryphs who havewaited 20 years to win a flag and then won 2 in thespace of 3 hours.Our final list of goalkickers for the year saw TobyBeaumont, John Kosch, Mitchell Sweeney andJacob Mennen all kick 4.Damien Joyce, Trent Cantwell,Tim Kershaw,and Luke McManus all kicked 3 in strongperformances.Two was the main number of the day though as JackEastman, Jack Townley, Bennet Merriman, MatthewAbelthorpe, Andrew Else, Daniel Mahoney, DeanSpanos, Andrew Strain,Justin Kremmer, JossHoldsworth,Luke Duthie, Zan Wenke, BrandonHunt, Alan Hendry, Luke Temming, and AndrewSchroth all put it through the big sticks a couple oftime.Well folks, as they say in the classics, “that is all”enjoy your break, look forward to seeing you allback bigger and better than ever in 2011. And finallygood luck in this weeks Grand Finals to all theRessies players, and to this column’s “cult figure”Dangerous Dan Rush. All the best in the big one.The Kew <strong>Football</strong> Club is seeking applications for Senior,Reserve and Under <strong>18</strong> coaching positions for the 2011 season.Our great club has a very strong and proud historywhich spans over 131 years with 6 senior premierships.With mixed success in recent seasons, this appointment is aimed atachieving sustained success and growth for the Club. We are searchingfor candidates who can contribute to this success, demonstrate a strong workethic and ‘will to win’ to take our exciting young list forward.Applicants are required to hold a current (minimum)Level 1 Coaching Accreditation. Both playing and non playing Senior andReserves Coaches will be considered. Previous coaching experience will beconsidered favorably although is not essential.The Kew <strong>Football</strong> Club, through strong links with the junior football club, aims tointroduce an U<strong>18</strong>’s side in 2011 to further strengthen the club and senior prospects.It is expected that the coaching panel will play a key role in developing this group.Applicants interested in these positions and up to the challenge should contactNick Tinetti on 0406 383 704 or apply in writing to nicktinetti@hotmail.comApplications to be considered must be lodged no later than 30 <strong>September</strong>.16 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

THIRDSDUST OFF YOUR SUNDAY FINESTRichard HummerstonThe reasons behind the seemingly pointless preseasons,alcohol-free Fridays and broken bonesall become apparent as we salute the 4 teamswho have reached the pinnacle of the season, apinnacle so elusive that many men succumb toretirement before achieving it.Congratulations to those that made it andcommiserations that so gallantly fell trying tomake it.An impressive crowd was treated to an almightybattle as De La and OM’s fought out to be therightful suitor in next week’s big dance againstOld Xavs. Utilizing the blustering conditions,the underdogs in Old Melburnians drew first andsecond blood putting themselves in good steadto earn a surprising Grand Final berth. It wasn’tuntil James Lamb lived up to his own hype andrestored order, sending De La into the main breakeven Stevens.With the first quarter played out much like thefirst and owing to some incredible performancesfrom Josh Vagg and Will Ray OM’s once againlooked like an unlikely victor. However, Alas forthe Junction Oval residents, a culmination of thebreeze and De La’s run would see them fall shortby 17 points.In a game that was as equally contested, StKevin’s and Uni Blacks did battle to play offagainst minor premiers Banyule.Played in almost identical conditions to Sunday’sgame, teams went goal for goal right up until thefinal 10 minutes. The breeze would once againprove to be the difference in the teams as the finalsiren drew a close on Uni Blacks season. TomO’Halloran earned best afield honours for theblacks while Patty Dowd was the best amongmany for St Kevin’s.In my final tips for 2010, I’m selecting OldXaverians by a few kicks while Banyule willwin a close one against St Kevin’sPREMIER THIRDS PRELIMINARY FINAL PREMIER B THIRDSDE LA SALLE 0.1, 5.4, 6.4, 12.10 (82)OLD MELBURNIANS 2.4, 5.6, 8.14, 8.17 (65)GOALS, DE LA SALLE: J. Jarvis 3, P. Monaghan 2, A. Kovarik 2, S.Morwood 2, J. Mannix 1, S. Griffi n 1, J. Lamb 1 OLD MELBURNIANS:T. Healey 2, T. Gobbo 1, M. Lugg 1, T. Harrison 1, A. Ray 1, C. Righetti1, N. Peters 1BEST, DE LA SALLE: J. Lamb, J. Morwood, W. Coggins, S. Crowe, N.Gill, M. Lowe OLD MELBURNIANS: J. Vagg, E. Hughes, C. Cumbrae-Stewart, W. Ray, M. Lugg, N. PetersVAFA Premier B Sectionwww.skobfc.com.auseeksSENIOR COACHRESERVES COACHU/19 COACHTHIRDS COACH&ASSISTANT COACHESInitial enquiries toSteve Browne(04<strong>18</strong> 317 248)by Monday 5 th October 2010ST KEVINS 2.1, 8.3, 9.4, 12.7 (79)UNI BLACKS 3.3, 6.3, 10.5, 10.7 (67)GOALS, ST KEVINS: R. Short 3, A. Balestra 2, B. Marchesani 2, P.Jones 1, M. O’Neill 1, J. Nash 1, T. Marchesani 1, P. Dowd 1 UNIBLACKS: K. Stark 3, J. Bingham 2, T. O’Halloran 1, J. Clarke 1, T.Whale 1, J. Arbuckle 1, S. McDaid 1BEST, ST KEVINS: B. Marchesani, P. Dowd, T. O’Rourke, S. Angelini,P. Murphy, A. Peloza UNI BLACKS: T. O’Halloran, S. Twycross, J.Nettlefold, J. Bingham, J. Banting, S. McDaidTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 17

PREMIER B GRAND FINALOLD CAREYSenior Coach: Trevor RoweAsst Coaches: Travis Derricott,Stuart Kofoed, Richard OppyTeam Manager: Phil SmithOLD HAILEYBURYCoach: David Lappage1 Steven Freemantle2 Grant Baldwin3 Nicholas Thompson4 Julian Rowe5 Luke Maslin7 Thomas Evans (C)8 Paul Fiorenza10 Christopher Laidlaw11 Scott Virtue12 Glen Parker14 Alistair Stewart-Holmes13 James Courtot15 Jarrod Reid (DVC)16 Brendan Huf20 James Murrie21 Lachlan McQueen-Miscamble22 Andrew Kent23 Cameron Howat (VC)24 Alexander Thompson25 Andrew Willingham27 Alistair McQueen-Parton29 Jack Joslin30 Cameron Jones31 Brett De Leijer32 Bas Simpson34 Luke Crozier35 Robert Josephs44 Dylan Hyne49 Ryan CrozierMAJOR SPONSORS1 Liam Donnelly2 Anthony Brown3 Hamish McLauchlan4 Sam Langford-Jones6 Laz Siapantas7 Alexander Johnston8 Farooq Mohammad9 Peter Gleadhill10 James Pitcher11 Matthew Ditchfi eld12 Matt Lillie13 Brett Voss14 Nicholas Criticos15 David Mackenzie16 David Comben17 Kynan Ford<strong>18</strong> Nicholas Harrison19 Christopher Morrison22 David Mason23 Chris Ferguson24 Joel Hanlon27 Matthew Douglas28 Spencer Roberts30 Benjamin White31 Michael Stowe34 Corey Millard35 Thomas Chisholm36 Stefan Erikson41 Samuel Casey44 Jarrod McLauchlan60 Jack SteenMAJOR SPONSORRBS Morgans Camberwell

PREMIER B RESERVES GRAND FINALST BERNARDSCoach: Nick SmithAssist: Chris TankardUNI BLACKSCoach: Chris Barrett1 James Molony3 Samuel Scott4 Jake Foulds5 Alexander Jolley6 Mark Salvadori8 Justin Evans (C)9 Michael Moloney11 Christopher Davis12 Ben Hogan13 Chris Mitchell15 Shaun Bergin16 Kyle Dalmau17 Dean Bergin<strong>18</strong> Nathan Thomas19 Andrew Stapleton20 Steven Cannatelli22 Brenton Cooper23 Grant Breheney24 Liam Cookson25 Joshua Smith26 Andrew Smith (C)27 James Mount28 Paul Holland29 Joshua Ryan30 Simon Chatfi eld32 Sasha Bugryn33 Nicholas M Smith36 Michael O’Dea37 Patrick Harris38 Stephen Iannazzo (C)39 Mark Juricskay41 Jackson Bell43 Joshua Kassis48 Xavier Cox51 Daniel Lamanna52 Jesse ManunzioMAJOR SPONSORSNORTHSUBURBANSPORTSCLUB. INC.1 Isaac Andreson3 James Murfett4 Anthony Evans5 Tyran Bell6 Evan Scantleton8 Callum Lawford11 Lucas Van Kempen14 Samuel Twycross15 Timothy Schaefer19 Nicholas DuBois20 Richard Wood24 Hugh Symon25 James Clarke26 Nicholas Batten27 Scott Myers29 Levi Kalms30 Andrew Jesse (C)32 Steven Flight35 James Mortensen36 Mitchell Hall37 Thomas O’Halloran38 Thomas Napier39 Matthew Ablethorpe41 Simon Yule43 Matthew Thompson44 Hamish Guthrie45 Robert Scarlett46 Thomas Huggins47 Thomas Burchell50 Jack Heeley57 Paul KellyMAJOR SPONSORSThe Clyde HotelB ENDIGO PRIVATEBANKING SERVICES

PREMIER B THIRDS GRAND FINALBANYULECoach: Rob KnightST KEVINSCoach: William Browne3 Nick Smith4 Justin Sirianni7 Adam Rothe8 Luke Delaney9 Christopher Kingsford10 Sam Place11 Hayden Mowat12 Heath McDonald13 James Allery14 Nicholas Ciurleo15 Stephen Tindale17 Jarrod Cahir<strong>18</strong> Richard Young19 Lee Ferrall20 Christian Buckley21 Tom Wise22 Jake Rice22 Joel Rigler24 Brandon Kelly25 Cameron Mcdonald26 Adam Dooley38 Jeremy Ryan42 Brendan Danaher45 Sam Giansiracusa46 Tom McKinlay48 Zan Wenke51 David Witchell55 Brad Willmore56 Paul O’Rourke58 Ben Souvatzis64 Alan Garreffa1 Matthew Murphy 50 Gerard Holland G B51 Patrick Liam Donnelly Dowd 51 Michael O’Neill62 Daniel Anthony Mahoney Brown 52 Rhys Arnott11 3 Tim Hamish Duggan McLauchlan 53 Jack Mullen13 4 Troy Sam McMaster Langford-Jones 54 Matthew Byatt14 6 Brett Laz Siapantas Fields 55 Michael Sawyer15 7 Nicholas Alexander Tsindos Johnston 57 Patrick Keely19 8 Tim Farooq Trewin Mohammad20 9 Daniel Peter Gleadhill Mount21 10 Rory James Maguire Pitcher22 11 Antony Matthew Keely Ditchfi eld24 12 Daniel Matt Lillie Sullivan25 13 James Brett Voss Kennedy28 14 Keith Nicholas BrickCriticos29 15 Domenic David Mackenzie Gibbs30 16 Simon David O’Connor Comben32 17 James Kynan O’Rourke Ford33 <strong>18</strong> Jamie Nicholas McConville Harrison58 Stefan Angelini60 Thomas Marchesani61 Pana Karageorgiou62 Andrew Leahy68 Timothy O’Rourke72 Paul O’Brien73 Richard Larsen74 Ben Marchesani75 Richard Durham76 Martin Coloe84 Jarrod Nash34 19 Anthony Christopher White Morrison 88 Scott Thomas35 22 Hamish David Mason Townsend36 23 Thomas Chris Ferguson Hickey38 24 Mark Joel Hanlon Mazzarella39 27 Patrick Matthew McCarthy Douglas40 28 Sam Spencer RyanRoberts42 30 Peter Benjamin Murray White43 31 Ricky Michael Caldow Stowe44 34 Hamish Corey Millard McPherson45 35 Samuel Thomas Conlan Chisholm46 36 Patrick Stefan McLennan Erikson47 41 Terrence Samuel Casey Dixon48 44 Peter Jarrod Lynch McLauchlan49 Thomas McCann60 Jack SteenMAJOR SPONSORS

COLLEGIANSPREMIER GRCoach: Mark Hibbins / Simon Arnott1 Jono Dixon (VC)2 Tom Bull3 Charlie Holst4 Nicholas Ries (VC)5 Andrew Scott6 Jack Bull7 Shura Taft8 Cam Unsworth9 James Fry10 James Jorgensen11 Daniel Strachan14 Fergus Watts15 Michael Dyer16 Andrew Baxter17 Richard Hosking<strong>18</strong> Trent Zimbachs19 Stuart Inglis20 Sam Troon21 James Harvey23 Will Tardif25 James Kondarovskis29 Nicholas Stone (VC)32 Chris Blumfi eld (C)33 Lachlan Ferguson34 Harry Croft36 Nicholas Corp37 Tim Baxter58 Nicholas BobeffMAJOR SPONSORSTEAM 1st 2ndSouth Melbourne

AND FINALOLD XAVERIANSCoach: Simon LethleanAssistants: Andrew Brushfield,Andrew Gowers, Lex Vasdekis,Ted Woodruff5 Dan Rush7 Michael Darvell (VC)8 Andy Biddlecombe (VC)9 Damian Lynch11 Luke Howard12 Marcus Allan13 Josh Agius (VC)14 Josh Douglas15 Chris Smith16 Brad Rogerson17 Chris Larkins<strong>18</strong> John Shaw19 Tim Dynon21 Dan Noonan22 Damien Ryan23 Lachlan Smith24 Cameron Purss25 Dustin Lloyd26 Nick Wynne29 Matt Handley31 Matt Ball (C)32 Oliver Gidley34 Ryan Colbert36 David Sapuppo37 Nick Dimattina39 Jack Stean41 Esmond Prowse44 Matt Walsh47 Brendan Goss53 Jon MercuriMAJOR SPONSORS3rd 4th Siren

PREMIER RESERVES GRAND FINALDE LA SALLECoach: Dom McInerneyUNI BLUESCoach: Mark Maddocks3 Ben Corin14 Nathan Isaac Andreson Roberts35 Michael James Murfett Duggan46 Alex Anthony Roberts Evans57 Peter Tyran Harrison Bell (C)68 Rob Evan Gamble Scantleton89 Dylan Callum Thomas Lawford11 10 Jack Lucas Jarvis Van Kempen14 11 Will Samuel Fenton Twycross15 14 Joel Timothy Phillips Schaefer19 15 Joshua Nicholas Harris DuBois20 <strong>18</strong> John Richard Nicolopoulos Wood24 20 Nathan Hugh Symon Harris25 21 Daniel James Close Clarke26 22 Aaron Nicholas Kneebone Batten27 23 Ryan Scott Sherman Myers29 24 James Levi Kalms Lamb30 25 Lachlan Andrew Bull Jesse (C)32 27 Dan Steven Griffen Flight35 28 Chris James Mercuri Mortensen36 30 Luke Mitchell Edwards Hall37 32 Jack Thomas Vickers O’Halloran38 33 Steve Thomas Muller Napier39 35 Justin Matthew Baxter Ablethorpe41 37 Pat Simon Carroll Yule43 38 James Matthew Hansen Thompson44 Tim Hamish Kovess Guthrie45 53 Edward Robert Scarlett Murphy46 54 Michael Thomas Nankervis Huggins47 55 Shane Thomas Griffen Burchell50 61 Chris Jack Heeley Kelliher88 Sam Dillon G57 Paul KellyMAJOR SPONSORSB4 Simon Gilbertson17 Matthew Isaac Andreson Kilpin38 Diarmid James Murfett Hayter413 Tom Anthony Girdwood Evans514 Tom Tyran Fairbairn Bell622 Ben Evan Millard Scantleton828 Albert Callum Weddell Lawford11 30 Ben Lucas McLure Van Kempen14 31 James Samuel Van Twycross de Pol15 33 Sam Timothy Roche Schaefer19 34 Will Nicholas Hartnell DuBois20 35 Al Richard Lyon Wood24 37 Jack Hugh Townley Symon25 41 Tom James Stainforth Clarke26 43 Bennett Nicholas Merriman Batten27 46 Hamish Scott Myers Rankin29 48 Damon Levi Kalms Byrne30 51 Tom Andrew Maddocks Jesse (C)32 56 Tom Steven Foott Flight35 57 Jack James Heinz Mortensen36 59 David Mitchell Paton Hall37 60 Tristian Thomas Maddocks O’Halloran38 61 Andy Thomas Christensen Napier39 63 Brant Matthew Laidlaw Ablethorpe41 67 Nick Simon Hardie-Grant Yule43 68 David Matthew Gregory Thompson44 69 Steen Hamish Balodis Guthrie45 70 Liam Robert Quin Scarlett46 72 David Thomas Marshall Huggins47 73 Ralph Thomas Wilson Burchell78 Tom Calvert81 Jason Clifford G B87 Bill Girdwood89 Rory Kennedy91 Will Van De Pol99 Jack Eastman50 Jack Heeley57 Paul KellyMAJOR SPONSORS

PREMIER THIRDS GRAND FINALOLD XAVERIANSThirds Coach: Matt O’HanlonAssistant: Nick ButlerDE LA SALLECoach: Liam O’Donnell/Paul Hesse2 Julian Moylan 51 Peter GDoyleB13 Liam Donnelly Grigg52 Michael Dyer24 Anthony Josh Hanger Brown 53 John Hodgman35 Hamish Matthew McLauchlan Altis (VC) 58 Tom Rowse46 Sam Tim Trahair Langford-Jones 69 Nicholas Drago67 Laz James Siapantas Morton78 Alexander Nick Mudge Johnston89 Farooq Michael Mohammad Hennessy910 Peter Anthony Gleadhill Torre (DVC)10 11 James Adam Faithful Pitcher11 12 Matthew Ditchfi Dimattina eld12 13 Matthew Lillie Romanin13 14 Brett Callum Voss Dipierdomenico14 15 Nicholas Rory Lynch Criticos15 16 David Charlie Mackenzie Chisholm16 17 David Josh Evans Comben17 <strong>18</strong> Kynan Sam Adams Ford<strong>18</strong> 19 Nicholas Jono Meehan Harrison19 23 Christopher Ed Lachal Morrison224 David Tom Grigg Mason23 25 Chris Jack Davies Ferguson24 26 Joel Daniel Hanlon Meehan27 Matthew Patrick Purcell Douglas (C)28 Spencer Jeremy Mcdonnell Roberts30 29 Benjamin Matthew Roache White31 30 Michael Stowe Dipietro (DVC)34 31 Corey Luke Knight Millard35 34 Thomas Luke Guirgius Chisholm36 37 Stefan Mark Trovato Erikson41 44 Samuel Bryce Pane Casey44 47 Jarrod Jack Sleeman McLauchlan60 49 Jack Dan Molan SteenMAJOR SPONSORS3 Timothy Leary5 Luke Edwards6 Alex Roberts7 Zac Dickinson8 Jack Morwood9 Dylan Thomas10 Beau Hill (C)12 Matt Rodgers13 Anthony Taylor19 Sam Bennetts20 Simon Murphy21 Nicholas Gill22 Thomas Naughtin23 Joel Pollard24 Adam Kovarik28 Steve Hogan29 Sam Morwood30 Patrick Monaghan31 James Meade32 William Coggins33 Dan Griffen34 Simon Crowe35 Kevin Smythe36 Dan Jarvis37 Dan Mannix38 Tyson Parker39 Adam Kurzel40 Matthew Lowe91 Tyson JohnMAJOR SPONSORS

U19 PREMIER GRAND FINALDE LA SALLECoach: Josh BourkeAsst Coach: Steven SpauldingOLD XAVERIANSCoaches: Tom Maule & Pat HalpinAsst Coaches: David Prowse &Luke McGuinness1 Edward Espinosa2 Luke Williams3 Michael De Luca4 Xavier Murphy5 David Murphy6 David Hutchinson7 Brendan Close8 Edward Clinch9 Tim Humphrey10 Samuel Brooks11 Mark Todd12 Brad Wilson13 Michael Fort-Williams14 Tom Mcmahon15 Hugh Nicholson<strong>18</strong> Ben Humphrey (C)21 Jack O’Halloran22 Adam Bonnadio24 Aiden Orr-O’Farrell25 Dan East26 Ashlin Streker28 Adrian Papamiltiades34 Ben Pratt38 Lachlan O’Connell47 Ben Nethersole54 Tim East59 Antony ForatoMAJOR SPONSORS1 Tristan Parker2 Nicholas Biddlecombe3 Hicham Nidam4 Dom Walker5 Thomas Mcclusky6 James Woods7 Jonathan Pintal8 Jackson Mcgrath9 Luke Bisset10 Patrick Ambrose11 Louis Tiernan12 Daniel Harangozo14 Sam Lees15 Nick Meehan16 Edward Maas17 Zac Pirrie<strong>18</strong> Brendan Goss19 Daniel Curtain20 Robert Follachio21 Jack Amad22 Will Molony23 Will Moffi tt24 Jack O’sullivan25 Daniel Barry26 Elliot Pititto27 Ben Plant28 Matthew Mclean29 Marcus Torr30 Jack Franklyn49 Charlie DentonMAJOR SPONSORS

Zac HubberDarren DawsonRichard WilkinsonUNDER 19It’s a Grand Final rematch as Old Xavs ran over OldScotch in the last to keep the dream alive. Trevor Barkerserved up another deck full of swamps and creeks thatmade conditions trying at times. Conversation amongthe faithful came to a halt as the number <strong>18</strong> hit the fieldfor the first time in the 19s since kicking 10 goals inround 12. Brendan Goss lived up to his 2010 form,kicking two goals in the opening quarter and taking theXavs to a three-point lead at the first break.The second quarter revealed nothing as to where theresult was headed after both teams went point for pointand goal for goal. Van den Broek had the better of theruck as he has all season and Matt Seed saw plenty ofthe Sherrin. At the main break it was still three pointsin favour of the Xavs.The third had something about it that made one feelScotch was about to grab the game by the scruff andtake control. The Xavs squandered three shots on goal,only to see the ball threaded through the sticks at theopposite end moments later. Some undisciplined playby the Scotch defenders gifted Goss a goal while LouisTiernan decided to make third quarters his own thisfinals series. A wayward shot on goal after the siren byScotch saw the Xavs hit the oranges with a five-pointbuffer.What occurred in the last 30 minutes not even theplayers saw coming. Old Xavs attacked the contestwith amazing hunger that transpired to a six goal –one quarter and booked a ticket to the grand finalagainst De La Salle. Ruthless tackling and a flurryof momentum had onlookers in awe. Luke Bisset’srunning goal silenced the cardinal-clad spectators andGoss continued to cause headaches, finishing withsix. The Xavs’ defence was again impressive as it wasagainst Beaumaris. Jonny Pintal was a brick, supportedstrongly by Franklyn, Woods and McGrath. It’s unfairthat after such an impressive season, Old Scotch bowedout in straight sets. Tom McKinley battled hard all dayafter copping a heavy knock early in the second, butcould only watch on in shock as the season came to aclose. The jubilation didn’t last long in the Xavs’ roomsas the attention quickly switched to next Saturday.PREVIEW:Undefeated, unbeatable, and undeterred. De La Sallehas been and is the best team in the Under 19s for 2010.Shellackings became unsurprising and close winsmeant a six-goal victory. Every team has felt De La’swrath at some point during the season. All areas of theground are covered as this juggernaut looks to backto-backpremierships. 10 players in the blue and goldexperienced the joy last year. Espinosa, Close, Clinch,Fort-Williams, DeLuca, Williams, B. Humphrey,Bonaddio, Orr-Farrell and O’Connell all basked invictory, while Stean, Lees, Woods, McClusky, Bissetand Parker will be seeking revenge. If anyone’s giventhe Dairy Bellers a run for their money it’s the Xavs.In Round 11 at the slim Stradbroke Park, De La trailedat the final break by 8 points to win by 14. The Xavsstarted the match with a four goal – one display, andheld firm to lead at the main break by 13 points. Bothsides had four players that kicked two goals apiece.For the Xavs, Pietzak, Molony, Pirrie and Ambroseare replaced by Plant, Goss, Stean and Walker. For DeLa, Barda, Gullan, Brooks, and McMahon are replacedby Wilson, Orr-Farrell, East, Bonnadio and DavidMurphy. Some big ins for both teams since last battlingit out. On paper you’d be drunk to contemplate De Ladropping the big one after such an immaculate season –but funny things do occur in the game of football. TheXavs came into the finals with some sketchy form withlosses to St Bedes/Mentone and Uni Blues, only to enda Beaumaris winning streak and run over Old Scotch.For Xavs to win it has to hit the contest early, or playcatch-up to De La at its own peril. If you’re sober, DeLa Salle by 24 points, if you’re a few in, get trivial andsee Xavs by 12 points.NORTH 1All season long, Werribee showed themselves to bea tough, formidable outfit. So much so that, despitebeing seriously challenged on occasions, the TigersTEAM OF THE YEAR:B: James Woods (OX) Adam Jones (St Bed/Ment)Tom Humphrey (DLS)HB: Max Davis (OS) Ben Humphrey (DLS)(c)Tom McKinley (OS)C: Luke Bissett (OX) Matt Seed (OS) Ed Clinch(DLS)HF: Nicholas Voyage (OM) Nick Dickinson (Beau.)Mark Todd (DLS)F: Oliver Webber (Beau.) Brendan Goss (OX)Max Allen (Blues)R: Max Van den Broek (OS) Angus Nice (Blues)Hicham Nidam (OX)Bench: Daniel McMahon (Marc.) Shaun Bryce(Blues), Hugh Nicholson (DLS), Stuart Sharp (OC)<strong>18</strong> THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

went through the home-and-away rounds undefeated.Fitzroy were not nearly as impressive, twice droppinggames at Old Carey, once at St. Bernard’s, and threetimes against Werribee. For myself and most neutralobservers, all roads appeared to be leading west. Butthe second-semi final result threw the season on itshead, and from that day onward the Roys grew in thebelief that they could again tame the Tigers on the bigday. And so it came to pass.On the wide expanses of St.Bernard’s, Fitzroy hitthe ground running, booting 4.7 in the first term withthe Bees only managing one major. In what has beena somewhat familiar story for the Roys, there wereplenty who were concerned that inaccurate kickingmay again come back to haunt them, particularlywhen Werribee worked their way back into the contestprior to half time. But Fitzroy, led by Cheyne Evans,Michael Cussen and Nathan Jumeau, hung tough inthe second half, withstanding a Werribee onslaughtwhich included their own bout of inaccuracy: 4.7 alonein the final quarter. The Roys triumphed by 16 points,capping a magnificent season, and proving that thefinals and the home-and-away season are two entirelydifferent beasts.NORTH 2As an advertisement for amateur football, there couldhave been none better than the North 2 grand final. Whata wonderful match it was! Probably the best I have seenthis year: fast, tough, skilful and clean. In front of avocal crowd, Therry-Penola and Old Ivanhoe staged anepic duel which, in the end, was fittingly decided bythe narrowest of margins. On a blustery afternoon onan excellent surface at Visy Park, the Lions pepperedthe sticks in the first quarter but were not able to makethe most of their chances. The Hoers made them pay,with two late goals to go into the first break with a sixpointlead. In the context of the outcome, the secondquarter would prove decisive. With Dan Steele andJames Moio proving a handful, Old Ivanhoe’s forwardline seemed more open and threatening, and theymanaged four goals, whilst Therry toiled hard for theirtwo. With a 21-point half-time lead, it seemed as if theHoers had the game in their keeping. But the Lionsfought on and, with Josh Howells and Michael Powellat the forefront, outscored their opponents by a goal inthe third term. Therry-Penola coach Rod Egglestoneimplored his charges to run, run, run until the end;his Hoer counterpart Brad Shadbolt urged his team tocontinue to be long and direct. With Therry creepingever closer, the final quarter was one to remember. Ithad everything, including a Lions goal courtesy of a50-metre barrel in the closing stages. But it was OldIvanhoe who were one solitary behind in front when thesiren sounded. Skipper Michael Del Monte was nameda deserving b.o.g., but I thought solid defender MichaelMitris must have been close! So it’s commiserations toTherry-Penola, who were the pace-setters for much ofthe season. And congrats to Old Ivanhoe, whose lateseasonsurge proved unstoppable.SOUTH 1Well what an amazing year of football capped off witha brilliant grand final between the two best teams.The standard of South 1 football in 2010 has beenremarkable and many in premier would be thankful theydidn’t have to come up against teams such as St Kevins,Caulfield and of course Old Brighton. Congratulationsto the Beach Boys whose youth was a shining light atclub which had a disappointing year. Many players onSaturday played for their seniors throughout the yearand that will hold them in good stead for the future.Premier division next year will be a good test. If theycan keep a core group from this year together, then theywill seriously challenge the power house under teamssuch as De La, Xavs and Old Scotch. Furthermorecongratulations to Nick Coroneos who took out theleague B&F on Monday night, a worthy winner whoplayed fantastically well on the weekend.SOUTH 2A brilliant Grand Final full of run, precision skill andplenty of goals. Mazenod’s early poor kicking in frontof goal probably cost them but having said that whenOakleigh was challenged they always had another gearand in the end held up the cup they deserved. A stepup to South 1 will be exactly what this emerging clubsneeds. 19’s are such a crucial part of developing youngplayers and they need to be playing against betteroppositions so that the step up to senior level isn’t somuch of a leap. On Monday night the league B&F wasawarded to Josh Bosnar from Old Xavs, a fantasticyear and hopefully this will give him the confidence toexcel in senior football. Once again congratulation toOakleigh. Sincerely deserved!THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 19

LAST ROUND U19 RESULTSU19 PREMIERPRELIMINARYOLD XAVERIANS 2.5, 4.7, 7.12, 13.14 (92)OLD SCOTCH 2.2, 4.4, 7.7, 8.11 (59)GOALS, OLD XAVERIANS: B. Goss 6, L. Tiernan 2, L. Bisset 1, H. Nidam 1, W. Moffi tt 1, J. Stean 1, D. Barry1 OLD SCOTCH: M. Seed 2, J. Sansom 2, H. Carneli 1, T. McKinley 1, S. Barnett 1, M. van den Broek 1BEST, OLD XAVERIANS: J. Franklyn, B. Goss, J. Woods, J. Pintal, H. Nidam, D. Harangozo OLD SCOTCH:T. McKinley, M. Seed, M. van den Broek, M. Davis, J. Anstee, A. WilliamsonU19 NORTH (1)GRAND FINALFITZROY 4.7, 7.11, 11.14, 12.19 (91)WERRIBEE 1.1, 5.3, 6.8, 10.15 (75)GOALS, FITZROY: N. Jumeau 2, D. Patcas 2, J. Dalton 2, M. Gloster2, M. Cussen 1, D. Pound-Palmieri 1, D. Kynigopoulos 1, J. Turner 1WERRIBEE: C. Molivas 2, L. Johnston 1, M. Hill 1, T. Sapountzis 1,L. Patterson 1, T. Eccles 1, B. Leonard 1, A. Eade 1, J. De Pellegrin 1BEST, FITZROY: M. Cussen, C. Evans, T. Hudson-Bevege, N. Jumeau,J. Simcoe, M. Gloster WERRIBEE: L. Patterson, R. Harrington, C.Molivas, A. Salamone, J. Sargent, V. BorgU19 SOUTH (1)GRAND FINALOLD BRIGHTON 1.5, 3.10, 9.12, 12.20 (92)CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 1.2, 5.8, 9.11, 11.12 (78)GOALS, OLD BRIGHTON: N. Schaffer 3, L. Nicholls 1, N. Collins 1,T. Mariani 1, S. Hooy 1, W. Newman 1, M. Karayannis 1, M. Waite 1,J. Portelli 1, N. Coroneos 1 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS: R. Handel5, W. Osborn 3, E. Hawke 2, T. McCurdy 1BEST, OLD BRIGHTON: J. Portelli, L. Nicholls, M. Waite, S. Timms,N. Coroneos, S. Hooy CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS: T. Cox, W. Osborn,T. Small, C. Axais, W. Berry, S. StewartU19 SOUTH (2)GRAND FINALOAKLEIGH 6.2, 9.4, 13.11, 16.16 (112)MAZENOD 2.5, 7.10, 10.13, 14.13 (97)GOALS, OAKLEIGH: P. Tsoucalas 4, G. Irons 3, A. Abel 2, M. Ritchens2 ,A. Gigliotti 1, T. Scott 1, M. White 1, Z. Thiessens 1, S. Prins 1MAZENOD: S. Jones 5, A. Holmes 2, M. Boyle 2, A. Jones 1, D.Hendricks 1, A. Jefferson 1, N. Gentile 1, B. Cunningham 1BEST, OAKLEIGH: G. Irons, T. McNamara, J. Olson, T. Scott, N. Seel,Z. Thiessens MAZENOD: J. Little, M. Boyle, A. Holmes, S. Welsford,T. Chambers, S. JonesU19 NORTH (2)GRAND FINALOLD IVANHOE 2.4, 6.9, 8.11, 10.12 (72)THERRY PENOLA 1.4, 3.6, 6.8, 10.11 (71)GOALS, OLD IVANHOE: D. Steele 5, J. Moio 2, J. Birch 1, T. Gleeson1, J. Ridewood 1 THERRY PENOLA: M. Pell 3, L. McNamara 2, I.Kama 2, J. McMahon 2, M. Valenti 1BEST, OLD IVANHOE: M. Del Monte, T. Gleeson, D. Steele, M. Mitris,M. Licata, M. Bacskos THERRY PENOLA: J. Howells, M. Pell, T. Burt,S. Koenig, L. McNamara, S. ByeVisit Galleries Online at: cyansportingimages.com.au20 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

UNDER <strong>18</strong>TO THE FINALE . . .Nick WaldRupertswood’s premiership came as no surprisegiven their enormous year. They were in gearfrom the outset, bounced away and did notlet Oakleigh back into the game. A look at thescoreboard at the half might have revealed thatthe Krush still had a chance, but Rupo’s thirdquarter, literally the premiership quarter, out paidto all that.The victors had seven goalscorers, an indicationof their all-around strength, while Aaron Clokewho booted four for the Oaks only had one mateon the scoresheet.In Div 2, the game went down to the wire withheartbreak the result for St Bernard’s. Four goals,ten behinds won’t win you too many games,but UHSVUF got there by a point, courtesyof the Snow Dogs profligacy. Three goals andfifteen behinds was their story, one that willbe remembered with sadness in years to come.Ironically, the last minutes of the game saw theBernies desperately trying to score another pointin order to guarantee extra time. It was not to be,and the Acronyms took the flag.Thusly the second season of U<strong>18</strong> football drewto a close. I am sure that the clubs would rate it asuccess overall and for two clubs who won flags,a great success. As most would remember, theyear began with two geographical sections andrealigned mid-season based on performance. TheVAFA chose between travel (often a problem forthe juniors without licenses or cars) and on-fieldfloggings and decided that even car pooling washorrible when one’s team was massacred.Many players had their introduction to theVAFA through this level in 2010 and no doubtplenty of the names we have become familiarwith will rise through the ranks to great things.Representatives from all clubs have been chosento tour New Zealand next month, giving twodozen of our players the great experience ofplaying representative football as well as gettingto know better some that they be playing againstfor the next decade or more.Thank-you to all who have helped me write thiscolumn through the season. Taking over fromthe great man Joe Morsello was never goingto be easy. As I undergo massive pain while inrecovery from shoulder surgery, I am gladdenedby the thought that U<strong>18</strong> football is just sevenmonths away. Oh, and if Jeremy Bourke has aspare seat on that plane to Christchurch, I willhappily write the match reports. Stay safe and seeyou next April.GRAND FINAL RESULTSUNDER <strong>18</strong> DIV 1UHS-VU / FLEMINGTON 0.2, 3.7, 3.8, 4.10 (34)ST BERNARDS 2.2, 2.6, 2.12, 3.15 (33)GOALS, UHS-VU / FLEMINGTON: E. Pearson 1, N. Waugh 1, L. Allen 1,G. Guest 1 ST BERNARDS: A. Graham 1, M. Sulzberger 1, C. Connelly 1BEST, UHS-VU / FLEMINGTON: H. Everist, S. McSweeney, O. Conlan,J. MacAulay, B. Kelly, N. Rowland ST BERNARDS: M. Kavanagh, S. Firth,P. Lenoury, K. O’Connor, T. Lynch, L. NealUNDER <strong>18</strong> DIV 2RUPERTSWOOD 3.2, 4.2, 9.7, 10.8 (68)OAKLEIGH 1.3, 1.3, 4.3, 5.5 (35)GOALS, RUPERTSWOOD: M. Said 2, M. Twentyman 2, B. Grech 2,M. Wilson 1, B. Riley 1, K. Murphy 1, J. Gay 1 OAKLEIGH: A. Cloke 4,S. Scott 1BEST, RUPERTSWOOD: B. Grech, K. Murphy, J. Braddy, L. McKenna,M. Twentyman, H. Plumb OAKLEIGH: M. Tate, R. Jetta, A. Cloke,A. Dal Santo, P. Raso, M. PodestaLATE SCORES, FINES & TRIBUNALResults of InvestigationsBeaumaris and Old Xaverians major melee, Under-19 Premieron <strong>September</strong> 4.Both clubs accepted prescribed penalty. Beaumaris $200,Old Xaverians $300.THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 21

St Bernards OCFCwww.stbernardsfc.com.auSenior Coach 2011 SeasonThe club is seeking a senior coach todevelop our talented young list and leadour football program in 2011Applicants will have a minimum level 1Accreditation, Level 2 is desirable but candidateswill be considered on their credentials.Expressions of interest, including CV can be emailed to<strong>Football</strong> Director Paul Garth: pgarth@prokinetics.com.au(0412 533 314)Applications close no later than Thursday 30th<strong>September</strong> and will be treated in the strictest confidence.MELBOURNE HIGH SCHOOLOLD BOYS’ FOOTBALL CLUBSeeks a Senior (Club) Coachfor season 2011 and beyond.Applicants should hold current Level 1 Coaching Accreditationat a minimum and previous coaching or high level playingexperience will be highly regarded, although not essential.Applicants interested in this exciting role should emailtheir resume to mhsobfc@mhsobfc.com.au(Attn: Dean Comer, Club President).Applications close Friday October 1.22 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010



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Old Westbourne<strong>Amateur</strong> <strong>Football</strong> Club Inc.Applications for COACHESfor all teams in VAFA (D2) &WRFL & AFL Vic (Youth Girls)for season 2011 are invited.Remuneration negotiable.All written applications to:The Secretary, Old Westbourne AFC,PO BOX 1680WERRIBEE PLAZA, 3030or email: secretary@oldwestbourneafc.com.auApplications close Mon. 20 th Sept 2010.Any enquiries toPres. Adrian LipscombeTel. 0427 129 667.See vafa.com.au for more detailsOLD MENTONIANS’FOOTBALL CLUBAffi liated with the VAFA 2011 SectionsDivision 1 (Senior & Reserve)South 1 (Under 19)Invite Applications for thefollowing positions:SENIOR COACHRESERVES COACHU19 COACHAs a minimum applicants are required to holda current Level 1 Coaching Accreditation.Applicationskenspeers@shoes-online-ent.com.auPhone: 0414 806 338Umpire in the VSDCAVictoria’s BestSenior CommunityCricket CompetitionFor further detailsplease contact:Jim EarleUmpiring Manager,VSDCAVisit Galleries Online at:cyansportingimages.com.au1 Goode CourtSunshine 3020Phone: 9311 8245Mobile: 0417 532 523Email: james.earle@bigpond.comTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 29

VAFA LADDERS 2010U19 NORTH 1 P W L D B FF F A % PtsWERRIBEE <strong>18</strong> 16 0 0 0 2 2333 1014 230.08 72FITZROY <strong>18</strong> 12 6 0 0 0 2324 1229 <strong>18</strong>9.1 48ST BERNARDS <strong>18</strong> 10 7 0 0 1 <strong>18</strong>78 1227 153.06 44OLD CAREY <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1590 1462 108.76 40OLD ESSENDON <strong>18</strong> 5 13 0 0 0 1240 1971 62.91 20OLD TRINITY <strong>18</strong> 4 14 0 0 0 1198 2<strong>18</strong>2 54.9 16U19 SOUTH 1 P W L D B FF F A % PtsOLD BRIGHTON <strong>18</strong> 16 2 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong>08 867 208.54 64CAULFIELD GRAM <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1624 782 207.67 60AJAX <strong>18</strong> 11 6 1 0 0 1511 1123 134.55 46ST KEVINS <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong>35 941 195.01 44COLLEGIANS <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1325 1160 114.22 44OLD MENTONIANSS <strong>18</strong> 8 9 0 0 1 1284 1434 89.54 36ORMOND <strong>18</strong> 6 11 0 0 1 1249 1420 87.96 28DE LA SALLE <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1105 1544 71.57 28HAMPTON ROVERS <strong>18</strong> 2 15 1 0 0 878 1690 51.95 10OLD HAILEYBURY <strong>18</strong> 1 17 0 0 0 675 2344 28.8 4U19 SOUTH 2 P W L D B FF F A % PtsOAKLEIGH <strong>18</strong> 17 1 0 0 0 2448 954 256.6 68MAZENOD <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1908 965 197.72 56OLD XAVERIANS <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1689 1296 130.32 44OLD GEELONG <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1614 1413 114.23 40PENINSULA <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1216 1539 79.01 36MONASH BLUES <strong>18</strong> 7 10 0 0 1 1484 1103 134.54 32BEAUMARIS <strong>18</strong> 3 15 0 0 0 928 2011 46.15 12MHSOB <strong>18</strong> 0 <strong>18</strong> 0 0 0 653 2651 24.63 0U19 NORTH 2 P W L D B FF F A % PtsTHERRY PENOLA <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 2149 1043 206.04 60AQUINAS <strong>18</strong> 13 5 0 0 0 1674 1206 138.81 52OLD WESTBOURNE <strong>18</strong> 10 7 0 0 1 1423 1210 117.6 44OLD IVANHOE 10 9 1 0 0 0 1646 1546 106.47 44LA TROBE UNI <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1715 1316 130.32 40IVANHOE <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1552 1206 128.69 40BULLEEN TEMP <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1429 1589 89.93 36WHITEFRIARS O 10 2 8 0 0 0 846 2165 39.08 8FITZROY <strong>18</strong> 2 16 0 0 0 815 2104 38.74 8EMMAUS ST LEOS <strong>18</strong> 1 17 0 0 0 749 2249 33.3 4U<strong>18</strong> DIVISION 1 P W L D B FF F A % PtsRUPERTSWOOD <strong>18</strong> 16 1 0 0 1 2054 885 232.09 68OAKLEIGH <strong>18</strong> 12 6 0 0 0 1785 1369 130.39 48WERRIBEE <strong>18</strong> 9 7 0 0 2 <strong>18</strong>24 1208 150.99 44OLD CAMBERWELL <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1641 1411 116.3 44NORTHERN BULLANTS <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1577 1308 120.57 36ST BEDES/MT <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1201 1579 76.06 32U<strong>18</strong> DIVISION 2 P W L D B FF F A % PtsUHS-VU / FLEM <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1241 1561 79.5 40ST JOHNS <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1235 1130 109.29 32ST BERNARDS <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1129 1434 78.73 32ST MARY’S SAL <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1315 1362 96.55 28THERRY PENOLA <strong>18</strong> 6 12 0 0 0 1174 1615 72.69 24AQUINAS <strong>18</strong> 1 17 0 0 0 804 21<strong>18</strong> 37.96 4CLUB XVIII 1 P W L D B FF F A % PtsOLD MELBURNIANS 15 13 1 0 1 0 1527 678 225.22 56OLD XAVERIANS 15 10 2 0 2 1 1385 734 <strong>18</strong>8.69 52UNI BLACKS 15 8 4 0 3 0 1326 832 159.38 44PRAHRAN 15 5 8 0 2 0 928 1029 90.<strong>18</strong> 28DE LA SALLE 15 4 9 0 2 0 1001 1067 93.81 24MONASH BLUES 15 4 9 0 1 1 999 1195 83.6 24ST BERNARDS 15 1 12 0 2 0 604 1422 42.48 12CLUB XVIII NTH P W L D B FF F A % PtsOLD ESSENDON 15 15 0 0 0 0 1551 588 263.78 60FITZROY 15 11 4 0 0 0 1191 802 148.5 44THERRY PENOLA 15 11 4 0 0 0 1174 9<strong>18</strong> 127.89 44WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 15 9 5 0 0 1 1267 845 149.94 40NOBS/ST PATS 15 10 5 0 0 0 1351 1022 132.19 40OLD CAREY 15 7 8 0 0 0 1174 1065 110.23 28OLD PARADIANS 15 4 11 0 0 0 876 1137 77.04 16UHS-VU 15 3 12 0 0 0 828 1600 51.75 12WHITEFRIARS 15 2 13 0 0 0 893 1462 61.08 8OLD WESTBOURNE 15 2 13 0 0 0 6<strong>18</strong> 1484 41.64 8CLUB XVIII STH P W L D B FF F A % PtsCAULFIELD GRAM 15 11 3 0 0 1 1431 831 172.2 48RICHMOND CENT 15 9 5 0 0 1 1201 984 122.05 40ORMOND 15 9 6 0 0 0 1100 721 152.57 36MAZENOD 15 8 6 0 0 1 1237 850 145.53 36OLD GEELONG 15 7 6 0 0 2 1241 945 131.32 36HAMPTON ROVERS 15 1 14 0 0 0 590 1661 35.52 4Phone: (03) 8562 9100 Fax: (03) 8562 911130 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

VAFA LADDERS 2010PREMIER C P W L D B FF F A % PtsBEAUMARIS <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1574 1171 134.42 60CAULFIELD GRAM <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1793 1068 167.88 56AJAX <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1774 1203 147.46 56OLD CAMBERWELL <strong>18</strong> 11 6 1 0 0 1567 1482 105.74 46MAZENOD <strong>18</strong> 10 7 1 0 0 1451 1294 112.13 42RUPERTSWOOD <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1566 1562 100.26 32FITZROY <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1285 1383 92.91 28ORMOND <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1413 1552 91.04 28OLD GEELONG <strong>18</strong> 2 16 0 0 0 1108 1909 58.04 8PARKDALE VULTURES <strong>18</strong> 1 17 0 0 0 1143 2050 55.76 4PREMIER C RES P W L D B FF F A % PtsCAULFIELD GRAM <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong>66 808 230.94 60ORMOND <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1764 811 217.51 60OLD GEELONG <strong>18</strong> 14 3 1 0 0 1522 931 163.48 58MAZENOD <strong>18</strong> 13 4 1 0 0 1727 943 <strong>18</strong>3.14 54AJAX <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1409 1157 121.78 44FITZROY <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1059 1452 72.93 28OLD CAMBERWELL <strong>18</strong> 6 12 0 0 0 1412 1300 108.62 24BEAUMARIS <strong>18</strong> 5 13 0 0 0 1383 1312 105.41 20RUPERTSWOOD <strong>18</strong> 3 15 0 0 0 856 2219 38.58 12PARKDALE VULTURES <strong>18</strong> 0 <strong>18</strong> 0 0 0 565 2630 21.48 0DIVISION 1 P W L D B FF F A % PtsWERRIBEE <strong>18</strong> 17 1 0 0 0 2423 1041 232.76 68MONASH BLUES <strong>18</strong> 12 6 0 0 0 1642 1239 132.53 48PENINSULA <strong>18</strong> 12 6 0 0 0 1668 1272 131.13 48NOBS/ST PATS <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1638 1561 104.93 44WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1786 1669 107.01 40BULLEEN TEMP <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1656 1637 101.16 32WHITEFRIARS <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1305 1610 81.06 28OLD MENTONIANSS <strong>18</strong> 6 12 0 0 0 1417 1751 80.93 24AQUINAS <strong>18</strong> 5 13 0 0 0 1237 1723 71.79 20STH MELB DIST <strong>18</strong> 2 16 0 0 0 1017 2286 44.49 8DIVISION 1 RES P W L D B FF F A % PtsMONASH BLUES <strong>18</strong> 17 1 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong>75 608 308.39 68WHITEFRIARS <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1703 903 <strong>18</strong>8.59 56NOBS/ST PATS <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1426 950 150.11 56WERRIBEE <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1446 1213 119.21 40WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1278 1337 95.59 40PENINSULA <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1010 1268 79.65 32OLD MENTONIANSS <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1042 1552 67.14 28AQUINAS <strong>18</strong> 5 13 0 0 0 1000 1370 72.99 20BULLEEN TEMP <strong>18</strong> 5 13 0 0 0 1106 15<strong>18</strong> 72.86 20STH MELB DIST <strong>18</strong> 0 <strong>18</strong> 0 0 0 726 1929 37.64 0DIVISION 2 P W L D B FF F A % PtsBANYULE <strong>18</strong> 16 2 0 0 0 2133 1209 176.43 64GLEN EIRA <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1481 1520 97.43 44OLD PARADIANS <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1552 1396 111.17 40OLD WESTBOURNE <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1563 1516 103.1 40EMMAUS ST LEOS <strong>18</strong> 9 8 1 0 0 1537 1682 91.38 38BENTLEIGH <strong>18</strong> 8 9 1 0 0 1626 1614 100.74 34THERRY PENOLA <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1272 1573 80.86 32ELTHAM <strong>18</strong> 6 12 0 0 0 1531 1536 99.67 24ST MARY’S SAL <strong>18</strong> 6 12 0 0 0 1332 1649 80.78 24PRAHRAN <strong>18</strong> 5 13 0 0 0 1201 1533 78.34 20DIVISION 2 RES P W L D B FF F A % PtsBANYULE <strong>18</strong> 16 2 0 0 0 1957 956 204.71 64BENTLEIGH <strong>18</strong> 16 2 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong>91 982 192.57 64OLD PARADIANS <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1643 806 203.85 56OLD WESTBOURNE <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 13<strong>18</strong> 1043 126.37 40THERRY PENOLA <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1315 1211 108.59 40PRAHRAN <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1112 1419 78.37 28EMMAUS ST LEOS <strong>18</strong> 6 12 0 0 0 1152 1557 73.99 24ST MARY’S SAL <strong>18</strong> 4 14 0 0 0 994 1755 56.64 16GLEN EIRA <strong>18</strong> 4 14 0 0 0 786 1680 46.79 16ELTHAM <strong>18</strong> 3 15 0 0 0 926 1685 54.96 12DIVISION 3 P W L D B FF F A % PtsST JOHNS <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 2049 1209 169.48 60LA TROBE UNI <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1720 1178 146.01 56POWER HOUSE <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1368 1212 112.87 44ELSTERNWICK <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1756 1590 110.44 44ALBERT PARK <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1677 1472 113.93 40UHS-VU <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1683 1621 103.82 40IVANHOE <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1474 1537 95.9 40YARRA VALLEY <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1671 1420 117.68 36HAWTHORN <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1714 1638 104.64 36WEST BRUNSWICK <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1206 1584 76.14 28KEW <strong>18</strong> 1 17 0 0 0 1152 2001 57.57 4ST FRANCIS XAV <strong>18</strong> 1 17 0 0 0 1115 2123 52.52 4DIVISION 3 RES P W L D B FF F A % PtsYARRA VALLEY <strong>18</strong> 16 1 1 0 0 2056 805 255.4 66UHS-VU <strong>18</strong> 15 2 1 0 0 1774 879 201.82 62LA TROBE UNI <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1470 847 173.55 60POWER HOUSE <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1303 1020 127.75 44WEST BRUNSWICK <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1289 1139 113.17 40HAWTHORN <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1439 1293 111.29 36IVANHOE <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1<strong>18</strong>6 1359 87.27 32ST JOHNS <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1348 1566 86.08 28KEW <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1214 1510 80.4 28ELSTERNWICK <strong>18</strong> 4 14 0 0 0 994 <strong>18</strong>27 54.41 16ALBERT PARK <strong>18</strong> 3 15 0 0 0 1045 <strong>18</strong>35 56.95 12ST FRANCIS XAV <strong>18</strong> 2 16 0 0 0 777 <strong>18</strong>93 41.05 8DIVISION 4 P W L D B FF F A % PtsMONASH GRYPHONS <strong>18</strong> 15 1 0 2 0 2165 958 225.99 68MT LILYDALE <strong>18</strong> 15 1 0 2 0 <strong>18</strong>90 1056 178.98 68MANNINGHAM COBRAS <strong>18</strong> 10 6 0 2 0 1688 1191 141.73 48ELEY PARK <strong>18</strong> 9 7 0 2 0 1681 1326 126.77 44SOUTH MORNINGTON <strong>18</strong> 9 7 0 2 0 1690 1399 120.8 44BOX HILL NORTH <strong>18</strong> 8 8 0 2 0 1595 1691 94.32 40SWINBURNE UNI <strong>18</strong> 7 8 1 2 0 1474 1399 105.36 38NORTH BRUNSWICK <strong>18</strong> 5 10 1 2 0 1371 1588 86.34 30RICHMOND CENT <strong>18</strong> 5 11 0 2 0 1229 1474 83.38 28POINT COOK <strong>18</strong> 4 12 0 2 0 1229 1990 61.76 24CHADSTONE <strong>18</strong> 0 16 0 2 0 512 2452 20.88 8DIVISION 4 RES P W L D B FF F A % PtsMONASH GRYPHONS <strong>18</strong> 15 1 0 2 0 2135 577 370.02 68NORTH BRUNSWICK <strong>18</strong> 14 2 0 2 0 1635 793 206.<strong>18</strong> 64SOUTH MORNINGTON <strong>18</strong> 12 4 0 2 0 1469 882 166.55 56RICHMOND CENT <strong>18</strong> 11 5 0 2 0 1379 1078 127.92 52SWINBURNE UNI <strong>18</strong> 10 6 0 2 0 1417 1039 136.38 48MANNINGHAM COBRAS <strong>18</strong> 9 7 0 2 0 1312 950 138.11 44MT LILYDALE <strong>18</strong> 6 10 0 2 0 915 1324 69.11 32ELEY PARK <strong>18</strong> 6 10 0 2 0 969 1449 66.87 32POINT COOK <strong>18</strong> 3 13 0 2 0 849 1738 48.85 20BOX HILL NORTH <strong>18</strong> 2 14 0 2 0 886 1767 50.14 16CHADSTONE <strong>18</strong> 0 16 0 2 0 6<strong>18</strong> 2046 30.21 8U19 PREMIER P W L D B FF F A % PtsDE LA SALLE <strong>18</strong> <strong>18</strong> 0 0 0 0 2114 721 293.2 72OLD SCOTCH <strong>18</strong> 14 3 1 0 0 <strong>18</strong>65 1095 170.32 58BEAUMARIS <strong>18</strong> 13 5 0 0 0 1604 1092 146.89 52OLD XAVERIANS <strong>18</strong> 10 7 1 0 0 1662 1267 131.<strong>18</strong> 42UNI BLUES <strong>18</strong> 9 7 2 0 0 1322 1473 89.75 40OLD CAMBERWELL <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1355 1648 82.22 28ST BEDES/MT <strong>18</strong> 6 12 0 0 0 1171 1452 80.65 24OLD MELBURNIANS <strong>18</strong> 5 13 0 0 0 1314 1690 77.75 20UNI BLACKS <strong>18</strong> 4 13 1 0 0 993 1744 56.94 <strong>18</strong>MARCELLIN <strong>18</strong> 1 16 1 0 0 830 2048 40.53 6THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010 31

VAFA LADDERS 2010PREMIER P W L D B FF F A % PtsCOLLEGIANS <strong>18</strong> 16 2 0 0 0 1677 1102 152.<strong>18</strong> 64OLD XAVERIANS <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1663 917 <strong>18</strong>1.35 60DE LA SALLE <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1768 1099 160.87 60UNI BLUES <strong>18</strong> 12 6 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong>38 1<strong>18</strong>6 154.97 48ST BEDES/MT <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1359 1323 102.72 36OLD SCOTCH <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1411 1493 94.51 28OLD MELBURNIANS <strong>18</strong> 6 12 0 0 0 1298 1631 79.58 24OLD TRINITY <strong>18</strong> 5 12 1 0 0 1<strong>18</strong>6 1799 65.93 22OLD BRIGHTON <strong>18</strong> 3 14 1 0 0 1194 1648 72.45 14MARCELLIN <strong>18</strong> 1 17 0 0 0 899 2095 42.91 4PREMIER RES P W L D B FF F A % PtsDE LA SALLE <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong>94 881 214.98 60UNI BLUES <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1705 801 212.86 60OLD XAVERIANS <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1788 876 204.11 60OLD MELBURNIANS <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1640 933 175.78 56COLLEGIANS <strong>18</strong> 8 10 0 0 0 1138 1169 97.35 32ST BEDES/MT <strong>18</strong> 7 10 1 0 0 1289 1398 92.2 30OLD SCOTCH <strong>18</strong> 6 11 1 0 0 1226 1527 80.29 26OLD BRIGHTON <strong>18</strong> 4 14 0 0 0 1023 1665 61.44 16OLD TRINITY <strong>18</strong> 3 14 1 0 0 893 1754 50.91 14MARCELLIN <strong>18</strong> 1 16 1 0 0 685 2277 30.08 6PREMIER THIRDS P W L D B FF F A % PtsOLD XAVERIANS <strong>18</strong> 13 2 0 0 3 1967 773 254.46 64DE LA SALLE <strong>18</strong> 13 3 0 0 2 1907 821 232.28 60OLD MELBURNIANS <strong>18</strong> 12 4 0 0 2 1630 982 165.99 56UNI BLUES <strong>18</strong> 9 5 0 0 4 <strong>18</strong>61 1076 172.96 52COLLEGIANS <strong>18</strong> 11 6 0 0 1 1557 1<strong>18</strong>6 131.28 48OLD SCOTCH <strong>18</strong> 5 12 0 0 1 1099 1593 68.99 24OLD TRINITY <strong>18</strong> 4 13 0 0 1 1101 1625 67.75 20ST BEDES/MT <strong>18</strong> 4 13 0 0 1 1034 1738 59.49 20MARCELLIN <strong>18</strong> 3 14 0 0 1 1007 1914 52.61 16OLD BRIGHTON <strong>18</strong> 0 <strong>18</strong> 0 0 0 772 2227 34.67 0PREMIER B P W L D B FF F A % PtsOLD CAREY <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 2009 1200 167.42 56OLD HAILEYBURY <strong>18</strong> 12 6 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong><strong>18</strong> 1376 132.12 48UNI BLACKS <strong>18</strong> 12 6 0 0 0 1585 1316 120.44 48OLD IVANHOE <strong>18</strong> 12 6 0 0 0 1594 1324 120.39 48ST KEVINS <strong>18</strong> 11 7 0 0 0 1698 14<strong>18</strong> 119.75 44ST BERNARDS <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1589 1628 97.6 36OAKLEIGH <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1584 1752 90.41 36HAMPTON ROVERS <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1704 1767 96.43 28OLD ESSENDON <strong>18</strong> 2 16 0 0 0 1250 1947 64.2 8MHSOB <strong>18</strong> 2 16 0 0 0 1160 2293 50.59 8PREMIER B RES P W L D B FF F A % PtsUNI BLACKS <strong>18</strong> 16 2 0 0 0 <strong>18</strong>16 547 331.99 64ST BERNARDS <strong>18</strong> 15 3 0 0 0 1731 832 208.05 60ST KEVINS <strong>18</strong> 14 4 0 0 0 1764 889 198.43 56OAKLEIGH <strong>18</strong> 10 8 0 0 0 1221 1311 93.14 40OLD ESSENDON <strong>18</strong> 9 9 0 0 0 1037 1491 69.55 36OLD IVANHOE <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 12<strong>18</strong> 1281 95.08 28OLD CAREY <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1196 1521 78.63 28HAMPTON ROVERS <strong>18</strong> 7 11 0 0 0 1153 1487 77.54 28OLD HAILEYBURY <strong>18</strong> 3 15 0 0 0 9<strong>18</strong> 17<strong>18</strong> 53.43 12MHSOB <strong>18</strong> 2 16 0 0 0 919 <strong>18</strong>96 48.47 8PREM B THIRDS P W L D B FF F A % PtsBANYULE <strong>18</strong> 12 3 0 2 1 2258 832 271.39 60ST KEVINS <strong>18</strong> 12 3 0 0 3 <strong>18</strong>44 870 211.95 60ST BERNARDS <strong>18</strong> 12 4 0 1 1 <strong>18</strong>31 868 210.94 56UNI BLACKS <strong>18</strong> 11 4 0 0 3 <strong>18</strong>26 914 199.78 56OLD IVANHOE <strong>18</strong> 8 8 0 1 1 1379 1382 99.78 40WHITEFRIARS <strong>18</strong> 8 8 0 1 1 1242 1401 88.65 40BENTLEIGH <strong>18</strong> 3 13 0 1 1 1087 1694 64.17 20OAKLEIGH <strong>18</strong> 3 14 0 1 0 704 1953 36.05 16NOBS/ST PATS 16 2 13 0 0 1 734 1523 48.19 12BULLEEN TEMP 13 0 13 0 0 0 530 1727 30.69 0SHARPSHOOTERSTOP OF THE CHARTSPremier: Andrew Ramsden OLD TRINITY 53Premier Reserve: John Pasceri OLD XAVERIANS 49Premier Thirds: Joshua Ashman COLLEGIANS 41Premier B: Jarrod Reid OLD CAREY 71Premier B Reserve: Tim Schaefer UNI BLACKS 44Premier B Thirds: Brad Willmore BANYULE 56Premier C: David Fayman AJAX 57Premier C Reserve: Cameron Raine MAZENOD 60Division 1: Aaron Taylor WERRIBEE 81Division 1 Reserve: Jimmy Marinos SMD 47Division 2: David Boundy OLD PARADIANS 51Division 2 Reserve: Brandon Hunt BENTLEIGH 68Division 3: David Tremowen HAWTHORN 62Division 3 Reserve: Matthew Laing YARRA VALLEY 89Division 4: Sam McCallum MANNINGHAM COBRAS 82Division 4 Reserve: Matthew Malone MONASH GRYPHONS 60U19 Premier: Maxim Allen UNI BLUES 54U19 North (1): Theodore Sapountzis WERRIBEE 76U19 South (1): Thomas Rowe ST KEVINS 58U19 South (2): Paul Tsoucalas OAKLEIGH 96U19 North (2): Kynan Borthwick LA TROBE UNI 59U<strong>18</strong> Division 1: Lachlan McRedmond NORTH BULLANTS 60U<strong>18</strong> Division 2: Stefan Gusts ST MARY’S SALESIAN 36Club XVIII (1): Robert Moffatt UNI BLACKS 40Club XVIII (North): Kirk Dowsey WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 51Club XVIII (South): Brett Scott CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 6032 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2010

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