Shkodra free zone

Shkodra free zone Shkodra free zone


market economy game, the staff in charge of this mission is obliged to co-operate with their compatriots overseas (the Diaspora in Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Asia) and also with qualified partners of the western hemisphere residing in Albania. We must pay very much attention to the recognition of their status, their operating limits, the co-operation rules, the concrete indicators of the outcome of their undertakings in Shkodra. The co-operation with foreign experts means also profound studies focused on the future, aims for the realisation of concrete projects compiled in compliance with the natural sources and resources. Planning should be as objective as possible because only in this way it can encourage the intervention of the management groups in the daily realisation of the strategy chosen to face the unpredictable changes and respond to unexpected situations. Owning the 1/10 of territory and almost this much of the Albanian population, the region of Shkodra holds the first place for the electric energy production, water resources, industrial and geological reserves of cooper and poly-metals, useful non-metal minerals, and the second place in the wood industry. Of special importance is the enormous and ‘proteinic’ mine of the lake and Buna river, and the very rich market with a youngage labour force (considerably qualified for classic and modem manufactured production). The planning of the economic development should be done based on a rational model where the concretising, successive thinking and action should combine in harmony. There can’t be any exploitation of forests without their revitalisation. Until 1950, Albania was evaluated as being one of the five richest European countries in forests. During the 19501985 period, the socialist government sponsored the auto destructive policy of 46

deforestation (to create new agricultural lands). The state enterprises established for this purpose, in the region of Shkodra alone, have destroyed each year a 30 hectares area of various timber forests that existed since ancient times. Actually, the forests in the region of Shkodra cover an area of 54,410 hectares or 35.8% of the whole Shkodra territory. Regarding the way these forests were administered, 31,560 hectares or 58% of the entire forested surface and 3,456,000 m of the total volume are medium forests; eties of ps ll around Europe for its diversi e smetic industries (complete studies and invento s in goals of Shkodra’s economic development strategic process. It is necessary to naturally vive the forests using seeds, grafting and terventions with modem artificial techniques. 3 or 75% of the total volume are tall forests; 13,400 hectares or 25% of the forested surface and 718,000 m 3 or 15% and 9,450 hectares or 17% of the total surface and 376,000 m 3 or 10% of the total volume are low forests. In the forests of Shkodra region, there are 54 vari woods, not mentioning the rare exemplars. It is enough to say that 300 hectares of land are occupied with chestnut-trees. In the coastal part of our region (zone of Velipoja) there are 328 hectares of natural and cultivated forests and 5 watery swam having a surface of 302 hectares. All these 630 hectares make up Velipoja’s hunting resort well-known a ty of flora, fauna, domestic and migratory birds, etc. The forests in the region of Shkodra have a great and divers potential of medical, tannic and ethereal-oil plants wanted by the pharmaceutical, medical, co ries of these plants exist). The revitalisation of our forests should be considered a the most important engagement and one of the ma fulfil all the conditions and provide the necessary means to or imposingly re in 47

market economy game,<br />

the staff in charge of this mission is obliged<br />

to co-operate<br />

with their compatriots overseas (the Diaspora in<br />

Europe, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Asia) and also with qualified<br />

partners of the western hemisphere residing in Albania. We must pay<br />

very much attention to the recognition of their status, their operating<br />

limits, the co-operation rules, the concrete indicators of the outcome<br />

of their undertakings in <strong>Shkodra</strong>. The co-operation with foreign<br />

experts means also profound studies focused on the future, aims for<br />

the realisation of concrete projects compiled in compliance with the<br />

natural sources and resources.<br />

Planning should be as objective as possible because only in<br />

this way it can encourage the intervention of the management groups<br />

in the daily realisation of the strategy chosen to face the<br />

unpredictable changes and respond to unexpected situations. Owning<br />

the 1/10 of territory and almost this much of the Albanian<br />

population, the region of <strong>Shkodra</strong> holds the first place for the electric<br />

energy production, water resources, industrial and geological<br />

reserves of cooper and poly-metals, useful non-metal minerals, and<br />

the second place in the wood industry.<br />

Of special importance is the enormous and ‘proteinic’<br />

mine<br />

of the lake and Buna river, and the very rich market with a youngage<br />

labour force (considerably qualified for classic and modem<br />

manufactured production).<br />

The planning of the economic development should be done<br />

based on a rational model where<br />

the concretising, successive<br />

thinking<br />

and action should combine in harmony.<br />

There can’t be any exploitation of forests without their<br />

revitalisation.<br />

Until 1950, Albania was evaluated as being one of the five richest<br />

European countries in forests. During the 19501985 period, the<br />

socialist government sponsored the auto destructive policy of<br />


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