Shkodra free zone

Shkodra free zone Shkodra free zone


By analyzing, let’s say, the ‘principles’ of the planning of state funds and strategies for the seaports development, the government decision to allocate development funds to Saranda rather than to Shengjin seaport, or better to Vlore and nothing to Shengjin and Shkodra seaports, is considered wrong. We base this judgment on the archived expert opinions in these fields and, also, on the recent data of Muchel company (a French company assigned by the World Bank to accomplish the master-plan for the development of the Albanian ports), showing that all the Southern seaports (the port of Vlore is classified in the second category) due to their mountain ranges surrounding them, are considered as isolated from the Eastern part of Albania and Balkans. This rationale is enough to understand their distinction from the Northern seaports, in this case from the ports of Shengjin and Shkoder (free of any geographical obstacle), which seating next to the only railway leaving Albania towards Montenegro-Europe, meet all the conditions to become international ports and have all the chances to turn into unloading centres and confluent points for all the roads of Northern Albania, East Balkan countries, as well as those of Central Europe that do not have access to the sea. Talking about seaports and based upon the experience of the countries with advanced port services, it would be much more effective if the development investment were carried out in the Shengjin seaport rather than that of Saranda. It is not by chance that in 1939 the preparatory works to extend the Shengjin port to the lagoon of “Knalla”, at its entrance, started. Because of its natural location, Knalla region is very suitable for the port extension. Besides the water depth which permits shipments of heavy tonnage, the vast land space which exists in the Knalla lagoon also permits the building of enormous stores and the installation of loading and unloading equipments (cranes, etc.). Referring to the Italian project, Shengjin has all the potentials to become a port times bigger than that of Durres and one of the biggest 44

of Adriatic corridor. The unification of the inland port of Shkodra and the seaport of Shengjin with the railway and highway network of Montenegro, as well as the connection of the seaport of Durres with Istanbul through corridor No.8, are expected with great interest also from the North Italian maritime transportation companies. The transportation of goods between the countries of Central Europe and Asia through the ports of the Albanian upper half (Shkodra, Shengjin, Durres) is of great advantage, especially, for Trieste, Venice and Ancona, since it is done via the shortest trans-Balkanics routes, implying also lesser expenses. As noted above, we may deduce that the government would be less interested in undertaking or promoting investments in the seaports designed for limited regional services, as it happened in the period of the closed and super-centralized socialist economy, rather than in those which perform a wide variety of services not only in their areas, but also as far as the heart of Europe. While waiting for the construction of the inner land infrastructure, communicating with corridors No. 5 and No. 10 and the neighbouring countries (respecting the most advanced and up-to date standards), in order to gain its vitality, our city should immediately make use of the railway transportation - still fully intact, the lake transportation using a tow-boat and other navigating units suitable for this purpose, and also all kinds of hydroplane transportation by making use of the lake surface. (Some companies have offered such services). What shall we include in the strategic process of the economic development? Conscious of the inadequate and defective instructions in schools of economics in Tirana and the lack of experience in the the 45

By analyzing, let’s say, the ‘principles’ of the planning of<br />

state funds and strategies for the seaports development, the<br />

government decision to allocate development funds to Saranda<br />

rather<br />

than to Shengjin seaport, or better to Vlore and nothing to Shengjin<br />

and <strong>Shkodra</strong> seaports, is considered wrong. We base this judgment<br />

on the archived expert opinions in these fields and, also, on the<br />

recent data of Muchel company (a French company assigned by the<br />

World Bank to accomplish the master-plan for the development of<br />

the Albanian ports), showing that all the Southern seaports (the port<br />

of Vlore is classified in the second category) due to their mountain<br />

ranges surrounding them, are considered as isolated from the Eastern<br />

part of Albania and Balkans.<br />

This rationale is enough to understand their distinction from<br />

the Northern seaports, in this case from the ports of Shengjin and<br />

Shkoder (<strong>free</strong> of any geographical obstacle), which seating next to<br />

the only railway leaving Albania towards Montenegro-Europe, meet<br />

all the conditions to become international ports and have all the<br />

chances to turn into unloading centres and confluent points for all<br />

the<br />

roads of Northern Albania, East Balkan countries, as well as those of<br />

Central Europe that do not have access to the sea. Talking about<br />

seaports and based upon the experience of the countries with<br />

advanced port services, it would be much more effective if the<br />

development investment were carried out in the Shengjin seaport<br />

rather than that of Saranda.<br />

It is not by chance that in 1939 the preparatory works to<br />

extend the Shengjin port to the lagoon of “Knalla”, at its entrance,<br />

started. Because<br />

of its natural location, Knalla region is very suitable<br />

for the port extension. Besides the water depth which permits<br />

shipments of heavy tonnage, the vast land space which exists in the<br />

Knalla lagoon also permits the building of enormous stores<br />

and the<br />

installation of loading and unloading equipments (cranes, etc.).<br />

Referring to the Italian project, Shengjin has all the potentials to<br />

become a port times bigger than that of Durres and one of the biggest<br />


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