Shkodra free zone

Shkodra free zone Shkodra free zone


construction of the Durres-Istanbul highway, provide to Central European countries a shorter access to the sea and shorten in maximum the land area that is confined within the “water siphon” from Durres to Istanbul (the regions watered by the Adriatic and Black Sea). It is a fact that the construction of the sea ports along the Albanian coast and of Shkodra’s inland port has historically determined the direction of the Balkan roads. It is known that all the main strategic commercial roads converged in our ground ending up in the Albanian seaports to load and unload the goods coming from the East or West. Especially from 1992 onwards, the Western and Asian economic analysts have continuously advised that the key strategy for the economic recovery of Albania, especially of the artificially back warded north, should start from the rehabilitation of the roads according to the most up-to-date standards of the modern transportation. (... Unfortunately, today, some of government officials are trying to deform the East-West corridor of Egnatia into a village lane, 7-8 m wide). Albania had and still has many requests for concessions, BOOT, 25-30 years bid invitations to construct the above-mentioned inter-country roads, as well as, intra-country roads such as the highway and railway of Malesi e Gjakoves-Konispol (the railway with its serrate extensions reaches the deepest territories like Kelmendi, Dukagjini, etc.), the international airport in Koplik- Postopoje and Bushat (according to the Italian project of 1939), five domestic airports and the immediate construction of the Shkodra- Podgorice highway and railway. According to the best-known business analysts, the Balkans peninsula has a big investment potential that was not realised due to certain conflicts or the fear of war. The accomplishment of the above-mentioned investments in infrastructure is a strong driving factor to turn Albania into an economically powerful country, with a strong trade performance, and political stability. 42

In this way, Albania would be able to contribute to the neutralization of the risks threatening the equilibrium between the Balkan countries, without which there is no reason for the foreign businessmen to invest in Albania. To accomplish the extension and modernization of our seaports, there is clear information it the central government reasons, like in the past when Albania was isolated from the world, in concordance with their local services. After the opening of Albania in 1992 a new development strategy was expected for the seaports of the Northern part of Albania, since they met all the geographical conditions to become “international” ports (such as Durres, Shengjin and Shkodra). It is now the time to insist on the accomplishment of the unification of our ports with the European highways and railways and, then, deal with the investments that meet the needs of the local tourism industry and travel agencies. In order to make more profits most of the coastal countries have created many facilities and services in their ports, the reduction or removal of taxes in order to attract the clientele of the non-coastal neighbouring countries. Therefore, besides the coverage of the Northern area, Shkoder and Shengjin should develop to such a point so that they are ready to serve the needs of Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnie-Hercegovina, and other Central European countries. Whereas Durres would cover Macedonia, Bulgaria and the entire labyrinth of the Asian route network ending in Istanbul. Only in this way, the forgotten North Albania, and the chief-town of Shkoder, will regain the lost economic authority. Of all the above-mentioned countries, it is estimated that 55-75% of the goods flows will occur through our seaports. I t should be borne in mind that the government could invest in relatively unproductive projects, or likewise, could pursue a policy that would encourage unproductive private investments. 43

construction of the Durres-Istanbul highway, provide to Central<br />

European countries a shorter access to the sea and shorten in<br />

maximum the land area that is confined within the “water siphon”<br />

from Durres to Istanbul (the regions watered by the Adriatic and<br />

Black Sea). It is a fact that the construction of the sea ports along the<br />

Albanian coast and of <strong>Shkodra</strong>’s inland port has historically<br />

determined the direction of the Balkan roads. It is known that all the<br />

main strategic commercial roads converged in our ground ending up<br />

in the Albanian seaports to load and unload the goods coming from<br />

the East or West. Especially from 1992 onwards, the Western and<br />

Asian economic<br />

analysts have continuously advised that the key<br />

strategy for the economic recovery of Albania, especially of the<br />

artificially back warded north, should start from the rehabilitation of<br />

the roads according to the most up-to-date standards of the modern<br />

transportation. (... Unfortunately, today, some of government<br />

officials are trying to deform the East-West corridor of Egnatia into a<br />

village lane, 7-8 m wide). Albania had and still has many requests for<br />

concessions, BOOT, 25-30 years bid invitations to construct the<br />

above-mentioned inter-country roads, as well as, intra-country roads<br />

such as the highway and railway of Malesi e Gjakoves-Konispol (the<br />

railway with its serrate extensions reaches the deepest territories like<br />

Kelmendi, Dukagjini, etc.), the international airport in Koplik-<br />

Postopoje and Bushat (according to the Italian project of 1939), five<br />

domestic airports and the immediate construction of the <strong>Shkodra</strong>-<br />

Podgorice highway and railway.<br />

According to the best-known business analysts, the Balkans<br />

peninsula has a big investment potential that was not realised due to<br />

certain conflicts or the fear of war. The accomplishment of the<br />

above-mentioned investments in infrastructure is a strong driving<br />

factor to turn Albania into an economically powerful country, with<br />

a<br />

strong trade performance, and political stability.<br />


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