Shkodra free zone

Shkodra free zone Shkodra free zone


In an industrialized country, the “average worker” is more productive than his counterpart in a less developed country, such as the region of Shkoder. This happens, not only, because he or she possesses more physical capital but also because he or she has better job ethics and more working experience. The attainment of these important objectives is closely related to three important driving factors: education, industrialization and urban planning that started in these countries as early as the 18 th centuries and continued until the 20 th century. Unlike the other countries of our continent, the new century finds Albania not properly affected by these powerful currents of development. The quick abolition of illiteracy in the second half of the 20 th century, the superficial education offered to communities, the neglect of all the actual teaching processes, the non - coordination of the teaching programs with those of modem European schools, etc, could also be seen as the results of the failure to carry out an effective industrialization of the country. The real development of industry implies the variety of those processes that create the economic need for an indispensable education. Nowadays, at time when electronics is being applied to all working environments, sophisticated equipment is being supplied to all the branches of economy, industry, army and road systems, the Albanian average worker does not have the kind of knowledge to keep step with his Balkan counterparts, let alone the European ones. The lack of the instructions to handle the industrial and military equipment, observed after the post-cold war exodus until the arrival of the military force “Alba” (1997), has convinced everyone of the reason why the Albanian workers and University graduates put on a common worker's - or soldier's uniform when they are in Europe or elsewhere. The Albanian “sui generis” education corresponds to the one of those categories of people who do not even know how to operate the buttons of an elevator and who, in the today’s western 28

world, are referred to as the “bearers” of the modem illiteracy. In addition to the deficiencies caused by the ineffective education and industrialization, the present-day Albanian society has started to feel the harsh effects of the spontaneous and irregular urban planning. In conditions of serious overall economic poverty, the rural population, who is currently divorcing from the traditional life and rushing to urban areas, is seeking out solutions to the abnormal life they are living. Politically misled, most of them susceptible towards ambiguous party callings, at a moment when the religion is not playing its full role and in the splits of its inability various premature politicians are penetrating, the mixed population of our cities, not thinking hard enough and rushed by the indescribable hatred, is looking for anything, primarily food - meaning employment. In these days, when there is no production activity and the primitive industry has come to an end, Shkoder’s “abundant” labour market is keenly waiting to be educated and qualified. (Therefore, the government should also program the training of the human capital and that is carried out by official education (schools and courses) and extracurricular activities and the experience acquired in working activities. Education is one of the slowest factors of growth, but at the same time, it is the most important economic growth factor. The area of Shkoder, economically underdeveloped, finds it very hard to accumulate the production factors as well as the human and physical capital. The problem is the fact that the income levels are so low, that after the necessary expenses to cover for the minimal vital needs, there is very little income left to “purchase” as much education and physical capital. In today's Shkoder, economically ruined, the decision of whether the children and the youth should go to school or work is very hard, both for the families with very low incomes and for the government holding very limited financial 29

In an industrialized country, the “average worker” is more<br />

productive than his counterpart in a less developed country, such as<br />

the region of Shkoder. This happens, not only, because he or she<br />

possesses more physical capital but also because he or she has better<br />

job ethics and more working experience. The attainment of these<br />

important objectives is closely related to three important driving<br />

factors: education, industrialization and urban planning that started in<br />

these countries as early as the 18 th centuries and continued until the<br />

20 th century. Unlike the other countries of our continent, the new<br />

century finds Albania not properly affected by these powerful<br />

currents of development. The quick abolition of illiteracy in the<br />

second half of the 20 th century, the superficial education offered to<br />

communities, the neglect of all the actual teaching processes, the non<br />

- coordination of the teaching programs with those of modem<br />

European schools, etc, could also be seen as the results of the failure<br />

to carry out an effective industrialization of the country. The real<br />

development of industry implies the variety of those processes that<br />

create the economic need for an indispensable education.<br />

Nowadays, at time when electronics is being applied to all<br />

working environments, sophisticated equipment is being supplied to<br />

all the branches of economy, industry, army and road systems, the<br />

Albanian average worker does not have the kind of knowledge to<br />

keep step with his Balkan counterparts, let alone the European ones.<br />

The lack of the instructions to handle the industrial and military<br />

equipment, observed after the post-cold war exodus until the arrival<br />

of the military force “Alba” (1997), has convinced everyone of the<br />

reason why the Albanian workers and University graduates put on a<br />

common worker's - or soldier's uniform when they are in Europe or<br />

elsewhere. The Albanian “sui generis” education corresponds to the<br />

one of those categories of people who do not even know how to<br />

operate the buttons of an elevator and who, in the today’s western<br />


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