eTrust CA-Top Secret Security for z/OS and OS ... - SupportConnect

eTrust CA-Top Secret Security for z/OS and OS ... - SupportConnect eTrust CA-Top Secret Security for z/OS and OS ... - SupportConnect
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Tracing UNIX System Services (OMVS)Tracing UNIX System Services (OMVS)The SECTRACE facility, used to trace SAF requests in the eTrust CA-Top Secretenvironment, also is available to trace SAF requests made by OMVS. The onlyallowable value for the DEST= parameter of the TYPE=OMVS SECTRACEcommand is DEST=SYSLOG.To start SECTRACE for OMVS, issue the following command:ST SET,TYPE=OMVS,FUNC=XXXX,DEST=SYSLOG,ENDFUNC ID=xxx can be one of seven values. Each function traces a set of relatedOMVS services.The seven functions and the services that they trace are:FunctionALLCHANGECHECKGETINITMAKEMISCSETServiceTraces all OMVS services.Traces R_chown, R-chaudit, and R_cmod.Traces ck_access, ck_priv, ck_process_owner,ck_file_owner, R_ptrace, ck_IPC_access,ck_owner_two_files, R_IPC_ctl, and R_dceauth.Traces getUMAP, getGMAP, R_getgroups,R_getgroupsbyname, get_uid_gid_supgrps, R_dceinfo,R_dcekey, R_dceuid, and R_usermap.Traces initACEE, initUSP, deleteUSP, and R_fork.Traces makeFSP, makeISP, and make_root_FSP.Traces audit, query_file_security_options, andquery_system_security_options.Traces R_umask, R_setegid, R_seteuid, R_setgid,R_setuid, R_exec, clear_setid, and R_admin.The OMVS services are documented in the IBM OS/390 Security Services CallableServices Guide. You should only use the OMVS SECTRACE when instructed to byeTrust CA-Top Secret Technical Support due to the large volume of trace entriespossible in the OMVS environment. It is usually easier to debug an OMVSproblem using the TSSOERPT report, because it shows more information thanthe trace. All of the OMVS services write SMF records when the service returnswith a non-zero return code.1–20 Cookbook

Tracing UNIX System Services (OMVS)Stopping the SECTRACE for OMVSTo disable the SECTRACE for OMVS, issue the following command, where xxxxis the identifier assigned to the SECTRACE:ST DISABLE,ID=XXXX,ENDYou can restart a disabled trace by entering an enable command. To start adisabled trace, issue the following command, where xxxx is the identifierassigned to the SECTRACE:ST ENABLE,ID=XXXX,ENDTo stop the SECTRACE for OMVS, issue the following command, where xxxx isthe identifier assigned to the SECTRACE:ST DEL,ID=XXXX,ENDUNIX System Services ReportingTSSOERPT UtilityAuthority and ScopeThe batch utility program, TSSOERPT, processes security-related activityrecorded in SMF data sets. To monitor user activity in a UNIX System Servicesenvironment, eTrust CA-Top Secret logs security events under UNIX SystemServices to SMF using the standard eTrust CA-Top Secret SMF record. Logrecords are written for any security event that denies the acid access to a UNIXSystem Services facility. These records can assist you in determining the UID andGID of the acid involved in the attempted access.eTrust CA-Top Secret performs authorization checking to determine whether theperson submitting the TSSOERPT job is authorized to view or manipulate theinput SMF data. You can only extract those incidents that are generated for acidswithin the scope of your authority. The scopes are:■■■■■■SCA—every eventLSCA—every event within the LSCAs scopeZCA—entire zone or specific divisions, departments or acids within the zoneVCA—entire division or specific departments or acids within the divisionDCA—entire department or specific acids within the departmentUSER—himselfImplementing eTrust CA-Top Secret in a z/OS or OS/390 Environment 1–21

Tracing UNIX System Services (OMVS)Tracing UNIX System Services (OMVS)The SECTRACE facility, used to trace SAF requests in the <strong>eTrust</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>Top</strong> <strong>Secret</strong>environment, also is available to trace SAF requests made by OMVS. The onlyallowable value <strong>for</strong> the DEST= parameter of the TYPE=OMVS SECTRACEcomm<strong>and</strong> is DEST=SYSLOG.To start SECTRACE <strong>for</strong> OMVS, issue the following comm<strong>and</strong>:ST SET,TYPE=OMVS,FUNC=XXXX,DEST=SYSLOG,ENDFUNC ID=xxx can be one of seven values. Each function traces a set of relatedOMVS services.The seven functions <strong>and</strong> the services that they trace are:FunctionALLCHANGECHECKGETINITMAKEMISCSETServiceTraces all OMVS services.Traces R_chown, R-chaudit, <strong>and</strong> R_cmod.Traces ck_access, ck_priv, ck_process_owner,ck_file_owner, R_ptrace, ck_IPC_access,ck_owner_two_files, R_IPC_ctl, <strong>and</strong> R_dceauth.Traces getUMAP, getGMAP, R_getgroups,R_getgroupsbyname, get_uid_gid_supgrps, R_dceinfo,R_dcekey, R_dceuid, <strong>and</strong> R_usermap.Traces initACEE, initUSP, deleteUSP, <strong>and</strong> R_<strong>for</strong>k.Traces makeFSP, makeISP, <strong>and</strong> make_root_FSP.Traces audit, query_file_security_options, <strong>and</strong>query_system_security_options.Traces R_umask, R_setegid, R_seteuid, R_setgid,R_setuid, R_exec, clear_setid, <strong>and</strong> R_admin.The OMVS services are documented in the IBM <strong>OS</strong>/390 <strong>Security</strong> Services CallableServices Guide. You should only use the OMVS SECTRACE when instructed to by<strong>eTrust</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>Top</strong> <strong>Secret</strong> Technical Support due to the large volume of trace entriespossible in the OMVS environment. It is usually easier to debug an OMVSproblem using the TSSOERPT report, because it shows more in<strong>for</strong>mation thanthe trace. All of the OMVS services write SMF records when the service returnswith a non-zero return code.1–20 Cookbook

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