eTrust CA-Top Secret Security for z/OS and OS ... - SupportConnect

eTrust CA-Top Secret Security for z/OS and OS ... - SupportConnect eTrust CA-Top Secret Security for z/OS and OS ... - SupportConnect
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OpenEdition MVS / UNIX System Services SupportCHOWN UNRESTRICTED (Control Option)A new eTrust CA-Top Secret control option (CHOWNURS) exists to allow usersto use the CHOWN function to change file ownership for files that they own.This control option can be set using a TSS MODIFY command. To determine thecurrent active setting of CHOWNURS, issue a TSS MODIFY STATUS(BASE)command. This control option can be set to ON or OFF.ON—Allows users to use the chown function to change file ownership for theirfiles.OFF—User cannot change file ownership unless he is a superuser or is givenaccess to UNIXPRIV class SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHOWN. This is the defaultsetting.z/OS and OS/390 UNIX System Services: User LimitsWith this support, you can control the amount of resources that are consumed byindividual z/OS or OS/390 UNIX users. Prior to OS/390 V2R8, the BPXPRMxxmember of the PARMLIB determined resource limits for most z/OS or OS/390UNIX users. At OS/390 V2R8 and above, you can now override, at the user level,the parmlib setting defined in BPXPRMxx. The following table defines the newresources and what access is allowed by the resource.TSS Resource Range Member inBPXPRMxxDescriptionOECPUTMASSIZE7 to2,147,483,64710,485,760 to2,147,483,647MaxcputimeMaxassizeMaximum time (seconds) a process isallowed to use.Maximum address space region sizeallowed per process created via rlogin ortelnet.OEFILEP 3 to 65,535 Maxfileproc Maximum number of files that a singleprocess can have active or openconcurrently.PROCUSER 3 to 32,767 Maxprocuser Maximum number of processes a user canhave open at the same time.THREADS 0 to 100,000 Maxthreads Maximum number of pthread_createdthreads, including those running, queued,and exited but not detached, that a singleprocess can have concurrently active.MMAPAREA 1 to 16,777,216 Maxmmaparea Maximum amount of dataspace storage(pages) that can be allocated for memorymapping of HFS files.1–18 Cookbook

OpenEdition MVS / UNIX System Services SupportThe following authorization will limit USER01 to a maximum of 200 openprocesses at the same time.TSS ADD(acid) PROCUSER(200)To remove the above PROCUSER authorization, issue the following command:TSS REMOVE(acid) PROCUSERz/OS and OS/390 ServerPac upgradePrior to restoring the HFS, you must ensure that the proper authority is given tothe user ID that will submit the dialog jobs. This user ID must be a superuser(UID=0). Just having access to the BPX.SUPERUSER facility class is not sufficient.This is because the PAX utility is used to unload the serverpac HFS and thisutility does not yet use the BPX.SUPERUSER facility class to establish superuseridentification.To authorize the acid to run the PAX utility follow these directions:Step 1—Define the acid as a superuser by issuing the following TSS command:TSS ADD(acid) UID(0)ACID SYSPROG1 is defined as a superuser by setting the UID value to zero.Step 2—Define SYSPROG1 as a member of a group by issuing:TSS ADD(acid) GROUP(OMVSGRP) DFLTGRP(OMVSGRP)Step 3—IBMFAC authorizations:TSS PERMIT(acid) IBMFAC(BPX.FILEATTR.APF) ACC(READ)TSS PERMIT(acid) IBMFAC(BPX.FILEATTR.PROGCTL) ACC(READ)orTSS PERMIT(acid) IBMFAC(BPX.FILEATTR.) ACC(READ)Logging UNIX System Services Security CallsAudit capability at the file level exists within the UNIX System Servicesenvironment. To implement audit within UNIX System Services at the file ordirectory level use:CHAUDIT—specify audit options for individual files or directoriesOnce audit is set for a file or directory using the CHAUDIT command, SMFrecords are written for the file or directory designated activity. This can includeaccess, as well as, changes to permission bit settings.The full syntax of the CHAUDIT command is documented in the OS/390 UNIXSystem Services Command Reference Guide.Implementing eTrust CA-Top Secret in a z/OS or OS/390 Environment 1–19

OpenEdition MVS / UNIX System Services SupportCHOWN UNRESTRICTED (Control Option)A new <strong>eTrust</strong> <strong>CA</strong>-<strong>Top</strong> <strong>Secret</strong> control option (CHOWNURS) exists to allow usersto use the CHOWN function to change file ownership <strong>for</strong> files that they own.This control option can be set using a TSS MODIFY comm<strong>and</strong>. To determine thecurrent active setting of CHOWNURS, issue a TSS MODIFY STATUS(BASE)comm<strong>and</strong>. This control option can be set to ON or OFF.ON—Allows users to use the chown function to change file ownership <strong>for</strong> theirfiles.OFF—User cannot change file ownership unless he is a superuser or is givenaccess to UNIXPRIV class SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHOWN. This is the defaultsetting.z/<strong>OS</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>OS</strong>/390 UNIX System Services: User LimitsWith this support, you can control the amount of resources that are consumed byindividual z/<strong>OS</strong> or <strong>OS</strong>/390 UNIX users. Prior to <strong>OS</strong>/390 V2R8, the BPXPRMxxmember of the PARMLIB determined resource limits <strong>for</strong> most z/<strong>OS</strong> or <strong>OS</strong>/390UNIX users. At <strong>OS</strong>/390 V2R8 <strong>and</strong> above, you can now override, at the user level,the parmlib setting defined in BPXPRMxx. The following table defines the newresources <strong>and</strong> what access is allowed by the resource.TSS Resource Range Member inBPXPRMxxDescriptionOECPUTMASSIZE7 to2,147,483,64710,485,760 to2,147,483,647MaxcputimeMaxassizeMaximum time (seconds) a process isallowed to use.Maximum address space region sizeallowed per process created via rlogin ortelnet.OEFILEP 3 to 65,535 Maxfileproc Maximum number of files that a singleprocess can have active or openconcurrently.PROCUSER 3 to 32,767 Maxprocuser Maximum number of processes a user canhave open at the same time.THREADS 0 to 100,000 Maxthreads Maximum number of pthread_createdthreads, including those running, queued,<strong>and</strong> exited but not detached, that a singleprocess can have concurrently active.MMAPAREA 1 to 16,777,216 Maxmmaparea Maximum amount of dataspace storage(pages) that can be allocated <strong>for</strong> memorymapping of HFS files.1–18 Cookbook

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