H-3057D 25 alloy - Haynes International, Inc.

H-3057D 25 alloy - Haynes International, Inc.

H-3057D 25 alloy - Haynes International, Inc.

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METAL-TO-METAL GALLING RESISTANCEHAYNES <strong>25</strong> <strong>alloy</strong> exhibits excellent resistance to metal galling. Wear results shown below were generatedfor standard matching material room-temperature pin on disc tests. Wear depths are given as afunction of applied load. The results indicate that <strong>25</strong> <strong>alloy</strong> is superior in galling resistance to manymaterials, and is surpassed only by ULTIMET ® <strong>alloy</strong> and HAYNES 6B <strong>alloy</strong>. Both of these materialswere specifically designed to have excellent wear resistance.Room-Temperature Wear Depth For Various Applied Loads3,000 lbs. (1,365 Kg) 6,000 lbs. (2,7<strong>25</strong> Kg) 9,000 lbs. (4,090 Kg)Material mils µm mils µm mils µm6B <strong>alloy</strong> 0.02 0.6 0.03 0.7 0.02 0.5ULTIMET <strong>alloy</strong> 0.11 2.9 0.11 2.7 0.08 2.0<strong>25</strong> <strong>alloy</strong> 0.23 5.9 0.17 4.2 0.17 4.2188 <strong>alloy</strong> 1.54 39.2 3.83 97.3 3.65 92.6HR-160 ® <strong>alloy</strong> 1.73 43.9 4.33 109.9 3.81 96.8214 <strong>alloy</strong> 2.32 59.0 3.96 100.5 5.55 141.0556 <strong>alloy</strong> 3.72 94.4 5.02 127.6 5.48 139.3230 ® <strong>alloy</strong> 4.44 112.7 7.71 195.8 8.48 215.5HR-120 <strong>alloy</strong> 6.15 156.2 7.05 179.0 10.01 <strong>25</strong>4.2HIGH-TEMPERATURE HARDNESS PROPERTIESThe following are results from standard vacuum furnace hot hardness tests. Values are given in originallymeasured DPH (Vickers) units and conversions to Rockwell C/B scale in parentheses.Vickers Diamond Pyramid Hardness (Rockwell C/B Hardness)70°F (20°C) 800°F (4<strong>25</strong>°C) 1000°F (540°C) 1200°F (650°C) 1400°F (760°C)Solution Treated <strong>25</strong>1 (R C22) 171 (R B87) 160 (R B83) 150 (R B80) 134 (R B74)15% Cold Work 348 (R C35) <strong>25</strong>4 (R C23) 234 (R B97) 218 (R B95) -20% Cold Work 401 (R C41) 318 (R C32) 284 (R C27) 268 (R C<strong>25</strong>) -<strong>25</strong>% Cold Work 482 (R C48) 318 (R C32) 300 (R C30) 286 (R C28) -AQUEOUS CORROSION RESISTANCEHAYNES <strong>25</strong> <strong>alloy</strong> was not designed for resistance to corrosive aqueous media. Representative averagecorrosion data are given for comparison. For applications requiring corrosion resistance in aqueousenvironments, ULTIMET <strong>alloy</strong> and HASTELLOY ® corrosion-resistant <strong>alloy</strong>s should be considered.Average Corrosion Rate, mils per year (mm per year)1% HCl (Boiling) 10% H 2SO 4(Boiling) 65% HNO 3(Boiling)ULTIMET <strong>alloy</strong>

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