Q-Gen 2.0 Data Sheet - QinetiQ North America

Q-Gen 2.0 Data Sheet - QinetiQ North America Q-Gen 2.0 Data Sheet - QinetiQ North America

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Q-Gen TM 2.0Powering Tomorrow’s Warfighters TodayQinetiQ North America’s Q-GenTM 2.0 is a 1kW, single-man portable generator capableof operating on JP-8, the military’s “single fuel forward.”2.0 is the first and only singlemanportable generator withthe capability to start and runsolely on JP-8 and other heavyfuels. Q-Gen 2.0 requires noadditional logistical supplyother than JP-8 fuel to operate,minimizing the burden on thewarfighter.Q-Gen 2.0 can reliably start and continuously operate solely onheavy fuels under a variety of environmental conditionsVirtually every warfighterresource is powered byelectricity; from cell phones,computers and communicationssystems to surveillanceequipment and low-levellighting at forward operatingbase camps. In combatsituations, access to electricalpower is a major logisticalchallenge which can significantlyimpair the success of criticalmilitary operations. Q-Gen 2.0is a single-man portable, 1kW,JP-8 fueled generator thatprovides immediate access toelectrical power for militarymissions in austere and hostileenvironments.According to the Defense ScienceBoard’s task force on energystrategy, standard generators arethe single largest users of fuel onthe battlefield. Existing militarygenerators are large, heavy andnearly impossible for an individualwarfighter to carry, leavingexpeditionary forces with limitedoptions when operating in remoteand austere environments. Inaddition, currently availablemilitary generators are designedto provide much more powerthan is typically needed byindividual warfighters or smallcombat teams, making theminefficient for mobile teammission requirements. Q-GenWeighing just 39 poundsfully fueled, Q-Gen 2.0 is alightweight power solution thatcan be transported by a singlewarfighter. It can be operatedfor over three hours on a singletank of JP-8 fuel providing upto 900W of continuous power.Q-Gen 2.0 has a low noisesignature and can use fuelfrom multiple sources on thebattlefield such as fuel stores,vehicles and equipment. It hasbeen tested by warfighters inoperational environments andis the elite, single-man portablegenerator of choice for smallteam power.QinetiQ-NA.comWHEN IT’S CRITICAL, IT’S QINETIQ

Q-<strong>Gen</strong> TM <strong>2.0</strong>Powering Tomorrow’s Warfighters Today<strong>QinetiQ</strong> <strong>North</strong> <strong>America</strong>’s Q-<strong>Gen</strong>TM <strong>2.0</strong> is a 1kW, single-man portable generator capableof operating on JP-8, the military’s “single fuel forward.”<strong>2.0</strong> is the first and only singlemanportable generator withthe capability to start and runsolely on JP-8 and other heavyfuels. Q-<strong>Gen</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> requires noadditional logistical supplyother than JP-8 fuel to operate,minimizing the burden on thewarfighter.Q-<strong>Gen</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> can reliably start and continuously operate solely onheavy fuels under a variety of environmental conditionsVirtually every warfighterresource is powered byelectricity; from cell phones,computers and communicationssystems to surveillanceequipment and low-levellighting at forward operatingbase camps. In combatsituations, access to electricalpower is a major logisticalchallenge which can significantlyimpair the success of criticalmilitary operations. Q-<strong>Gen</strong> <strong>2.0</strong>is a single-man portable, 1kW,JP-8 fueled generator thatprovides immediate access toelectrical power for militarymissions in austere and hostileenvironments.According to the Defense ScienceBoard’s task force on energystrategy, standard generators arethe single largest users of fuel onthe battlefield. Existing militarygenerators are large, heavy andnearly impossible for an individualwarfighter to carry, leavingexpeditionary forces with limitedoptions when operating in remoteand austere environments. Inaddition, currently availablemilitary generators are designedto provide much more powerthan is typically needed byindividual warfighters or smallcombat teams, making theminefficient for mobile teammission requirements. Q-<strong>Gen</strong>Weighing just 39 poundsfully fueled, Q-<strong>Gen</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> is alightweight power solution thatcan be transported by a singlewarfighter. It can be operatedfor over three hours on a singletank of JP-8 fuel providing upto 900W of continuous power.Q-<strong>Gen</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> has a low noisesignature and can use fuelfrom multiple sources on thebattlefield such as fuel stores,vehicles and equipment. It hasbeen tested by warfighters inoperational environments andis the elite, single-man portablegenerator of choice for smallteam power.<strong>QinetiQ</strong>-NA.comWHEN IT’S CRITICAL, IT’S QINETIQ

Equipped with either a standard military poweroutput connector or two (2) commercial A/Cpower outlets, the Q-<strong>Gen</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> generator delivers upto 900W of continuous power. When the situationwarrants, two Q-<strong>Gen</strong>s can be linked together,providing up to 2kW of scalable energy solutions.In addition to supporting individual warfighterelectronics and equipment, Q-<strong>Gen</strong> <strong>2.0</strong> can beeasily integrated into hybrid power systems suchas the United States Marine Corps (USMC) GroundRenewable Expeditionary ENergy System (GREENS)as a readily available source of power whenrenewable energy sources are not available.Specifications• Height15 in• Length18 in• Width9.5 in• Dry Weight 35 lbs• Wet Weight 39 lbs• FuelJP-8, Diesel, Kerosene, Jet-A• Capacity>3 hours• Noise Level

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