FEB - Bath Iron Works

FEB - Bath Iron Works

FEB - Bath Iron Works

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From the Fleet and the Field<strong>Bath</strong>-Built Ships Assisting in Haitian Relief OpsThe <strong>Bath</strong>-built USS Higgins(DDG 76), shown right, was thefirst US Navy ship to reachHaiti following the January 12, 2010earthquake. The ship was divertedwhile en route to its homeport of SanDiego following a 6-month deploymentand operated with the USSCarl Vinson (CVN 70) to supporthumanitarian and relief efforts aspart of Operation United Response.By late January, another <strong>Bath</strong> ship,USS Normandy (CG 60), inset, wasalso off the coast of Haiti in supportof Operation United Response. Anassessment team was deployed toevaluate conditions at Petit TiguDe Nippes, about 70 miles from Portau-Prince,and evacuated some injuredcivilians for care onboard other shipsin the area.Photos courtesy of US Navy.Advantageous Load-OutIn mid-January, Roger Gilbert’s (D10)crew of carpenters were busy savingtime and working safer on JasonDunham (DDG 109). Previously, theymight have needed a whole day or more toload-out one of the larger crew berthingspaces. Taking advantage of the earlieravailability of the rooms, they created adouble crew for greater manpower, commandeeredthe elevator which is both fasterand safer, and completed load-out of bothberthing rooms 1 and 2 in a morning.Bob Cardali (D25) said, “This was aheck of a lot easier. It’s a job that’s beenknown to take much longer because weusually did it amid a lot of critical trialpreparation work and we were eitherin someone’s way or they were in ours.I expect we’ll find that this is a bigimprovement.”Berthing Load-out team, l to r: Glen Capen, Todd Twadelle, Bob Boilard, Bob Cardali, Glen Hilt, JoeMoriarty, Bert Well, Roger Gilbert, Clyde Anderson, Dawson Merrill, and Brian Saucier. Missing fromphoto: Bill Pelletier, Jason Gardner, Norman Bossie, Ron Theriault and Guy Landry.8 | February 2010 | BIW NEWS

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