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FEB - Bath Iron Works

FEB - Bath Iron Works

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Wellness and BenefitsSeat Belts Save Lives—ProvenAnthony Andersonbegan his job atBIW as our newWellness ProgramsManager in Decemberand soon learned howpersonal some of theinformation he deals withcould become. Here isAnthony’s story.“In my previous job, my employer gaveme the opportunity to meet with a healthcoach, whose position was similar to that ofMaggie Kelley, our health advocate at BIW.The role of the health coach was to assistindividuals in setting realistic goals relatingto general wellness. That’s what happenedin my case—I set several goals and thehealth coach helped me keep them realistic.During the discussion, the question ofseatbelt use came up. As a father of threeyoung children, I always made sure that mykids were buckled in safely, but I wasashamed to say that I did not wear a seatbelton a regular basis. Following my admission,I set a goal to wear my seatbelt each time Igot in a vehicle and after a couple months,it was a habit. If fact, I no longer feelcomfortable driving unless my seatbelt isfastened.Fast forward to the early morning ofJanuary 12, 2010 when I was driving to mynew job at BIW. In Alna, traveling south onRoute 218, I became distracted by an animaland hit a guardrail. My Honda Odysseyripped through the guardrail and over theedge of a bridge and fell approximately 20feet, landing on its side in an icy brook.Luckily, I was able to get out of the car andhad almost no physical injuries.I am thankful for that meeting with thehealth coach. I am certain that my injurieswould have been more significant if I hadnot been wearing a seatbelt that morning.”A health assessment looks at more thanyour “numbers” and risk for disease. Manyof us do not think about how our habitsand behaviors, such as wearing a seatbelt ornot getting enough sleep, affect our wellbeing.Assess your habits and risks by takingthe online Health Assessment atwww.myCIGNA.com. If you do not haveCIGNA HealthCare, check with your healthcareplan, most offer a health assessment.Your primary care provider (PCP) should beable to help you as well.Talking with your PCP or BIW’s healthadvocate about your health assessmentresults is a great way to learn about youroverall health and prevention of commonconditions. You can print your HealthAssessment results and take them with youto your annual check-up. Maggie Kelley, ouronsite health advocate, is also available todiscuss your health assessment results withyou on a confidential basis and can help youwrite a Personal Health Plan based on yourfindings. For an appointment with Maggie,call her at ext. 4939 or emailmaggie.kelley@gdbiw.com.Don’t forget to get your Health Passportstamps. Taking a Health Assessment andwriting a Personal Health Plan earns you 2stamps in your Health Passport. Informationabout the Health Assessment and instructionson how to register are available fromBenefits. Or click the Health Passport iconon the intranet and go to “MoreInformation.”Building Healthy WaysRemindsYouGET STAMPEDGetting a stamp for your HealthPassport is now easier than ever.Just look for the poster shown belowleft in your area. In addition to theHealth Passport Team (AnthonyAnderson, Maggie Kelley, Benefitsand the Wellness Team), HealthPassport “stampers” are now availablein the following locations:LocationMSCUltra HallPoint of ContactNarda Hinkley, 2nd floorLiz Pecci, 3rd floorLynn GalvanNorth Stores Christie Kelley, 1st floorCandy Nesbit 2nd floorJerry Tipton, 3rd floorCWEBMFHardingsCROFJamesCarol AlexanderDeena BennettGeorge St. HillaireNancy LarsenJessica McMillanLinda WoodPhil CoyneHazel MeserveBill SchumakerBIP Gerry PepinAMERICAN RED CROSSBLOOD BANK IN MARCHThe quarterly American Red Cross(ARC) Blood Bank will be held at BIWthe first week of March. You candonate at work Tuesday throughFriday, March 2-5, with late hoursavailable on Tuesday at both MSCand CROF.Check the electronic BIW BulletinBoard at Subject: Blood Drives forinformation regarding advance signup. Walk-ins are also welcome.All blood types are in demand, butthe Red Cross currently has a criticalneed for Type O Negative blood.Clinics such as the BIW event are animportant part of the ARC supplysystem.BIW NEWS | February 2010 | 5

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