FEB - Bath Iron Works

FEB - Bath Iron Works

FEB - Bath Iron Works

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Performance January 2010SafetyRECORDABLE INJURIESCumulative Through January 2010201510507.5ImprovementTargetEnvironmental9.1ActualYear to date (YTD) progress toward achievingour environmental performance goals underthe Maine DEP STEP UP and other environmentalprograms is displayed as follows:Equal to or better than YTD goalAbove YTD goal, improvedfrom prior yearAbove YTD goal, not improvedfrom prior yearLOST-TIME INJURIESCumulative Through January 201010864201.5ImprovementTarget2.5ActualCumulative Through January 2010Solid WasteHazardous WasteEnergy CostsBIW NEWSBIW NEWS is published monthly by theCommunications Department (D94) of<strong>Bath</strong> <strong>Iron</strong> <strong>Works</strong> and is produced internallyin the BIW Print Shop. Photos byMike Nutter unless otherwise noted.The primary objectives of BIW NEWSare to recognize the service, accomplishments,innovation and contributionsof our employees and to provide informationon matters that are of interest toour workforce.Comments and suggestions arewelcome and should be forwarded toDixie Stedman at Mail Stop 1210 orby e-mail at dixie.stedman@biw.com.Facility/ShiftInformation Call LineToll free information on facility status,work shift delays, and cancellations1-866-630-BATH(1-866-630-2284)Best VLS Load OutOn January 30, 2010, the MichaelMurphy (DDG 112) 1000 Ultra Unitmoved outside for an importantload-out event. This was both the first timethat a Vertical Launch System (VLS) wasloaded out at the unit level at any shipyardand also the best VLS load-out yet, per ourcustomer, the U.S. Navy. It was also thecoldest day of the winter, with low tempsand significant winds pushing the wind chillwell below zero. Still, the majority of thepeople involved in the load-out were outdoorsand on the job for 5 hours.The job required precise teamworkbetween the employees in the bottom of theVLS and those on the top side sending themdown into place. Ray Robishaw (D10),Chief Superintendent, said, “The employeesmade all of us very proud to be part of theBIW team that day. Their commitment,dedication, skill and drive were outstanding.From here, this unit goes to the land level ata level of completion surrounding the forwardVLS that will make the path to GIinspection that much easier.”Ray also complimented Andy Benedict,Jeff Cote, Skip Frye and Kervyn Willett (allD10) for working together to make a bigdifference in the completion level of thisunit prior to sending it on to LLTF.Ethics Corner ReminderHOW DO I KNOW IF I AM NOTACTING ETHICALLY?If you are worried about whether youractions will be discovered, if you feel asense of uneasiness about what you aredoing, or if you are rationalizing youractivities on any basis, you are potentiallyin an ethical danger zone.• The best piece of advice is, “Whenin doubt, always ASK. ”• Refer to the “Blue Book;” reviewcompany policies; or ask yoursupervisor or manager, or theappropriate department, i.e.Security, IT, Safety, Legal, HR orEthics, for assistance.BIW NEWS | February 2010 | 3

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