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FROM THE DEPUTY HEAD MASTERASSIST SCHOLARSHIPS IN USA 2013/14 forStudents In Year 11 (2013)James Webb (9WH) and Thomas Dickinson (9La) presenting theMiddle <strong>School</strong> report100th Senior <strong>School</strong> and 10th Middle <strong>School</strong>Speech Day and Prize GivingOnce again, we had a wonderful opportunity to commencethe new term as an extended <strong>School</strong> Family in celebrating ourannual Senior <strong>School</strong> and Middle <strong>School</strong> Speech Day and PrizeGiving occasions in the Sydney Town Hall on Thursday. Thankyou to all those who played a part in the success of both of thesefunctions. It has been a pleasure to be in receipt of numerousexpressions of appreciation and commendation for both of theseimportant events. A special note of commendation to our Choirand Orchestra for their magnificent contributions that captivatedall of us. The fact that they had to commit some of their holidaysto ensuring they were ready to perform is very much appreciatedby all of us who were so moved by their performance.Thank you to Thomas Dickinson (9La) and James Webb(9WH) in respect of their Middle <strong>School</strong> Report which they jointlypresented at the Middle <strong>School</strong> function.At the Senior <strong>School</strong> Speech Day, it was my pleasure to be ableto inform the <strong>School</strong> that I have invited the following students totake up senior leadership roles in the <strong>School</strong> for 2013.<strong>School</strong> Captain Manish Poologasundram (12St)Co-Vice Captains Mark Gabriel (12Ar)David Magro (12St)James Sandwell (12Sc)Dominic Sullivan (12St)Congratulations to these young men and no doubt our collectivebest wishes as well, as they take on their added responsibilities.Head Master’s 2012 Centennial Speech DayReport> > Click here to read the Head Master’s ReportWelcome to New Staff and StudentsWe have a number of new students joining us this term and itis a pleasure to be able to welcome them and their families toour extended <strong>Trinity</strong> community. We look forward to their positivecontributions to the dynamic life of the <strong>School</strong> in the years ahead.We also welcome the following new permanent staff to the<strong>School</strong>:> > Mr Andrea Folli, B.A., Dip. Ed. joins the English Department;> > Ms Claire Riley, B.A., B. Ed. joins the English Department;> > Mr Stan Werakso, B.Sc. (Hons), Dip. Ed. joins the MathematicsDepartment.The following temporary staff will be with us for MichaelmasTerm, 2012:> > Ms Erin Peters, B.Sc., B. Teach, replaces Mr StephenMcAndrew whilst he takes Long Service Leave.> > Mr Robert Humphries, B.Ed., replaces Mr Andrew Piercewho is taking Long Service Leave.> > Mr John Diakis, B.Ed., will be with us this term to help coverMr Neil Scotney’s departure.These scholarships provide for the selected students a 10-month,fully-funded opportunity to attend an affiliated independent schoolof the National Association of Independent <strong>School</strong>s in the UnitedStates. No school fees and no boarding costs are required forthese places. The tuition/boarding fees which are waived are ashigh as $US52,300 in 2012/13.Requirements of candidates are:> > A modest programme administration fee of $US9,875> > Return airfare costs Australia to USA (US internal air transportis covered)> > High academic and general ability> > Exceptional character and personal suitability references> > Ability to sustain a long-term overseas placementScholarships in this round are being offered for the period August2013 to June 2014, allowing the completion of a full year of studyand experience in the United States.Students who are currently in Year 11 (2013), are eligible to applyfor ASSIST Scholarships. The closing date for all applications isMonday 15 October.If you are interested, please go to the Assist Website to downloadan application form.Peter Green | Deputy Head MasterCOLOURSBrown, William (12Ho) Full CADETS CUO 2012Chang, James (12Sc) Full CADETS CUO 2012Chou, Owen (12WH) Full CADETS CUO 2012Downey, Patrick (12WH) Full CADETS CUO 2012Fang, Eric (12We) Full CADETS CUO 2012Garman, Liam (12Du) Full CADETS CUO 2012Jain, Ankit (12La) Full CADETS CUO 2012Karagiannis, Evan (12Mu) Full CADETS CUO 2012Kelly, Joel (12He) Full CADETS CUO 2012Korremans, Brock (12WJ) Full CADETS CUO 2012Lammiman, Jarred (12WJ) Full CADETS SUO 2012Lau, Aaron (12He) Full CADETS CUO 2012Loreggia, Mark (12Du) Full CADETS CUO 2012Lunn, Callum (12La) Full CADETS CUO 2012Maclaughlan, Edward (12St) Full CADETS CUO 2012Maloney, Sean (12Yo) Full CADETS CUO 2012Mccarthy, Sam (12Ar) Full CADETS CUO 2012Munnoch, Gabriel (12Ta) Full CADETS CUO 2012Preswick, Matthew (12He) Full CADETS CUO 2012Quach, Irving (12Sc) Full CADETS CUO 2012Ritchie, Joel (12La) Full CADETS CUO 2012Su, Kent (12Fo) Full CADETS CUO 2012Targett, Peter (12Mu) Full CADETS CUO 2012Thomas, Jake (12Mu) Full CADETS CUO 2012Zhang, John (12We) Full CADETS CUO 20122 > Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 www.trinity.nsw.edu.au

ACADEMIC FOCUS2012 National Assessment Programme (NAPLAN)NAPLAN is an annual national literacy and numeracyassessment of all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Parents ofboys in Years 3 and 5 were mailed their son’s NAPLAN reportduring the holidays. NAPLAN reports for boys in Years 7 and 9were included with their <strong>School</strong> report.The tests provide an understanding of a student’s performance,at the time of the test, in reading, writing, language conventions(spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy skills. Thisinformation is shown on a national achievement scale coveringten bands, of which six bands are reported on for each Yearlevel and each test. The performance of individual students canthen be compared to the average performance of all students inAustralia.Over the coming weeks a careful and thorough analysis of theNAPLAN tests will occur, as is done each year. The results of thisanalysis, combined with the many other broader indicators usedby the <strong>School</strong>, will contribute to the development of our annualPractice of Teaching at <strong>Trinity</strong> (POTT) plan which determines ourspecific goals and initiatives for the year ahead.Our core business at <strong>Trinity</strong> is “boys’ learning”. However, it isimportant to remember that a <strong>Trinity</strong> education seeks to engagethe Mind, Body and Spiritual development of all our boys.Our commitment to academic excellence is within a holisticeducational environment that seeks to nurture and encourageour boys to “…grow in wisdom and stature and in favour withGod and man.”The tests also provide the <strong>School</strong> with important data whichcan be used to direct our focus on achieving further academicgains with our boys, and remediating comparative weaknesses.Overall, it is very pleasing to note the continued outstandingacademic standards being displayed by our boys in these tests.In the tables below you will find a summary of the averageNAPLAN scores as well as the percentage of students achievingat a proficiency level (top two bands). A comparison is alsoprovided between <strong>Trinity</strong> students and all students in NSW.Jason Cheers | Dean of Boys’ EducationKEY <strong>Trinity</strong> All NSW <strong>School</strong>sYEAR 3MeanReading Writing Spelling <strong>Grammar</strong> and Punctuation NumeracyProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)475.5 71.0% 442.7 63.6% 481.4 72.0% 493.6 83.1% 469.6 68.2%426.9 50.2% 425.0 57.2% 428.1 50.3% 434.5 55.7% 405.7 38.9%YEAR 5MeanReading Writing Spelling <strong>Grammar</strong> and Punctuation NumeracyProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)544.0 57.1% 516.0 35.7% 548.8 64.3% 547.4 53.1% 552.4 54.0%500.1 35.1% 486.2 23.2% 507.6 41.0% 503.7 35.2% 498.8 31.2%YEAR 7MeanReading Writing Spelling <strong>Grammar</strong> and Punctuation NumeracyProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)592.1 55.5% 569.7 43.1% 589.7 56.5% 594.7 52.7% 629.5 66.8%546.7 33.6% 521.1 22.9% 555.4 37.1% 552.7 33.7% 545.6 29.6%YEAR 9MeanReading Writing Spelling <strong>Grammar</strong> and Punctuation NumeracyProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)MeanProficiency Bands(Top 2 Bands)616.2 44.5% 599.4 34.1% 613.1 42.0% 615.2 37.0% 666.7 69.7%579.5 24.0% 557.5 20.2% 586.5 29.4% 578.8 22.7% 594.8 27.8%www.trinity.nsw.edu.au Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 < 3

TRACK AND FIELD83rd CAS Track and Field Championships1 695 Points Barker College2 638 Points <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>3 628.5 Points Knox <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>4 520.5 Points Waverley College5 515.5 Points St Aloysius’ College6 513.5 Points Cranbrook <strong>School</strong>The 83rd CAS Track and Field Championships proved to bea two tier competition, Barker, Knox and <strong>Trinity</strong> battled for thetop three places whilst Cranbrook, St Aloysius and Waverleydecided the bottom three. Barker proved too strong on theday and came away eventual winners, breaking <strong>Trinity</strong>’sthree-year winning streak. <strong>Trinity</strong> was able to hang on forsecond place with Knox just behind in third.There were so many inspirational team performances onthe day. It is difficult to highlight just one! Every single teammember gave it his all and the number of personal bestperformances and <strong>School</strong> records on the night was trulyamazing. Although we did not manage “four in a row” wehave the potential to claw back Barker; the challenge isnow ahead of us as we focus on getting the Andrew ReidAssociated <strong>School</strong>s of NSW Athletics Challenge Cup backfor 2013.I personally would like to congratulate every boy for hisdedication throughout the year. Also, a special mention mustgo to the athletes who were unable to get out on the track,or on the field, but had been with the Squad since day one,training hard and competing week in and week out for the<strong>School</strong> in the lead-in competitions. You may not have hadthe opportunity to compete for your <strong>School</strong> in front of 6000people, but I am sure your day will come, and it will be evenmore special when you achieve your goals.2012 new <strong>School</strong> Track and Field Records were establishedat the Championships.> > Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc) Open Shot Put – 13.77> > Jack Edwards (12St) 110m Hurdles – 15.20> > Open 4 x 100m Relay - 43.07sTiernan Kulkarni (12St)Jack Edwards (12St)Josh Goldberg (12Ke)Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc)from left to right (top to bottom)Brian O’Neill (7Sc), Cameron Griffith (10Yo), Edward Dynasty (9Yo), Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc), Henry Naylor (11Ho), Jack Edwards (12St), JamesWayland (8He), Keegan Street (8WJ), Marcus Trevena (9We), Nicholas Van Gelder (11Ar), team members and Tom Dickinson (9La)4 > Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 www.trinity.nsw.edu.au

There were also 29 first places at the Championships.> > Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc) Open Yrs Long Jumpplus team Nicholas Van Geldar (11Ar)> > Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc) Open Yrs Shot Putplus team Gerard Holland (12Sc)> > Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc) Open Yrs High Jump> > Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc) Open Yrs 100m Division> > Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc) Open Yrs 110m Hurdles Division> > Jack Edwards (12St) Open Yrs 110m Hurdles Championship> > Cameron Griffith (10Yo) Open Yrs 3000m Championship> > Nicholas Van Geldar (11Ar) 17 Yrs Long Jumpplus team William Burgess (11Mu)> > Alessandro Vari (11Ke) 17 Yrs 100m Division> > Henry Naylor (11Ho) 17 Yrs 400m Championship> > Team Eric Ong (10Yo) and Nikolas Kukic (11Ar)16 Yrs Long Jump> > Team Tom Dickinson (9La) and Jared Phillis (8Mu)15 Yrs Shot Put> > Team Marcus Trevena (9We) and Isaac Law (9Mu)15 Yrs Long Jump> > David Barbati (9Mu) 15 Yrs Javelin> > Team Anthony Nguyen (9Hi) and Chris Hart (9Ke)15 Yrs Discus> > Brian O’Neill (7Sc) 13 Yrs 200m Division> > Monty Hannaford (7Du) 13 Yrs 200m Championship> > Monty Hannaford (7Du) 13 Yrs 100m Division> > Monty Hannaford (7Du) 13 Yrs Long Jumpplus team Matthew Stead (7Hi)> > Liam Kulkarni (8St) 14 Yrs 100m Division> > Edward Dynasty (9Yo) 14Yrs 200m Division> > Jacob Roberts (12Sc) Open Yrs 200m Division> > Cameron Griffith (10Yo) 16 Yrs 800m Division> > 13 Yrs 4 x 100m RelayMatthew Stead (7Hi)Monty Hannaford (7Du)Zachary Cameron (7Wh)Brian O’Neill (7Sc)> > 17 Yrs 4 x 100m RelayNicholas Van Gelder (11Ar)Jacob Roberts (12Sc)Henry Naylor (11Ho)Alessandro Vari (11Ke)We also had a very impressive 33 second places throughout theChampionships.There were some ‘iron-man’ performances that deserve specialmention.> > Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc) Opens> > 1st Open High Jump> > 1st Opens Long Jump> > 1st Opens Shot Put> > 1st Opens 100m Division> > 1st Opens 110m Hurdles Division> > 2nd Opens 4 x 100m Relay> > Monty Hannaford (7Du)> > 1st 13 Yrs Long Jump> > 1st 13 Yrs 200m Championship> > 1st 13 Yrs 100m Division> > 1st 13 Yrs 4 x 100m Relay> > 2nd 13 Yrs 400m Championship> > 3rd 13 Yrs High Jump> > Anthony Nguyen (9Hi) 15 Yrs> > 2nd 15 Yrs Discus> > 3rd 16 Yrs Discus> > 3rd team 17 Yrs Discus> > 2nd team 15 Yrs Javelin> > Eric Ong (10Yo) 16 Yrs> > 2nd 16 Yrs 110mHurdles Division> > 2nd 16 Yrs 200m Division> > 1st Team 16 Yrs Long Jump> > 4th 16 Yrs 100m Division> > 3rd 14 Yrs 4 x 100m Relaycontinued over >Major Awards for 2012.Track and Field Attitude AwardEdward Cook (10Sc), William Burgess (11Mu) andAlessandro Vari (11Ke)Track and Field Encouragement AwardSebastien Moir (7Hi), Brian O’Neill (7Sc), and EdwardDynasty (9Yo)The Peter Taylor Cup for Most Improved AthleteHenry Naylor (11Ho)The Timothy Pawley Memorial Trophy for Outstanding CASPerformance:Henry Clunies-Ross (12Sc)Friends of Track and Field Emerging Year 7 AthleteMonty Hannaford (7Du)The Wherett Cup for Track Events in AthleticsCameron Griffith (10Yo)The Taubman Cup for Field Events in AthleticsHenry Clunies-Ross (12Sc)The Mitchell-Collins Award for Service to Athletics(Year 11 boys only)David Kwong (11WJ)Collins Cup (Outstanding Year 12 Athlete)Jack Edwards 12StThe Luke Adams Cup for Athlete of the SeasonHenry Clunies-Ross (12Sc)www.trinity.nsw.edu.au Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 < 5

Cameron Griffith (10Yo) 16 Yrs> > 1st Open 3000m Championship> > 2nd 16 Yrs 1500m Championship> > 6th Open 1500m Championship> > 1st 16 Yrs 800m ChampionshipThroughout the season our boys showed a professionalapproach in training and competition, as well as extraordinaryteam spirit. I personally would like to thank the boys, parents andcoaching staff for their enthusiasm and team spirit throughoutthe 2012 season and also our Captain of Track and Field – JackEdwards (12St) and Vice Captains – Henry Clunies-Ross(12Sc), Josh Goldberg (12Ke) and Gerard Holland (12Sc), fortheir tireless efforts in supporting and assisting the athletes ofthis year’s team.Thank you also to the supporters’ group Friends of Track andField and parents throughout the short CAS season – the boysand coaching staff certainly appreciated the chicken rolls, fruit,drinks and cakes that were available during the day.Finally, to the <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> Track and Field Teamfor 2012. The appropriate words that come to mind for theoutstanding athletic performances and improvements fromthe boys this year are - Citius, Altius, Fortius – Faster, Higher,Stronger. As an Athletics team – we don’t just hope we can dowell at the CAS Championships, we actually believe we can, andwith continued focus, determination, consistency and passionwe will fight our way back to the top in 2013.Dream it, Believe it, Set your Goals and you will Achieve it.Andrew MurphyMIC Track & Field and Director of Athletic DevelopmentFromTHE DIRECTOROF DevelopmentMr Wagschall presenting the cheque to the Chairman, Mr Pegg, at the opening of the Junior <strong>School</strong>.Junior <strong>School</strong> OpeningThe official opening of the Junior <strong>School</strong> was an opportunityfor us to showcase our development over the past 100 yearsof schooling to our Council members, parents, old boys andfriends of <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>.Without the very generous donation of $1million dollars fromour Foundation, our boys would not have the opportunities tolearn and grow in such a vibrant first class facility. A specialthank you to Mr Aleck Wagschall and the <strong>School</strong> Foundationfor their continued support and encouragement of projectshere at <strong>Trinity</strong>.It was very pleasing to meet with and speak to so many parentsand friends and to discuss with you the ways in which youcould support us in our drive to continue to provide the boyswith the best possible facilities that we can afford. Thank youto those parents who took the time to donate money on theday. Your contribution, no matter how large or small, is verymuch appreciated.If you would like more information on how you might like todonate to our appeals or projects, please do not hesitate tocontact the Development Office at any time. The money youdonate flows directly to the education of our young men.George Ayoub | Director of Developmentemailgayoub@trinity.nsw.edu.aufax 02 9799 9449phone 02 9581 6000mobile0414 915 910 (George)6 > Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 www.trinity.nsw.edu.au

CAREERSUniversity Admissions CentreUAC Preferences: The selection of preferences forundergraduate courses at universities in 2013 requires verycareful consideration.The first consideration: What do I like? Students shouldthink about subjects that they are good at, careers consideredinteresting, hobbies enjoyed, special interests and talents.The second: What is my dream course? The answer to thisquestion should be your first preference! Students can put downnine preferences, make sure the first one is the one you wantmost! Next preferences should be courses similar to the mostpreferred degree, courses at different universities, courses withlower ATAR cut-offs and finally a fall back option.Other Considerations: long commutes to university andaccommodation. Changing Preferences: the deadline forchanging preferences, for the main round, is Friday 4th January2013. Students are still able to swap courses even after beingmade an offer to study at a university. As a last resort changemay be possible even after the commencement of a course.The on-time application date for course selection is Friday 28thSeptember 2012.Gap MedicsWork Experience: Gap Medics is offering an exciting projectfor students that are looking to apply for university courses inmedicine. The project is a special one-week programme inTanzania during February 2013 designed for students aged 16 orolder. Students spend five days shadowing highly skilled doctorsin their day-to-day work on a fully-supervised hospital placement.Students will also have the benefit of clinical teaching and safeand secure accommodation. Website: www.gapmedics.co.ukUTSUTS Principals’ Recommendation SchemeThe UTS Principals’ Recommendation Scheme (PRS) aims tosupport Year 12 students experiencing financial hardship whohave the potential to succeed at university, to gain access to aplace at UTS. Further information, including eligibility criteria,is available at http://www.undergraduate.uts.edu.au/school/leavers/pathways/principals.htmlThe closing date for nominations is 31 October.Bond UniversityYear 11 and 12 students may apply for full tuition scholarship tostudy a Bachelor of Film and Television at Bond University.http://www.bufta.com.auApplications close Friday 12th October 2012.Australian Careers Business CollegeOpen Day Australian Careers Business College is offeringfuture and potential students the opportunity to experience whatit means to study at this college. An opportunity will be there toexplore the facilities and have access to, to speak to qualifiedtrainers.Open Day will be 6th Oct 2012 from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 pm at313 Crown street Wollongong. Contact : Ricky Gonzalez : 1300College or 02 9824 0000UTSUTS Engineering Scholarship Applications: Scholarshipsworth up to $100 000 are being offered to talented Year 12students applying for various UTS Engineering undergraduatecourses. Apply by 7th Oct 2012 and to find out more about theUTS:Engineering Co-operative Scholarship Programme, theindustry sponsors, and scholarship selection criteria visit:http://www.eng.uts.edu.au/scholarshipsUNSWScience Info DayThe UNSW Science Info Day allows prospective students tosample the various fields of science at UNSW through lecturesand hands-on activities in laboratories and workshops. TheInformation Day will be held 15th Oct 2012 from 8.30 a.m. to4.00 p.m. at UNSW Kensington Campus.For details, refer to http://www.science.unsw.edu.au/ or contact(02) 9385 7788.George Stefanovic | Acting Careers AdvisorPRAYER MEETING | Monday 22nd OctoberAs part of Pastoral Care Week you are warmly invitedto the Parents’ and Supporters’ Prayer Meeting at theHead Master’s Residence.Come and join in an evening where we pray for themany needs of our <strong>School</strong> community and hearsomething of the Christian Ministry within our <strong>School</strong>.Supper is provided.Time 8.00pm-9.30pmVenue Head Master’s ResidenceRSVP (Essential): Rev Greg Websteremail gwebster@trinity.nsw.edu.auFamily Fiesta Guessing CompetitionPrize donations needed for this year's Guessing Competition prizes. Please contact Jenny CurranPhone 9586 2864 email jennyc33@bigpond.comThanks to everyone for your great support for our new look Fiesta last year. It was a great success and funds raisedspent throughout all campuses. Silent Auction donations will be called for soon, so put your thinking caps on if you haveany ideas for great prizes.8 > Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 www.trinity.nsw.edu.au

‘TRIPLE P’PARENTINGSEMINARSWHAT IS TRIPLE P?The Triple P Parenting programme is a multi-level, parentingand family support strategy. The <strong>School</strong> has organised to make thisprogramme available to all <strong>Trinity</strong> parents, with a focus on parenting up-primary yearsboys right through to parenting boys in Year 12.Triple P suggests simple routines and small changes that can make a big difference to your family. It helps youunderstand the way your family works and uses the things you already say, think, feel and do in new ways that:> Create a stable, supportive and harmonious family.> Encourage behaviour you like.> Deal positively, consistently and decisively with problem behaviour.> Build positive relationships with your son, so that conflict can be resolved.> Plan ahead to avoid or manage potentially difficult situations.> Take care of yourself as a parent.While Triple P is almost always successful in improving child behaviour problems, more than half its emphasis is on developing positiveattitudes, skills and behaviour. This helps prevent problems arising and fosters family relationships that encourage children to realisetheir full potential. Triple P has been developed and scientifically proven over 30 years by The University of Queensland Parent and FamilySupport Centre, with international collaboration. The system is widely in use throughout Australia and increasingly, throughout the world.HOW WILL THE PROGRAMME BE STRUCTURED?The <strong>School</strong> has organised a series of three (3) seminars on different nights during Term 4 to cover key areas we know many parents wantinformation and help with. In around 90 minutes each, it is hoped that each seminar will help parents to leave feeling more confident andcompetent and ready to deal with common behavioural and emotional issues with their son.WHAT ARE THE DATES AND DETAILS FOR EACH SEMINAR?SEMINAR 1 SEMINAR 2 SEMINAR 3Date | Monday 22nd OctoberTime | 7.00pm - 8.30pmLocation | Experimental DramaTheatre (Summer Hill Campus)Seminar focus | The power ofpositive parenting - Understandinggeneral parenting issues, whychildren tend to behave in certainways under certain influences, andwhat they best respond to.Date | Monday 5th NovemberTime | 7.00pm – 8.30pmLocation | Preparatory <strong>School</strong>Assembly Hall (Strathfield Campus)Seminar focus | Raising confident,competent children - Dealingdecisively and effectively withbehaviours such as aggression,non-cooperation and disobedience.Date | Monday 19th NovemberTime | 7.00pm – 8.30pmLocation | Experimental DramaTheatre (Summer Hill Campus)Seminar focus | Raising resilientchildren - Recognising and managingsituations that might be less obvioussuch as sadness, anxiety, difficultywith separation and problems mixingwith other children.WHO IS THE PRESENTER?Mr Peter Tryon is a former <strong>School</strong> counsellor at <strong>Trinity</strong> and is currently one of the leading Triple P presenters in Australia.ARE ALL THE SEMINARS DESIGNED FOR ALL TRINITY PARENTS?Yes. Even though two of the seminars are held at the Summer Hill Campus and one seminar at the Strathfield Campus, all three seminarscater for parents of boys in Primary through to Year 12.IS THERE A COST AND HOW DO I RSVP?There is a small charge of $10 which covers all three seminars. Even if you only wish to attend one or two seminars, the cost is still $10.To RSVP and make your payment for this programme, please click here.HOW DO I FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE TRIPLE P PROGRAMME?Please refer to the Triple P website at http://www.triplep.net You can also contact Mrs Daniela Newman inour TESS Department on 9581 6035 for more information.FINALLY …As one of the only evidence-based parenting programs available, with over 30 years of proven clinical researchto back it up, we are sure the Triple P Parenting programme can be of valuable assistance to many <strong>Trinity</strong>parents and families. We hope you consider taking up this opportunity.www.trinity.nsw.edu.au Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 < 9

Wednesday, 21 November 2012 at 7pmThe James Wilson Hogg Assembly Hall,Summer Hill Campus<strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>THIS WEEK...Friday, 5 October 20122013 ACADEMIC YEAR COMMENCES - YEARS 8-12Australian Age Short Course Teams Meet (AIS Canberra) - commences8:00am - 6:00pm Basketball - 1sts & 2nds Sydney <strong>School</strong>s Shootout (Sydney Boys High)Saturday, 6 October 2012Basketball - 1sts & 2nds Sydney <strong>School</strong>s Shootout - concludes (Knox)Cricket - 2 Day - Round 1 - Cranbrook vs <strong>Trinity</strong> (Day 1)Years 8-12 Summer Sport Trials9:00am - 2:00pm Clothing Shop open9:00am - 3:00pm TGS Inter-<strong>School</strong> Chess Competition (S3.2 & S3.3)Sunday, 7 October 20122:00amDaylight Savings commencesMonday, 8 October 2012Australian Age Short Course Teams Meet (AIS Canberra) - concludesLibrary and Cafeteria open until 7.00pm8:30amYear 9 - Pine Bluff - Camp (1) - departs (Chapel Way)8:30am - 10:00am <strong>School</strong> Officers - Induction (AH, TR, TLT & EDT)4:00pm - 8:00pm Years 7-11 - Parent / Teacher Evening (AH & TR)5:00pm - 7:05pm CDSFA Striker Football Skills Program (Oval No. 2 & Northern end No. 3)Thursday, 11 October 20127:30pm - 9:30pm Society of the Arts ‘ Marialy Pachelo Concert’ (OR)Friday, 12 October 20127:45am - 8:30am Year 7 - 2013 Orientation Breakfast (DH)5:00pm - 7:00pm CAS Swimming Squad Season Lauch & 1st Time Trial (Pool)6:00pm2013 TGS Emerging Tennis Tour Information Meeting (TGS Tennis Centre)INVITATIONThe <strong>School</strong> Council and The Head Master invite you and your friends to attend...<strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>Preparatory <strong>School</strong>ORDER OF SERVICEPRIMARYYEARS MUSICCONCERTCENTENARY EVENT: PRIMARY YEARS MUSIC CONCERTon Wednesday, 21 November 2012 at 7pmpresented at The James Wilson Hogg Assembly Hall, Summer Hill Campus2012CENTENARY EVENT: THE FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLSon Friday, 30 November 2012 at 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral, SydneyTHE FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLSon Sunday, 2 December 2012 at 8pm in the <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong> War Memorial ChapelPREPARATORY SCHOOL ANNUAL PRIZE GIVINGon Thursday, 6 December 2012 at 5.30pm in The James Wilson Hogg Assembly HallJUNIOR SCHOOL ANNUAL PRIZE GIVINGon Friday, 7 December 2012 at 10am in The James Wilson Hogg Assembly Hall<strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>ORDER OF SERVICETRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOLJUNIOR SCHOOLA Festival ofNine Lessonsand Carols2012JUNIOR SCHOOL ANNUAL PRIZE GIVING10.00AM FRIDAY 7 DECEMBER 2011YEAR IN REVIEWTHE JAMES WILSON HOGG ASSEMBLY HALLSUMMER HILLWithinThe <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>War Memorial ChapelSummer HillSunday 2nd December, 2012 at 8.00 pm<strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>Preparatory <strong>School</strong>ORDER OF SERVICEA Festival ofNine Lessonsand CarolsSt Andrew’s Cathedral, SydneyFriday, November 30th, 2012TRINITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL2012PREPARATORY SCHOOLPREPARATORY SCHOOL ANNUAL PRIZE GIVING5.30PM THURSDAY 6 DECEMBER 2011YEAR IN REVIEWTHE JAMES WILSON HOGG ASSEMBLY HALLSUMMER HILLMilton Cujes | Head Master | Friday 5 October 2012CANTEEN | CAFETERIA ROSTERWEEK 2 | 8th October - 12th OctoberMonday Ellis, J; Hooper, A; Kerr, C; Petrohilos, M.Tuesday Keogh, M; Kerry, L; McGrath, S; Thomas, A.Wednesday Khoury, F; Kostoglou, O; Stedman, L; Cass, T.Thursday Liang, H; Lipman, J; Nigro, D.Friday Caldelis, S; Heaton, R; Johnson, L; Rizzo, B.WEEK 3 | 15th October - 19th OctoberMonday Bobb, D; Doyle, T.Tuesday Gebron, C; Martinez, E.Wednesday Arraj, T; Griffith, K; Kostoglou, O; Morfis, S.Thursday Coble, J; Lennox, C; Lipman, J.Friday Bolzan, S; Hayward, M; Sufferini, L; Ewida, G.10 > Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 www.trinity.nsw.edu.au

Auxiliaries SpringLUNCHEONTuesday 6th November 2012 | 11.30amWests Ashfield Leagues clubLevel 2The day includes:Hot & Cold Buffet LuncheonLive EntertainmentPlus...Fashions on the FieldIt’s your day to shine!The categories are:Classic Racewear | Couple $500Classic Racewear | Female $250Classic Racewear | Male $250Classic Hat | Female $250Classic Hat | Male $250To register, please complete the “Fashions on theField” form available at Reception or at the entry ofthe Lounge on the day.Tickets: Members $65Non Members $75Purchase your tickets at ReceptionPhone: 8752 2000www.trinity.nsw.edu.au Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 < 11

TO: YEAR 10, 11 & 12 (2013)PARENTS AND STUDENTSAre you confident that you aredoing everything you need to bedoing to achieve your academicpotential?Do you want to make sure thatyour son is on track to maximisetheir results in the final years ofschool?Prue Salter of ELES (www.enhanced-learning.net) specialises in developingsecondary school study skills. This evening is a ‘not to be missed’ opportunityfor a study skills check-up: a way for students to learn new techniques and tofind out the areas they specifically need to work on to improve their results.Great for Year 10 students to prepare them for Year 11 and for Year 11 and12 students looking for ways to improve their results.Some of the topics covered are:» Making study as effective & efficient as possible» Organisation & time management skills» Improving study notes and study techniques» Dealing with the obstacles and problemsParents can expect to gain a greater understanding of what students arerequired to do at home and students can learn how to make the most outof their study through simple but effective techniques. If you missed out lastyear, make sure you book your place this year!Parent/Guardian(s) andstudents should attendtogether. As the session is veryinteractive, the session will notbe of full value unless both thestudents and a parent attend.Both students and parentsalso need to bring along a penand students also should bringtheir record book.12 > Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 www.trinity.nsw.edu.au

RAISING THE MEN WE NEEDA crucial event for parents of Middle & Senior <strong>School</strong> boysJonathan E Doyle MLMEd<strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>Grammar</strong> <strong>School</strong>, Orchestra RoomWednesday, October 24 | 7.00pmJonathan Doyle is the Managing Director andfounder of CHOICEZ MEDIA Australia’s largestprovider of relationship programmes and studentseminars to the Independent education sector. Hehas delivered live seminars to over a quarter of amillion people and works closely with many otherSydney independent schools. An average of 10,000young people per day view one of the ChoicezMedia range of resources.He holds an undergraduate degree in Educationfrom the University of Canberra, a Master’s Degreein Leadership and Management in Educationfrom the University of Newcastle and is currentlycompleting further postgraduate theological studyfrom the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriageand the Family.He has been married to Karen Doyle for 12 yearsand they have three children under the age of threeand-a-half called Olivia, Aidan and Stephanie Grace.Together, they were recently awarded the AFA’sFamily of the Year for the ACT.This dynamic and informative session will cover arange of issues related to the physical and emotionaldevelopment of your Middle or Senior <strong>School</strong> son.Topics Include:• Social factors impacting young men and theformation of identity.• Media and marketing impact and the sexualisationof young men.• What are the major challenges and issues thatyoung men face in modern life?• The growth and impact of pornography.• Why are sexual conquest, alcohol and aggressionpresented as the path to masculinity?• Relationships with fathers.• Managing testosterone and sexuality in positiveways.• Models of manhood.• The Seven Step process of pursuing real manhood.Jonathan’s website is www.choicez.com.au and arange of resources will be available for review andpurchase at the presentation.CHOICEZ MEDIAmedia seminars trainingRSVPPLEASE CLICK HERE TO RSVPFor further information, please contactMr Jason Cheers on 9581 6057 orjcheers@trinity.nsw.edu.auwww.trinity.nsw.edu.au Head Master’s Bulletin | 5 October 2012 < 13

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