Genetic Transfer Technology - Apex-groupofcompanies.com

Genetic Transfer Technology - Apex-groupofcompanies.com

Genetic Transfer Technology - Apex-groupofcompanies.com

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nk <strong>Transfer</strong>Learn how these three key innovations define the GTT revolution in ink metering: Surface Geometry Ceramic Composition Laser EngravingHigh-Density Non-Wetting CeramicSuperhard Hybrid Ceramic Trounces PorosityReal slick. Real hard. GTT’s “non-wetting” hybrid ceramic <strong>com</strong>positionis formulated to provide the highest-density, hardest and most ink-repellentsurface layer available. While conventional ceramic is nearly 100% pure ChromiumOxide (CrO 2), our GTT hybrid uses 80% pure CrO 2and adds 20% Titanium Dioxideparticles to lower the ceramic’s surface energy. Structural pores and voids all butvanish to produce an ultrahard layer – at 1500 Vickers rating – that better controlsand releases ink. Count on easier cleaning, greater score-line and damage resistance,CERAMIC POROSITY COMPARISONPre-engravingporosity ofconventionalceramic layeravailable inthe marketmay vary from2% to 5%.<strong>Apex</strong> ultradenseceramicporosity isless than1% beforeengraving.80/20molecularhybrid ceramiclowers surfaceenergy forbetter inkrelease.not to mention virtually-<strong>com</strong>plete ink release.“Constant Beam” Laser EngravingAblating A Consistent, Precise ChannelSmooth operator. In another first, <strong>Apex</strong> employs a new low-power, highefficiencylaser engraving process to eliminate the problems of rough, unevenceramic recast caused by the unavoidable “jackhammer” effect of conventionalpulse lasers creating closed cells. Because our laser is always “on,” the walls andfloor of the ink channels created by the laser ablation are consistently smootherand more uniform. Count on superior ink release.ENGRAVING LASER BEAM APPLICATION COMPARISONStandard pulse lasersleave uneven recastthroughout thehexcell engraving.Inferior channelsurfacing results frompulse laser, renderingit impossible toengrave smoothchannels.Constant Beamlaser technologysurgicallyremoves theceramic, revealingsmooth and evenchannels timeafter time.

BENEFITSSIMPLIFYStandardizationHow many anilox rolls are in your inventory?Lost track? One set for solids, another for <strong>com</strong>bos, still another for process work?Multiply that by the number of stations required for a given job and you’ve got areal planning headache. GTT helps you say goodbye to all that.SLASH YOUR INVENTORY GTT can replace your entire stockpile of conventional anilox with typicallyjust two or three surface options – or GTT ”sizes” – depending upon your requirements. Nomatter what your jobs require, we’ve got you covered with a total range of five GTT options: “XL”for high opacity and solids; “L” for solid and screen <strong>com</strong>bos; “M” or “S” for line, <strong>com</strong>bo, vignetteand process; “XS” for superfine/high-definition process work. It’s that simple.GTT RangeFinderGENERAL GTT-TO-ANILOX COMPARISONSWith conventional closed-cell aniloxtechnology, there are literally hundredsof line/volume <strong>com</strong>binations possible toemploy the proper surface for a givenjob – requiring large anilox inventories.But with GTT, most printers requireonly two or three “sizes” to replacetheir entire anilox inventory.This chart illustrates the range of aniloxscreens covered by standard GTT sizes.Your <strong>Apex</strong> Technical SalesRepresentative will provide youwith the exact GTT “size” to matchyour press and print-job requirements.HIGH-OPACITYAND SOLIDSLINE, COMBO, VIGNETTEAND CMYK PROCESSSOLID, SCREENAND COMBOSFINE LINE, COMBO, VIGNETTEAND CMYK PROCESSEXTREMELY FINE PROCESSAND HIGH PERFORMANCE200 CONVENTIONAL ANILOX SCREEN – LPI 160080 CONVENTIONAL ANILOX SCREEN – L/cm 6300-85 LPI34 L/cm85-133 LPI34-51 L/cm133-178 LPI51-70 L/cmPLATE LINE SCREENSHIGH PERFORMANCE178-250+ LPI71-100+ L/cmDON’T BOTHER WITH THE MATH Complex BCM/LPIand cm 3 /m 2 plus L/cm calculations are practicallyeliminated with GTT. Just pick your choice of GTT sizefor the job at hand and you’re up and running.STREAMLINE YOUR MOUNTING TAPE Gone are thevariables of fine-tuning multiple tape hardnesses. WithGTT, typically only one grade of tape is required.GTT FOR FLEXIBLE PACKAGING, LABEL AND CORRUGATED 1

BENEFITSMAXIMIZE YOURPrintabilityGrowing tired of mottling, pinholes and haloing?Aggravated by plugged vignettes, dot gain and density problems? GTT helpsreduce — if not eliminate — these printing obstacles. Finally, stronger and cleaner type,reverses, barcodes and dots are predictably and reliably attainable. Many GTT users areachieving these and other victories, often on fewer print stations.EXTREMELY OPAQUE WHITES Get dense with GTT: lay down a smoother, more opaque white while reducing oreven eliminating mottling and pinholing. Depending on your ink/substrate requirements, your ink viscosityand drying times may even be reduced.STRONGER SOLIDS, TIGHTER REVERSES Because GTT enables more efficient and precise ink-to-plate transfer, youmay achieve greater density in your solids with sharper definition in your reverses. If pinholing, mottling andplugging are regular visitors on your press, GTT can help you banish these enemies.CRISPER & FINER TYPE, BARCODES & LINES Your customers will enjoy seeing sharp and readable fine print ontheir jobs — even in reverse. You’ll enjoy printing them at higher speeds while curtailing haloing.REAL WORLDProof60° Hex cell aniloxJOB TYPECombooSUBSTRATEFilmINKSolvent-basedANILOX SCREENS S360 LPI | 140 L/cmVOLUME5.0 BCM | 7,8 cm 3 m 2PLATE SCREENS S85 LPI | 32 L/cmREMARKSDot gain, mottlingand haloingpresent; overall lmuddy appearance. e.CONTROLLED MIDTONES AND VIGNETTES Given the wide plate-screen range a single GTT cylinder can resolvewithout dot gain or plugging, subtle mid-range gradations and clean vignettes are finally within reach.CLEANER AND STRONGER PROCESS DOTS Go ahead: try a finer plate screen for your CMYK jobs. GTT can giveclearer definition down to the finest dot. Rival gravure and offset process quality and run faster thanever before while maintaining strong ink density — even on long press runs.EXTENDED CMYK GAMUT Because GTT can repeatably resolve finer plate screens over long runs, color fidelityand gamut increases. 4-station CMYK flexo can challenge offset/gravure. Imagine offering your customersconsistent Pantone simulations like never before. Hello, high performance flexo!MOIRÉ NO MORE GTT slalom channels eliminate the very possibility of anilox-to-plate moirés.ACHIEVE PREDICTABILITY AND CONSISTENCY For many, the “Holy Grail” of flexography is the ability to printrepeat jobs at the same high quality with minimal – or zero – adjustment. See if GTT can give you thatadvantage, time after time, job after job.GTT FLEXJOB TYPEComboSUBSTRATEFilmINKSolvent-basedGTT SIZEGTT FLEX “L”PLATE SCREEN85 LPI | 32 L/cmREMARKSPrecise dotholdout; tighterreverses; lesspinholing;haloingeliminated.2 GTT FOR FLEXIBLE PACKAGING, LABEL AND CORRUGATED

BENEFITSREDUCE YOURDowntimeREAL WORLDProofJOB TYPE2-Station Black ComboSUBSTRATECoated PaperINKWater-basedANILOXSOLID: 500 LPI/3.5 BCM200 L/cm | 5,4 cm 3 m 2 ;SCREEN: 800 LPI/1.9 BCM315 L/cm | 2,9 cm 3 m 2PLATE SCREEN133 LPI | 52 L/cmREMARKSJob required twostations usingconventional anilox.Mottled solids, haloing,weak density and dots.60° Hex cell aniloxDo you really enjoy changing anilox for each job?Are you looking forward to spending precious press-time registering multiple stations?What about frequent deep cleaning to unplug those deep hexcells? Don’t forget aboutall that lost time from anilox damaged in transit. Instead, give yourself some breathingroom. How? GTT cylinders can typically stay on-press far longer than conventionalanilox. use fewer cylinders on fewer stations, keep them installed longer, and cleanthem faster.Find out how scores of flexographers have fine-tuned their GTT-powered presses toachieve these benefits — and more:FEWER, IF ANY, SLEEVE/ROLL CHANGES When you can use just one GTT cylinder to do the work of twoor three (or more) conventional anilox cylinders, there is simply no need to swap rolls/sleeves. Andsince GTT generally requires less-frequent deep cleaning (and far less plate cleaning), your actualtime on-press can soar.GTT FLEXJOB TYPE1-station Black ComboSUBSTRATECoated PaperINKWater-basedGTT SIZEGTT FLEX “M”PLATE SCREEN133 LPI | 52 L/cmREMARKSPrinted on onestation. Strongersolids; mottling andpinholing virtuallyeliminated; greatertonal range achievedin screen.SIMPLY LESS HANDLING From press to rack and across the shop floor and back again, how many minutesper hour does your team spend loading, lifting and moving anilox cylinders? When a cylinder canstay on-press longer, your team is free to spend more time printing.REDUCE DINGS AND DENTS Every time a cylinder is changed, the risk of damage exponentially increases —which translates into time and money spent managing crises instead of printing jobs. Simply stated,GTT needs fewer swaps — resulting in dramatic damage reduction and more uptime.QUICKER SET-UP AND REGISTRATION Just think: when you can replace two conventional anilox with one GTT,you’ve just cut your setup time — and associated costs — in half. Fewer stations also means speedierregistration. Now multiply those time savings across your entire operation.FASTER CLEANUP How often do you stop a press to clean a plugged anilox or a dirty plate? GTT‘s unique inkflow properties can reduce ink buildup on rolls/sleeves and plates, enabling you to run cleaner andlonger. And unlike deep anilox cells which rapidly plug up with dried ink, our Open Slalom Ink Channelgeometry — at roughly one-third the depth of a hexcell — is proven easier to keep clean.GTT FOR FLEXIBLE PACKAGING, LABEL AND CORRUGATED 3

BENEFITSBOOST YOURProfitabilityBottom line? Let GTT be your new moneymaker.GTT‘s potential for overall operational cost reduction is significant. Here’s how: fewerGTT rolls/sleeves are needed to handle more jobs; higher quality product can bedelivered with faster turnaround; less ink, plate and tape consumables may be required.Add these results together and see if your margins soar. Our GTT customers worldwidehave reported these advantages:GTT CAN BE LIKE ADDING ANOTHER PRESS When you run your presses faster – all the while freeing up inkstations – your net effect is the ability to print more jobs faster with the equipment you already have.SPEND LESS ON INK Your results may vary, but many GTT users describe dramatic ink savings due to the uniqueability of GTT to use less pigment and/or more extender while achieving even greater print density andopacity than conventional anilox.REDUCED SCORING AND BLADE WEAR Because less doctor blade pressure is required and more ink is exposedto the blade resulting in higher lubrication, the risk of scoring is typically reduced. Plus, GTT‘s superhardhybrid ceramic and slalom inkflow geometry <strong>com</strong>bine to resist costly damage.FASTER DRYING TIMES Since you may require less actual ink volume with GTT, ink can dry on your substrate inless time which enables the potential for faster press speeds.CRANK UP THE SPEED How fast can you go? When running conventional anilox at high speeds, ink densitiestypically drop and increased speed may even result in misting. But thanks to GTT’s improved ink transfer,more impressions per minute are possible while maintaining stronger densities and curtailing misting.LONGER LIFESPAN With the benefits of reduced handling, a super-hard/score-resistant surface and easiercleanup, your GTT cylinder will likely live a longer, healthier life in your pressroom than conventionalanilox.CUT OPERATING COSTS AND DOWNTIME Do the math: when you can replace two conventional anilox with justone GTT cylinder to achieve your printing goals, you just saved a lot of time – and money. Reduce yoursetup time, cleanup time, plate costs, ink costs, tape costs and blade costs. And reduce your risk of cylinderdamage. What’s more, you’ve eliminated registration on that deck.REAL WORLDProofJOB TYPECombooSUBSTRATEFilmINKSolvent-basedLine InkGTT SIZEGTT FLEX “L”PLATE SCREENS S120 LPI | 50 L/cmREMARKSStrong solids, barcodes, positive/negative text to 4point, and crisp 120-line screen dots downto 1% on one plate.GTT FLEXJOB TYPEProcessGTT FLEXSUBSTRATEFilmINKSolvent-basedProcess CyanGTT SIZEGTT FLEX “S”PLATE SCREEN200 LPI | 80 L/cmREMARKSStrong, clean dotsprinted at low-, midandhigh-percentagescreens.4 GTT FOR FLEXIBLE PACKAGING, LABEL AND CORRUGATED

HOW-TOFIVE-STEPGTT QuickStart GuideInvesting in the best equipment is only one part of the big picture.To help you realize your full flexo potential, <strong>Apex</strong> is dedicated to empowering your team with the best training, practices and researchto ensure you get the most out of your GTT upgrade. Because GTT relies on advanced technology to achieve superior performancein printability and potential cost savings with consumables (inks, blades, tapes and plates), printers benefit most when they optimizethe five most important production parameters to take advantage of GTT’s power.Our ongoing Technical Education materials enable users to master these five key performance variables to harness the power ofGTT surfaces and make high-value adjustments otherwise impossible using conventional anilox surfaces. GTT empowers you to doyour very best work every day — and some or all of these five adjustments can help make it happen.STEP 1 GTT SIZE SELECTION Since the GTT series replaces all conventional hexcell anilox screen/volume <strong>com</strong>binations with just five “sizes” (XS, S, M, L, XL), it isimportant for printers to choose the correct GTT size based on the type of job to be printed (i.e., opaque white, <strong>com</strong>bo, vignette, process). Our GTT RangeFindercan guide you toward an appropriate GTT surface for the job you’re printing. When choosing a single GTT cylinder to perform on one ink station the tasks previouslymanaged by two or more conventional anilox surfaces on separate stations, choosing the right GTT “size” is critical to your success.STEP 2 PLATE PARAMETERS Your successful choice of GTT size is dependent also on the plate you’re employing. When it <strong>com</strong>es to plates, two factors <strong>com</strong>e intoplay: plate type (analog, digital or High Definition) and plate line screen/dot percentage. Conventional anilox can prevent you from taking full advantage of the latestplatemaking technologies. However, GTT can help you run finer, stronger, cleaner dots and screens, at lower percentages than conventional. Consult with your <strong>Apex</strong>representative to help choose the ideal GTT size for your particular plate and print job requirements.STEP 3 MOUNTING TAPE With GTT, gone are the days of mounting-tape guessing games and coping with different grades of tape based on job type. Withconventional anilox inking, you typically needed a harder tape for solids, medium for type and <strong>com</strong>bo, and soft for process. But with GTT rolls/sleeves, mounting tapeselection is streamlined. In general, only a single hardness grade of tape is required for most jobs because GTT releases ink better with higher densities – yet is also morecontrolled for fine type or <strong>com</strong>bo/process work. Again, your <strong>Apex</strong> consultant can advise you based on your flexo speciality.STEP 4 INK In flexography, viscosity and pigment load are two prime variables that can determine printability. With conventional anilox technology, print density dropsrapidly when viscosity and pigment load are adjusted down. But with GTT, depending on your current ink formulation, you may benefit by lowering them both. Andwhile cost savings on ink and faster drying times may result, your highest benefit may be increased printability (higher densities at higher speeds with less mottling andpinholing). Adjustments for UV inks should be discussed with your <strong>Apex</strong> consultant for maximum benefit.STEP 5 PRESSURE When it <strong>com</strong>es to pressure, everyone agrees that kiss impression on both plate and blade is optimal. But with the realities of conventional anilox,higher pressure is usually required to obtain desired densities and sufficient doctoring (especially at faster speeds.) However, due to GTT’s inherent ink release qualities,you’ll typically discover that you can reduce both blade pressure and plate pressure to achieve your desired results.GTT FOR FLEXIBLE PACKAGING, LABEL AND CORRUGATED 5

ANSWERSSeven secrets every flexographer should know about <strong>Apex</strong> GTT engravings.What is GTT ?<strong>Genetic</strong> <strong>Transfer</strong> <strong>Technology</strong>, or GTT, is the revolutionary product of years of research toengineer the most effective ink-to-plate transfer surface ever. Think of it as the third generationof ink metering technology, succeeding hexcell anilox (standard & elongated) and engraved chrome.Inspired by the super-efficient geometries found in nature, our GTT Open Slalom Ink Channelsresemble the helical shape of genetic DNA and harness the power of hydraulic flow. Simply stated,hyper-efficient and consistent ink transfer is built into the very genes of GTT.What are GTT’s three key innovative features?To fully appreciate the differences between conventional anilox and GTT surfaces, considerthese three scientific breakthrough features unleashed only in GTT:GEOMETRY GTT’s patented Open Slalom Ink Channel geometry replaces closed-cell geometrywhich traps ink, and instead employs the efficiency of hydraulic kinetics — freeing your ink to flowcalmly and transfer evenly to the plate;COMPOSITION Our new superhard hybrid ceramic layer features the highest density and lowestporosity in the industry for incredible ink release to plate — plus superior longevity, scoreresistanceand easier cleaning;ENGRAVING Our ConstantBeam laser-engraving process replaces conventional pulsed engravingbeams, greatly reducing uneven ceramic roughness and recast. Smooth, hard and precise channelwalls emerge which serve to release ink better and extend cylinder life.Why is GTT superior to conventional anilox?Virtually all flexographers today rely on second-generation anilox surfaces made up of closed-cell geometry — basically, holes — into which ink is doctored prior to contact with the printingplate. Problem is, this geometry can create turbulence, foaming and uneven ink release. Results?Mottling, pinholing and haloing among others. GTT’s new Open Slalom Ink Channel geometry insteadallows ink to flow calmly and transfer ink precisely – with stunning print results. What’s more, GTTcylinders cover a wider screen range than conventional, meaning you’ll likely require fewer cylinders/ink stations to perform an expanded variety of print jobs.What are GTT “sizes”? Why are there only a few?Now you can stop worrying about the sheer multitude of possible line/volume anilox<strong>com</strong>binations needed to run your jobs. Since each GTT “size” covers the range of two or moreconventional aniloxes, most printers only need two or three GTT “sizes” to perform all printing tasks.So instead of calculating <strong>com</strong>plex BCM/LPI, L/cm and cm 3 /m 2 formulae, just analyse the type of jobyou’re going to print and select the appropriate GTT size. For example: for extreme opacity, use “XL”;for solid and screen <strong>com</strong>bos, use “L”; midrange and vignette, use “M” or “S”; superfine line/dot work, use“XS.” It’s really that simple.How can GTT benefit me today – and tomorrow?Print more — with less. Turbocharge your presses and realize immediate benefits. In four keycategories of <strong>com</strong>mercial printing, GTT outshines conventional engravings:STANDARDIZATION Slash your anilox inventory. How? Because one GTT cylinder often performs thetasks of two – or more – conventional aniloxes;PRINTABILITY Whether solids, screens or linework, GTT can reduce or eliminate mottling, pinholing,haloing and dot gain while delivering stronger and denser solids, crisper and finer type and lines,and extended CMYK color gamut/Pantone simulation;DOWNTIME Imagine leaving your cylinders on-press for job after job; imagine using just one inkstation for <strong>com</strong>bo jobs; imagine far fewer deep cleanings; imagine slashing makeready time;PROFITABILITY Would you like to run your press faster, use fewer rolls per job, spend less on ink, enjoylonger roll/sleeve lifespan? See if GTT can help your bottom line.Will GTT work with my presses, plates and inks?What about “high performance” flexo?Based on tough, real-world shop conditions in over 10,000 installations across the globe, GTT isproven to work with all presses, inks and plates in all facets of flexo. Increasingly, OEMs and printers aredemanding GTT for their new presses because of GTT superiority and flexibility. Many older pressesspring to life with GTT. In fact, ink manufacturers are developing more cost-effective inks optimizedto take advantage of GTT’s ability to run thinner, lower-viscosity inks. GTT is ideally suited to HighPerformance flexography.How can I decide if GTT is the best solution for me?First, ask yourself if the jobs you run — and those you aspire to run — require the high-quality/high-defintion precision, long-run repeatability, and ink-station reduction that GTT can deliver.Second, consult with an <strong>Apex</strong> representative who will help you determine whether GTT can meetyour goals. If you determine GTT’s benefits exceed your actual needs, <strong>Apex</strong> offers our world-classconventional anilox cylinder: UltraCell and UltraCell PLUS . <strong>Apex</strong> pioneered these superfine aniloxscreens with our UltraMelt laser technology and superhard ceramic. But whether you choose GTT orUltraCell, you can count on <strong>Apex</strong> quality, precision and reliability.www.apex-<strong>groupof<strong>com</strong>panies</strong>.<strong>com</strong>The Measure of Quality.HEADQUARTERSAPEX EUROPEMetaalweg 85527 AK Hapert NLT 31 (0) 497 36 11 11E info@apex-europe.<strong>com</strong>W apex-<strong>groupof<strong>com</strong>panies</strong>.<strong>com</strong>PRODUCTION FACILITIESSALES OFFICESAPEX EUROPET + 31 (0) 497 36 11 11E info@apex-europe.<strong>com</strong>APEX ASIAT + 65 (0) 6284 7606E apexasia@singnet.<strong>com</strong>.sgAPEX ITALYT + 39 0331 379 063E info@apex-italy.itAPEX DEUTSCHLANDT + 49 (0) 2823 929360E info@apex-deutschland.deAPEX LATIN AMERICAT + 55 (41) 3677 2678E info@apexlatinamerica.<strong>com</strong>APEX FRANCET + 33 (0) 475 46 39 42E france@apex-europe.<strong>com</strong>APEX NORTH AMERICAT + 1 (0) 724 379 8880E info@apexnorthamerica.<strong>com</strong>APEX IBÉRICAT + 34 93 583 10 12E spain@apex-europe.<strong>com</strong>GTTE125

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