ATmega32A Datasheet - Sunrom Technologies

ATmega32A Datasheet - Sunrom Technologies ATmega32A Datasheet - Sunrom Technologies


ATmega32AControl corresponds to the Data Direction – DD Register, and the Pull-up Enable – PUExn – correspondsto logic expression PUD · DDxn · PORTxn.Digital alternate port functions are connected outside the dotted box in Figure 24-4 to make thescan chain read the actual pin value. For Analog function, there is a direct connection from theexternal pin to the analog circuit, and a scan chain is inserted on the interface between the digitallogic and the analog circuitry.Figure 24-3.Boundary-scan Cell for Bidirectional Port Pin with Pull-up Function.ShiftDR To Next CellEXTESTVccPullup Enable (PUE)001FF2LD2D Q D QG1Output Control (OC)01FF1LD1D Q D QG01Output Data (OD)0101FF0LD0D Q D QG01Port Pin (PXn)Input Data (ID)From Last CellClockDRUpdateDR8155C–AVR–02/11238

ATmega32AFigure 24-4. General Port Pin Schematic Diagram (1)PUExnPUDQDOCxnQDDxnCLRRESETWDxRDxPxnIDxnODxnQ DPORTxnQCLRRESETWPxDATA BUSSLEEPRRxSYNCHRONIZERRPxDLQQD QPINxnQCLK I/OPUD:PUExn:OCxn:ODxn:IDxn:SLEEP:PULLUP DISABLEPULLUP ENABLE for pin PxnOUTPUT CONTROL for pin PxnOUTPUT DATA to pin PxnINPUT DATA from pin PxnSLEEP CONTROLWDx: WRITE DDRxRDx: READ DDRxWPx: WRITE PORTxRRx: READ PORTx REGISTERRPx: READ PORTx PINCLK I/O : I/O CLOCKNote: 1. See Boundary-scan descriptin for details.24.5.2 Boundary-scan and the Two-wire InterfaceThe 2 Two-wire Interface pins SCL and SDA have one additional control signal in the scanchain;Two-wire Interface Enable – TWIEN. As shown in Figure 24-5, the TWIEN signal enablesa tri-state buffer with slew-rate control in parallel with the ordinary digital port pins. A generalscan cell as shown in Figure 24-9 is attached to the TWIEN signal.Notes: 1. A separate scan chain for the 50 ns spike filter on the input is not provided. The ordinary scansupport for digital port pins suffice for connectivity tests. The only reason for having TWIEN inthe scan path, is to be able to disconnect the slew-rate control buffer when doing boundaryscan.2. Make sure the OC and TWIEN signals are not asserted simultaneously, as this will lead todrive contention.8155C–AVR–02/11239

<strong>ATmega32A</strong>Figure 24-4. General Port Pin Schematic Diagram (1)PUExnPUDQDOCxnQDDxnCLRRESETWDxRDxPxnIDxnODxnQ DPORTxnQCLRRESETWPxDATA BUSSLEEPRRxSYNCHRONIZERRPxDLQQD QPINxnQCLK I/OPUD:PUExn:OCxn:ODxn:IDxn:SLEEP:PULLUP DISABLEPULLUP ENABLE for pin PxnOUTPUT CONTROL for pin PxnOUTPUT DATA to pin PxnINPUT DATA from pin PxnSLEEP CONTROLWDx: WRITE DDRxRDx: READ DDRxWPx: WRITE PORTxRRx: READ PORTx REGISTERRPx: READ PORTx PINCLK I/O : I/O CLOCKNote: 1. See Boundary-scan descriptin for details.24.5.2 Boundary-scan and the Two-wire InterfaceThe 2 Two-wire Interface pins SCL and SDA have one additional control signal in the scanchain;Two-wire Interface Enable – TWIEN. As shown in Figure 24-5, the TWIEN signal enablesa tri-state buffer with slew-rate control in parallel with the ordinary digital port pins. A generalscan cell as shown in Figure 24-9 is attached to the TWIEN signal.Notes: 1. A separate scan chain for the 50 ns spike filter on the input is not provided. The ordinary scansupport for digital port pins suffice for connectivity tests. The only reason for having TWIEN inthe scan path, is to be able to disconnect the slew-rate control buffer when doing boundaryscan.2. Make sure the OC and TWIEN signals are not asserted simultaneously, as this will lead todrive contention.8155C–AVR–02/11239

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